"Moving on to the next option: Kayano Aya. Sixteen. Pretty much the exact opposite of Yamamoto; shy, retiring, doesn't have a problem with anyone. Sweet kid, apparently. Her grades at the Academy weren't that good but, based on some of the notations in her file, I'm pretty sure it was because she wasn't putting herself forward enough to get the instruction she needed. She trains hard on her own; if she was bold enough to ask for help she'd do better.
"They tried to set her up as a support spec. She learned one or two genjutsu—I couldn't get details—but she prefers CQC. She fights with a pair of bladed chain whips." He shook his head admiringly. "A pair of the damn things. Not like my Water Whip, which is mostly a physical object but also somewhat influenced by my chakra control. Hers are purely physical and she moves them like crazy. I watched her do a multiple-attacker spar, three on one. The attackers were younger, but it was still three on one. She absolutely destroyed them, and she had safed the blades on her whips. If she'd been using live steel those kids would have been cut to ribbons on the first pass.
"Surprisingly for someone with that personality, she seems to have pretty big chakra reserves. During that sparring session I watched her Substitute at least six times and she was still boosting at the end.
"She's an orphan, so there's no family to act as either a pro or a con. Grew up in an orphanage but hasn't been back since she joined the Academy, so no ties there. No close relationships that I could find, so no one to hold her back from joining. No boyfriends, certainly. Poor, since she's clanless and isn't pushy enough to grab opportunities she could have had. Still, she's resourceful; her clothes are always perfectly turned out and cared for, but not showy. No traces of vanity that I could see, just self-respect. She's highly literate; she reads a lot, in a variety of subjects including poetry, tactics, shogi, children's stories, and three different schools of painting."