Say, do we know who or what originally made the summoning scrolls?
Likely the Sage himself? Who else can make such complicated seal?
Wasn't sealing invented by one of the brothers? Or is that just in Kagome's possibly inaccurate secret history?

We only have Kagome's theory, and he could be a dozen drafts and revisions behind for all we know.
If we want to make a whole new sealing language that uses a stamp rather than a brush then we are going to need to figure out what the simplest possible seal is. Something to make as a proof of concept.
If we want to make a whole new sealing language that uses a stamp rather than a brush then we are going to need to figure out what the simplest possible seal is. Something to make as a proof of concept.
The simplest seals we'll be working on are probably below our level of abstraction. While seals are not modular because every part affects every other part, there are known 'components' like 'draws chakra from the environment' that we would have to reinvent, and a seal that just draws chakra in from the environment and lets it dissipate isn't something we need to mechanically care about, it's just a stepping stone to a seal that does something with that chakra.

edit: to be extra clear, when I say 'component' I do not mean 'something that is the same in every seal and operates the same way', I mean 'a specific function that is common in most seals'. Hazou doesn't have a one-size-fits-all version of seal components but he does have an understanding of how to design such a component in a new seal as part of the seal-designing process.
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I wonder if there are any seals capable of working in perpetuity, or if they all run out of chakra eventually. I suppose the summon contracts are one, but they're probably powered by the chakra in the blood signatures rather than having an internal source for any kind of ongoing effect.

It might be useful if you could make something like a refrigeration seal that powered itself off the heat it absorbed or something.
So, to try and get things off the ground a little earlier before the vote then sometimes happens...
The Exams are now completely over until the tournament a month from now. You have been dispatched back to Leaf with Kakashi, Gai, and a flock of ANBU and jōnin to watch over you. Jiraiya will be following later, and Hana is expected to join you in the not too distant future.


Unless you come up with something that convinces Jiraiya to let you go off on a side quest, the next update will start with you in Leaf. (EDIT: Unless @Velorien wants to do something different, obviously.)

This is our state of affairs right now. For those of us not backing @Oneiros' plan to go bother Mountain, what do we want to work on first? We've got some time to kill until Hana arrives (hopefully); who do we want to try and talk to, what training do we want to investigate, do we want to start laying groundwork for possible Summoning Scroll hunting?

Personally, I think suggesting Keiko talk to the Pangolins about the possibility sounds like a decent idea (dependent on Jiraiya's approval, of course - heck, it might even be better for Jiraiya to talk to the Toads instead/as well); they'd know best who of the Summon Clans they might be willing and able to work with, and if there are any Clans known to lack a Summoner (as they did until recently). However, I don't consider it particularly urgent; we don't yet have the collective Chakra Capacity to make multiple Summoners a very strong option (Noburi's large reserves and ability to redistribute are great, but summons are bloody expensive). So it'd make us more versatile, as we'd have a larger pool of summons to pull from, but not more powerful, as we already have more summons than we can practically support Chakra-wise (also, our options on the team would be Hazou [whose Chakra Capacity is currently a mere ten, for 100 Chakra total] and Noburi [who pays triple costs on jutsu, so his summons would be even more expensive]).

Explicitly asking Jiraiya for what he thinks we should do training-wise seems like a good start, in case there's something we're missing or that really fits, but we should also have suggestions ready (both to show initiative IC, and to give the QMs options if they're spoon-constrained OOC).
Once we're back in Leaf is probably the time to actually take action on the Shadow Clone Farm idea, too.

As for XP expenditures, the general consensus seems to be that we unambiguously need more Alertness, likely followed by Chakra Capacity (for Hazou) and a couple more enhancing-type Jutsu if we can get our hands on them. We should probably save some of Hazou's XP in case Hana can teach him any neat Bloodline tricks (which'd probably be Stunts, but potentially very useful ones), or even straight-up jutsu (do we know what her elemental affinity is? She's a Jounin, does she have more than one?).

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We do need to go pick up Noburi's jinchuriki girlfriend. After that we should train with the Aburame a bit and work out the proper seals so that we can swallow jinchuriki and make jinchuriki-churiki.
As for XP expenditures, the general consensus seems to be that we unambiguously need more Alertness, likely followed by Chakra Capacity (for Hazou) and a couple more enhancing-type Jutsu if we can get our hands on them. We should probably save some of Hazou's XP in case Hana can teach him any neat Bloodline tricks (which'd probably be Stunts, but potentially very useful ones), or even straight-up jutsu (do we know what her elemental affinity is? She's a Jounin, does she have more than one?).

Sounds good, unless J-man has particular suggestions. I don't think we know Hana's affinity, but she gave birth to Hazou, so she's got above-average chances of Earth affinity.
Since we know who our potential matchups are in the tournament, what about figuring out exactly what we'll need to learn to beat them?
I'd like us to get a THer on retainer, if possible. If we're not going to invest the XP in it then we might as well pay one to work for us.

Hell, we could pay some rando fresh genin to learn TH with the expectation of working for the clan once their training's done. Money is easier to get than XP.
Word Count: 292


  1. At IV's recommendation, changed out meta line regarding agency for "Talk about what Akane said and how he feels about it"
  2. Added Swamp of Death to discussion on Shadow Clones at MadScientist's suggestion.
  3. Added two lines about asking after summon scrolls in the section on shadow clones at Erolki's suggestion.
  4. Adjusted at Roomba's suggestion:
    1. Section talking about Mari
    2. Section talking about shadow clones
  5. At Vecht's suggestion, added the bit about asking after summon scrolls.
  6. Added opsec preface at faflec's suggestion
  7. Adjusted Hana discussion on Vecht's suggestion

[X] Action Plan: Girls, Goals, and Shadow Clones

  • Maintain OPSEC at all times as appropriate
  • Go to Leaf. Do everything after going back, or well after leaving Mist, as appropriate.

  • Catch up with Hana when she arrives
    • Topics, among others:
    • About Akane
      • Talk about what Akane said and how he feels about it
      • Meta: Intend for Hazou to realize she broke up with him in a relatively-safe environment around someone he trusts
  • Talk to Jiraiya about Shadow Clones once back at Leaf in OPSEC-friendly location
    • Explain: From what they were told on that night, that a single clone being genjutsued knocked out Naruto implies that they transfer knowledge
      • He hasn't spoken with the others about this in case of OPSEC issues with the technique.
      • Consider that if it is chakra-expensive, Noburi could help with that -- though he hasn't asked -- to improve duration and effectiveness in combination with chakra beast batteries, perhaps use for training? Or paperwork.
  • Reunite with Kagome and Mari
    • Enjoy seeing them for the first time in forever!
    • Use Kagome's tutoring activity as basis for a "Tutoring At Risk Kids program."
      • Possibly subsidized by selling explosive seals?
      • D-rank mission pays and/or pay-it-forward scheme.
  • Discuss finding additional summon scrolls with Clan Goketsu
    • What clans would the Pangolin and Toads not mind Kei's team working with?
    • Are there any known clans that are dissatisfied with their summoners?
      • Other than the crows. Although...
    • How about checking the Great Library over in the summon path?
    • How is the search for the Capybara/Condor scrolls going, anyway?
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  • About Akane
    • Meta: Intend for Hazou to realize she broke up with him in a relatively-safe environment around someone he trusts
    • Meta: Also intend for him to realize his issues regarding agency haven't gone away
We should put a non-meta line in here so the QMs have something for Hazou to open with and we're not just dumping our preferred end results on them. I'd swap out the meta line about agency for a non-meta line about talking about what Akane said.
Stick to demanding payment in kind. The whole point of this is to create an exponentially expanding change in society. Don't let clan kids just buy their way out of the humble part, and if you absolutely have to, at least make them pay through the nose to subsidize the unfortunates being fostered and indoctrinated.
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  1. At IV's recommendation, changed out meta line regarding agency for "Talk about what Akane said and how he feels about it"
  2. Added Swamp of Death to discussion on Shadow Clones at MadScientist's suggestion.

Tip: Spoiler tags are just
, not [spoilers].
The entire thing is treated as a single block, not a plural amount of spoiler.


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Tip: Spoiler tags are just
, not [spoilers].
The entire thing is treated as a single block, not a plural amount of spoiler.

I know, I just forgot because I'm tired :p