*ahem* I added the idea to check out Suna, and instilling Asuma as Hokage. Still iffy about the latter, if we do so it means Hiashi's out of comission which is a demonstration of weakness, and Asuma already has negotiating power...
[X] Action Plan: Rocks Fell, Everyone Died
Word count: 284

Grab Mari and talk to her about Iwa's appearance.
  • Iwa: This makes no sense. Why didn't they strike earlier, while we were reeling and disorganized? Why give us the opportunity to fortify and reorganize? It's been 3 days!!!
    • Did Akatsuki attack all the nations? Iwa might've recognized Deidara's work, and deduced that they attacked us as well. Leaf's got fertile land Iwa needs, so they might be bluffing by claiming responsibility and trying to force us into capitulating.
    • OTOH, if Iwa was responsible, or aren't hurt badly by Akatsuki's attack, they might have the strength to attack if we call their bluff.
  • Regardless, Leaf needs to demonstrate their strength quickly, and negotiate like hell.
    • A intel-drop mission to Suna may be a good idea. They're allies, and if they're hit it'd provide evidence Iwa was attacked as well.
    • A Skywalking scouting mission to the border, to determine how strong their 'relief party' is, may be prudent. But they'd have to move and report back quickly.
    • For that matter, we need to keep tabs on the Iwa-nin, and see if they have other saboteurs elsewhere (underground??). Should get sensor-types to follow them, on Skywalkers if needed.
    • Iwa knows Leaf invented Skywalkers, maybe demonstrate their use en masse as a show of strength?
    • Ami's could be leveraged into suggesting Mist's already helping. Demonstrating a Leaf-Mist alliance could deter Iwa if they knew an attack would be met by Mist's forces.
    • Should we instate Asuma as Hokage? There are pros and cons to doing so...
    • ...Hate to say it, but Orochimaru's still alive, and Iwa may not know that. His mere presence could make them think twice.
  • Mari, as a more competent <everything>, how should we proceed?
Other ideas....

1. Interrogate Orochimaru. Has anyone actually asked him if he knows anything about all this? Don't forget, he had access to a lot of intelligence on Akatsuki and others... he might well have recognized this capability.

2. Move to prevent Orochimaru from taking advantage of panic from the Rock threat to become Hokage.

-I mean, has anyone considered... Orochimaru comes home, the Hokage and senior clan leaders immediately die, then a "delegation from Rock" shows up to threaten us? Didn't he always want to be Hokage? Wouldn't this be a perfect time for him to make a move while the clans are panicked and leaderless? Does anyone really think he'll do *nothing* with this opportunity?

3. Verify that this delegation from Rock is actually from Rock. I mean, we're just taking them at their fucking word, aren't we? A bunch of ninjas show up wearing Rock headbands and with a story to tell.... no one recognizes these guys. And in all the confusion and panic, no one has done much to verify their identity, have they? Get out some fucking bingo books, dig up ninjas who know something about Rock, find a civilian merchant who did a trade mission there. Do something to verify that these even are Rock ninjas? Are we being bluffed?

(Got to admit, I like this one.)
3. Verify that this delegation from Rock is actually from Rock. I mean, we're just taking them at their fucking word, aren't we? A bunch of ninjas show up wearing Rock headbands and with a story to tell.... no one recognizes these guys. And in all the confusion and panic, no one has done much to verify their identity, have they? Get out some fucking bingo books, dig up ninjas who know something about Rock, find a civilian merchant who did a trade mission there. Do something to verify that these even are Rock ninjas? Are we being bluffed?
Building on this: Where's the lumber merchant? We should interrogate them, Shirogane's speech implies that they were bringing him here.
How long does it take for an average ninja to travel between villages anyway? I mean, if a village gets attacked, the first day will go in figuring out what just happened and recovering what they can, the second day will go in reorganizing leadership (assuming the Kage isn't dead but important people are, if the Kage is dead then this takes much longer) and planning a response and this is the third day.

We don't know that they have a relief force. We only know that they sent a squad of ninja to Leaf, who claim to have a relief force.

For that matter, the 'relief force' isn't in Leaf, it's on the other side of the border. Or so they claim.

Well, obviously this is a 'relief force', but they probably have someone there given what they've said.

I'm going to throw off some wild ideas for the purposes of brainstorming. I'm not saying any of them should make it into a plan, but maybe it'll inspire some discussion.

1. Make Leaf look stronger than we are.
2. Find out who was really behind the attack.
3. Determine Rock's true intentions.

Does anyone disagree that these are priority objectives? Do you have other objectives to offer?

Make Leaf Look Stronger than We Are

1. Fake a military alliance with Mist by having Ami show up and imply that more Mist troops are on the way to reinforce Leaf. Other means...

2. Somehow parade Orochimaru past the Rock contingent and talk about how great it is to have "another of the Sannin back in action". (How to get Orochimaru to play along?)

3. Mass flight of skywalkers overhead.

Find Out What Was Really Behind the Attack

1. Get somebody down into the site of the collapses to investigate if that hasn't already been done.

2. Get Kagome to brainstorm... has he any idea what kind of seals could have done something like this and if there's any way to test for them after the fact?

3. Other ideas???? (no matter how wild, just throw it on the table)

Determine Rock's True Intentions

1. Immediate mission with Skywalkers and Noburi for fuel to go to Rock and perform a high altitude visual inspection. (If buildings have collapsed, it will be obvious!) Carry a Summon along with the team, then have it dismiss itself so that the results of the observation can quickly be communicated back.

2. Investigate surrounding area looking for hidden Rock teams. (Given that they're likely stashed underground I don't know how effective this will be.)

3. Run some kind of bluff/con job on the Rock team to get them to tip their hand. (Anyone have any ideas?)

I find it unlikely Ami would agree to pretend that Mist is allied with Leaf without talking to anyone in Mist about it. It's worth ensuring that the Rock contingent sees that Ami, a Mist ninja, is here in Leaf peacefully - that's a good bluff - but nothing more than that is likely to be possible.

Orochimaru is a good idea. Make sure Rock knows he's around. Keiko can also summon a couple tough-looking Pangolins.

Not sure about Skywalkers, probably best to let Asuma decide what we do with those. I'm sure he's already investigating what exactly happened. I think the most important question is, assuming the attack can't be done without someone on site preparing it first, how did the attackers get under Leaf undetected. It's probably a safe bet to say that this sort of an attack is not a simple thing to orchestrate (if it is we're doomed anyway).

I'm assuming Rock is too far for an immediate mission, since we're talking time scales of a day, two at most before things come to a head. But a high-altitude Skywalker scout of this Rock 'relief force' would definitely be a good idea, and I'm assuming Asuma is going to order such. Worth mentioning anyway, even if it is pretty obvious. We should ask social specs (Mari) what they can tell about this Rock team, and what they're like; if they're not social-specced themselves then yes we can get a lot of information out of the negotiations and if they are, that tells us more about what Rock has planned.

Affirming Asuma as a Hokage quickly is a good idea. The Rock ninja know at this point that either the Hokage is dead or seriously injured, so it's not tipping our hand much and clear leadership is critical.

I don't know much about Leaf's current combat strength, but if the scouting mission on the Rock camp works out, we should also plan for potentially striking them pre-emptively and destroying their invasion force.
-I mean, has anyone considered... Orochimaru comes home, the Hokage and senior clan leaders immediately die, then a "delegation from Rock" shows up to threaten us? Didn't he always want to be Hokage? Wouldn't this be a perfect time for him to make a move while the clans are panicked and leaderless? Does anyone really think he'll do *nothing* with this opportunity?
I don't think hes been characterized as someone who gives a shit about being Hokage. He seems much more the "I am a wizard who goes into a building to do magical wizard research of highly questionable ethical standards and I don't care much about other things" type.
Personal thoughts:
+1 to Temporary-Kage
+1 to Sand investigation / intel
+1 to Verify identity
+1 to Don't start a playfight
+1 to Scout the relief party / for invasion force

- Get in contact with Ami
- Get in contact with Mist

Or alternately, just disallow plans where Hazou is going to do auto-fail stupid shit and tell players to try again with a different vote.
Not gonna lie, this would be nice.
How long does it take for an average ninja to travel between villages anyway? I mean, if a village gets attacked, the first day will go in figuring out what just happened and recovering what they can, the second day will go in reorganizing leadership (assuming the Kage isn't dead but important people are, if the Kage is dead then this takes much longer) and planning a response and this is the third day.
In theory. It's under 200 miles from Leaf to Rock, meaning about 8-9 hours at ninja speed. Remember, the EN is *tiny*. Fire is about the size of Oregon, the Western continent is roughly the size of Texas, and
he entire map fits into the Southwest USA.
I don't think hes been characterized as someone who gives a shit about being Hokage. He seems much more the "I am a wizard who goes into a building to do magical wizard research of highly questionable ethical standards and I don't care much about other things" type.
"Let me guess," Mari said. "Most of the jōnin died at Nagi, most of the remaining clan jōnin died just now, the clans are crippled, there's no Hokage, Tsunade and Orochimaru don't care about politics as long as the village is safe, and Naruto co-founded the KEI, and is on their side as long as their activities benefit the village. Your move."
There's probably ninja who have already been training. Considering war was on the horizon and dog scroll had no owner. Sure, Hiashi was using it as a carrot. But he'd make sure there were good candidates since he wasn't an idiot.
That doesn't really make much sense. You don't just have your most promising ninja spend months of training on the off chance you gain a summoning scroll later on. The fact Neji needed to start training with Asuma the moment he got the turtle scroll is proof enough of that.

It's very specialized, longterm training, no one would learn without good reason.
Not to our knowledge. This isn't canon-Orochimaru.

I'll point out we saw visions of possible futures where Orochimaru seems to have very much "taken over" even if he isn't being addressed as Hokage.

Have we really suspicious enough here? Orochimaru comes home and there's an immediate decapitation strike on clan heads and the current Hokage. That could be a coincidence sure, but if he does intend on a power play it would be an awfully ballsy opener. Assuming he wants some sort of legitimacy rather than ruling through only force, eliminating many of the clan heads who would be most suspicious of him, letting things stew for a few days, and then making a move offering himself up as a potential savior would be a damn good strategy.

I'm just saying that in all the confusion, someone should keep an eye on what Mr. Snake is up to and not assume he's going to stay passive.
Where is Tsunade at the moment? We want Rock to see her as well.

I don't think it likely that Rock is entirely bluffing this whole thing. What would be their goal? They get Leaf to agree to being a vassal state, then two weeks later Leaf has figured out that whoops, Rock was actually wrecked as well and is equally weak, and then Leaf burns the vassalage contract and dares Rock to do something about it.

EDIT: I agree someone needs to keep an eye on Orochimaru, but that someone is not us. And, honestly, we need him at the moment so we can't afford to be tactless and insult him either.
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Ok we learned the pangolin training jutsu between Chapter 154 and 155, which spans 7 days. All while doing a lot of other things too. So we might be able to get Leaf to learn it before a potential war.
Sure but what exactly would that accomplish by the time war starts? It's a minor armor buff at best and the real value of the PCJ is the longterm improvements to physique, which we wont see bear fruit until way after the war will end(assuming we don't all die). We don't really gain anything from this, really all it'll do is weaken the Goketsu clan in the future.
I don't think it likely that Rock is entirely bluffing this whole thing. What would be their goal? They get Leaf to agree to being a vassal state, then two weeks later Leaf has figured out that whoops, Rock was actually wrecked as well and is equally weak, and then Leaf burns the vassalage contract and dares Rock to do something about it.
Assuming Iwa is bluffing, them getting agreements lets their troops march into the Land of Fire and set up fortifications freely (and take the food from arable land); later, if Konoha finds out they've been conned, they have to fight against multiple layers of fortifications that cripple their ability to fully push Iwa out. At least, without weakening them enough that other countries might start eyeing the weakened Leaf.
Doing this has its own good and bad parts, but regardless I don't think it'll be very difficult given how many alternatives are dead and how Asuma was explicitly stated to be Hiashi's planned heir.

I mean, yes. We can do that, but it's not...it's not something Hazou should really expect to spend a lot of time on.
Eh to be fair I think pushing for an official chain of command to be built up quickly isn't a bad idea. We really do need clear leadership with so many dead, and Konoha needs a face for the world to see.
Assuming Iwa is bluffing, them getting agreements lets their troops march into the Land of Fire and set up fortifications freely (and take the food from arable land); later, if Konoha finds out they've been conned, they have to fight against multiple layers of fortifications that cripple their ability to fully push Iwa out. At least, without weakening them enough that other countries might start eyeing the weakened Leaf.
I see what you mean though are fortifications that big of a deal when you can just bomb them from the sky? I mean it destroys some land true but Fire is the world's breadbasket and could probably make Rock suffer for it via embargo.
I see what you mean though are fortifications that big of a deal when you can just bomb them from the sky? I mean it destroys some land true but Fire is the world's breadbasket and could probably make Rock suffer for it via embargo.
Nothing stops Iwa from harvesting what crops they have before retreating. Which gets them the resources and leaves Leaf with nothing.

As for an embargo...I don't think Leaf has the military power needed to enforce an embargo.
Well, when your side's ninja are only "very nearly dead" and the other folks are "D-E-A-D dead" early on, the rocket tag starts snowballing a bit.
I don't disagree necessarily, I just don't think it'll make enoughof a difference to be worth the loss in personal power/the consequences of giving away pangolin jutsu
Nothing stops Iwa from harvesting what crops they have before retreating. Which gets them the resources and leaves Leaf with nothing.

As for an embargo...I don't think Leaf has the military power needed to enforce an embargo.
Can't argue there, we're in a really tough spot here.
Plan updated. I fingered Orochimaru as a potential culprit, and asked to verify the Iwa-nin's story. Did a bit of reordering for word count.
[X] Action Plan: Rocks Fell, Everyone Died
Word count: 289

Grab Mari and talk to her about Iwa's appearance.
  • Iwa: This makes no sense. Why didn't they strike earlier, while we were reeling and disorganized? Why give us the opportunity to fortify and reorganize? It's been 3 days!!!
    • Did Akatsuki attack all the nations? Iwa might've recognized Deidara's work, and deduced that they attacked us as well. Leaf's got fertile land Iwa needs, so they might be bluffing by claiming responsibility and trying to force us into capitulating.
    • OTOH, if Iwa was responsible, or aren't hurt badly by Akatsuki's attack, they might have the strength to attack if we call their bluff.
    • ...you know, it is surprising that Leaf was attacked mere hours after Orochimaru came back.
  • Regardless, Leaf needs to demonstrate their strength quickly, and negotiate like hell.
    • Scouting missions to the Iwa border and to Suna seem to be priorities.
      • Checking the "relief party"'s strength lets us know how much threat we're under; though they'd have to move quickly.
      • Suna's our ally, and them being hit provides evidence in favor of an Akatsuki attack.
    • Keep tabs on the Iwa-nin, and see what other saboteurs are nearby (check underground). Should mass sensor-types, on Skywalkers if needed.
    • We should also verify their story. Where's the lumber merchant they were escorting?
    • Iwa knows Leaf invented Skywalkers, maybe demonstrate their use en masse as a show of strength?
    • Ami's could be leveraged into suggesting Mist's already helping. Demonstrating a Leaf-Mist alliance could deter Iwa if they knew an attack would be met by Mist's forces.
    • Should we instate Asuma as Hokage? There are pros and cons to doing so...
    • Orochimaru's still alive; his mere presence could make Iwa think twice.
  • Mari, as a more competent <everything>, how should we proceed?
Nothing stops Iwa from harvesting what crops they have before retreating. Which gets them the resources and leaves Leaf with nothing.

As for an embargo...I don't think Leaf has the military power needed to enforce an embargo.

There's no way they'd have time to build large-scale layered fortifications or harvest the crops in the time it takes for us to get word from Rock that they've also been attacked.
There's no way they'd have time to build large-scale layered fortifications or harvest the crops in the time it takes for us to get word from Rock that they've also been attacked.
They're ninja, and more importantly, Iwa ninja. They grew up in mountainous desert/rock, they probably specialize in Doton. Which is, like, the fortification element. Plus, they've probably planned some sort of invasion for decades. No way they don't have the ability to make effective fortifications quickly, when a random Mist instructor could make a massive on-the-spot structure for testing fucking Academy students.
As @FieryStarVictory suggested.

We should temporarily join Rock to transfer the higher difficulty level to them. Join back once they're too fucked to bother us anymore.
By far the most important thing we could do is rigging up some poor man's Sky Squids and going on an expedition to check if Rock was attacked or what forces they have near the border. If we could get this done in 2 hours, we could be in Rock 40 minutes after that, then back in Leaf in another 40.

Is this possible? I think there's a very good chance. It doesn't have to be perfect, just to work. We could literally use the wagon that we cut lumber with if we added a spring to it. Even springs are optional in a pinch -- you could use your hand to provide an even, consistent force. Setting multiple teams to work in parallel, Nara experts on more complicated portions, and tearing up existing structures to save time and we could even have enough time to practice piloting it, first.
I think PMSS are banned according to WoG in Discord. Don't ask me to quote that, I only learned about it recently, and secondhand.