@faflec, would you be willing to make the following addition to your plan?
  • Thought: You have a half-formed idea about quickly reaching S-rank via SC exploitation.
    • Resolve to not discuss SC's possibilities with anyone until further notice.

Here's a wordcount-optimized version of your plan where it fits, check that I didn't break meaning anywhere. Main change is removing "act reasonably to achieve our long-term goals" under "meet with Ebisu"; it seems entirely redundant.

  • Thought: You have a half-formed idea about quickly reaching S-rank via SC exploitation.
    • Resolve to not discuss SC's possibilities with anyone until further notice.
  • Meet with Ebisu.
  • Scroll Hunt:
    • Strategize our investigation of Todoroki Shrine.
      • How are we infiltrating?
        • Pretend to be merchants/religious supplicants.
        • Disguise ourselves as sailors/merchants. Travel there via boat.
      • Prepare disguise kits.
      • Do we need additional combat power? Listen to clan recommendations.
  • Estate:
    • Proclaim Uplift as the purpose of the Gouketsu Clan.
      • Goal: Give all clan members a reason to go above and beyond for our cause.
      • Main thrust: This world is cold, dark, and unforgiving; but we'll give our all to light a path through it.
        • We are the vanguards of the Will of Fire, raising our eyes to blaze a trail for all to follow.
      • We, civilian and ninja, must all give everything we have for this better world.
  • Reforms:
    • Projects:
      • Sanitation.
      • Gouketsu and affiliate ninja working conditions.
      • Gouketsu civilian living standards.
    • Apply the following process to all projects.
      • Team-building:
        • Convene a commission to improve the situation.
          • Sanitation:
            • Include local residents, medical experts, and us.
          • Ninja working conditions:
            • Empower Haru, Atomu, and Reo to conduct review of possible improvements.
            • Suggest they adopt a similar structure.
          • Civilian conditions:
            • Empower civilian leaders in our clan.
            • Give explicit, signed, and legal permission to speak frankly to us with no risk of retribution.
        • Construct the problem (see Part 2/Doing Problem-Driven Work).
          • Get every stakeholder (including us) to be able to answer:
            • Why do the problems matter?
            • For whom?
            • Who needs to care more?
            • What will a place with better conditions be like?
              • What would be a measurable end-goal look like?
        • Deconstruct the problem into solvable root causes, creating a branching diagram.
          • Create an initial, limited, and detailed plan of action for the more solvable root problems.
            • The plan should be limited to a week.
            • Execute.
      • At the first iteration end time, meet with the team.
        • Evaluate:
          • What worked.
          • What we learned about implementation, assumptions, and the landscape for change.
          • What our next steps are.
        • Record notes to maintain institutional knowledge.
      • Spread the word about our efforts - and successes! - in various reforms.
        • Goals:
          • Create network of interested people.
          • Create network of authorizers for future reform exports.
        • Key constituencies:
          • Tower
          • KEI
          • ISC
          • Clan members
          • Civilian leaders
      • Draft and implement new plans of action, using recorded lessions, within a timeframe.
  • Start compiling thoughts on the Scientific Method.
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Likewise, the estimate for the civilian population of the EN is about 200,000
Fire has 300,000. No one that Hazō has access to has a good estimate for the EN as a whole.
Has this been trending up or down from the start of the Village Era?
No answer available. In Fire it's been trending very slightly up.
a Leaf Sealmaster that knows Skywalkers
This doesn't invalidate your point at all, but note that the assumption is that all the major villages have Skywalkers by now.
Perhaps we should try to contact the Otters ourselves to see if they can narrow the area down, if any had been with him around the time he died.
This would be a good move, but you don't have an easy way to do it until Keiko gets back. The Pangolins, Toads, and Condors are all adjacent to the Otters. Monkeys and Snakes are a long way off.

[-] Protest Plan: Thumbs and Twiddling
Note that [-] doesn't work since we started using the SV tallying system. You need to edit the earlier post. I'll mentally subtract this vote from the tally this time.
Voting is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Feb 15, 2020 at 9:00 AM, finished with 163 posts and 24 votes.
I would like Hazo to do more interesting stuff, but most interesting stuff seems both highly dangerous, and from an in-character standpoint, particularly foolish due to Hazo's existent major consequence.
This doesn't invalidate your point at all, but note that the assumption is that all the major villages have Skywalkers by now.

So, on one Out!Infested hand, the other villages have less reason to capture us if they find us. On the other Out!Infested Hand if they send S-Rankers/Jonin, Skywalker assisted escape is impossible
Can i scream? Or are conserving the screaming for Oro's Clone Army?
So I just realized that we have the ultimate tool to make summoning mission safe even though Hazō has a consequence. We just send in Shadow Clones to do all the leg work while Hazō prime hides a mile away safe from any danger
I thought we weren't allowed to use Shadow Clones on our own yet?

Nope! We are allowed to use it once per day with one clone right now. Which is more than enough for keeping Hazō safe
"You'll create your first clone here, under my supervision. You will create the clone while lying down with your eyes closed. Assuming you survive, you will use the jutsu only once per day until you are able to manage the process without pain. You will not create two clones at a time until you can create one and still retain enough chakra for a sparring match. You will ramp up the duration of your clones slowly, adding no more than a minute at a time until you can keep two clones up for fifteen minutes each without experiencing pain from clone sickness. After that point you may proceed at your own pace." He gestured towards the north edge of the training ground. "Finally, I have a medic-nin waiting in the trees if he's needed, and you will ensure that you have one with you when you do your practice sessions."
Speaking of clones... @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail How much chakra gets used during a sparring match? My understanding (based on the original Akane vs. Kouta sparring set) is that chakra doesn't get used during a spar, so what does it mean for Asuma to say that we can't make more than 1 clone until we can "retain enough chakra for a sparring match"?
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Also, i thought about a contribution for the contest! Could be stupid, but posting it hurt no one.

Special ANBU: Create particular ANBU denominations, specialized in particular skills(CQC,Long Range, Support,Ect). Then every clan will gift one or more techniques in said skillset,creating single-focused ANBU wielding the full might of Leaf. Said techniques will treated in a similar way to SC, Only said ANBU can learn those, and no one else, not even the Hokage(Of course, the original clans that gifted said technique can still use that). The idea is to mix the full might of the clans in a single individual that will only be loyal to Leaf ,using Clan secret that the various clans are not comfortable giving away to the masses.(Insert a clause that the Clan can retract the secret for whatever reason and it won't be taught to successive ANBU if needed).
If these "Special ANBU" will be the new normal ANBU, or clanless with talent but lacking good techniques will be used, is up to the Tower.

I would also suggest to Asuma to let the Clan decide the name of said ANBU to smooth the process("You will name an agent of Leaf, and it will forever be an example of what you did for Leaf" or "Hyuga! You get to name an ANBU Hiashi, so that everyone will remember the great Hokage"), But that is mostly because i want call an ANBU "Jiraya" or "Uplift", on the ground that i want to.

I think it's original, or at least i hope so.
Anyway... @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Here's a timeline update. huhYeahGoodPoint did it way back when, but I'm just going to repeat that and add the most recent chapters. Please note the time for the Haru interlude is March 3, which is anachronistic given when it was published (it's actually between Chapter 323 and 324); and that the guesstimate of March 5 for Chapters 322-3 are based on the assumption that Hazou couldn't have talked to Asuma, met Noda, gotten a secretary, and spoken with the Skyslider crew in the course of a single afternoon.
Edit: Oh yes, and I don't know when Chapter 321 ended beyond "the afternoon".
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This would be a good move, but you don't have an easy way to do it until Keiko gets back. The Pangolins, Toads, and Condors are all adjacent to the Otters. Monkeys and Snakes are a long way off.
That was part of my thought, I think I fleshed it out more on discord. Basically when Noburi finishes training or Keiko gets back we ask the Otters if they know specifics of where their scroll is to any better degree than we do. I figure they arent going to mind someone finding it since at worst they can just ignore the summoner and it gets the scroll back in circulation. And a summoner would probably die with summons out so even if they don't know the names of anything they can probably describe the area decently. It will be out of date but desert-mountain land changes very slowly.
Special ANBU: Create particular ANBU denominations, specialized in particular skills(CQC,Long Range, Support,Ect). Then every clan will gift one or more techniques in said skillset, creating single-focused ANBU wielding the full might of Leaf. Said techniques will treated in a similar way to SC, Only said ANBU can learn those, and no one else, not even the Hokage(Of course, the original clans that gifted said technique can still use that). The idea is to mix the full might of the clans in a single individual that will only be loyal to Leaf ,using Clan secret that the various clans are not comfortable giving away to the masses.(Insert a clause that the Clan can retract the secret for whatever reason and it won't be taught to successive ANBU if needed).

I like the idea of changing up the current Anbu system (perfect time for that, I suppose). But I'm not sure what motivation the clans have to spill their secrets, especially the ones that they're not comfortable giving away to the "common" Leaf nin. There's no reward and they're already uncomfortable giving away their more harmless/useless/common techniques away, so why would they give their more important/vital ones?

I doubt that the Anbu-only policy would last long, especially if it excludes the Hokage. Ninja copy and steal techniques. It's the way way of a ninja to cheat and most ninja only shrug and go "yeah, they're ninja. What'd you expect?" So even if there's an official policy of Anbu-only pool of techniques, I doubt that it'd stay that way for long. Jutsu Hackers are a thing and not all ninja have Leaf's honor-policy. And if an Anbu-only technique spreads to even one person outside of op-sec, then that blows away the "retraction" option that the clans have. I suppose it's possible, but it'd need some serious op-sec policies to ensure security, along with some serious motivation that even outstrips the rewards of Asuma's current competition --which has some pretty hefty rewards.

And for the "loyalty to only the Leaf..." well. That sounds a little too much like Root for me to be comfortable with. It seems like a slippery slope to go from "loyalty to the Leaf" to "if it's for the Leaf," to even "Anything for the Leaf!" And that's how you get Root-sponsered genocides that lead to Pain becoming a thing.

All in all? I think it's a good idea, just needs more polish. Depending on the details, I'd vote for it.
Speaking of clones... @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail How much chakra gets used during a sparring match? My understanding (based on the original Akane vs. Kouta sparring set) is that chakra doesn't get used during a spar, so what does it mean for Asuma to say that we can't make more than 1 clone until we can "retain enough chakra for a sparring match"?
Sparring matches between non-hostile parties often use chakra boost, or even jutsu. The Kōta fight was unusual because they were not friends and it was an escalation beyond the expected rules of engagement.

Assume a sparring match takes 3 rounds and everyone is boosting at 66-100%.

Anyway... @eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Here's a timeline update. huhYeahGoodPoint did it way back when, but I'm just going to repeat that and add the most recent chapters. Please note the time for the Haru interlude is March 3, which is anachronistic given when it was published (it's actually between Chapter 323 and 324); and that the guesstimate of March 5 for Chapters 322-3 are based on the assumption that Hazou couldn't have talked to Asuma, met Noda, gotten a secretary, and spoken with the Skyslider crew in the course of a single afternoon.
Edit: Oh yes, and I don't know when Chapter 321 ended beyond "the afternoon".
Lurrv. +3 XP, as promised in Discord.
Assume a sparring match takes 3 rounds and everyone is boosting at 66-100%.
With Hazou's Taijutsu 40 we can chakra boost for 25 CP at a time. At 2-3x that we need 50-75 CP remaining after Shadow Clone. Since that's split up between us and the clone, that means we need 100-150 CP remaining after the initial payment. At 175 CP for the single clone that means we need 275-325 CP to meet those requirements.

Or, in other words, CR 28 at minimum, more like CR 30 or 32. It's gonna be a bit of a long road.
With Hazou's Taijutsu 40 we can chakra boost for 25 CP at a time. At 2-3x that we need 50-75 CP remaining after Shadow Clone. Since that's split up between us and the clone, that means we need 100-150 CP remaining after the initial payment. At 175 CP for the single clone that means we need 275-325 CP to meet those requirements.

Or, in other words, CR 28 at minimum, more like CR 30 or 32. It's gonna be a bit of a long road.
That's also roughly the amount Jiraiya wanted you to have before he would teach it to you.
Hey @eaglejarl, @Velorien, and @OliWhail? Chakra has a lot of effects on animals, and seems to change them in a wide variety of ways. Are there any chakra beasts or beings that have human or human-like intelligence? To the point where communication might be possible, that is... aside from Summons?