Hana: *starts listing off exactly how far she'll go for Hazou, complete with an annotated flowchart explaining just why Mari is a terrible person*
Jiraiya: *stares*
Keiko: It must be genetic...

JIRAIYA: Don't you have a bloodline to help you with this sort of thing? Sage damn....

HANA: Actually, the Mangekyou Iron Nerve doesn't allow one to--

HAZOU: Wait, what?

JIRAIYA: *stares*

HANA: Um. Ummmmm. What I meant by that is...

JIRAIYA: *stares*

NOBURI: Holy shit she's worse than Hazou!

KEIKO: I'm thankful we were spared this level of... of.. of Hazou-ness!


HAZOU: You mean... I get more bloodline bullshit?

VOICES IN HAZOU'S HEAD: They must've done an edit a few minutes before the deadline for that one!
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Mari took a lot of the blame for the mission we got taken AWOL on (which Hazou knows has reasonable justification behind it, but I think everyone else has less confirmation on?). So Hana blames her for her son going missing-nin.
Also, even though it turned out alright for Hazou, the ordeal left Hana heartbroken and traumatized enough to reduce her to a drunkard for an extended period of time. However things worked out for Hazou, Hana personally had to go through a lot of pain thanks to Mari.
Ok. So after much wrangling, we are back to:

1. It is not done much because storage seals are expensive (considered weird in interlude). However, the idea is not unknown.
2. They are probably expensive because seal masters are rare.
3. If 1/2 are true t, it is likely that most leaf squads don't have storage seals.

This is fine. It's actually the assumption I started with before the merchant council idea was created. That just means the clan is more valuable and makes the focus for improvement slightly different.

Hazou can still make a seal semi truck in 1.25 days (84 seals per 7 hours). I would be surprised if Kagame was that much slower. If seal masters are the limiting factor, then they should be able to make bank just by selling storage seals. Likewise, we can trivially make valuable gifts/bribes for other Ninja.

Proposal UPS & Western Union:

1. With Kagame's help, make a two truck scroll (~ 200 storage seals). It will be publicly announced that the scroll is going to be taken to Mist as part of the international relations in the Chunnin exam to promote closer bonds (let Wind/other villages know that we would be happy to do a similar arrangement with them).
2. Merchants of Leaf get to bid on each slot for this trip leg and set the conditions for the contents of their purchased slot to be disbursed (it must be person X presenting Y ryo to you). The unlocking of each storage seal will be supervised by a trustworthy Leaf nin and a (presumably trustworthy) Mist nin. Any funds collected will be labeled and securely stored (associated with slot 21, etc).
3. Afterwards, the same sort of action will be held with Merchants in Mist to send stuff back to Leaf. Leaf merchants can also prepay (double their winning bid) to have a slot for return goods. Same thing as 2 happens when the scroll gets back to Leaf (and the collected money returned to the owners of the slot).
4. Keep the scroll bopping back and forth as fast as secure travels allows and increase capacity each trip if the bids are worth it. Also start up routes with other major villages.

All funds collected from the slot bidding are split 50/50 between the governments of Leaf and Mist. As other villages start doing this sort of trade, they will get a similar deal. Hopefully 2.5 days of sealing can start the uplift process. Also, both governments try to facilitate collection of a list of offerings (I can supply X amount of Y at price Z) to make available to merchants at the other villages so that they can prearrange orders before paying the seal cost.

What do you guys think?
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Ok. So after much wrangling, we are back to:

1. It is not done much because storage seals are expensive (considered weird in interlude). However, the idea is not unknown.
2. They are probably expensive because seal masters are rare.
3. If 1/2 are true t, it is likely that most leaf squads don't have storage seals.

This is fine. It's actually the assumption I started with before the merchant council idea was created. That just means the clan is more valuable and makes the focus for improvement slightly different.

Hazou can still make a seal semi truck in 1.25 days (84 seals per 7 hours). I would be surprised if Kagame was that much slower. If seal masters are the limiting factor, then they should be able to make bank just by selling storage seals. Likewise, we can trivially make valuable gifts/bribes for other Ninja.

Proposal UPS & Western Union:

1. With Kagame's help, make a two truck scroll (~ 200 storage seals). It will be publicly announced that the scroll is going to be taken to Mist as part of the international relations in the Chunnin exam to promote closer bonds (let Wind/other villages know that we would be happy to do a similar arrangement with them).
2. Merchants of Leaf get to bid on each slot for this trip leg and set the conditions for the contents of their purchased slot to be disbursed (it must be person X presenting Y ryo to you). The unlocking of each storage seal will be supervised by a trustworthy Leaf nin and a (presumably trustworthy) Mist nin. Any funds collected will be labeled and securely stored (associated with slot 21, etc).
3. Afterwards, the same sort of action will be held with Merchants in Mist to send stuff back to Leaf. Leaf merchants can also prepay (double their winning bid) to have a slot for return goods. Same thing as 2 happens when the scroll gets back to Leaf (and the collected money returned to the owners of the slot).
4. Keep the scroll bopping back and forth as fast as secure travels allows and increase capacity each trip if the bids are worth it. Also start up routes with other major villages.

All funds collected from the slot bidding are split 50/50 between the governments of Leaf and Mist. As other villages start doing this sort of trade, they will get a similar deal. Hopefully 2.5 days of sealing can start the uplift process. Also, both governments try to facilitate collection of a list of offerings (I can supply X amount of Y at price Z) to make available to merchants at the other villages so that they can prearrange orders before paying the seal cost.

What do you guys think?
Runs into trouble with the merchant council, I think, though I like the idea.
Ok. So after much wrangling, we are back to:

1. It is not done much because storage seals are expensive (considered weird in interlude). However, the idea is not unknown.
2. They are probably expensive because seal masters are rare.
3. If 1/2 are true t, it is likely that most leaf squads don't have storage seals.

This is fine. It's actually the assumption I started with before the merchant council idea was created. That just means the clan is more valuable and makes the focus for improvement slightly different.

Hazou can still make a seal semi truck in 1.25 days (84 seals per 7 hours). I would be surprised if Kagame was that much slower. If seal masters are the limiting factor, then they should be able to make bank just by selling storage seals. Likewise, we can trivially make valuable gifts/bribes for other Ninja.

Proposal UPS & Western Union:

1. With Kagame's help, make a two truck scroll (~ 200 storage seals). It will be publicly announced that the scroll is going to be taken to Mist as part of the international relations in the Chunnin exam to promote closer bonds (let Wind/other villages know that we would be happy to do a similar arrangement with them).
2. Merchants of Leaf get to bid on each slot for this trip leg and set the conditions for the contents of their purchased slot to be disbursed (it must be person X presenting Y ryo to you). The unlocking of each storage seal will be supervised by a trustworthy Leaf nin and a (presumably trustworthy) Mist nin. Any funds collected will be labeled and securely stored (associated with slot 21, etc).
3. Afterwards, the same sort of action will be held with Merchants in Mist to send stuff back to Leaf. Leaf merchants can also prepay (double their winning bid) to have a slot for return goods. Same thing as 2 happens when the scroll gets back to Leaf (and the collected money returned to the owners of the slot).
4. Keep the scroll bopping back and forth as fast as secure travels allows and increase capacity each trip if the bids are worth it. Also start up routes with other major villages.

All funds collected from the slot bidding are split 50/50 between the governments of Leaf and Mist. As other villages start doing this sort of trade, they will get a similar deal. Hopefully 2.5 days of sealing can start the uplift process. Also, both governments try to facilitate collection of a list of offerings (I can supply X amount of Y at price Z) to make available to merchants at the other villages so that they can prearrange orders before paying the seal cost.

What do you guys think?

The biggest problems I see with it are that a lot of being a merchant/trade right now is based off of your ability to haggle wares in a market, not setting up a contract between two parties (like it is now) to buy X good at Y price. So I don't think merchants are going to sign on to this because I doubt that they'll even have the necessary contacts to offload their merchandise like this. Even setting up a deal like this would probably take at least an escort mission to GO to Mist (or another village), find a buyer, negotiate a price which could take days and would give a whole lot more leverage to the buyer because I'd suspect the merchant would be limited in how many days they could purchase a ninja's protection.
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If the merchant council gets a cut of the bid profits, I doubt they will complain. I think haggling will be important at first, but there is nothing in this proposal that prevents a merchant from coming too and just retrieving his slot himself. In fact, it might be good to have the merchant council sponsor a group to go with the seal at least on the first time.

If we setup inter village convoys like buses, then the protection cost shouldn't be too bad (particularly since we need to bring security for the head of state anyway).
In the annals of extra-MtD reading, Gravedigger Quest was adorable and excellent, I'm only sad it isn't longer yet.

I'm currently working on Panopticon, since I'm a huge Mage: The Ascension fan. It's quite good so far. I was worried I wouldn't like it being from a technocrat point of view, but it does it well. It makes me wonder if there's any other equally good Mage pieces out there elsewhere.
Other advantage is, if we can get more trade between Leaf and Mist going, that brings them closer together politically (as people on both sides want the trade to keep going). Of course, that also makes us both richer which risks making the others uncomfortable... so we'll have to be sneaky :evil:.
If I understand reverse summoning right, we can instantly and securely transport any quantity of goods over arbitrary distances between two summoners, as long as they have two (cheap) summons standing next to each other in the Summoning Realm. Although Jiraiya is presumably too busy for this, it hardly seems like a difficult thing to organise.

Do we have info on Hana's chakra affinity(s)?
If I understand reverse summoning right, we can instantly and securely transport any quantity of goods over arbitrary distances between two summoners, as long as they have two (cheap) summons standing next to each other in the Summoning Realm. Although Jiraiya is presumably too busy for this, it hardly seems like a difficult thing to organise.
*waves hands*

Join the Summoning Scroll Conspiracy!
I'm not entirely convinced that more summoning scrolls would add all that much to our abilities at this point, and they'd entail additional responsibilities that'd drag us or our resources away from doing what we want.
I'm not entirely convinced that more summoning scrolls would add all that much to our abilities at this point, and they'd entail additional responsibilities that'd drag us or our resources away from doing what we want.
Ehhh disagreed. Look at all the OP techniques we've got from the Pangolins. Our responsibilities to them at the moment incur a whopping ~48 hours a month worth of sealing work for Hazou, in exchange for the current arrangement and fistfuls of gold each month.

We have much to gain. Even if each additional arrangement is similar and requires slightly more upkeep cost.
Ehhh disagreed. Look at all the OP techniques we've got from the Pangolins. Our responsibilities to them at the moment incur a whopping ~48 hours a month worth of sealing work for Hazou, in exchange for the current arrangement and fistfuls of gold each month.

We have much to gain. Even if each additional arrangement is similar and requires slightly more upkeep cost.
Having to spend a week every month on upkeep for our summon scrolls doesn't sound all that great tbh.
Say, since ninja can use Pangolin jutsu, can Pangolin use any ninja jutsu?

Could we set up a deal where we trade? Between all the techniques known by the three jonin in the clan even if we have to trade two or three ninja jutsu for one summon one, we could probably accumulate a whole ton of valuable jutsu that are basically unknown in the elemental nations. We could then use those to trade with other ninja for even more rare jutsu, and use those to trade for more with other people, and so on and so on until we had the most comprehensive jutsu library anywhere and lots of new friends who were happy with their deals with us.

Also, this is a bit gross, but if there's chakra in blood does that mean non-Wakahisa ninja could technically exchange chakra by drinking another's blood? Maybe people don't do it because it's just not very efficient, given that there's six liters or so of blood in the body to cover a full chakra pool and that's way too much for a person to drink more than a small fraction of.
Say, since ninja can use Pangolin jutsu, can Pangolin use any ninja jutsu?

Could we set up a deal where we trade? Between the three jonin in the clan even if we have to trade two or three ninja jutsu for one summon one, we could probably accumulate a whole ton of valuable jutsu that are basically unknown in the elemental nations. We could then use those to trade with other ninja for even more rare jutsu, and use those to trade for more with other people, and so on and so on until we had the most comprehensive jutsu library anywhere and lots of new friends who were happy with their deals with us.

Also, this is a bit gross, but if there's chakra in blood does that mean non-Wakahisa ninja could technically exchange chakra by drinking another's blood? Maybe people don't do it because it's just not very efficient, given that there's six liters or so of blood in the body to cover a full chakra pool and that's way too much for a person to drink more than a small fraction of.
We can't use their jutsu; they created variants of their jutsu specifically for us.

That said, certain things do carry over... for instance, the psychological knowledge behind genjutsu's effectiveness.
We can't use their jutsu; they created variants of their jutsu specifically for us.

That said, certain things do carry over... for instance, the psychological knowledge behind genjutsu's effectiveness.
Ahh, interesting, I didn't realize/remember that. That was rather a lot of effort for them to go through on our behalf, although perhaps they'd already done it a long time ago for other summoners before Keiko?

Well, that does leave the idea about building up a huge jutsu library through trading. I think it might be a viable idea, increase our personal abilities, and be a fantastic bargaining chip in all sorts of negotiations.
If we offer similar transport deals to all of them, then it should pretty much be all positive politically.

Leaf could also be used as a trans-shipment point.
We don't personally need to spend this time. This gets reduced when you throw some XP into Calligraphy.
Maybe we should throw some of that XP in during the 1 month break? We could find out whether it actually works that way, and if it does we can pump out tons more seals. Plus we can infuse the seals we make while practicing calligraphy, so we get even MORE seals.

Plus we could make a lot of those seals storage seals, allowing us to start on any storage seal truck ideas the thread has.
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