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- Snarksville, Snarkland
I thought a bit more about Hazou's Foot in Mouth Aspect. I think I agree with @Velorien that it isn't really any less fair than analogous Aspects of other characters. It's not even the most socially debilitating, Keiko's are easily much worse by several orders of magnitude.
Still, I can't help but feel unsatisfied with it. I think the reason for that is that it doesn't feel like a good way of expressing Hazou's character. To bring up an example used by @Velorien, when Akane is unable to befriend Keiko due to the latter being put off by her optimism, that feels like an inevitable consequence of who Akane and Keiko are as people; it's not really anyone's fault or failure. Akane can't change her own disposition, because it's too tied up in her self-image and the philosophy she adopted in order to escape her own self-esteem issues. If, for example, we were playing as Akane, voted to go cheer Keiko up, and gotten the inevitable result, I think it would've been much easier to accept than Hazou's failure this update.
For Hazou, the Foot in Mouth thing isn't really an important part of his character. Sure, it led to some spectacular negative outcomes, and you can argue that it's a consequence of his sincerity and earnestness, but ultimately it's not much more than simple carelessness. When this Aspect is invoked, it feels more like "Hazou made a mistake" rather than "This is just who Hazou is". It doesn't create interesting drama or character interactions, save by actually screwing things up. This update, for instance, we had an opportunity to get closer to Keiko and help her process her moral dilemma. Instead, we failed. It would be one thing if this failure led to some kind of substantial development, but it probably won't. Everyone knows Hazou means well, he just fucks up occasionally, and life goes on.
I do think the Saviour Syndrome Aspect proposed by @Cariyaga would work better as an expression of the way Hazou thinks about the world. Another option is directly leaning into Hazou's apparent tendency to treat other people as tools with an Aspect - invoke when Hazou creates an effective plan by optimizing the use of his allies' skills, gain FP when this treatment damages his relationships with people. Could even name it Use of Weapons. In any case, I think I've come around to the idea of making an effort to change the current Aspect to a different one, somehow.
Alternative suggestion:
Sincere to a Fault
Hazou wants to see the best in people, and to be able to trust and be trusted by those he considers allies. Unfortunately, his idealism often runs afoul where it meets with cold hard pragmatism, leading him to not always consider that the "right" course of action may be at odds with others' motivations, or may run contrary to their self-interest.
Hazou may be compelled to speak his mind truthfully and sincerely, disregarding social mores, even when doing so may be considered rude, inconsiderate, naive, or taboo.
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