So, there are two general routes to necromancy ahead of us. The first path is to pave the trail ourselves, as an S-rank super-sealmaster years or decades in the future, and the second path is to convince the S-rank super-sealmaster currently hanging around Konoha to do it for us. which to choose is currently an open question as there isn't a real consensus on whether the second path is viable, but that doesn't mean we're stuck with nothing to do.
The first productive thing we can do is try to gather more data on which path is optimal. This, in effect, means researching Orochimaru.
The second productive thing we can do is anything and everything that both paths share in common. For example, there are certain things that we would want to have done ahead of time on the Orochimaru path, and would need to be done as a matter of course on the Hazou path, and so we can say that those things should be done no matter the route we take, and that there's no need to wait for the critical choice to be made before starting it.
We're a little busy right now, IC, given that we're on a deadline to crush the Hagoromo enough to secure a wedding for Noburi, but there's one thing in particular that wouldn't take much time and makes for solid progress no matter which path we choose: gathering support.
There's two facets to the value of this. The first is that there are many plausible cases where the additional resources, influence, or special abilities of another clan might prove helpful in our quest, and as such the more people we have on board the smoother our plans will go. The second is that it would really suck to get 90% of the way there only for everyone else to rally against us out of a misguided sense that death is the natural order of the world. I don't doubt that we'll be able to convince them in time that, say, resurrecting Jiraiya and Hashirama would in fact be a good thing for Konoha, but having the top brass on board from the beginning means that these difficulties become much more unlikely.
Selling people on supporting a necromantic conspiracy is for some reason a hard sell, though, which is why I have a plan for how to do it:
- Talk about a few of Konoha's heroes and express that their deaths are such a tragedy (if they have recently lost a personal loved one in recent events, make sure to commiserate on that as well)
- Without putting much weight into it, as if it were a mere philosophical curiosity, talk about 'what if that Edo Tensei propaganda was actually real? Would we want to bring them back?' In the ensuing conversation, take the stance that it would in fact be good. This step is where we start instilling anti-deathism ideas in them. Make sure to keep your cool, though, as right now we're pretending that this is just casual philosophy talk.
- Once they're at least 'you make sense but I'm hesitant to fully agree with you'-level convinced, say that someday in the future you hope to make a try of your own. Discuss your experiences and why you believe it's possible, while maintaining the sense that this is only a hypothetical in the far future, to keep the idea distant enough to not hit 'are you crazy?' instinctive reflexes.
- With your intentions stated, ask if, should the project actually show promise, they would be willing to lend a helping hand. The sense of distance would again help avoid bad reflexes, and you're covering the biggest objection (but it's impossible!) in the hypothetical that you're making progress, so it should be possible at that point to extract a loose idea of support.
Then let them think on it for a while, for the ideas to sink in. They would still have our arguments from earlier to think about, both on that it would be a good thing and that it's not as crazy as it seems. And with the new framing that they have, in some sense, already signed onto the necromantic conspiracy, they're much more likely to give the perspective a fair shake, and in a week or two they might be genuinely supportive of necromancy, at which point we can talk further about it at our leisure.
imo the best person to start this with is Ino, given that she's a) a smart and reasonable person, b) generally loosely favourable towards us, and c) still mourning the death of her father and other family lost in the Collapse. I figure we can give the above plan a good shot with her over a lunch meeting, without taking time away from our other plans IC. If it works with Ino we can look to the other teenage clan heads, where reasonable, and then branch out to the adult clan heads that we think aren't too set in their ways.
Something to stress, though, is caution. If we fail to persuade someone, we can try again later. If we come off as a crazy person with delusions of grandeur, they'll stop taking us seriously on the matter in the future. It's thus in our interests to make sure that any failed sales pitches fail gracefully.
But that said, who's up for lunch with Ino?