I think jutsu for economics idea itachi would find more acceptable. but itachi prob won't give hazou time to explain.
itachi seems seriously scatterbrained. hopping between wanting to fix the seal failure, seeming to be cool with us, telling us scroll location, and deciding to kill us. if we distract him with something, say taking out that dead cat and talking about how it died, he may forget about killing us. and express serious concern of not remembering where the cat came from.

ask to be akatsuki's servant. making food, washing clothes, etc. Does he not enjoy revenge in seeing the one who killed Pain grovelling before him? And it would prevent Hazou from being a threat to world peace that Akatsuki thinks he is.

guilting itachi:
talking about sasuke might help guilt itachi into sparing us
talk about all the civilians on your estate that you helped during the collapse and afterwards. and how they will lose their homes and safety if goketsu dies.

last resort stuff when you've already consigned yourself to die:
choose who lives. maybe let group decide. give survivor the summoning scroll and all seals.
mention how you were the one who made skywalkers and contributed nagato's death. therefore, you are the only one who is dangerous. the others will not present a huge danger to world peace if you let them live.
ask itachi to let you write a will and give it to the survivor. perhaps tie in the civilians in your estate in the will. writing something to ensure they will continue have good stuff.
tell itachi as much stuff as possible to help akatsuki bring world peace, even if hazou dies. maybe ask him to help deal with pangolin genocide. say that the Five thinker clans might have a way to fix the world. that sealing failures can make humanity go extinct. to stabilize the afterlife portal as quickly as possible as it might dissapear. to remember to deal with the plant and lava tube failure.
talk to yourself apologizing to the sunset racer civvies, condors, and all the other folks you've killed. saying u will join them soon. (doubles for hopefully garnering sympathy with itachi)
ask Itachi to never give up. and if he has any message to give nagato
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[X] Let EJ write what he wants. We trust him.
[X] Action Plan: Sayonara!
"Oh, you're going to kill your extended kinsmen too? I guess I'll have to tell my Uchiha ancestors what an asshole you are to distant cousins who literally asked for your help."
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So this looks like it's actually it. Time to de-lurk and vote for Hazou's last plan.

[X] Let EJ write what he wants. We trust him.
[X] Action Plan: Sayonara!

Someone ping me if/when char-gen starts!
Bloodline Idea:

Polyculous Power!

The wielder gets +N/2 XP per day, where N is the amount of relationships they're currently juggling.
[x] Action Plan: Sealing Failures, Uplift speech, and Last Will
in order:
  • ask to deal with plant and molten lava tube first. it can do a lot left unattended. Itachi and Hidan may be S-rank, but hazou is a sealmaster and so can help
  • remind Akatsuki afterlife (?) portal might collapse and wait. could decide whether to stabilize
  • he's killing us becuz he views us threat to world peace right? hazou made the skywalkers and hence is the danger. the others aren't a threat, so can he spare them?
  • wat would pain think of itachi killing people? can hazou make himself not a threat? hazou could try to enter the portal to find pain and bring him back? emphasize hazou wants to help make the world better, even reaching out to akatsuki. invoke as many FP as possible to convince itachi.
  • ask for everyone who dies to be able to make a will and give to the survivor.
    • hazou has a lot of civilians on his state that could be harshly affected by people's deaths. And goketsu till'n'fill funding could be disrupted. a will could help mitigate that.
    • and ask to give possessions to survivor like seals and scroll.
    • ask for more time to make seals to give to survivor to prevent disruption to civilian sealing bank, and logistics for civilians on the estate. as hazou is large source of seal supply to them.
  • ask Hidan if he can beat up Itachi, since Itachi isn't pro Uplift right now
  • if itachi still want only one survivor, have goketsu decide who lives
  • check if you are hallucinating. Take out a book and read it. is it nonsense sentences? does it convey info you didn't know before. think back to when you traveled from the sealing failure. can you remember the traveling? how much detail do the surroundings have? can you inspect the grains of dirt on the floor? use the iron nerve. are you doing the action? does it feel different? dispel using 3/4 of your CP
  • if hazou dies have his will state
    • who the next clan head is
    • to focus on uplift instead of revenge
    • to not have kagome be the first to read this
    • as many opsec leak safe unimplemented ideas as possible before akatsuki gets allowed at waiting
  • take out the dead cat and mention you dunno how it got there. express concern about memory shenanigans that might be affecting everyone, including akatsuki. after all, itachi has been acting pretty scatterbrained. forgetting about the sealing failures, and deciding to kill us after helping us get the scroll.
  • ask if akatsuki has any message they want the dead to bring to Pain. and any message they want the survivors to bring to sasuke
  • if hazou will die
    • talk to yourself. all those hazou killed will soon have their revenge. mention feeling relieved your guilt burden will soon be lifted.
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[X] Let EJ write what he wants. We trust him.

It suddenly comes to mind that Akatsuki has some of the most powerful ninja and who were likely able to access various borders and nations. Institutions as well.

As such, I'm assuming Itachi just gave us the answer(s) for peace and that Akatsuki already knows it too.

"There are no shortcuts"

Or something like that.

I'm thinking that they have good ideas, but implementing them is another beast. For one, they are a tainted source of authority and info to many. Second, not a people who can or will implement Akatsuki's agenda because none of them know how to run things like Itachi said earlier.

So, since they're also self-constrained in getting their instructions and vision out there, I guess they're looking for more people who actually have power and can implement policies. More than just spies or minions.
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Though this feels a bit like a cop out, it feels right.
[X] Let EJ write what he wants. We trust him.

And though I may regret it, this is as likely to save us as to kill us, and it feels right too.
[] Action Plan: Sayonara!

upon reflection, sayonara is fantastic, but i find it suboptimal for our survival chances compared to EJ's inspiration
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He crossed his arms as an immolating red light blazed into existence in his eyes.

"Persuade me."
Pranks represent a temporary suspension or violation of social rules. Rules like 'do not deceive people', for example.
Official Trustworthy Announcement from a QM delivering Word of God: All in-universe events in this chapter are 100% canon and actually happened. It is not a genjutsu, an illusion, a dream, etc. You will actually have to deal with the consequences of what you see on the page. I haven't rolled the combat yet but if Hazō dies then he's dead. If I made a mistake in the math or didn't use optimal tactics, oh well. If I ignored part of the plan because it was a sensible thing for Hazō to do but not fun for me to write, oh well. I'm not going to be changing or retconning anything, not even if it accidentally violated established game mechanics, so don't bother asking. If Hazō dies then the QMs will discuss if we want to continue the quest with a different viewpoint character or if we'd rather move on to our next project. Personally, a LitRPG or Dresden Files quest is pretty appealing to me.
Itachi's eyebrow rose and his lips tightened in annoyance at being interrupted and corrected. Far away, perhaps over the horizon and perhaps in some other world, Hazō caught a momentary hint of giant red wheels grinding closer, slowly crushing everything in their path into madness and pain. He swallowed but refused to drop his gaze. Eventually, Itachi leaned back and offered a 'go on' gesture.

Oh fuck me it's a genjutsu.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Apr 23, 2020 at 10:57 PM, finished with 68 posts and 18 votes.
this is for non-akatsuki illusion case. ex: there is no akatsuki, only a civilian oracle. who drugged us with the incense. and they are plotting nefarious purposes with our drugged body.
The only people who would know about our involvement with Akatsuki are members of our clan and the Akatsuki. Of these groups, only Mari and Itachi are known genjutsu users.

Also, civilians can't use genjutsu.
The only people who would know about our involvement with Akatsuki are members of our clan and the Akatsuki. Of these groups, only Mari and Itachi are known genjutsu users.

Also, civilians can't use genjutsu.
The crows and pangs would know too.
Roobee, your theory doesn't quite match the QM statements. We can trust that we have actually met Itachi and Hidan. And that if we are in a genjutsu it is not one Hazou is capable of breaking out of.

Also as I realized since last time: This explains why Itachi's seals have Sasori's symbol on them: He's genuinely emotional enough his control is slipping a tiny bit, and he's adding details that shouldn't be there as they are abnormal. Hazou is too frazzled and scared to realize what it means.
Roobee, your theory doesn't quite match the QM statements.
Which ones? I don't recall any ones that explicitly reject it. Although there are some statements that could make it less likely. But in that case doesn't hurt to add it.
And that if we are in a genjutsu it is not one Hazou is capable of breaking out of.
I recall they said we can't dispel out of it. But doesn't rule out other ways (ie: using iron nerve to punch yourself). Also, even if we can't escape knowing it is an illusion could help although I can't think of how right now.