"First, we should see about adopting more civilians. People with political and financial skills who can take some load off Mari. Maybe teenagers who could be trained up. We should also acquire operatives—civilians whom we pay with money, favors, or training, but don't actually adopt. Being separate from us lets them do things that we couldn't do directly, being connected to us gives them funds and opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise. Mari, can you handle that?"
Did Mari get any further this?
We've been dealing with signing off on the economics questions and are all feeling a bit drained. Could you please figure out how many days it's been since then? In fact...

+1 XP if someone does a full timeline update including figuring out when the above discussion happened.
We've been dealing with signing off on the economics questions and are all feeling a bit drained. Could you please figure out how many days it's been since then? In fact...

+1 XP if someone does a full timeline update including figuring out when the above discussion happened.

Mari was given the assignment on Jan 5th, KEI was unveiled on Jan 16th [Player Timeline Part 4]. No idea how many days since KEI started, but probably 1-3 by my understanding?
@Rihaku Remind me: Was there a reason not to do away with the concept of "genin / chūnin / jōnin" seals and just say "Each one has a price, make whatever you can, if you cause too many seal accidents there will be legal repercussions on your clan" ?

The three tier system is primarily an abstraction for simplicity's sake. Realistically the seal pricing function in an open market would be a combination of:

1) Supply for the seal (# of sealmasters that can make it)
2) Demand for the seal (how useful is it?)
3) Some complicating factors like sticky prices, need for stability among both buyers and sellers leading to more consistent production lots than a perfect allocator would supply, etc.

If sophisticated financialization exists (I think at least the Kage can manage this), then insurance for sealcrafting accidents might also exist, though the actuarial tables may be too costly to compute for a society of this scale.
The three tier system is primarily an abstraction for simplicity's sake. Realistically the seal pricing function in an open market would be a combination of:

1) Supply for the seal (# of sealmasters that can make it)
2) Demand for the seal (how useful is it?)
3) Some complicating factors like sticky prices, need for stability among both buyers and sellers leading to more consistent production lots than a perfect allocator would supply, etc.

If sophisticated financialization exists (I think at least the Kage can manage this), then insurance for sealcrafting accidents might also exist, though the actuarial tables may be too costly to compute for a society of this scale.

I have intensely amused myself with the idea that attempting to draw up sealing-risk-insurance actuarial tables accidentally itself caused a sealing failure.
Incidentally, I should have offered a thank you to everyone who pitched in on putting together answers to the economics questions, and double extra super thank you to @Kiba for organizing all of it and pushing it through. You guys rock!
I don't like it either. I just don't want the others to start a thing over it.

Would you consider revoting if it comes down to this versus a plan where we once again don't take significant actions?

I have a different interpretation of what EJ said, mainlly it's not so much having a sanity check. The plan, as written, simply won't work.

Kabuto won't say yes and stays independent. We don't even have a contingency plan if he still said no.
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I have a different interpretation of what EJ said, mainly it's not so much about the sanity check, but the plan as written, won't work.

Kabuto won't say yes and stays independent. We don't even have a contingency plan if he still said no.

I think we can persuade him. Kabuto wants independance so he can do research more easily. But now, that's changed because we have an absolutely amazing carrot (Oro-lab bio stuff) that we can withhold from him unless he joins us. We can create a scenario where he can do research more easily if he gives up his independance. I think he'll be willing to join us.

We don't need a contingency plan in this update for if he says no, because the plan only covers until the end of the negotiations. Also, what would we even need contingencies for? If Kabuto says no then we're not in a worse position than we started in. There's no reason to run damage control on a situation that merely failed to get better.
How about our contingency is doing Sealing research and finally finishing that goddamn ESP seal.

That's not really a contingency. It's more of a "what do we do next?" thing.

I'd be perfectly happy if Sunday's update was something along the lines of

Action Plan: Blah Blah Blah
  • Hazou, Kagome, and Kabuto (if he joined) do research.
    • Hazou finishes ESP seals.
    • Kagome learns one of J's seals or something from Deidara's Master's notes.
    • Kabuto gets started on those octocat corpses or whatever other bioheckery catches his eye.
  • Mari goes out doing PR/recruiting/intrigue/other Mari things.
  • Akane (and Noburi once he's recovered enough) go teach at the academy or something.
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That's not really a contingency. It's more of a "what do we do next?" thing.

I'd be perfectly happy if next update was something along the lines of

Action Plan: Blah Blah Blah
  • Hazou, Kagome, and Kabuto (if he joined) do research.
    • Hazou finishes ESP seals.
    • Kagome learns one of J's seals or something from Diedara's Master's notes.
    • Kabuto gets started on those octocat corpses or whatever other bioheckery catches his eye.
  • Mari goes out doing PR/recruiting/intrigue/other Mari things.
  • Akane (and Noburi once he's recovered enough) go teach at the academy or something.
My main problem with the plan is like. It could be very easily summarized in like two lines "Kabuto accepts/denies. What do you do next?" Answering that question is important.
My main problem with the plan is like. It could be very easily summarized in like two lines "Kabuto accepts/denies. What do you do next?" Answering that question is important.

Well you can quickly summarise any chapter. Last chapter could be summarised as "Everyone was fine except Noburi, who needs to get a medic to poke at his face. What do you do next?".

In practice it's going to be a drawn out social scene (presumably with flashbacks to Hazou and Mari planning their approach together), which Velorien excels at.

Whether Kabuto says yes or no, our next steps will look very similar. The only thing that changes is whether Kabuto is unpacking his luggage at the compound in the background.
I think we can persuade him. Kabuto wants independance so he can do research more easily. But now, that's changed because we have an absolutely amazing carrot (Oro-lab bio stuff) that we can withhold from him unless he joins us. We can create a scenario where he can do research more easily if he gives up his independance. I think he'll be willing to join us.

We don't need a contingency plan in this update for if he says no, because the plan only covers until the end of the negotiations. Also, what would we even need contingencies for? If Kabuto says no then we're not in a worse position than we started in. There's no reason to run damage control on a situation that merely failed to get better.

Kabuto ,at the moment is:
1)in a completely safe situation from everyone in Leaf
2)Has a substantial amount of resources from Leaf
3)Has substantial amount of goodwill from all the Clan
4)Enough Secret Clearance to study things we don't even know they exist.

We're asking him to paint a target on his back, renounce to all the resources and good will from the other clan(Because the Hyuga will come on him hard if he joins us), AND renounce his independence for what? Some cool stuff from Orochimaru? If he just asked, Hiashi would jump at the possibility of ordering us to surrender all the "dangerous artifact from a known S-rank Madmen" to "Security of Leaf experts". If we want him we need to assure safety, freedom and resources before anything else, AND then offer a big shiny to convince him to join us(Actual and complete Oro-Lab bio stuff, not bits and pieces of the dungeon).
In short, we lack the basic stuff to ask him. Do we want to recruit someone? Ask Minori to help us with the homeless civilians, with pay if she's conflicted, it will help her mentally and show what Goketsu is about.
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If Kabuto is like "Well no but also no" then asking him "Hmmm. Well, hypothetically what in the six paths could be offered to you in addition that would tip the scales there?" might be good.

If you could add something like:
  • Go hangout at some hotsprings with family and friends to de-stress a bit.
    • Prepare corner for Shikamaru/Keiko/etc to read and drink tea/chocolate.
That'd be swell. We're due for a beach episode.

If Kabuto is like "Well no but also no" then asking him "Hmmm. Well, hypothetically what in the six paths could be offered to you in addition that would tip the scales there?" might be good.

If you could add something like:
  • Go hangout at some hotsprings with family and friends to de-stress a bit.
    • Prepare corner for Shikamaru/Keiko/etc to read and drink tea/chocolate.
That'd be swell. We're due for a beach episode.

We have a hot spring!