No, Kagome would do that, he's the only one to know what the grue is.
I was thinking more in terms of the Akane's natural disposition as well as factoring the Eternal Forest. Akane leaves Isan in the dust, refusing to allow them the privilege of weighing her down while also casting them further into oblivion. Because without their kinsmen to remember them, who would know enough about Isan to keep them alive? Only Yuno, who I don't think would deign to teach her children about their ancestors --passing on only the traditions and lifestyle, and leaving the names and people dead in the grave.
Interlude: One Final Lesson
Interlude: One Final Lesson

September 30, 1069 AS.

To Akane, Hazō's words had always had a weight to them that he didn't understand. Ever since their first meeting, when as Nishino-sensei he had shown a mastery of Youth apparently half by accident, Hazō had somehow always managed to say the right thing at the right time, and then keep going as if it didn't matter. Now, he'd done it again. Back in the rooftop garden, amidst the monstrosities she had lovingly cultivated, he'd told her she was capable of finding her own answers, in defiance of all the evidence. It had been a push in exactly the right direction at exactly the right time. And as for where it had pushed her…

"Ishihara. I wondered when you'd come to gloat."

Mizuki-sensei, Mizuki, was a shadow of the man she remembered, even more pitiful awake than the ghost of a man she'd seen sleeping on the cotton-covered wooden slab the prison's designers considered to be a bed. His eyes were bloodshot. His bound hands (a matter of protocol even though he was a thrown weapons instructor with no ninjutsu she'd ever heard of) trembled slightly, betraying his seeming composure. His lips were twisted in a grimace that seemed to combine disgust at her and pity for himself.

"You know I wouldn't do that," Akane said softly.

"No," Mizuki acknowledged, "I suppose you're not the type. So what do you want? I already told our brave heroes at T&I everything I know. Are you here for a last-minute apology? Hoping I'll repent at the last second before they cart me off to face justice?"

He gave a bitter laugh. "I regret nothing except getting caught."

What did she want? Despite her best efforts, Akane couldn't come up with the kind of question that would get her the answers she wanted, or even what kind of answers they were. She still intended to find them.

"How did it come to this?" she finally asked Mizuki. "How could a teacher, someone responsible for keeping children safe, ever think of doing what you did?"

"Keeping children safe?" Mizuki asked incredulously. "Is that what you think teachers are for? You really haven't changed, Ishihara."


Mizuki shrugged.

"I didn't even ask to be a teacher. Do you know how I ended up in this mess? I happened to be good with kids."

Well, yes, obviously. As a teacher, Mizuki had always been a little short-tempered, but still one of the best. He understood how children thought, and how to teach them, even better than Iruka-sensei, and he never slacked off on the job the way some of the others (in retrospect, dissatisfied with their low-paid desk jobs) seemed to. He was harsh but fair, and he'd always liked Akane.

"Do you have any idea what it's like to grow up in a family of seven? I wasn't even the oldest. But then Hina got herself killed hunting chakra leopards for a coat for some rich civilian, and Kazusa never came back from a classified mission that we never found out what it was, and guess who was stuck looking after the brats?

"Mum and Dad were busy, and then they were dead, and somehow I was supposed to find time and money for training while managing a couple of little terrors. I'd been on the Hokage track, you know."

Akane found that very hard to believe. Mizuki had been a great throwing instructor—not many people knew how to use Fūma shuriken to begin with, never mind teaching them to a child, even one as exceptional as Sasuke. But that had been all he was. His fighting skills were to Sarutobi Hiruzen's as Keiko's seduction skills were to Mari's, and after this she was going to go memorise RPG rulebooks until that image was out of her head.

Still, she wasn't going to interrupt. Mizuki was answering her question, in what looked like it would be a very roundabout way. More importantly, given what was in store for him in a matter of hours, the least she could do was give him one last chance to unburden himself.

"So when Uwaki-sensei woke up with twenty stab wounds from a jealous lover," Mizuki went on, "guess who got volunteered to take his place? Good with kids, a clanless ninja with no special skills that wouldn't be missed in the field… I never did find out whose idea it was, or I'd have made sure Uwaki-sensei wasn't lonely in the afterlife.

"I didn't hate it at first. For a job that had cost me my career and paid peanuts, it had its moments," he reflected. "But then I grew up and saw the world for what it was. Tsuchiko died. Raidō died. Year after year, most of the kids I'd taught died before they ever made chūnin, escorting civilians who were somehow worth more than trash just because they were rich, hunting monsters they had no business being anywhere near, fighting wars started by men sitting in high towers who were too important to go near a battlefield. You want to know when I realised the Will of Fire was a lie? It was when I looked at the human incarnation of wanting to protect one's comrades and saw a man who sent twelve-year-olds into the meat grinder."

There was a lot Akane could say to that, but still, she'd decided not to interrupt.

"That was the day everything clicked into perspective. There was no Will of Fire. There'd never been a Will of Fire. It had just been an excuse for Command to use us until we were used up, and make sure we didn't answer back. So when the Seekers found me—I never asked how; they're not people you ask too many questions—I took my chance to move to the side that did the using.

"Obviously," he indicated the cell around him with a nod, "that didn't work out so great."

"Was that when you decided to use me?" Akane asked, voice calm and controlled.

"It wasn't Plan A," Mizuki said. "I'm not a moron. But Plan A was a bust, and the Seekers aren't big on second chances, and all I did was speed up your schedule a little. I've seen naïve clanless kids like you die by the dozen within their first year, and you were oblivious even by their standards. Then you screwed up, which was predictable, and didn't get killed, which wasn't, and the rest is history.

"And that's my life story, Ishihara. You can fuck off now."


Mizuki really was pathetic, Akane decided. It wasn't that his life had been without hardship, but at every stage he'd chosen to blame someone else for his fate. At every stage, he'd chosen to blame someone else for his perspective. And, above all, he'd committed the cardinal sin: he'd stopped believing. Had it ever occurred to him that the would-be Hokage had a responsibility to change the world rather than just complain about it?

What a staggeringly arrogant thing to think. How many times had Akane been rescued from the consequences of her mistakes? Her parents, Rock Lee, Hazō, Team Uplift, Yakushi-sensei… Take one person out of the chain, and right now she would be helpless or dead. What right did she have to judge Mizuki, who, at every point in his fall, could have been saved if someone had just reached out to him like all those people had reached out to her? And what right did she have to condemn him for giving up in the face of injustice when her own philosophy and ambition had been given to her as gifts when she needed them most?

"Time's up, Lady Gōketsu," one of the escorts told her. "If you want to watch this piece of filth face the consequences of his actions, you'd better hurry to find a good spot."

Akane nodded. There was probably something she was supposed to say, and this would be her only chance. What was the right way to put an end to their relationship? Was it to tell him he was wrong about the world? To tell him that she was going to fix it? To thank him for making her, in a perverse way, the person she was now, or to take another stab at forgiveness?

"Goodbye, Mizuki-sensei," she said. "May the Will of Fire judge you fairly." It was, in the end, more than she could hope to do herself.

"Ishihara," he called out as she turned to leave. "You survived, against all odds. Don't waste it. Learn to be one of the people who uses instead of being used."

She hadn't found the answers she'd been looking for. Maybe this had been the wrong place to look. But she had found something. With this, Mizuki was just a man. He was no longer the teacher who'd betrayed her, and she was no longer the pupil who had been betrayed.

"Gōketsu," Akane said. "It makes all the difference."

What do you do?

Voting closes on Saturday 6th of March, 1 p.m. New York time.
Sorry for the delay/interlude. This week I have succeeded in the part of resetting my body clock that involves waking up at a reasonable time, but not the part that involves sleeping first. Spoons have not been optimal.
Interesting conversation.

40% correct, 60% asshole. Well, it's a shame he decided to be a jackass about it.
A lovely Update. I'll post a full reaction post in a few days, Sunday or Monday at the latest. But this was a lovely Update and Akane is a dear.
Tragic. I can see how seeing all of your students die young could break you like that. Still a jerk who sent a child to die for his own power, but tragic. Every so often I forget how much of a hell-hole MFD-land actually is, but then you remind me @Velorien .
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His fighting skills were to Sarutobi Hiruzen's as Keiko's seduction skills were to Mari's, and after this she was going to go memorise RPG rulebooks until that image was out of her head.

I see Akane has stumbled on my distraction/coping mechanism. Though, considering Keiko has multiple suitors, a caring husband, and is often accidentally good in social situations/with innuendo, maybe Mizuki wasn't Awful after all...

"Ishihara," he called out as she turned to leave. "You survived, against all odds. Don't waste it. Learn to be one of the people who uses instead of being used."

She hadn't found the answers she'd been looking for. Maybe this had been the wrong place to look. But she had found something. With this, Mizuki was just a man. He was no longer the teacher who'd betrayed her, and she was no longer the pupil who had been betrayed.

"Gōketsu," Akane said. "It makes all the difference."

That was SUCH A GOOD BIT. I'm glad Akane still believes in us (as in the uplift clan, not as in the thread via Hazou), so deep down.

The world really doesn't deserve Akane. And luckily for it, if it ever loses her, it won't have to exist long in that state.

(Necromancy or WMD, take your pick)
Moments like this (and Ami) is what keeps me coming back despite not remembering a thing about Naruto.

I'm gonna miss this quest when we inevitably get killboxed again.
To Akane, Hazō's words had always had a weight to them that he didn't understand. Ever since their first meeting, when as Nishino-sensei he had shown a mastery of Youth apparently half by accident, Hazō had somehow always managed to say the right thing at the right time, and then keep going as if it didn't matter. Now, he'd done it again. Back in the rooftop garden, amidst the monstrosities she had lovingly cultivated, he'd told her she was capable of finding her own answers, in defiance of all the evidence. It had been a push in exactly the right direction at exactly the right time. And as for where it had pushed her…
Akane's ignoring all the time Hazo fucked up by saying the wrong things at the wrong time?

And then there's the bank run in which Hazo knew what to do.
This is an extremely bare-bones plan (albeit with a great name) and it's mostly intended as a starting point, and to make sure we have something - it's currently less than 24 hours until voting closes. Any suggestions are welcome. Any suggestions which are in keeping with the spirit of the plan are welcome. If you think that it's fundamentally stupid, please write your own plan, or at least don't direct it at me.

[X] Action Plan: Let the Doggies Hit the Floor

Words: under 300.
  • Underground
    • Treat/assess any injuries (Cangue's paw).
    • Low on chakra - ask if any Dogs have jutsu to get us aboveground. If not, tunnel.
  • Aboveground
    • Check Lions out carefully.
    • Treat conscious survivors with caution and respect.
      • Perform basic (quick) first aid to stabilize them/their companions.
      • Communicate our intentions (crossing territory, noninterference) without compromising OPSEC.
      • Extract intelligence and assess possibilities of alliance.
        • Defer to Cannibisu.
    • If there are no conscious survivors disposed to speak with us:
      • Kill any survivors.
      • Destroy/obscure all traces of techniques used.
      • Clean up other signs of combat - blood, etc.
      • Stow bodies in storage seals.
      • Intention: the Lions aren't just dead - they disappeared.
    • Do not spend more than a few minutes on the previous steps unless Canibisu feels diplomacy is going well enough to merit more time.
  • On the move
    • Follow the flames until evening/normal stopping time/as long as the Dogs will tolerate it.
      • Maintain wall of fire - more Youthenizers if necessary. Lots of fire - don't want to be traceable by the flames.
    • Goal is to put distance between ourselves and the blast site.
    • Skytower to rest. Keep an eye on the blast site, see if Cats have fire crew/investigate.
      • Take measurements of Dogs faces for more comfortable masks.
    • After-action report:
      • Does anyone have jutsu/abilities which could have been useful?
      • Critique?
        • Tone: this worked, open to improvements; however, we're not used to working with each other.
        • Not an invitation to dump on Hazo.
    • Continue on previous trajectory following previous SOP.
  • Human Path
    • Request Rocket Boots, improved masks for Dogs.
    • Updates on bank run investigation.
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Our priorities are to accomplish our mission, not make nicety with lions.

If the Lions have survived, and we've won their respect, we can travel through their territory more easily and gather intelligence about what the surrounding areas look like. A map would substantially speed our journey up, and let us plan for what comes next.
The time for diplomacy has passed. Nobody is going to care that the deep insert team discovered literally covered in the blood of their comrades took the time to play good cop in the middle of a firestorm they started. This is the time to burn and run.

If the Lions have survived, and we've won their respect, we can travel through their territory more easily and gather intelligence about what the surrounding areas look like. A map would substantially speed our journey up, and let us plan for what comes next.
Our mission is "go west", which is the fastest path. These are the sort of details we can worry about when we start running out of things to burn.
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Create separate underground space for Dogs. Return aboveground and assess situation.
  • Return to Human Path if any danger, then reverse-summon, make plan for situation.
  • If any combatants remain, neutralize them. Nonlethal if possible.
  • Otherwise, get Dogs aboveground.

Instead of spending chakra on the tunnel we should use living roots, all those lions should have taken some damage, so we should be able to tell if there are any moving Lions, those that stay stationary can't be detected before going above ground that way, but those are probably pretty hurt.

covered in the blood of their comrades

While the Lions probably care about dead young lions,you kept saying the same thing about the Lynx, they didn't care about that part.
But yeah, treating them now is weird. Just kill them.

We are going West.
That said, we probably should seal up any cat corpses we easily can. They're probably edible, and if nothing else uncle will probably pay a bounty for them.
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