Handsome Gentleperson
- Location
- United States
Again, I doubt we're gonna get much out of her unless and until we let on that Keiko was the one that sent us to her.[X] Action Plan: From one humanoid intelligence to another
Check with Keiko beforehand on how forthright you should be about Keiko suggesting you talk to Ami about this.
- Meet with Ami when she has the time.
- Bring an escort but speak to Ami in private.
- Exchange pleasantries, ask if she still has the octocat.
- Main topic:
- We've recently, through means we cannot disclose, been exposed to the Out, that place beyond reality where madness reigns, and some level of connection/understanding/deviation has stayed with us.
- Given your uniquely flexible mindset, we were wondering if you had any tips on how to stay grounded when tapping into an alien frame of mind?