1. that scientific-grade equipment would be equally (if not more so) expensive.
  1. Money
    1. We're coasting on Jiraiya's stupidly-wealthy dragon hoard. And for all of his roles that he had in the Leaf, it makes sense that he'd have enough wealth to rival Cassius, especially if Jiraiya was moderately frugal during his lifetime --which I'd say that he was, if only because he didn't have a lot of free time to be anything other than frugal. But if we start dumping obscene amounts of wealth on shaped glass, research tools, and Uplift Experiments (which I'm all for), then we're going to need to get some sources of income up and running.
Hopefully, getting scientific improvements such as better fertilizer would help us make more money. For example, if our chemists create a fast acting smoke bomb we can sell it to ninja, or at least to the Hyūga.

You make a good point about the shaped glass for technology. Maybe we could invest in our own glass making business? It would be something that we could make money off of, selling fancy cups and stuff to clans, and it would let us make glassware to our specifications.

AND it would let us create our own telescopes. As many as we want.

Edit 2:
Come to think of it, why don't the Hyūga have people that use Hiding In The Mist? Is that only found in Mist? Do the Hyūga not have anyone with the water element? Do they only use their clan abilities because of some kind of tradition?
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Another thing we can offer Yasuji is access to our seal printing factory. We can start a venture where he sells our seals in Mist and becomes incredibly wealthy and we get a cut + koi
"Why hasn't someone else thought of that or done that?"

I doubt it's that simple, or else the people of ninja-earth would have already done that. Could be a number of reasons why they haven't, maybe the most powerful beasts eat weaker beasts instead of humans? So killing most of the weaker/moderate ones invites the stronger ones to target human settelments?

That snake on the island needed a strong chunnin (or a team of chunnin) to handle and the creatures in the swamp of death were able to kill chunnin too.

Tsunade did tell us to build walls, not to go killing more animals after all.

Let's not trigger a mass migration of S-rank chakra monsters or something like this. I do know that sky-seals and bloodline tricks change a lot, but let's not get overconfident, skysquids are real and they might drop Zetsu's.

Its a legitimate question.
  • Wakahisa usually do not have access to summon scrolls, and they are the only chakra redistributors that we know of.
  • It might make surprisingly little money, or none.
I do agree that walls are probably more valuable than exterminations. However, as near as anyone can tell, chakra beast extermination is positive sum, possibly massively positive sum, chakra-wise. What if a well executed extermination project brought in 100,000 chakra a day? we could wall every hamlet in Fire in a week.

I want to try an extermination run because we have no idea how much chakra it will bring in. one thousand? one million? I don't know, and I want to.
Mind reposting them and I'll take care of it since people have already voted for mine
It's here. Keep in mind I added bullet points as Halberdier didn't do that.
@Roomba I'm No Noumero, but I got it to 399. Let me know if you think I changed too much (or too little, with the Akane section, I'm hesitant to mess with that introspection too much). I also don't know how to do the formatting, sorry, but if you don't have time I can try and figure it out.

[X] Action Plan: Family Matters
Word count: 399

  • Hazou is the Mizukage's nephew. Asuma's welcome to use that fact, there's little love lost there.
  • Would it help for Hazou to intercede on Ami's behalf?
  • Would Asuma permit Hazou to write to his mother? Personal matters only, and no objection to contents being read.
  • Hazou would like Asuma's permission to negotiate with Yasuji. Asuma gets progress reports and veto rights.
  • Only negotiate if Asuma approves. Discuss with Mari before.
  • Goal: Work towards a deal. We do want a lasting barrel for Noburi and the koi.
  • Method: Be friendly and straightforward, but treat him seriously. You'd like to assemble an offer the Wakahisa would accept.
  • Have breakfast together and then talk to him in private.
  • Suggest trading/selling the defensive coverings for Noburi's barrel.
Akane introspection
  • Take time to think about re-igniting the relationship with Akane.
  • Akane didn't just break up with Hazou due to agency issues. She also mentioned:
    • The imbalance of power between them
    • Wanting to be her own person, not just an extension of Hazou's will
  • Akane claimed Hazou has changed. Has he changed enough to invalidate these reasons? He's gained even more power over her since.
  • Rethinks what Hazou knows about Akane, from the beginning
    • She's strong, bright, optimistic, and never falters. It wasn't always so, though, according to her.
    • She yearns for purpose and dedicates herself to causes - Youth, being Hazou's apprentice, the team, Uplift, Leaf. She almost killed herself not wanting to slow you down. She's desperately, unreasonably loyal.
    • It's a bit sad, put like that. As if she herself, and her own life, always matter less. When Hazou originally confessed his feelings, she responded by saying she wasn't good enough for him. How can she be so bright and strong, yet value herself so little?
    • Being together again can only be as equals. Hazou needs to see Akane as a person with agency. But she needs to see herself as valuable and worthy. Like with Keiko, agency is a two-way street.
  • What was she going to say, before leaving for the tournament finals? How'd Akane become Tsunade's apprentice anyway? Maybe ask Mari, somehow you have a bad feeling about this.
  • Bring her some chocolate. She deserves it.
  • Relay your thoughts about Akane, and ask for advice.
  • Ask what happened while you were gone for the tournament.
  • In her honest opinion, does the clan need for Hazou to marry politically?
Hey all, if you voted for the winning plan, this is it, but under 400 words! Thanks for the formatting @faflec !

[X] Action Plan: Family and Roomba Matters (Same plan edited down)
Word count: 399

  • Hazou is the Mizukage's nephew. Asuma's welcome to use that fact, there's little love lost there.
  • Would it help for Hazou to intercede on Ami's behalf?
  • Would Asuma permit Hazou to write to his mother? Personal matters only, and no objection to contents being read.
  • Hazou would like Asuma's permission to negotiate with Yasuji. Asuma gets progress reports and veto rights.
  • Only negotiate if Asuma approves. Discuss with Mari before.
  • Goal: Work towards a deal. We do want a lasting barrel for Noburi and the koi.
  • Method: Be friendly and straightforward, but treat him seriously. You'd like to assemble an offer the Wakahisa would accept.
  • Have breakfast together and then talk to him in private.
  • Suggest trading/selling the defensive coverings for Noburi's barrel.
Akane introspection
  • Take time to think about re-igniting the relationship with Akane.
  • Akane didn't just break up with Hazou due to agency issues. She also mentioned:
    • The imbalance of power between them
    • Wanting to be her own person, not just an extension of Hazou's will
  • Akane claimed Hazou has changed. Has he changed enough to invalidate these reasons? He's gained even more power over her since.
  • Rethinks what Hazou knows about Akane, from the beginning
    • She's strong, bright, optimistic, and never falters. It wasn't always so, though, according to her.
    • She yearns for purpose and dedicates herself to causes - Youth, being Hazou's apprentice, the team, Uplift, Leaf. She almost killed herself not wanting to slow you down. She's desperately, unreasonably loyal.
    • It's a bit sad, put like that. As if she herself, and her own life, always matter less. When Hazou originally confessed his feelings, she responded by saying she wasn't good enough for him. How can she be so bright and strong, yet value herself so little?
    • Being together again can only be as equals. Hazou needs to see Akane as a person with agency. But she needs to see herself as valuable and worthy. Like with Keiko, agency is a two-way street.
  • What was she going to say, before leaving for the tournament finals? How'd Akane become Tsunade's apprentice anyway? Maybe ask Mari, somehow you have a bad feeling about this.
  • Bring her some chocolate. She deserves it.
  • Relay your thoughts about Akane, and ask for advice.
  • Ask what happened while you were gone for the tournament.
  • In her honest opinion, does the clan need for Hazou to marry politically?
I think Oneiros already put it into her vote.
[X] action plan: follow the previous Plan

  • Hazou is the Mizukage's nephew. Asuma's welcome to use that fact, there's little love lost there.
  • Would it help for Hazou to intercede on Ami's behalf?
  • Would Asuma permit Hazou to write to his mother? Personal matters only, and no objection to contents being read.
  • Hazou would like Asuma's permission to negotiate with Yasuji. Asuma gets progress reports and veto rights.
  • Only negotiate if Asuma approves. Discuss with Mari before.
  • Goal: Work towards a deal. We do want a lasting barrel for Noburi and the koi.
  • Method: Be friendly and straightforward, but treat him seriously. You'd like to assemble an offer the Wakahisa would accept.
  • Have breakfast together and then talk to him in private.
  • Suggest trading/selling the defensive coverings for Noburi's barrel.
Akane introspection
  • Take time to think about re-igniting the relationship with Akane.
  • Akane didn't just break up with Hazou due to agency issues. She also mentioned:
    • The imbalance of power between them
    • Wanting to be her own person, not just an extension of Hazou's will
  • Akane claimed Hazou has changed. Has he changed enough to invalidate these reasons? He's gained even more power over her since.
  • Rethinks what Hazou knows about Akane, from the beginning
    • She's strong, bright, optimistic, and never falters. It wasn't always so, though, according to her.
    • She yearns for purpose and dedicates herself to causes - Youth, being Hazou's apprentice, the team, Uplift, Leaf. She almost killed herself not wanting to slow you down. She's desperately, unreasonably loyal.
    • It's a bit sad, put like that. As if she herself, and her own life, always matter less. When Hazou originally confessed his feelings, she responded by saying she wasn't good enough for him. How can she be so bright and strong, yet value herself so little?
    • Being together again can only be as equals. Hazou needs to see Akane as a person with agency. But she needs to see herself as valuable and worthy. Like with Keiko, agency is a two-way street.
  • What was she going to say, before leaving for the tournament finals? How'd Akane become Tsunade's apprentice anyway? Maybe ask Mari, somehow you have a bad feeling about this.
  • Bring her some chocolate. She deserves it.
  • Relay your thoughts about Akane, and ask for advice.
  • Ask what happened while you were gone for the tournament.
  • In her honest opinion, does the clan need for Hazou to marry politically
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Jun 5, 2020 at 9:57 PM, finished with 219 posts and 13 votes.
So, to summarize:

[X] Action Plan: Summons Everywhere
  • Let's reconvene this morning.
    • You did show up in the middle of night and if Jiraiya wasn't an outlier, he probably isn't getting enough sleep as it is.
    • You'll have a proposal on how to deal with the Yasuji situation
      • If he's not sleepy anymore, then you just need some time on how to tackle the Yasuji situation.
  • Mari,Keiko,Noburi full OPSEC,be careful in your wording, meeting ASAP:
    • New idea: Summoning Army(Noburi+Koi+Respected Summoner: Half/An entire Clan army as temporary Konoha defensive force). Is it possible? Should we offer it now?
      • Advantages:​
        • Noburi becomes a Strategic Resource
          • More safe
          • Help in obtaining Koi and barrels
          • More political power
        • Hazou establish himself as S-rank ideas machine yet again
          • More security from Akatsuki incident
          • More political power
        • If framed as Contest Contribution, another step to the Dog Scroll
        • Makes Goketsu more difficult to just execute
        • Massive amount of trust given to Asuma, good start to mend the relationship
        • It give us an even better in to own Yasuji forever,especially if Asuma helps us.
      • Risks:
        • Possible Damage to FOOM OPSEC
        • Massive amount of trust given to Asuma
        • If it leaks, we become even bigger priority target
        • How Noburi feel about that?
  • If(and only if) the risks are considered acceptable, present the idea to Asuma, cooperate with the team on the how.
  • Asuma(Check with Mari on what to say):
    • What avenue does he want Goketsu to follow?
    • Personally you feel a relationship with him could be useful long term to Leaf in various ways(Political influence in Mist,information, jutsu, Mist/Leaf alliance)
    • Ami is an an example.
    • You await orders: What to do, how to do it, what limits you have in offering and asking.
Summary: Let's talk to the clan about things that are awesome and if they think it's okay then we'll go talk to Asuma and sell him on reasons why we are awesome.

[X] Action plan: Stable time loop
  • Discuss Yasuji sitiuation with Asuma
    • Long term it would be benificial if a Mist Clan head owed his accedancy to Konoha
    • And making sure that Noburi's branch of the Goketsu is fully empowered is good for Leaf
    • Ami has shown us how much influence is possible to gather in a forgein village
      • Image that influence directly in the hands of a Kage instead of in opposition to it
    • We have some ideas that might entice Yasuji that we would like to discuss in a purely hypothetical manner
      • jutsu from the 7th path
        • From the toads and an other scrolls that Goketsu might acquire
      • sealing instruction from Kagome
        • Which would have the benefit of bringing Kiri-nin to leaf to learn and see the wonders of Konoha
      • Some of Jiriaya's seals
      • trade with Konoha through the 7th path
      • Improved barrel designs
    • Of course we would never do anything to endanger our relationship with the Hokage so if any of these hypotheticals where unworkable it would be nice to know
  • Time loop
    • The next morning Hazou precommits that if he ever invents seals that allow for time travel he will leave them on a specific hill at a specefic time
    • Go there and wait
Summary: Let's jump into high-level politics with both feet and sell Asuma on all the ways that we totally rock while being clear about the fact that we are still loyal. Also, let's try to break the setting.

[X] action plan: follow the previous Plan
  • Hazou is the Mizukage's nephew. Asuma's welcome to use that fact, there's little love lost there.
  • Would it help for Hazou to intercede on Ami's behalf?
  • Would Asuma permit Hazou to write to his mother? Personal matters only, and no objection to contents being read.
  • Hazou would like Asuma's permission to negotiate with Yasuji. Asuma gets progress reports and veto rights.
  • Only negotiate if Asuma approves. Discuss with Mari before.
  • Goal: Work towards a deal. We do want a lasting barrel for Noburi and the koi.
  • Method: Be friendly and straightforward, but treat him seriously. You'd like to assemble an offer the Wakahisa would accept.
  • Have breakfast together and then talk to him in private.
  • Suggest trading/selling the defensive coverings for Noburi's barrel.
Akane introspection
  • Take time to think about re-igniting the relationship with Akane.
  • Akane didn't just break up with Hazou due to agency issues. She also mentioned:
    • The imbalance of power between them
    • Wanting to be her own person, not just an extension of Hazou's will
  • Akane claimed Hazou has changed. Has he changed enough to invalidate these reasons? He's gained even more power over her since.
  • Rethinks what Hazou knows about Akane, from the beginning
    • She's strong, bright, optimistic, and never falters. It wasn't always so, though, according to her.
    • She yearns for purpose and dedicates herself to causes - Youth, being Hazou's apprentice, the team, Uplift, Leaf. She almost killed herself not wanting to slow you down. She's desperately, unreasonably loyal.
    • It's a bit sad, put like that. As if she herself, and her own life, always matter less. When Hazou originally confessed his feelings, she responded by saying she wasn't good enough for him. How can she be so bright and strong, yet value herself so little?
    • Being together again can only be as equals. Hazou needs to see Akane as a person with agency. But she needs to see herself as valuable and worthy. Like with Keiko, agency is a two-way street.
  • What was she going to say, before leaving for the tournament finals? How'd Akane become Tsunade's apprentice anyway? Maybe ask Mari, somehow you have a bad feeling about this.
  • Bring her some chocolate. She deserves it.
  • Relay your thoughts about Akane, and ask for advice.
  • Ask what happened while you were gone for the tournament.
  • In her honest opinion, does the clan need for Hazou to marry politically
Summary: Let's have a very careful and non-pushy conversation with Asuma, demonstrating we learned something by almost being executed. Then let's go negotiate in a friendly way with Yasuji instead of subtly threatening to dump his body in a ditch on the Seventh Path. Then let's force EJ to write...feelings. (Ugh) Even...gurk...teenage romance.

Ya guys. You're killin' me here. :p
@eaglejarl said on discord has told us that he will be giving more XP for plans he enjoys writing. He also said he wasn't to keen on the romance. Would anyone mind if I removed that part? We could then use it for @Velorien next chapter since he would enjoy it
@eaglejarl said on discord has told us that he will be giving more XP for plans he enjoys writing. He also said he wasn't to keen on the romance. Would anyone mind if I removed that part? We could then use it for @Velorien next chapter since he would enjoy it
I'm 50/50 on it, since eaglejarl also said that he feels like he should write it so that he can improve.

I would like that scene, but it happening right now is variable.

@eaglejarl Any input on preferences of things you'd enjoy/are good for you (aside from your 'summaries' as bit ago)?
@eaglejarl Any input on preferences of things you'd enjoy/are good for you (aside from your 'summaries' as bit ago)?
In general I enjoy Hazō being awesome -- inspiring speeches, punching things in the face, generally being clever and/or badass. Seal research can be fun because it's an opportunity for humor and Kagome screentime. Game nights are fun because they have a nice mix of humor, low-stakes social, and fun. That's not an exhaustive list of what I enjoy, but it's a good start.
I dropped the romance and added more detail to the discussion with Asuma. If a few people have a problem with it I'll change it back before the deadline

[X] action plan: follow the previous Plan

  • Hazou is the Mizukage's nephew. Asuma's welcome to use that fact, there's little love lost there.
  • Would it help for Hazou to intercede on Ami's behalf?
  • Would Asuma permit Hazou to write to his mother? Personal matters only, and no objection to contents being read.
  • Hazou would like Asuma's permission to negotiate with Yasuji. Asuma gets progress reports and veto rights.
    • Long term it would be benificial if a Mist Clan head owed his ascendancy to Konoha
    • Ami has shown us how much influence is possible to gather in a foreign village
      • Image that influence directly in the hands of a Kage instead of in opposition to it
  • We have some ideas that might entice Yasuji
    • jutsu from the 7th path
      • From the toads and an other scrolls that Goketsu might acquire
    • sealing instruction from Kagome
      • Which would have the benefit of bringing Kiri-nin to leaf to learn and see the wonders of Konoha
    • Some of Jiriaya's seals
    • trade with Konoha through the 7th path
    • Improved barrel designs
  • Of course we would never do anything to endanger our relationship with the Hokage so if any of these hypotheticals where unworkable it would be nice to know
  • Only negotiate if Asuma approves. Discuss with Mari before.
  • Goal: Work towards a deal. We do want a lasting barrel for Noburi and the koi.
  • Method: Be friendly and straightforward, but treat him seriously. You'd like to assemble an offer the Wakahisa would accept.
  • Have breakfast together and then talk to him in private.
  • Suggest trading/selling the defensive coverings for Noburi's barrel + some other things Asuma approved of
    • More trades might be available in the future if this first deal goes well
late plan change. big and risky changes. most importantly, to a plan supposed to be the previous plan...
guess oneiros joins mkii in doing things to make me distrustful and less likely to vote for their plans

[X] Action Plan: Family Matters
Word count: 399

  • Hazou is the Mizukage's nephew. Asuma's welcome to use that fact, there's little love lost there.
  • Would it help for Hazou to intercede on Ami's behalf?
  • Would Asuma permit Hazou to write to his mother? Personal matters only, and no objection to contents being read.
  • Hazou would like Asuma's permission to negotiate with Yasuji. Asuma gets progress reports and veto rights.
  • Only negotiate if Asuma approves. Discuss with Mari before.
  • Goal: Work towards a deal. We do want a lasting barrel for Noburi and the koi.
  • Method: Be friendly and straightforward, but treat him seriously. You'd like to assemble an offer the Wakahisa would accept.
  • Have breakfast together and then talk to him in private.
  • Suggest trading/selling the defensive coverings for Noburi's barrel.
Akane introspection
  • Take time to think about re-igniting the relationship with Akane.
  • Akane didn't just break up with Hazou due to agency issues. She also mentioned:
    • The imbalance of power between them
    • Wanting to be her own person, not just an extension of Hazou's will
  • Akane claimed Hazou has changed. Has he changed enough to invalidate these reasons? He's gained even more power over her since.
  • Rethinks what Hazou knows about Akane, from the beginning
    • She's strong, bright, optimistic, and never falters. It wasn't always so, though, according to her.
    • She yearns for purpose and dedicates herself to causes - Youth, being Hazou's apprentice, the team, Uplift, Leaf. She almost killed herself not wanting to slow you down. She's desperately, unreasonably loyal.
    • It's a bit sad, put like that. As if she herself, and her own life, always matter less. When Hazou originally confessed his feelings, she responded by saying she wasn't good enough for him. How can she be so bright and strong, yet value herself so little?
    • Being together again can only be as equals. Hazou needs to see Akane as a person with agency. But she needs to see herself as valuable and worthy. Like with Keiko, agency is a two-way street.
  • What was she going to say, before leaving for the tournament finals? How'd Akane become Tsunade's apprentice anyway? Maybe ask Mari, somehow you have a bad feeling about this.
  • Bring her some chocolate. She deserves it.
  • Relay your thoughts about Akane, and ask for advice.
  • Ask what happened while you were gone for the tournament.
  • In her honest opinion, does the clan need for Hazou to marry politically?
Last edited:
late plan change. big and risky changes. most importantly, to a plan supposed to be the previous plan...
guess oneiros joins mkii in doing things to make me distrustful and less likely to vote for their plans

14 hours is nowhere near close to the deadline. Also eaglejarl said he'd prefer a plan with less romance and feelings
Last edited:
The change was at (in my local time I think? the time stamp for when i'm logged in says 8:35pm). Deadline at 9am new york time which is about 3 hours later than my local time. Which is 9.5 hours difference, little longer than a night's sleep. Maybe I calculated time zones/differences wrong?
You are correct but still almost 10 hours before deadline when most of the voters for the plan expressed no problem with the potential change. On top of the QM saying that he would prefer a plan that didn't have that in it. Don't act like this is some radical act
A belated response, but I'd strongly prefer norms around making new plans for new concepts rather than rejiggering old ones.