I really do like the cursed seal thing Kakashi does, since the concept of condensing this big fuckoff ritual circle of magic symbols into a small tattoo like that is a pretty cool thought, and it doesn't suffer from a lot of the obvious downsides of Kishimoto's usual Rule of Cool stuff (one could probably work something out to make it downright reasonable, even).

Maybe it's a specific thing you have to buy with XP, once you get your sealing high enough. I can't think of anything it'd do, specifically, other than allow for more complex fuuinjutsu to be put on smaller sealpaper. And the added room --before it's condensed --might mean that there's less stringent "grammar/esoteric" demands which would otherwise cause the seal to not work.

"It's a trap," Kagome-sensei explained. "Put the free seal down on the ground where your enemy's going to be, move away, then prime the paired seal on the kunai and throw it into place. Boom! Instant Earth Dome. It's not perfect—it won't work if the seals are too close or too far apart, or if they're misaligned, but I reckon with practice, a throwing specialist like you should be able to do it. Also, Keiko, you're smart, so you can put down lots of traps at once and remember which kunai goes with which seal."

Kagome... you're scary sometimes.
(EDIT: Kagome has little to no free time and still managed to come up with this idea, and put together a stable, working prototype together in time of Keiko's birthday... Now I wonder if Hazou could suggest that they work on Project: Biggest Boom together?)

Though the reminder of inter-clan politics is refreshing. We have to keep in mind that while the Nara are a very, very close ally of ours, it's still a separate clan. Maybe, if we want to break down the inter-clan "rivalry," we could invite Nara sealmasters to coordinate with Kagome and Hazou to improve the design of the seal? Make it a joint-clan project to bring us closer and then declare the finished seal a clan secret for both clans?

"Thank you, Yuno," Keiko said with a slow, chilling smile. "They say the best gift is the one you never knew you wanted."

...Careful Keiko, your Orochimaru is showing. :whistle:

"Pandā, I choose you."

*throws pokeball*

then completely erase your presence,

Just a nice, casual reminder that Ami is a jonin and is a little scary.
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You have received 3 + 1 = 4 XP.

No brevity XP because that's already been awarded, but on the other hand, you get the "happy author" +1 because of how much the manga let me indulge my dubious sense of humour.

What do we get for sending Hazou to hang out with Ami and learn how to do makeup and contort his hair into different hairstyles (Ami style training: apply barbed wire!)?

Good disguise kit practice is so hard to come by.
[X] Action Plan: Continue the Timeskip

Continue the timeskip.

  • Give Mari a budget for setting up and expanding the merchant "spy" network.
    • Current objective: Find telescope merchants for adoption/move to Konoha.
    • Reward money and finder fees for any useful info, more for priority info.
  • Assign Goketsu glassworkers(or hire if we don't have any) to the telescope project.
    • Goal: Replicate telescope.
    • Bonus: Pay for any incidental innovations.
  • Setup partnership with Shino's clan for work on the telescope project?
    • Incidentally commission a set of goggles for Goketsu ninja.
    • But what if we can make goggles cheap enough so that every ninja has their own protective eyeswear?
  • Skyslider idea:
    • Idea: Smoke are moved by wind. Maybe we can see how the wind spirits move skysliders?
    • Idea: Paper fan animate wind spirit to move.
    • Combine: A room for seeing the flow of smoke generated by fans, allowing us to see how wind spirits push skysliders.
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What do we get for sending Hazou to hang out with Ami and learn how to do makeup and contort his hair into different hairstyles (Ami style training: apply barbed wire!)?

Good disguise kit practice is so hard to come by.
It's going to take a while before it's long enough to do anything really interesting with.

Wait, is that the purpose of these timeskips?
Maybe it's a specific thing you have to buy with XP, once you get your sealing high enough. I can't think of anything it'd do, specifically, other than allow for more complex fuuinjutsu to be put on smaller sealpaper. And the added room --before it's condensed --might mean that there's less stringent "grammar/esoteric" demands which would otherwise cause the seal to not work.

Random Conspiracy Theory: The "gods" of MfD are grammar nazis and sealing failures are their way of punishing sealmasters who use incorrect grammar and treat their magical literature poorly. (CCnJ: this is a joke... though the notion of "godly language" is pervasive throughout soft magic systems... maybe there's something there?)

  • Bonus: Pay for any incidental innovations.

The notion of bifocal lenses should be pretty easy to bring up, since we know that corrective lenses exist, even if they're somewhat rare and expensive. That means that there's already some general knowledge out there about "farsighted" and "nearsighted."

Wait, is that the purpose of these timeskips?
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Incidentally, this will also allow for a larger quantity of ninja -- supported by the system, contrary to Hazou's birth situation -- born in Leaf over the next [number of years].
I ran out of time/spoons to address Noburi's fate, so that shall be left to @eaglejarl in flashback.

[X] Action Plan: Noburi's Fate

Timeline: Eaglejarl's choice.
  • Have Noburi finish his summoning training and go meet with the Toads.
    • Debrief afterwards.
    • If successful, encourage Noburi to try to reach out to some of Jiraiya's old contracts. Perhaps they'd be the easiest to bond with over some sake and talking stories with the Old Man?
      • Specifically, Jiraiya summoned a bunch of smaller Toads during the Fifth event, you vaguely recall. Maybe give them a try?
    • If somehow unsuccessful, comfort the guy. Maybe they can hotswap the scrolls and he can be the Dog summoner?
  • Do Summoning Training stuff. Don't slack off!
  • Try to bond with Haru a little more.
    • He seems like he could use some including in the ingroup. Maybe you could do something he likes to do?
  • Interact with Shikamaru in a pleasant fashion.
    • Perhaps he could use a de-stressing (not distressing!) game of Shogi or Go or Badduk?
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Great chapter, had everything that I didn't know I needed.

Betrayal, Hazou-level social blunders for once not caused by Hazou himself and Noburi showing everyone why he deserves to swagger around unironically.

Gotta say I got thrown off by "Shanshan" though. I was fully convinced that would turn out to mean TenTen in Chinese considering the plot/expy's of the manga but alas, Google Translate said it wasn't.
Sounds awkward, maybe just do a Goketsu boys night out? What's the worst that can happen?

We wake up in a smoking-crater-hotel in Hotsprings a day and a half later with no memory of the events that transpired. Cue "A Night to Remember" mixed with "The Hangover."
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Gotta say I got thrown off by "Shanshan" though. I was fully convinced that would turn out to mean TenTen in Chinese considering the plot/expy's of the manga but alas, Google Translate said it wasn't.
Alas, my powers of Chinese are weak. It's an entirely different gratuitous reference.
We wake up in a smoking-crater-hotel in Hotsprings a day and a half later with no memory of the events that transpired. Cue "A Night to Remember" mixed with "The Hangover."
I'm getting the strangest deja vu here...
Though the reminder of inter-clan politics is refreshing. We have to keep in mind that while the Nara are a very, very close ally of ours, it's still a separate clan. Maybe, if we want to break down the inter-clan "rivalry," we could invite Nara sealmasters to coordinate with Kagome and Hazou to improve the design of the seal? Make it a joint-clan project to bring us closer and then declare the finished seal a clan secret for both clans?
I would be very interested in Hazō and Kagome cooperating on a project with the Nara.

[X] Action Plan: Continue the Timeskip
[X] Action Plan: Continue the Timeskip
[X] Action Plan: Noburi's Fate
Since we're doing a timeskip, would either of you mind adding "have Kagome improve the kunai-seal prototype with Nara sealmasters as a joint project?" They're going to be working on their own iteration of it anyway, judging from Shikamaru's "carefully neutral" expression. At least this way, the Goketsu and Nara clans bond a little bit while we also get a completed version of the Kunai/Seal Project faster --and, perhaps, even better --than we otherwise would have. Besides, it'll go a long way to help reduce the schoolyard rivalries that a lot of the Leaf clans seem to have going on.
Since we're doing a timeskip, would either of you mind adding "have Kagome improve the kunai-seal prototype with Nara sealmasters as a joint project?"

I would, mostly because Kagome needs to be working on decoding stuff because Asuma is one bad interaction on a bad day away from soaking Hazō in barbecue sauce and tossing him into the forest of death. :V