Not sure whether "Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance (in the exam)" and "Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance" are meant to be the same vote or if we are witnessing our first The People's Front of Judea vs Judean People's Front moment of the thread.
Adhoc vote count started by Tua on Aug 2, 2018 at 6:27 PM, finished with 713 posts and 20 votes.
  • 29

    [x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance (in the exam)
    [X] What it'd be like if Noburi had the hivemind instead.
    [X] Akane's and Ino's reactions to the breakup
    [x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance
    [X] What's happening in Hidden Mountain
    [x] Rock Lee gives Hazo dating advice
    [x] AU Interlude: Hazou spontaneously remembers all aborted timelines: The Youthsuit Incident, The First Death of Minami, The Second Event's Unlimited Sealing Failures In A Doomed Fortress, Hot & Drunk & Anonymous Disaster
    [x] Take some free time to finally go talk to Hana properly about everything and see what information she can offer.
    [x] Noburi stops getting Noburi'd and finally SURPASSES his Noburis and becomes THE Noburi he was NOBURI'D to be
    [X] Naruto Civilization Quest: How Hivemind Ren's Plan is Working Thus Far
    [X] Tales from the Crypt QM Chat, manifested as Kagome's dreams
    [X] Flashback to what the Fourth Event looked like with no henges.
    [X] Akane and Ino break up
You know, I think I remember the exact moment when all the QMs got fed up with henge, and it was when we got into Snow, were informed about how we were now rolling on the exposure tables, and we just shrugged and went "Henge? Henge."
Far be it from me to correct you, but Zabuza's companion liberated from Snow is named Yukino, not Yuno. Yuno is Noburi's bride from Mountain.
Well, it works either way, I suppose.

[X] The Adventures of Zabuza and Yuno
[X] The Adventures of Zabuza and Yukino
Fine, I'll write up the whole thing.

[X] The Adventures of Noburi's Exes, Zabuza and Yuno, as Narrated by Yuki Yukino
You know, I think I remember the exact moment when all the QMs got fed up with henge, and it was when we got into Snow, were informed about how we were now rolling on the exposure tables, and we just shrugged and went "Henge? Henge."

QMs: "Here's a fun challenge, figure out how to stay warm and safe in a highly inhospitable wasteland!"

Players: "How about we just use this super neat and handy jutsu every ninja ever knows and completely negate that challenge?"

QMs: "Well, uh, yes you can do that." Silently push aside list of events and party temperature trackers "Why don't you ruin our other hopes and dreams while you're at it, like get into the chuunin exams but never punch anything?"
So, do we want to use our hivemind knowledge of what all is necessary to transfer an eye from one person to another (see: Kakashi) to advance the field of medicine in the EN through a shift?
So, do we want to use our hivemind knowledge of what all is necessary to transfer an eye from one person to another (see: Kakashi) to advance the field of medicine in the EN through a shift?
I'm still convinced we haven't used up our Sharingan roll. So that might be premature.