, not [spoilers].
The entire thing is treated as a single block, not a plural amount of spoiler.
Note that you can put ['plain][/plain] tags around formatting instructions to keep them raw text, I believe (remove the leading apostrophe), though apparently it doesn't work on itself....
Oneiros what is the point of this thing? It seems to imply that we're going to go off on our own in Tea or similar, which FMPOV is a bad idea.
Other than that, your plan has a bunch of weird redundancies which makes me worry. I've half a mind to just combine your plan with @Cariyaga's and make my own.
Other than that, your plan has a bunch of weird redundancies which makes me worry. I've half a mind to just combine your plan with @Cariyaga's and make my own.
The clone vanished.
... A burst of memories hitand he sighed in relief. His Shadow Clone had given the others just enough to tantalize before dispelling itself; they should be on their way.
Oneiros what is the point of this thing? It seems to imply that we're going to go off on our own in Tea or similar, which FMPOV is a bad idea.
Other than that, your plan has a bunch of weird redundancies which makes me worry. I've half a mind to just combine your plan with @Cariyaga's and make my own
Yes the plan is for us to go to tea on our own. Why are you concerned about that?
Also I wrote the plan in like 10 minutes. Just trying to get the broad strokes down. Figured you and other people would help me figure out how to smooth it out
He... noticed how bitter she was before. It makes sense, but Mari is important to him, like a big sister, and he'd appreciate it if she tried to get along.
I think this problem demands a lot more care and wordcount. Fact is, Hana's dislike towards Mari is perfectly reasonable, and any kind of reconciliation would have to start with Mari herself apologizing. Keep in mind that, unlike Noburi and Keiko, Hazou actually knows that Mari is largely to blame for them ending up as missing-nin. Hazou, given the context of all of Mari's actions since the fall of Hidden Swamp, her attempts to do better and change for the better, her effort to keep the team together, and so forth, has forgiven her for it, but Hana lacks that context. Only thing she knows is that this woman selfishly nearly got her son killed, and she'll perceive Mari's actions since as paying off a debt rather than anything truly admirable; or worse, she'll think that Hazou's defense of Mari is a result of the latter's manipulation.
My point is, this is a very difficult issue to overcome. I'd honestly be in favor of either axing it from this vote or expanding the section significantly. I think what Hazou should be doing here, is recounting what Mari did for him, reaffirming that he forgave her with full awareness of her actions, and asking Hana to give Mari a chance.
I'll write something up a bit later for you to put into the plan if you want.
Yes the plan is for us to go to tea on our own. Why are you concerned about that?
Also I wrote the plan in like 10 minutes. Just trying to get the broad strokes down. Figured you and other people would help me figure out how to smooth it out
Ignoring how Jiraiya would lolnope that idea, I don't see why we'd need to go to Tea at all. Just drop Pankurashun off once we get off the boat to Leaf and he can get to Tea in a matter of hours with chakra replenishment from Noburi. If were using the tournament as an excuse to avoid political fuckups we shouldn't be wanting to go to Tea if at all possible...
Ignoring how Jiraiya would lolnope that idea, I don't see why we'd need to go to Tea at all. Just drop Pankurashun off once we get off the boat to Leaf and he can get to Tea in a matter of hours with chakra replenishment from Noburi. If were using the tournament as an excuse to avoid political fuckups we shouldn't be wanting to go to Tea if at all possible...
Ignoring how Jiraiya would lolnope that idea, I don't see why we'd need to go to Tea at all. Just drop Pankurashun off once we get off the boat to Leaf and he can get to Tea in a matter of hours with chakra replenishment from Noburi. If were using the tournament as an excuse to avoid political fuckups we shouldn't be wanting to go to Tea if at all possible...
Honestly don't think J would lol nope the situation. Feels like you're projecting a bit. With that said the only reason I want to get close to Tea is because of ambiguity that EJ brought up regarding if pangolins could make the journey
Heading Home already has us trying to build a positive relationship with the Leaf Yakuza. However, I do think it should be explicitly said that we should have a second goal of trying to get in the good graces of the Yakuza for the purpose of gaining leverage over the Merchant Council. I would not be surprised if there were Yakuza members or folk outright owned by the Yakuza on the MC, and I would be utterly shocked if the Yakuza did not have leverage over many members of the MC. We could offer some sort of quid pro quo, cutting them into the profits.
I would be more likely to vote for this plan if it was specified that we would be doing this after discussing whether it's a good idea with Mari or Hana. I really really think it's best to give her space.
I would be more likely to vote for this plan if it was specified that we would be doing this after discussing whether it's a good idea with Mari or Hana. I really really think it's best to give her space.
The Hana scene doesn't need to be done immediately, since by all accounts she's being sent to Leaf regardless. I don't see us fitting this in before we leave (and we dont need to, necessarily).
This is true and I agree with it, but FMPOV this part of @Cariyaga's plan wants Hazou to talk to Hana about Akane, and I don't think it wants us to talk with Akane at any point.
This is true and I agree with it, but FMPOV this part of @Cariyaga's plan wants Hazou to talk to Hana about Akane, and I don't think it wants us to talk with Akane at any point.
The Hana scene doesn't need to be done immediately, since by all accounts she's being sent to Leaf regardless. I don't see us fitting this in before we leave (and we dont need to, necessarily).
I think making Hazou accept the breakup is fairly urgent. There's major potential for him to make an ass out of himself otherwise.
And honestly, I just really want Hazou and Hana to properly catch up before leaving for Leaf. This has, in my mind, a much higher priority than training, Hidden Mountain, or summoning scrolls. Hazou and his mother were apart for nearly two years, without knowing whether the other was even alive. Let's give them a few hours of together time without any external pressures from the exam or clan politics.
I think making Hazou accept the breakup is fairly urgent. There's major potential for him to make an ass out of himself otherwise.
And honestly, I just really want Hazou and Hana to properly catch up before leaving for Leaf. This has, in my mind, a much higher priority than training, Hidden Mountain, or summoning scrolls. Hazou and his mother were apart for nearly two years, without knowing whether the other was even alive. Let's give them a few hours of together time without any external pressures from the exam or clan politics.
@Oneiros I made some changes to your plan (below) to make it more asthetically pleasing; these are minor changes that I didn't document. Major changes are in BOLDED RED (tl;dr I added a General section, added catching up with Hana, and having a brief conversation with Jiraiya regarding the Capybara/Condor scroll) Edit: Also changed the intro to Akane. I did NOT change anything regarding Hidden Mountain, I'm having a bit of difficulty understanding some of the pieces and would greatly appreciate a discussion regarding this. Please ping me if you have questions and/or would like to discuss the Hidden Mountain part.
Maintain OPSEC for everything. Depending on the situation we may choose to do some of this in Leaf.
Go back to Leaf. Do everything below before or after going back, as appropriate.
Talk to Hana.
Focus mainly on catching up.
If a good time talk about Akane:
Talk about what Akane said and how he feels about it.
Meta: Intend for Hazou to realize she broke up with him in a relatively-safe environment around someone he trusts.
Talk to Jiraiya about Shadow Clones.
Explain: From what they were told on that night, the fact that a single clone being genjutsued knocked out Naruto implies knowledge transfer (MAINTAIN OPSEC FOR THIS).
Possibility seems to exist for training with them, using them to help with paperwork...
Elaborate on Chakra Beast Containment Facility for Noburi to drain for shadow clone training.
If this seems unsafe, suggest doing training in high-chakra density locations (Forest of Death, Swamp of Death...).
Summoning scroll conspiracy:
Talk to Keiko and Noburi about trying to find summoning scrolls post-tournament.
Keiko could research location of summoners. Try to get Condor/Capybara intel from the pangolins/Great Academy.
Noburi could talk to mednin to learn about the Hinago Medical Facility for Capybara intel (esp. Kabuto).
Hazō could strengthen bonds with Leaf Yakuza. Try learning about their Rice assets.
While in private, have a quick word with Jiraiya regarding the search for the Condor and Capybara scrolls.
Naturally, he'd rather his own team get them if possible.
Ask Jiraiya about Hidden Mountain
Remind him that it's almost been a year
Suggest making contact early because training for the exams gives a good excuse for us to not be heavily involved in negotiations.
Seriously we are really bad at politics
We can just get relatively close and summon a Pangolin to deliver the message
Zeroeth comment: Excuse any assumptions on how my mental models of the QM's will view these plans.
Bit by bit breakdown of @Oneiros 's plan. Few things first:
1) It would probably be better to sort things chronologically (Akane stuff, then Hidden Mountain, then SSC)
2) Some of this is extraneous, unneeded or not super time sensitive(mention stuff twice, the Yakuza stuff could be done 2-3 days later, talking to Kabuto about stuff seems weird (just because its a *medical* facility wouldn't mean he knows about it!)
I'll note that the more minor and unrelated details we have Hazou juggle here, the more likely it is that the stuff you actually want is skipped or glossed over.
I like the first bullet. Second bullet should be more "Have Pangolins look into this" with the 3rd bullet as a sub-bullet.
Not sure if its the "Hidalgo" medical facility or what. I don't see why Mednin would know this just by virtue of being doctors. We should just ask Jiraiya (he presumably sees all these intel reports, and has no reason not to at least tentatively go along with this scheme).
Likewise: I don't see any reason for Kabuto to know anything about this.
I agree with doing Yakuza shit in Leaf, but we can do this during the break once we get back (this is still in the "before we leave" part, so the QMs will likely not implement this).
Ask Jiraiya about Hidden Mountain
Remind him that it's almost been a year
Suggest making contact early because training for the exams gives a good excuse for us to not be heavily involved in negotiations.
Seriously we are really bad at politics
We can just get relatively close and summon a Pangolin to deliver the message
I think we can handle this with the same reasoning instead we put "Contact them for an update on their political situation." and mention that we will "Contact them at some point in the next few months." so that we don't get hard wrangled into doing this later and potentially interrupting anything we have going on.
I agree with the Pangolin messenger.
I think the "Don't need a babysitter" thing is just handing my mental model of Velorien free bullets to have Hazou shoot himself in the foot with. It sounds pretty cocky and isn't really necessary.
Talk to Hana before leaving
About Akane
Talk about what Akane said and how he feels about it
Meta: Intend for Hazou to realize she broke up with him in a relatively-safe environment around someone he trusts
Tell Jiraiya the idea for shadow clone farm as soon as OPSEC allows
explain: From what they were told on that night, the fact that a single clone being genjutsued knocked out Naruto implies that they transfer knowledge
Given this, the possibility seems to be there for training with them, or using them to help with paperwork, etc. (Pointed look at Jiraiya.)
Elaborate on idea for Chakra Beast containment facility for Noburi to drain and keep alive in sufficient quantities to provide for shadow clone training.
Alternatively, if that would be unsafe, do a large amount of training in the nearby Forest of Death or... Swamp of Death, for easy access to them
From what they were told on that night, the fact that a single clone being genjutsued knocked out Naruto implies that they transfer knowledge
Given this, the possibility seems to be there for training with them, or using them to help with paperwork, etc. (Pointed look at Jiraiya.)
Elaborate on idea for Chakra Beast containment facility for Noburi to drain and keep alive in sufficient quantities to provide for shadow clone training.
Alternatively, if that would be unsafe, do a large amount of training in the nearby Forest of Death or... Swamp of Death, for easy access to them
Main gripes:
1) You are not putting sufficient emphasis on the summoning scroll stuff
a) We do not need to go AWOL and start tracking stuff down in person, but I think some more detail and emphasis on "This is a thing we want to set in motion." is required else it may be skipped over for spoon conservation reasons.
2) One of your sections is pretty fluffy and a bit extraneous (or isn't really immediately a priority).
At IV's recommendation, changed out meta line regarding agency for "Talk about what Akane said and how he feels about it"
Added Swamp of Death to discussion on Shadow Clones at MadScientist's suggestion.
Added two lines about asking after summon scrolls in the section on shadow clones at Erolki's suggestion.
[X] Action Plan: Girls, Goals, and Shadow Clones
Talk to Hana before leaving
About Mari
He... noticed how bitter she was before. It makes sense, but Mari is important to him, like a big sister, and he'd appreciate it if she tried to get along.
About Akane
Talk about what Akane said and how he feels about it
Meta: Intend for Hazou to realize she broke up with him in a relatively-safe environment around someone he trusts
Talk to Jiraiya about Shadow Clones once back at Leaf in OPSEC-friendly location
Explain: From what they were told on that night, the fact that a single clone being genjutsued knocked out Naruto implies that they transfer knowledge
Given this, the possibility seems to be there for training with them, or using them to help with paperwork, etc. (Pointed look at Jiraiya.)
Elaborate on idea for Chakra Beast containment facility for Noburi to drain and keep alive in sufficient quantities to provide for shadow clone training.
Alternatively, if that would be unsafe, do a large amount of training in the nearby Forest of Death or... Swamp of Death, for easy access to them
While in private, have a quick word about how the search for the Condor and Capybara scrolls goes.
Naturally, he'd rather his own team get them if possible.
I'd prefer if we moved the summoning scroll stuff to its own section so that it isn't glossed over. Theres other stuff we should do to advance this as well.
Reunite with Kagome and Mari
Enjoy seeing them for the first time in forever!
Have the idea of starting a program -- funded by sold explosive seals, etc -- for tutoring "at risk" students due to Kagome's tutoring Honoka
It would pay the equivalent of a steady D rank salary, allowing Chuunin or skilled genin to stay safe in Konoha, earn a living wage, and help their country's future.
Or, alternatively, a pay-it-forward method: Ask that any students we tutor, then tutor another.
Most of this is extraneous or not very time sensitive. We can pitch the tutoring program a few days from now with little impact on its efficacy. Likewise, we will almost certainly catch up with Kagome and Mari regardless of whether we explicitly state "Do this."
I think I'm just going to play Polymerization and fuse elements of your two plans together (if thats allright) . At worst, you can just copypasta some stuff from the result.