I would like to note, nothing important, but this is a textbook case of a voting cycle where the focus is on 'what' to do rather than 'how' to do it, and we have easily four+ active meaningfully distinct plans to choose from.

It's not all that often that we're not knee-deep in plot and can choose what to do, but when it happens we get great variety like we have right now.
I would like to note, nothing important, but this is a textbook case of a voting cycle where the focus is on 'what' to do rather than 'how' to do it, and we have easily four+ active meaningfully distinct plans to choose from.

It's not all that often that we're not knee-deep in plot and can choose what to do, but when it happens we get great variety like we have right now.
So basically...
QMs: "You're ambushed by a bunch of ninja, outclassed and alone, your allies are going to be killed soon. What do you do?"
Players: *Variety of ideas, lots of people suggest things, virtually no arguing, single plan put forward, nigh-unanimous consensus.

QMs: "People want to hang out on the beach, there's nothing pressing happening. What do you do?"
Players: "It is vital to our continued survival we relax at EXACTLY the right level, performing the best relaxation activities and descriptions to achieve maximal group unity."
*Players put forward three different plans of varying levels of relaxation for the beach.
If the plan would lose by one vote it could help
A plan having momentum also helps a lot.

Yes, Mongols did use germ warfare. You know what that resulted in? The Black Fucking Plague. Using biological warfare means that either we 'fail' and are unable to chase the Rock-nin off, or we 'succeed' and start the E.N. equivalent of the Black Plague in our own backyard.
In fairness, the Black Death is (at least one significant factor in) what killed feudalism and led us out of the Dark Ages.

This thread is full of bad takes, and needs more valid opinions. I'm talking opinions like "Asuma X Mari is the strategically optimal ship" and "We ready set up a fanclub for Keiko - now we ought to do so for Orochimaru, to socialize him more and/or provide test subjects!"
I think literally no one has suggested either of these things...?

I think that this is a little weird, though. I can understand medicine not being advanced enough to know about germs yet --medical jutsu as an effective cure-all would do little to spur innovation and research, much in the way that bacta/kolto is used for everything under the sun in Star Wars --but Tsunade knows that humors are bullshit. The Third Hokage knew that humors are bullshit. So why is it still one of the prevailing medical theories in the EN?
Medical jutsu in MfD, unfortunately, is kinda crap. It can't do anything more than a 21st century doctor could do, and really not even all of that.


They knew that there were no bile networks separate from the blood vessels, but they did not necessarily know that there was no such thing as humors. And I'm absolutely certain that @faflec will not prove me wrong on this, thereby making me look like a complete cheesebrain.

But she wrote books, right?
Yup, and paid to have them distributed around the EN.

So, knowing that, why are they ignoring her easily verifiable research?
The scientific method doesn't really exist as a wide-spread thing, or at least isn't taken seriously. There probably isn't a lot of verification going on.

We must also remember that she's the granddaughter of the Shodaime. The guy who wanted peace and then made it. The guy who created, enforced, and maintained a village of different clans during what would later be called "The Warring Clans Era."
In fairness, he did that by killing a lot of people.

Lord Aburame is Shino, no regent?
First name not actually confirmed because I couldn't be arsed I...hm. Didn't have time? Sure, let's go with that. I think Shino is still too young so it probably was a regent.
Everyone knows the best ship is
Kagome x Ren.
You are not in favor of that for the next 4 in-game years.
Not even if we deliberately engineer a romantic dynamic such that it is almost certain never to cause a hint of an issue, the way Keiten Shiomaru is set up?

Oh well. Note, however, that I never stated the nature of said seduction. While mentioning @Dictator4Hire was suggestive of the romantic kind, and while it would, in fact, have worked for my purposes, there are different suitable approaches. I'm given to understand that the only problems are romance and sex, and all other kinds of... social and psychological interventions that cause the other agent to stably modify its internal decision-making patterns in ways desirable to us... are on the table as long they don't veer even slightly towards those two, yes? If so, I am sure that I can still make it work.
Tell you what @eaglejarl. You move the timeline forward 4 years with background timers paused so we can have these things done tastefully, and we'll agree not to break the world in the four years. We'll just get the four years of XP. Sound good?

e: Ooh, or we can just retcon team uplift to be 4 years older, that'd work too.
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[x] Training Plan: No training

How will Akatsuki react to a meeting of nations all in one place? Without Pein, has Akatsuki split up due to clashing personalities and if so what would individual members be up to?
So are you interested in listening to Kagome's Forbidden Lore (especially Akatsuki) then?

A plan having momentum also helps a lot.
Does it? Others have told me it doesn't on MfD.

Mind telling me what I need to do to get your vote for my plan (Cooperative Negotiations)?

@Rhodes @Oneiros
I would be inclined to vote for your plans if you advocated for peace/cooperation with Rock. Or at least delaying a decision till we see if Rock got attacked too. As is you are just replacing bioplague with other conflict.
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Tell you what @eaglejarl. You move the timeline forward 4 years with background timers paused so we can have these things done tastefully, and we'll agree not to break the world in the four years. We'll just get the four years of XP. Sound good?

e: Ooh, or we can just retcon team uplift to be 4 years older, that'd work too.
Heh. Honestly, "Oh look! There's been a seal failure somewhere! Everything in the world is frozen in place for 4 years, ignoring all biological needs such as food and water yet somehow continuing to age!" is kind of tempting.
Heh. Honestly, "Oh look! There's been a seal failure somewhere! Everything in the world is frozen in place for 4 years, ignoring all biological needs such as food and water yet somehow continuing to age!" is kind of tempting.
No, no, it's okay we can handle getting 4 years of XP, it's fine, it's a drag but we can handle it.
*waves hands in Jedi motion*
You are not in favor of that for the next 4 in-game years.

What? Do you think you're some kinda jedi waving your hand around like that? I'm a {REDACTED}; mind tricks don't work on me, only...

You'd best be keeping that ship at anchor for the next 4 in-game years, bucko. I'm not facetanking another mod inquisition because two minors got smoochy. And yes, I know, minors being romantic is fine, but I'm drawing a fence around the fence around the continent on which the Torah resides.

So, yeah. Keep it in the harbor for a while.

...fear of mod inquisition(s).

*Checks master plan*

Could we have them begin the traditional Goketsu courting rituals of engaging in
an instance of two individuals spending a day together in order to facilitate greater mutual knowledge and familiarity, arranged in anticipation of a potential long-term relationship
with the end goal of having them betrothed to one another?

And, now that I'm thinking about it and CCNJ: I am only saying this now because I am now aware of it, not as a way to be petulant since other romances have happened in the quest while my preferred pairing has not. I would like to see this quest continue and the fiasco with the Uchiha was some of the most unwanted impersonal news I've received in quite awhile. I want this quest to continue until it's natural conclusion, whatever that may be, and certainly not to have it end with the mods locking the thread. I really, really hope that by bringing this up now we can avoid another thread lock in the future and I really, really, really hope that by mentioning this now I am not accidentally sparking another one.

With all of that being said and with your stance abundantly clear on staying away from anything remotely triggering another mod inquisition... Would it be prudent to rescind Keiko and Shikamaru's marriage and make them instead retroactively betrothed until they both reach 18 years of age? Or is it the use of the word "seduction" that degenerate shippers (like myself (and only myself (all other shippers in this thread are people of culture))) need to avoid while still allowing younger teenagers to get legally married?

please don't hate me.
With all of that being said and with your stance abundantly clear on staying away from anything remotely triggering another mod inquisition... Would it be prudent to rescind Keiko and Shikamaru's marriage and make them instead retroactively betrothed until they both reach 18 years of age? Or is it the use of the word "seduction" that degenerate shippers (like myself (and only myself (all other shippers in this thread are people of culture))) need to avoid while still allowing younger teenagers to get legally married?
Honestly, if I'm looking at it dispassionately and not like a stove-scorched cat, it's probably fine for you to attempt to date Ino, or even try for a polycule with whomever. It's *probably* even not a problem to use words like 'seduction', but I would avoid it. I significantly disagreed with some of the infractions that the mods gave out over the Incident, which leads me to believe that I have no good model for what will and won't bother them.

please don't hate me.
No worries.