So, to try and get things off the ground a little earlier before the vote then sometimes happens...
The Exams are now completely over until the tournament a month from now. You have been dispatched back to Leaf with Kakashi, Gai, and a flock of ANBU and jōnin to watch over you. Jiraiya will be following later, and Hana is expected to join you in the not too distant future.
Unless you come up with something that convinces Jiraiya to let you go off on a side quest, the next update will start with you in Leaf. (EDIT: Unless @Velorien wants to do something different, obviously.)
This is our state of affairs right now. For those of us not backing
@Oneiros' plan to go bother Mountain, what do we want to work on first? We've got some time to kill until Hana arrives (hopefully); who do we want to try and talk to, what training do we want to investigate, do we want to start laying groundwork for possible Summoning Scroll hunting?
Personally, I think suggesting Keiko talk to the Pangolins about the possibility sounds like a decent idea (dependent on Jiraiya's approval, of course - heck, it might even be better for Jiraiya to talk to the Toads instead/as well); they'd know best who of the Summon Clans they might be willing and able to work with, and if there are any Clans known to lack a Summoner (as they did until recently). However, I don't consider it particularly urgent; we don't yet have the collective Chakra Capacity to make multiple Summoners a very strong option (Noburi's large reserves and ability to redistribute are great, but summons are bloody expensive). So it'd make us more
versatile, as we'd have a larger pool of summons to pull from, but not more
powerful, as we already have more summons than we can practically support Chakra-wise (also, our options on the team would be Hazou [whose Chakra Capacity is currently a mere
ten, for 100 Chakra total] and Noburi [who pays triple costs on jutsu, so his summons would be even
more expensive]).
Explicitly asking Jiraiya for what he thinks we should do training-wise seems like a good start, in case there's something we're missing or that really fits, but we should also have suggestions ready (both to show initiative IC, and to give the QMs options if they're spoon-constrained OOC).
Once we're back in Leaf is probably the time to actually take action on the Shadow Clone Farm idea, too.
As for XP expenditures, the general consensus seems to be that we unambiguously need more Alertness, likely followed by Chakra Capacity (for Hazou) and a couple more enhancing-type Jutsu if we can get our hands on them. We should probably save some of Hazou's XP in case Hana can teach him any neat Bloodline tricks (which'd probably be Stunts, but potentially very useful ones), or even straight-up jutsu (do we know what her elemental affinity is? She's a Jounin, does she have more than one?).