So, um, anyone else thinking that Jiraiya's last seal is actually a prerecorded message in seal format instead of being an actual genjutsu seal? Because that's the vibe I got.
Is it me or I wanted to scream in falfec?

[X] Action Plan: Continuation

Meet with Ami.
  • Exposed to the out on accident. Given your uniquely flexible mindset, any advice on how to stay grounded while tapping into an alien frame of mind?
Goketsu compound/Business
  • Implement storage seal bank/subscription service as soon we gain approval from MC. If not work, continue working the MC to get their approval.
  • Start construction of a school. Daytime for children/academy students. Nighttime for night schools for adults.
    • Find and hire teachers as necessary using the method devised in the last chapter.
    • May be necessary to get licensing and permits to get a school operating.
    • Operates as a charity school supported by the Goketsu.

Expanded details on the school idea. If storage seal bank can't be work on, work the MC until they allow us.
general life advice that mostly relates to explosives

How is this not a quest tag?

Just finished the Hillbilly Mountain Pangolin Summoning Extravaganza: Shitty Infiltration Edition.

I can't believe no one died. You guys gave that village so much time to prepare countermeasures to kill you. Really hope jumping through all those hoops ends up worth it for nearly dying horribly to a bunch of upsized rodents and hillbilly ninjas :confused:

Ha, if you're impressed by that, know that you've barely skirted the surface of our collective ability to do dumb shit without dying.
There has been a plot hook from chapter 3 of the story that never got followed on upon and it has been mildly bugging me ever since:

From Chapter 3:
As the team was cresting a ridge on their way back, Mori stopped them. "I missed it before, but look. Do those fallen trees not look like they could be a concealed shelter?"

From Chapter 3... 06:
the seventh is a bunker in the Swamp of Death

Could it be? Could that have been it?

My theory before had been that it was Jiraiya keeping an eye on the missing-nin but I made that theory back when I assumed someone as powerful and smart as Jiraiya always had Shadow Clones running around in the world because he'd have the chakra capacity for it. Nowadays, with the drawbacks we know that Shadow Clones have it isn't as likely but you know...
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We should go try and find out if Snake is still alive
We have a list of those that survived BotG and it doesn't include a miscellaneous Sarutobi(?)

e: I have been informed that I'm thinking of Cat. Really, she should have had at least a few lives left for this.
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Is it me or I wanted to scream in falfec?

[X] Action Plan: Continuation
Meet with Ami.
  • Exposed to the out on accident. Given your uniquely flexible mindset, any advice on how to stay grounded while tapping into an alien frame of mind?
Goketsu compound/Business
  • Implement storage seal bank/subscription service as soon we gain approval from MC.
    • If not already approved, continue working the MC to get their approval.
    • Utilize our tavern or our compound as base of operation for our business.
  • Start construction of a school. Daytime for children/academy students. Nighttime for night schools for adults.
    • Find and hire teachers as necessary using the method devised in the last chapter.
    • May be necessary to get licensing and permits to get a school operating.
    • Operates as a charity school supported by the Goketsu.

Figured out where we are planning to operate.
So, um, anyone else thinking that Jiraiya's last seal is actually a prerecorded message in seal format instead of being an actual genjutsu seal? Because that's the vibe I got.

If that's the case, it must have a visual output if earmuffs won't help. The, "causes fear, but may trigger anger in some individuals", comment might suggest something about the contents.
Are we all collectively forgetting the source for this seal was someone suggesting a seal (titled that exactly(?)) that just beeped menacingly in Jiraiya's voice?
[X] Action Plan: From one humanoid intelligence to another

Check with Keiko beforehand on how forthright you should be about Keiko suggesting you talk to Ami about this.

  • Meet with Ami when she has the time.
    • Bring an escort but speak to Ami in private.
    • Exchange pleasantries, ask if she still has the octocat.
  • Main topic:
    • We've recently, through means we cannot disclose, been exposed to the Out, that place beyond reality where madness reigns, and some level of connection/understanding/deviation has stayed with us.
    • Given your uniquely flexible mindset, we were wondering if you had any tips on how to stay grounded when tapping into an alien frame of mind?