A thought occured today:

I wonder what Ami will make of Akane turning in Hazou's "Ami Favor Tokens" within the same hour that she gave them to Hazou? Because, in my opinion, Ami gave them to Hazou as a two/three-pronged gift. The first was a "hey, I fucked up, I'm sorry I fucked up. I don't know how to apologize because of ninja job and personal trauma, so here's a thing that unambiguously expresses that I owe you a favor." The second prong is that this unambiguous "favor" is an acknowledgment of "debt," which means Ami is willingly placing a constraint on her personal freedom, which is HUGE while (third prong) also being tentatively playful in a "you had a wickedly genius idea that I'm going to shamelessly steal and improve upon, and I'm letting you know this as both a compliment and a playful dare to outdo me."

Anyway, that's tangential. I think that the immediacy of Akane using them (at Hazou's suggestion) will simply prove to Ami that we were honest when we said that there's always a seat at our table for her. Ami genuinely apologized, tried to right her wrong, and Hazou immediately forgave her. Just as he's promised to. Just as family does. So I think the timing will help to reassure Ami that Hazou does, indeed, think of her as family.

And then there's the fact that we're not using this favor as anything more than "please help us help our family, and, more than likely, find proof to scar the Hagoromo --bigots and bastards who will die-- yet further." We're not asking Ami to do anything she wouldn't want to, ordinarily. So that shows that Hazou's worthy of trust, that Hazou respects and honor this BIG FUCKING DEAL that she's given us.

... Anyhow, I think the fact that we handed the Ami Favor Tokens to Akane will tell Ami a few things, on a few different levels. Firstly and primarily, we're putting the tokens in Akane's hands (who was the "wounded" party, so to speak). So Hazou's leaving it up to Akane whether or not to involve Ami, whether or not she trusts/forgives Ami enough to bring her in on the investigation. Hazou suggests that Akane do so (expressing his own forgiveness), but leaves Akane the freedom to make that decision. This compounds Hazou's respect for personal agency in front of Ami, whether intentional or not. Further, it also expressed to Ami Akane's importance in our eyes.

Then, I think, that Ami might initially believe that there's a little bit of good-intentioned sadism on Hazou's side. She'll think for a moment, that Hazou is telling Ami "I forgive you, but spend time around Akane. Spend time around one of the few objectively kind, morally good ninja in this world. This is the person whose reputation you could have tarnished. Does she deserve to be treated so callously? Does she deserve to be treated as a pawn on a chessboard?" But Ami also knows Hazou isn't so cruel, to shove her mistakes in her face like that. So I suspect, after this initial thought, Ami will reduce it down to "Akane is loving, kind, and compassionate. She, too, is a good friend and a family member we believe you can trust." Because Hazou Helps People. He does. That's his thing. That's why Ami directed Snowflake to train with Hazou. And so it's far more likely that Hazou is saying "here is yet another person you can let inside your guard, if you choose to do so. We believe in Akane, here's your chance to get to know her and decide for yourself."

And then, finally, I think there's a bit of innocent playfulness that Ami will pick up from this. Ami has joked about marrying Hazou (though maybe she wasn't quite joking?) for as long as they've known each other. When Ino expressed interest in Hazou, Hazou (indirectly) made it abundantly clear that he wouldn't unilaterally enter into a polycule/polyamorous relationship without Akane's consent. Hazou, knowing that Akane and Ino were friends, even set up times for them to hang out on his own dime. Having Akane use Ami's favor tokens could be seen as a playfully innocent way of Hazou subtly "proposing" a relationship with Ami. Obviously he's not, so it must then be a joke. Hazou learning the steps to Ami's dance and trying to parrot them back at her, in an awkward attempt at friendship. A clumsy, crude attempt at Ami's finesse, but that, too is so very Hazou.
Pardon me, @Velorien, but thoughts on the above? I'm certain to have missed some amount of spiralling layers of depth and incomprehensible complexity that's inherent in Ami's thought process, but does it otherwise seem internally sound?

(Or is my shameless attempt to better understand Ami futile, and would my endeavors better channeled into framing this musing in the form of an actionable action plan?)
Pardon me, @Velorien, but thoughts on the above? I'm certain to have missed some amount of spiralling layers of depth and incomprehensible complexity that's inherent in Ami's thought process, but does it otherwise seem internally sound?

(Or is my shameless attempt to better understand Ami futile, and would my endeavors better channeled into framing this musing in the form of an actionable action plan?)
You surely aren't expecting me to provide OOC information on the workings of Ami's mind.
Pardon me, @Velorien, but thoughts on the above? I'm certain to have missed some amount of spiralling layers of depth and incomprehensible complexity that's inherent in Ami's thought process, but does it otherwise seem internally sound?

(Or is my shameless attempt to better understand Ami futile, and would my endeavors better channeled into framing this musing in the form of an actionable action plan?)

Again, none of the favor tokens were indicated to be Ami tokens. The largest mentioned was a moderate Shikamaru token, who have not only independently invented their own hourly economy, but if we ever want to live long enough to get out from under his debt it's time to talk to snuncle.
That was way too easy. Don't feel like anything Pandaa said should have truly changed their mind. I think the Isan always intended to let Leaf stay. With the initial threat as mind games. But Mari would probably know if this was true, even without being their to see their body language.
That was way too easy. Don't feel like anything Pandaa said should have truly changed their mind. I think the Isan always intended to let Leaf stay. With the initial threat as mind games. But Mari would probably know if this was true, even without being their to see their body language.

You have a point. My natural instinct is to dislike any authority figure and doubly so when it comes to organized religion, but the priest could have pushed for execution, and instead gracefully commuted the punishment to banishment, then forced the most obviously hostile faction to admit the plausibility of a benign explanation. He might actually not be the enemy here and be struggling with more anti-Leaf internal factions.
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Regarding Isan we should probably do something nice for them, so far we had only flashed our wealth and made promises of cultural exchange (which they hate).
We could give them the gouketsu treatment, except I have no idea how, no one can make walls and the fertilization jutsu it's too slow.

They only thing I can came up whit is killing beast, but then again I am running on 2 pounds of sleep and 15 minutes of salted cookies since lunch. Anyone has any ideas ?
After a second, the High Priest glanced at Inoue. "Loremaster?"

Inoue nodded reluctantly. "The Iron War Scroll says clearly that Ui Isas had the fortitude of ten ordinary men. When he was being hunted by the Karatachi in the jungles of Jiro, he was forced to subsist on poisonous insects, and it only made him stronger while his pursuers perished."

Silence reigned. Arikada smirked, though Kei could not tell at whom.

"I apologise for doubting you, Emissary," the High Priest said finally. "It seems this truly was an unfortunate misunderstanding. Lady Nara, if you are still willing, would you like to dine with us?"

"I would be delighted," Kei said, "though I am afraid I am in no condition to eat anything else tonight."

"I understand entirely," the High Priest said. "And if you'll forgive me, we might strike these 'passion beetles' from the menu. I don't think anyone here is in a hurry to measure their constitution against Ui's."

"Be my guest."
I am confused. The High Priest and the Loremaster seem to be genuinely concerned with the truth.
Alternatively, they are trying to improve their standing within the village's ruling class.
Why would the Loremaster mention obscure culinary trivia in favor of an argument that goes against their current political plans at the moment of enforcement if that was all there was to it? And why would the High Priest give the Loremaster an opening to do so on a silver platter if the two of them weren't aligned?

No. The inquiry and results there must have come at least in part due to cynicism not having completely won out yet. Someone that tries to poison someone else and then accuse them of self-poisoning during a failed assassination attempt when that fails wouldn't have left all of this up to some line in some book that isn't even common knowledge.
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Why would the Loremaster mention obscure culinary trivia in favor of an argument that goes against their current political plans at the moment of enforcement if that was all there was to it? And why would the High Priest give the Loremaster an opening to do so on a silver platter if the two of them weren't aligned?
Sorry, I was unclear. I believe that post-High Priest Inoue and Aida lost a significant part of their political power and they are desperate to regain it in the eyes of Isan's ruling party (which at this point is the High Priest). But Inoue is still Loremaster and Aizen must defer to her in such matters. By agreeing with Panda's claim, Inoue maintains her clan's relevance to Isan by making it clear to Aizen that she isn't one of his pawns, while still leaving ample opportunities for Keiko to fuck up some other way, since she still blames us for her fall from grace.

Seriously, Aizen straight up said Ui Isas/Isan's patron deity spoke to him and pushed exile over death, then was forced to eat his words seconds later. They are not aligned, and if it weren't for the fact that they hate us/are incompatible with our goals I would push to ally with one of them.
Regarding Isan we should probably do something nice for them, so far we had only flashed our wealth and made promises of cultural exchange (which they hate).
We could give them the gouketsu treatment, except I have no idea how, no one can make walls and the fertilization jutsu it's too slow.

They only thing I can came up whit is killing beast, but then again I am running on 2 pounds of sleep and 15 minutes of salted cookies since lunch. Anyone has any ideas ?

Again, wasn't kidding about requesting support from the god of medic-nin given the importance of the mission and confirmation of the presence of the bioseal clanners. She might also win some affection from the village which considers medic-nin mythological figures.
This series of reactions is interesting:

To his right, Loremaster Inoue Rika was maintaining an open, welcoming expression so poorly even Snowflake could recognise the simmering hatred beneath the surface.

More animosity:
"Nonsense," Inoue spat after a second. "You're flailing, girl. What kind of addle-brained fool would ever take a load of strange insects from another world and feed them to someone without even making sure they were edible first?"

Still in theme:
Inoue's eyes glittered with triumph.

Reluctant, but genuine?
Inoue nodded reluctantly. "The Iron War Scroll says clearly that Ui Isas had the fortitude of ten ordinary men. When he was being hunted by the Karatachi in the jungles of Jiro, he was forced to subsist on poisonous insects, and it only made him stronger while his pursuers perished."

That indicates that either she is honest to a degree that she'll undermine one of her greatest desires in the moment in order to say the truth, is professional enough to hold her mastery of lore over her personal desires, or (potentially most relevant) will bend over if the alternative means contradicting a Pangolin.

The first two mean that if we can find a persuasive enough argument within their own lore then she'll (reluctantly) switch to being a supporter, and the last option means that through judicious application of Pandaa/other pangolins she will be a supporter.
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Author's note: You progressed onwards through Cat territory. Hazō set more grass fires every time there was any chance of them burning out. He climbed skytowers occasionally. The area to the south of you is not burning as much as it should; the circle expands fairly evenly for about ten miles in all directions, but about three miles away there's a sharp inwards curve for no apparent reason, as though the flames simply refuse to go there. You have had no more encounters.
So IRRC we should have traveled 160 miles in day, did we only make <10? How long did the update cover on the 7th Path?
The area to the south of you is not burning as much as it should; the circle expands fairly evenly for about ten miles in all directions, but about three miles away there's a sharp inwards curve for no apparent reason, as though the flames simply refuse to go there. You have had no more encounters.
Boarder of Cat, maybe? We know that there's something metaphysical/mystical about each country's boundaries on the 7th Path (sky color, for one, maps and sealwork being banned, for another). Or maybe this is a warning sign of the Cat Boss Summon's location, doing their best to constrain the flames?
Boarder of Cat, maybe? We know that there's something metaphysical/mystical about each country's boundaries on the 7th Path (sky color, for one, maps and sealwork being banned, for another). Or maybe this is a warning sign of the Cat Boss Summon's location, doing their best to constrain the flames?
I don't think it's a border, we would be able to see the sky change color 3 miles away. My best guess is Boss Summon or other nastiness. Unfortunately, 3 miles away is 15 minutes away at ninja speed. Time to make like a tree and get the fuck out of there.
I still think that we should tell Kagome that his next project should be to find a way to make the stinking cheater eyeball stinkers and everybody involved in their supporting businesses actually stink in an irremovable manner such that everybody would know the moment they stepped into a building. Something which would wreck their social standing without harming their value to Leaf. Bonus points if it smells like garlic and the clan head behind receiving regular deliveries of chilled human blood while stories of the Hyuuga bloodline being based on vamperism start circulating among civilians.

Then again, I might be being absurd. After all, how many wackos would actually believe, much less take violent action over, the notion that prominent influential and wealthy figures were torturing innocent children to harvest their blood for their personal benefit?

I am confused. The High Priest and the Loremaster seem to be genuinely concerned with the truth.
Why would the Loremaster mention obscure culinary trivia in favor of an argument that goes against their current political plans at the moment of enforcement if that was all there was to it? And why would the High Priest give the Loremaster an opening to do so on a silver platter if the two of them weren't aligned?

No. The inquiry and results there must have come at least in part due to cynicism not having completely won out yet. Someone that tries to poison someone else and then accuse them of self-poisoning during a failed assassination attempt when that fails wouldn't have left all of this up to some line in some book that isn't even common knowledge.

That's kind of their job. As much as I admire brother @faflec for his continuing effort to cultivate the ability to simply dictate reality to the GMs, if he came out and claimed that Hazou's bloodline gave him supernatural abilities to prepare fine Land of Noodle cuisine I would check the reference. The power of a loremaster is to carefully neglect inconvenient details, not to invent new ones. Forgetting to mention that the last human who interacted with pangolins laughed at poisonous insects when put on the spot while knowing that half a dozen factions will be triple-checking publicly available documents is a quick way to lose your status.
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Then again, I might be being absurd. After all, how many wackos would actually believe, much less take violent action over, the notion that prominent influential and wealthy figures were torturing innocent children to harvest their blood for their personal benefit?
Don't be silly, no one would do that. (Adrenaline byproducts, perhaps, but not blood.)

brother @faflec for his continuing effort to cultivate the ability to simply dictate reality to the GMs
*raises finger*
*lowers finger*
Boarder of Cat, maybe? We know that there's something metaphysical/mystical about each country's boundaries on the 7th Path (sky color, for one, maps and sealwork being banned, for another). Or maybe this is a warning sign of the Cat Boss Summon's location, doing their best to constrain the flames?

Who's to say that they would know where we are? We kept the flame burning, and hopefully burning in many directions.
Don't be silly, no one would do that. (Adrenaline byproducts, perhaps, but not blood.)

*raises finger*
*lowers finger*

That's probably what pisses me off most about this whole thing. If people actually believed it prices would be through the roof and anybody capable of producing insulin could convert to making a fortune selling it by the bucket. Heck, if somebody is crazy enough to be willing to pay for a notorious schizophrenic we could just ship them sugar water and how would anybody even know the difference? But no, there are apparently people willing to believe that the fountain of youth has been discovered enough to resort to violent revolution, but not enough to buy centuries worth for themselves for a few bucks on eBay. We've gone beyond conspiracy theory and entered conspiracy buffet territory. As long as your misguided grievances mildly align with mine philosophy is a la carte and you're welcome to join me under whatever mangled flag we're using this week.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Are Chapters 415-420 all in the same day (October 13), as the current timeline suggests? Just want to check to be sure.

This has nothing to do with my previous postings and there is absolutely no reason to carefully inspect the full canon for potential implications before issuing a binding response. Pinky swear.
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Y'all, we need a plan. And while I don't have time, I don't want to be someone who says something needs to be done, then continues not to do it. It's bad though, so please someone do better.

[X] Action Plan: Hitting the Bases
Words: < 300

Hazou checks in and runs

Isan advice:
-Small as the village is, groundswell and convincing individuals has large impacts.
-Push to play nice with leadership while sharing with citizens how much more wealth and power we have since we made a deal with Leaf to join under favorable terms. (And it's the most likely option for Isan to get to keep its culture.)
- Lean on how much we can help the sealing clan, so they can help others (we want them as allies if possible.)

-How are the favors panning out? How about Kagome and Haru's investigations? Updates from Ami?
-Any other updates Akane needs to tell us?
-If we find any evidence (like a record of a clan stockpiling scrip), make a copy of it, collect it, keep it safe to turn over to Asuma if we can.
-Have any clans tried to advance on our holdings/taken action immediately after the bank run? If so, what? Look into if we have the personnel.

7th Path:
-Run very fast.
-Actively don't run towards the area that won't burn. In fact, run away while still crossing through cat at speed.
-Make sure we have everything to repeat fight with lions, if we need to.
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