Well, 3rd times the charm...

[X] (Isan Plan) Sacred Bloody Axe
Word Count: 296

Goal: Dissuade Isan of the idea that Leaf's power is diminishing.

  • Continue learning about Isan, especially about Akio, Ui, cursed people/outcasts.
    • Keep Isan customs in mind.
      • Consult with Team and Takahashi.
      • Ask Panda about Pangolin sparring protocols that would awe humans.
  • Bolster team supplies and equipment.
    • Acquire lion cub corpses from Hazo as props implying Leaf's strength.
  • Update Yuno on Goketsu team tactics, jutsu, codes, and seals.
    • If needed, spend a FP.
  • Watch for Isan sabotage.
Action: Show Leaf's strength with a spar.
  • Head to a training field to demonstrate an intense (scripted) spar between Keiko and Yuno.
    • Escalate the spar as the Isan crowd grows.
    • Use explosives
    • Conceal other seals as jutsu, if used.
    • Spar at a safe distance from Crowd.
    • Show off Pangolin sparring protocols/rituals.
  • Keiko:
    • Use the spar to cast Yuno as integral to the Pangolin summoner.
    • Summon 2 Pangolins:
      • Intimidating referee
      • Crowd control.
  • Snowflake:
    • Get her input.
  • Yuno:
    • Use the spar to show the power of Leaf ninja.
    • Think of a prestigious title to counter curse stigma. (Summoner Guard?)
      • Get Panda's input.
  • Noburi and Mari:
    • Play the role of commentators for the crowd and sway them to Leaf.
  • Panda:
    • Halt the fight at a pre-determined time.
    • Legitimize Yuno by referring to her by her title.
    • The two need a harder challenge...
Actions: Warm relations during the Chakra beast hunt after the spar.
  • Per Panda's words...propose a worthy hunt.
    • Show Lion cub corpses
  • Have the Isan notables (Clan heirs or other elites) lead the way.
    • Impress them during the hunt, especially the Aida, Inoue, Azai, and Arikada.
      • Sell them on Leaf's strength and goodwill.
      • Delve into Leaf's unique appreciation for medicine.
        • Emphasize Tsunade's role.
  • Name drop connections to Leaf's notables and their feats.
  • Lean on Keiko's status.
Noburi gave the characteristic smirk of a teenage boy failing to hide his smugness while impressing a girl. "Well, I figured trying to get tips was a great excuse to talk to people without making them suspicious, and there was this one cute gir—"

He cut himself off, but it was too late. The temperature dropped faster than if an angry Keiko had used the Elemental Mastery Technique at jōnin level.
Someone needs to get that man a blindfold. For his own safety.

"Therefore, I am making this statement I can only make now. I do not forgive you, Mari. I do not absolve you of responsibility. I deny your redemption, and I deny that you have left the Heartbreaker behind. With the last of my untainted free will, I deny you the right to call yourself my family until you face and accept the full horror of what you, Gōketsu Mari, have done."

Kei gathered her belongings while Mari sat frozen.
By the transitive property, Keiko is Hana's daughter.

I think Mom would be proud.
But we don't have any better and less risky plan. Essentially zero opening.

Thoughts like this are part of our problem. We keep searching and searching for a "Hazou plan" -- a plan that has a chance of completely and thoroughly solving the problem we have at hand in 300 words exactly.

When don't have an opening, we can work toward creating one with our next plan, but we don't. Due to the plan system, pacing would be literally twice as slow if not more if we tried to solve things over two or more updates instead of a single one. I don't have a solution for this, it's just something I've noticed that contributes toward our continued execution of high-risk, high-reward plans.
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Thoughts like this are part of our problem. We keep searching and searching for a "Hazou plan" -- a plan that has a chance of completely and thuroughly solving the problem we have at hand in 300 words exactly.

When don't have an opening, we can work toward creating one with our next plan, but we don't. Due to the plan system, pacing would be literally twice as slow if not more if we tried to solve things over two or more updates instead of a single one. I don't have a solution for this, it's just something I've noticed that contributes toward our continued execution of high-risk, high-reward plans.

We need allies, without allies any action we do are going to fail, because we're four people vs an entire village. The problem is that allies means "talking with people" and, well, it's not exactly the most interesting action plan in the world.
This fight had to happen, but how much of the reason that it happened now is our flawed plan?

As I see it, the only way to satisfy both Leaf/Mari and Yuno/Keiko is to first find an Isanese replacement for the High Priest. If there is literally no Clan in Isan willing to conspire for its own supremacy over the High Priest and the common sentiment on the streets isn't against him, then what's the point here? As sad as it is for Yuno/Keiko, you can't empower the most marginalized minorities at the bottom of society and place then above everybody else within a single generation, except through superior firepower. And Leaf neither can nor wants to colonize Isan through the force of arms while at the same time enforcing social justice over stability. So yes, replacing the High Priest might be possible and that might be a step away from bigotry, but only by replacing him from someone else in the local nobility.

So first order of business is finding said Clan or individual. The next step is finding out what they are missing and how we can help them, within the framework of Isanese politics as our candidate understands it.

Someone needs to get that man a blindfold. For his own safety.
No. Someone needs to have a serious talk with Yuno. This is everything that was wrong with Keiko routinely threatening Hazō, but worse. She got Noburi. She should stop feeling so insecure as to be threatened by the mere presence of cute girls or even the wandering male eye. Part of the job of making her overcome the insecurity is Noburi's, but most of it hinges on herself.
Well learned some important things from this chapter
  1. Isan as an isolated village has enough paper to make sure everyone has copies of their sacred text. Makes sense since there is a sealmaster clan. That was a misread on my part I projected the traditional dark ages lack of books that happened in Europe pre-printing press/
  2. Keiko is not actually invested in having this mission succeed. If she was she would be willing to make sure that the Nara or the KEI would have paid for the bribes. This is a Goketsu operation even though it really shouldn't be
  3. Mari is unwilling to look beneath the underneath. She didn't think our play through at all. She just saw the danger and immediately freaked out instead of trying to understand the why of it. Frankly I'm disappointed in her
Isan as an isolated village has enough paper to make sure everyone has copies of their sacred text. Makes sense since there is a sealmaster clan. That was a misread on my part I projected the traditional dark ages lack of books that happened in Europe pre-printing press/
Strictly speaking, they have no paper at all, but parchment. On the other hand, they've had several centuries to create a few hundred sets of scrolls.
Well learned some important things from this chapter
  1. Isan as an isolated village has enough paper to make sure everyone has copies of their sacred text. Makes sense since there is a sealmaster clan. That was a misread on my part I projected the traditional dark ages lack of books that happened in Europe pre-printing press/
  2. Keiko is not actually invested in having this mission succeed. If she was she would be willing to make sure that the Nara or the KEI would have paid for the bribes. This is a Goketsu operation even though it really shouldn't be
  3. Mari is unwilling to look beneath the underneath. She didn't think our play through at all. She just saw the danger and immediately freaked out instead of trying to understand the why of it. Frankly I'm disappointed in her

Mari did understand the why, it's the reason she freaked out. The core point of the plan is "Use the our position to take power from the High Priest", and the answer is "The seconds he finds out he's going to throw everything he has at us, because otherwise he's done for". Only we are four people, and he has the backing of pretty much entire village, because we skipped the "bring the clans on our side" prep work.
Regarding the sacred texts, we can still use them as "This is how you can spread your religion and Leaf will help you do so".
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If you decide to give him the alliance, if Leaf ends up backing his rule… it'll be the end. Instead of Isan finding its own path, it'll be his path, with iron laws, and hatred, and unity through hurting people who are different. What Noburi told you about the Murasaki—it won't be just me. It'll be everyone he doesn't need, or doesn't want.
I will again state that this is a group of people who would be totally on board with overthrowing the High Priest and that we should absolutely look into who they are and how they could contribute.
Mari did understand the why, it's the reason she freaked out. The core point of the plan is "Use the our position to take power from the High Priest", and the answer is "The seconds he finds out he's going to throw everything he has at us, because otherwise he's done for". Only we are four people, and he has the backing of pretty much entire village, because we skipped the "bring the clans on our side" prep work.
Regarding the sacred texts, we can still use them as "This is how you can spread your religion and Leaf will help you do so".
Honestly your missing the point to. If the high priest is dumb enough to immediately strike against us when we do a tiny move of getting 5 ninja on our side to do public works he will destroy his credibility. Keiko is just as holy as he is and would have just declared herself as the protector of Isan. Moving against her is an invitation to start a civil war.

I'm assuming the high priest isn't an idiot and will realize the move will be to co-opt Keiko's authority under his own purview.

So yes if he does move against us we are getting exactly what we want.
I think we should treat Isan as more of Yagura's Mist and less of post-BOTG Leaf.

EDIT: This explains nothing, sorry. I'll write up detailed thoughts later, but I think we just need to slow down a bit (like, more than a week) to get the plan working.
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I hear you, Yuno. I really do. But I worry if we can pull it off. The fact is, the Gōketsu need a win. We've been in the Hokage's bad books on and off this whole year, and right now we're not in a situation where anything else can go wrong. We're the clan that nearly broke the entire Fire Country economy. If we prove ourselves a liability in the field as well, and it's one of Leaf's rivals that gets all of Isan's ninja and seals and ninjutsu, the Hokage might just decide it's better for the Gōketsu to die out and pass those summoning scrolls to ninja he can rely on. I want to save Isan as much as you do, but saving my family—including you—comes first."

This seems to be laying it on kind of thick. But that is inherently disagree with the worry, but I don't believe it to be that dire. And I'm unsure if Mari actually believes it that dire either. If nothing else, 1 jonin, 4 chunin, 4 genin and Kagome constitute probably a percent+ of leafs power right now. Treason is cause to have us die out. Mediocrity is not, not in the same way. It would have its own ramifications, but not as dire.

Listen to yourself!" Kei exclaimed. "Of course you did not require defending. You are strong. Immeasurably strong. What bliss it must have been, to be permitted to earn a place, and then to gaze at your inferiors below. Were you a bully, Mari? Did you partake in those rituals of building community spirit by tormenting the unworthy?"

"Yes, I earned my place! Do you want me to apologise for doing what I had to in order to survive, Keiko? I didn't have a clan at my back. I didn't have a bloodline that guaranteed academic success. I didn't have a perfect sister, an asset you completely failed to utilise, to be there for me whenever things got too tough. And if sometimes I had to hurt others to survive—you might not like it, but that's what it means to be a ninja!"

A wall that had been buckling under pressure for so long finally snapped completely.

Uh oh. Here is comes. Honestly I'm surprised it took this long. Not exactly ideal circumstances here.

Therefore, I am making this statement I can only make now. I do not forgive you, Mari. I do not absolve you of responsibility. I deny your redemption, and I deny that you have left the Heartbreaker behind. With the last of my untainted free will, I deny you the right to call yourself my family until you face and accept the full horror of what you, Gōketsu Mari, have done

I know other people have already quoted this, but dang. Saw it coming mid speech, but this will have effects. Bad time for Akane and Hazou to not be around, tbh. I'm sure both Keiko and Hana saying similar things is going to make it hurt much worse.
I'm weirdly glad to see Mari misstep when talking about her past. It humanizes her, that she has vulnerability related to get past trauma that keeps her perfect mask off.

Keiko is not actually invested in having this mission succeed. If she was she would be willing to make sure that the Nara or the KEI would have paid for the bribes. This is a Goketsu mission [accidentally clipped off quote saying it shouldn't a Goketsu mission].
Honestly your missing the point to. If the high priest is dumb enough to immediately strike against us when we do a tiny move of getting 5 ninja on our side to do public works he will destroy his credibility. Keiko is just as holy as he is and would have just declared herself as the protector of Isan. Moving against her is an invitation to start a civil war.

I'm assuming the high priest isn't an idiot and will realize the move will be to co-opt Keiko's authority under his own purview.

So yes if he does move against us we are getting exactly what we want.

I don't think this is being fair or charitable to either Keiko or us.

Keiko in particular wants to avoid another incident like the pangolin expansion incident, knowing how hard it is to stop that momentum once you build it up. That she didn't do everything you can think of to prepare isn't necessarily a fair standard, especially when this is a quest and that wasn't voted in. Keiko is invested, but wanted to do the harder thing, even though it shouldn't be as feasible. Which is a hallmark of both Hazou, and you as a planmaker. Her screwing it up so much is, unfortunately, also Keiko being Keiko, but it is also on us as well. I don't think it's not being invested.

Your plan was calling for martial law and an insurrection without much groundwork. The high priest moving against the heathens trying to disturb their way of life will not instantly destroy credibility and start a civil war. Given that context, it would have actually given him the excuse he needed to do what he seems to have wanted from the start. It will cause some civil unrest, but given our position at the time, we'd be unable to leverage that. And how "Holy" someone is isn't the measure here, it's the power they can wield through their position within Isan's religious framework. Our potential power is large, but let's not think we instantly rival the head priest who's been in power already for a length of time.
This isn't just meant as a critique of what you said. I did not like the plan, but offered minimal input and no alternative plan, so I am more culpable for not offering any path forward at all, which is a part of my frustration in all this.
But I do think that making very aggressive and ambitious plans that don't properly count for enemy agency, or assumes a response that isn't devastating, and then telling other questers they don't get it is not a path forward here.
HAZOU: Oh boy, I sure can't wait to tell Mari about my new poly partner! She's gonna roll her eyes like crazy when she finds out I fried my brain again haha