I expect that any further Scroll missions will be deferred until after the war. Even the current mission is more motivated by 'Rock obviously cares about this place, so let's go smash it up' with the potential for a Scroll as icing on the cake.
I broadly agree with the points you're making here, but there are a few disagreements I think might be noteworthy.
Once it's done, well, Scrolls were already extremely valuable items that catapult ninja capability, and yet Leaf hasn't hunted down every potential Scroll lead (presumably the uncertainty of the payoff deters significant investment in protracted and/or high-risk international missions like this). Heck, we got the Pangolin Scroll lead for explicitly that reason.
Jiriya was pretty upfront that he thought that the Pangolin scroll was a wild
pangolin goose chase, and that his expectation was that Keiko would come back older and wiser and he'd give her a few jutsu. I agree that this is because of uncertainty, but the reason we got the Pangolin scroll was that we got lucky.
If this summon army tactic works out well I do expect we'll see an increase in Asuma's estimation of Scroll value after the war, but I'd hesitate to say that the update would be so strong as to push him from 'if you want to spend your time on this, go ahead' to 'tell me your secrets and I won't execute you for treason'. In the upper bound of variance where Asuma has become very interested in gathering more scrolls I can see him asking us to share our intel, but even then I expect he'd be amenable to compromises like 'Since you're the one with the intel, you get right of first attempt to retrieve it, as long as you hop to it relatively soon'. That's at most.
My potential concern isn't that Asuma will see that our tactics are efficacious and update, but that he'll assess the odds that other villages will update and step up their efforts, resulting in an arms race Leaf can't afford to lose. AFAIK every other village has someone who can teach Summoning.
I don't think that he's going to execute us for treason, but he might well say, 'you can only feasibly hunt down one of these, and we need to look for them all. Pick one, we'll support you in searching for it, and compensate you for the intel you've provided, but the leader of the team that goes hunting will be making the contract'. I don't think we currently have a most-probable candidate, so if (say) our leads on Otter don't pan out, we're left without proprietary intel or a scroll.
Did people complain when Hazou won the Dog Scroll from the Contest? Did we hear an uproar about how the Goketsu already have Pangolin and Toad so we don't need Dog as well? I think that as long as we come by each scroll fairly there won't be much in the way of accusations of unfair imbalance. Ninja meritocracy and all.
The comments about how we traded a scroll for a scroll (porcupine) address this point.
I think we're in uncharted territory re: concentration of scrolls. We can't say that ninja do or don't gripe about this because I don't think that anyone has ever had this much power concentrated in their clan - or when they have, they've made enemies (i.e. the Uchiha).