Dude, what? You don't know if we're being fair in coming up with the TN either, or that we'd even be telling you the right TN. If the QMs haven't earned your trust at this point I'm not sure they CAN.

Yes, because implying that the QMs are dishonest is always a good way to get what you want.

I hope you guys aren't too upset at this. It might in fact not go without saying, but @Kiba's opinions here are their own. They also may or may not have taken tact as a dump stat.
  • CHAOS!
    • Practice minmax blindfighting with the suit.
      • Smoke + living roots, banshees + banshee slayers, noxious gas + tunneler's friend...
        • Banshee Grenade: Strap to rock/kunai with timed explosive.
    • Load up on some of the shields that Kagome developed. These look super useful.
    • Observe strictest safety protocols while using the suit. Use clones if unsure.
    • Refill expended seals.

It isn't clear if banshee grenade is separate from the banshee thingie, or a specific explanation of how we're using the banshee.
So, as far as generic preparations go, I think we should all have a couple kunai with a storage scroll on them containing a quick-equip (by whatever means is available) belt pouch with weapons at locations everyone's familiar with. Given Keiko's training in escapology, it's possible that she could get free of capture, but be without armaments.
So, as far as generic preparations go, I think we should all have a couple kunai with a storage scroll on them containing a quick-equip (by whatever means is available) belt pouch with weapons at locations everyone's familiar with. Given Keiko's training in escapology, it's possible that she could get free of capture, but be without armaments.
We should just take everything and the kitchen sink, as always :p
So, amusing story.

@Radvic and I were collaborating on some code stuff. He's quite proficient in Python, whereas I haven't used it since college. I can basically figure out what it's doing, but if I had to write anything complex it would take a while.

Anyway. We get to one part, and I'm somewhat hesitant because it's definitely tricky to model properly and it has to be extensible enough to handle a wide collection of rather disparate things later on, most of which are currently undefined. I ask if he's taking the naive (read: wrong) approach, or if he has something else in mind. He then proceeds to explain it in python terms.

I'm like, "Okay, I'm not sure how to directly translate that into constructs I intuitively understand. But everything you said sounds sensible, so if you're confident it'll work..."
And he was, and went on to describe pretty much exactly the Visitor Pattern (except with no type safety ). At which point I was also very confident his solution would work.

...And then I understood:

This must be what collaboration between sealmasters is like.
[X] Akane pls

So, amusing story.

@Radvic and I were collaborating on some code stuff. He's quite proficient in Python, whereas I haven't used it since college. I can basically figure out what it's doing, but if I had to write anything complex it would take a while.

Anyway. We get to one part, and I'm somewhat hesitant because it's definitely tricky to model properly and it has to be extensible enough to handle a wide collection of rather disparate things later on, most of which are currently undefined. I ask if he's taking the naive (read: wrong) approach, or if he has something else in mind. He then proceeds to explain it in python terms.

I'm like, "Okay, I'm not sure how to directly translate that into constructs I intuitively understand. But everything you said sounds sensible, so if you're confident it'll work..."
And he was, and went on to describe pretty much exactly the Visitor Pattern (except with no type safety ). At which point I was also very confident his solution would work.

...And then I understood:

This must be what collaboration between sealmasters is like.

Y'all need algrebraic data types.

Link for the curious - Algebraic data type - Wikipedia
Yes, I know Python doesn't have those.
The visitor pattern a mutable bastardization of the data type's Church transform - is about as close as you can get, sadly.
I feel like I'm not understanding. I thought that Python had those? Are tuples, dictionaries, and pandas dataframes not algebraic data types?
Not really. An algebraic datatype is some composition of sum types, like a namedtuple (not a Python tuple, which is one type for an arbitrary number of elements), and product types, like an enum or union*. A tuple, dict or dataframe isn't a fixed shape, so isn't the same thing.

*kind of

E: One could argue some other types can fall under the umbrella, like (real) union types (not like in C) and intersection types, but AFAIK there's no formal criterion.
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