Ok. So after much wrangling, we are back to:
1. It is not done much because storage seals are expensive (considered weird in interlude). However, the idea is not unknown.
2. They are probably expensive because seal masters are rare.
3. If 1/2 are true t, it is likely that most leaf squads don't have storage seals.
This is fine. It's actually the assumption I started with before the merchant council idea was created. That just means the clan is more valuable and makes the focus for improvement slightly different.
Hazou can still make a seal semi truck in 1.25 days (84 seals per 7 hours). I would be surprised if Kagame was that much slower. If seal masters are the limiting factor, then they should be able to make bank just by selling storage seals. Likewise, we can trivially make valuable gifts/bribes for other Ninja.
Proposal UPS & Western Union:
1. With Kagame's help, make a two truck scroll (~ 200 storage seals). It will be publicly announced that the scroll is going to be taken to Mist as part of the international relations in the Chunnin exam to promote closer bonds (let Wind/other villages know that we would be happy to do a similar arrangement with them).
2. Merchants of Leaf get to bid on each slot for this trip leg and set the conditions for the contents of their purchased slot to be disbursed (it must be person X presenting Y ryo to you). The unlocking of each storage seal will be supervised by a trustworthy Leaf nin and a (presumably trustworthy) Mist nin. Any funds collected will be labeled and securely stored (associated with slot 21, etc).
3. Afterwards, the same sort of action will be held with Merchants in Mist to send stuff back to Leaf. Leaf merchants can also prepay (double their winning bid) to have a slot for return goods. Same thing as 2 happens when the scroll gets back to Leaf (and the collected money returned to the owners of the slot).
4. Keep the scroll bopping back and forth as fast as secure travels allows and increase capacity each trip if the bids are worth it. Also start up routes with other major villages.
All funds collected from the slot bidding are split 50/50 between the governments of Leaf and Mist. As other villages start doing this sort of trade, they will get a similar deal. Hopefully 2.5 days of sealing can start the uplift process. Also, both governments try to facilitate collection of a list of offerings (I can supply X amount of Y at price Z) to make available to merchants at the other villages so that they can prearrange orders before paying the seal cost.
What do you guys think?