Throw Akane/Mari at her.

From an authorial perspective, she does seem like "use her to help fix Mari" bait. That idea strikes me as... risky, given Mari's current state, but also with potentially very high returns. Not so much in terms of Aya, whom we can do without, but helping Mari is nearly priceless to us. So I would definitely consider it.
I like Haru a lot. He seems like the perfect lieutenant for Hazou - he takes orders (which aren't stupid) well, he has good leadership qualities, and most importantly, he's passionate about solving the systemic discrimination of the ninja world. In fact, he may be the only ninja we've seen so far who shares anything similar to Hazou's ideals re: Uplift.

I think getting a lieutenant who gets what Hazou is all about is more valuable from a practical perspective than the Technique Hacker or Aya - after all, delegation is basically increased action economy, and Haru seems like he'd take well to the role.

I also think Haru would be the most fun to read, but then I'm a big sucker for the whole 'righteous revolution' kind of theme he's got going on.
Hazōs Mental consequence means that he noticed nothing.
How are we supposed to deal with that? Don't get me wrong, I love the chapter and see how it couldn't have easily been written this awesome if not from the new character's point of view, but how are people supposed to be able to keep this kind of OOC info out of their decision making? Even if we don't explicitly cheat here, there will naturally be plans that put Aya at the bottom of the three person shortlist. And how are people supposed to be clearly able to separate Aya's emotional makeup from all the other reasons that they might or might not prefer the other two candidates? Not to mention all the people who vote for plans without writing up their reasoning.

This is not supposed to be a criticism by the way. It is more about asking you if you have thought about how in some situations it is unavoidable for OOC knowledge to strongly influence decision making, and that sometimes quality storytelling might need a sacrifice in IC/OOC separation. It is of course up to you to decide wether it's worth it. Personally I think it is.
How are we supposed to deal with that? Don't get me wrong, I love the chapter and see how it couldn't have easily been written this awesome if not from the new character's point of view, but how are people supposed to be able to keep this kind of OOC info out of their decision making? Even if we don't explicitly cheat here, there will naturally be plans that put Aya at the bottom of the three person shortlist. And how are people supposed to be clearly able to separate Aya's emotional makeup from all the other reasons that they might or might not prefer the other two candidates? Not to mention all the people who vote for plans without writing up their reasoning.

This is not supposed to be a criticism by the way. It is more about asking you if you have thought about how in some situations it is unavoidable for OOC knowledge to strongly influence decision making, and that sometimes quality storytelling might need a sacrifice in IC/OOC separation. It is of course up to you to decide wether it's worth it. Personally I think it is.
Maybe they did it this way because anyone without the Consequences Hazou has, like Noburi or Akane, would be able to notice and therefore correct Hazou, and this is a way for us to skip the tedious "I believe X but no wait there's a plot twist actually Y is true" writing.
What stuff do people want us to accomplish before we go gallivanting around the world?
Advancement of our previous plots such that us leaving doesn't result in massive setbacks to them, and to have pieces ready such that our world tour has some form of quick, tangible results.

So mostly keep Mari improving while we're gone and get our ducks in order before grabbing Jiraiya's spy network.
For personal reasons that I'm not quite comfortable sharing on the internet (sorry),

There's absolutely nothing to apologize for there, don't let yourself think you need to.


Even if we don't explicitly cheat here, there will naturally be plans that put Aya at the bottom of the three person shortlist.

It's really a moot point, she's not coming back, whether we want her to join or not it's just not going to happen (at least not until Hazou and clan have a robust enough reputation for being non-rapists that she'd even consider it).
But Haru is boringgggg 😓

I don't want to add a dull character to the clan. Aya is so much more interesting, and I'm afraid we'll lose our chance to adopt her if we let her go now.
Also, if y'all abandon Aya I reserve my right to spam frowny faces in the chat. You may count yourselves warned.
How does that follow? Hazō doesn't know that there's anything in need of saving and as I player I reserve the right to not care about the problems of every fictional character to the point that I feel obliged to do something about it.

You know the saying that a good person prefers to know about evil rather than remain oblivious because the pain caused by knowing is better than the evil continuing unimpeded? That is probably true for Hazō. But Hazō is not our friend, and his interests are not necessarily our own. Personally my priority is for the Goketsu family to thrive and be happy. And Aya does not seem like a good investment for that, so as long as Hazō doesn't have to compromise his morals by abandoning her I am happy to have the hivemind shoulder that burden.
Adopting Aya feels like a moot point to me. After what we just saw of her I expect the only way she'd agree to join the clan or otherwise spend time with us is if she was strong-armed into it, and even then she's probably more likely to flee and try to kill anyone who tries to stop her.

Haru and Kaiyo are considering our offer. Aya isn't. Aya wants as little to do with us as possible, and she'd see through any attempt to gain her trust as us pushing an agenda. The only way we have anything more to do with her is without her consent.
Instead of "avoid" I would frame it as "learn to control", as you pointed out, his reasons to be angry were mostly justified.

I just threw it out in the open. Sleep deprivation didn't help to formulate well. Your suggestion is both welcome and reasonable.

@Kiba will you please add it in modified state:

  • Reflect on recent outbursts of anger and commit to learn to control them in the future
How are we supposed to deal with that? Don't get me wrong, I love the chapter and see how it couldn't have easily been written this awesome if not from the new character's point of view, but how are people supposed to be able to keep this kind of OOC info out of their decision making? Even if we don't explicitly cheat here, there will naturally be plans that put Aya at the bottom of the three person shortlist. And how are people supposed to be clearly able to separate Aya's emotional makeup from all the other reasons that they might or might not prefer the other two candidates? Not to mention all the people who vote for plans without writing up their reasoning.

This is not supposed to be a criticism by the way. It is more about asking you if you have thought about how in some situations it is unavoidable for OOC knowledge to strongly influence decision making, and that sometimes quality storytelling might need a sacrifice in IC/OOC separation. It is of course up to you to decide wether it's worth it. Personally I think it is.
In this particular case, I don't think there is any metagaming. No one was picking her as their first choice before reading the interview.
Yeah but what specifically does this mean? What individual things should we dedicate plan space to?
Digging through Jiraiya's spy notes and getting whatever we can from the Tower for the plots we're doing. So, like...if we want to take the Capybara Scroll, we want to get whatever information we can on their last known location, lest we actually start on a months-cold trail. I want to be minimizing travel time on going back and forth through Leaf, basically.
In this particular case, I don't think there is any metagaming. No one was picking her as their first choice before reading the interview.


As a back up plan in case the other clans and Asuma shoot down increasing everyone's adoption slots option we should consider having Noburi ask Naruto if Naruto would be willing to adopt blade-whip girl into his clan. She's a capable ninja but there's nothing we desperately need from her at this time and Naruto could use the manpower in his clan too. Additionally, due to her large chakra reserves, she could succeed where Noburi could not and learn the Shadow Clone technique. Whether or not she could act as a mediator with/for Naruto is difficult to determine though: on the one hand she seems to be fairly level headed if somewhat shy. On the other hand she is a loyal Leaf ninja and if she knew Hazou had threatened treason for any reason she would be perfectly justified in lowering her opinion of the Goketsu.

I was hoping that Aya would be a shoe-in for learning Shadow Clones but with her mental state being what it is I could see her constantly maintaining an Ichika clone that would eventually pop to Aya's detriment.

All of this:
"Moving on to the next option: Kayano Aya. Sixteen. Pretty much the exact opposite of Yamamoto; shy, retiring, doesn't have a problem with anyone. Sweet kid, apparently. Her grades at the Academy weren't that good but, based on some of the notations in her file, I'm pretty sure it was because she wasn't putting herself forward enough to get the instruction she needed. She trains hard on her own; if she was bold enough to ask for help she'd do better.

"They tried to set her up as a support spec. She learned one or two genjutsu—I couldn't get details—but she prefers CQC. She fights with a pair of bladed chain whips." He shook his head admiringly. "A pair of the damn things. Not like my Water Whip, which is mostly a physical object but also somewhat influenced by my chakra control. Hers are purely physical and she moves them like crazy. I watched her do a multiple-attacker spar, three on one. The attackers were younger, but it was still three on one. She absolutely destroyed them, and she had safed the blades on her whips. If she'd been using live steel those kids would have been cut to ribbons on the first pass.

"Surprisingly for someone with that personality, she seems to have pretty big chakra reserves. During that sparring session I watched her Substitute at least six times and she was still boosting at the end.

"She's an orphan, so there's no family to act as either a pro or a con. Grew up in an orphanage but hasn't been back since she joined the Academy, so no ties there. No close relationships that I could find, so no one to hold her back from joining. No boyfriends, certainly. Poor, since she's clanless and isn't pushy enough to grab opportunities she could have had. Still, she's resourceful; her clothes are always perfectly turned out and cared for, but not showy. No traces of vanity that I could see, just self-respect. She's highly literate; she reads a lot, in a variety of subjects including poetry, tactics, shogi, children's stories, and three different schools of painting."
...makes her seem like a great clan minion for Naruto to have. All of the barely repressed lingering trauma we now know about OOC says otherwise.

But for all of the adoption candidates we should have a trial run where they each temporarily experience what it would mean to be a part of our clan so long as we do nothing illegal. We particularly need to stress what the differences are between being an affiliated ninja (like the KEI ninja) and actual clan member are. We need to make being a part of our family mean something moreso than just being a friend of the family but we can't risk alienating the KEI ninja lest their loyalties towards us start to fade. We've made it fairly obvious that the stipend is a polite fiction of a benefit at best with our chronic gambling problems, so how much of our Pangolin jutsu, which we aren't getting any more of to my knowledge, are we willing to teach new members of our clan? I'd recommend giving them the conditioning jutsu to start with and as they continue to prove their loyalty consider giving them more and more but still holding something back as a trump card by calling it a clan head exclusive.

I'm getting sidetracked though. For Aya in particular I think it would be wise to throw Akane at her and see what happens. Should be fun to read and should also give us useful information WRT if Aya is capable of tolerating our most affable team member or if we should just leave her alone until she approaches us herself.
[X] Action Plan: A Little R&R

Take care of any work that needs doing beforehand first to clear the schedule.

Take the family out for some sledding for a few hours while the snow is still on the ground. Make some snow angels. Have a snowball fight. Drink some hot chocolate. Invite a few others as appropriate.

Just have fun.
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I'd mostly like a short plan that waits for the responses of Mari and the adoption candidates. I definitely dislike how Autopilot handles Mari. Making her our interim secretary doesn't seem like the correct immediate follow-up after our speech last chapter.

I wish that I had had more time to follow the discussions between the last 2-3 votes, and maybe a better memory in general, because I feel like much of what would be the best stuff for Mari to do professionally and how to spend our time in general has been discussed in detail. I just don't know what the conclusions were.