[X] Action Plan: Do Things

Yessssssss!!!! We're finally getting a plan together to loot the basement!

Would it be possible to add something about checking out the garden too? Maybe we could offer to Kabuto to let him take a look, but only if he shares whatever he finds there?

[x] [ParadeInvite]: Hazou did not offer it to Aito
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[X] Action Plan: Do Things

Yessssssss!!!! We're finally getting a plan together to loot the basement!

Would it be possible to add something about checking out the garden too? Maybe we could offer to Kabuto to let him take a look, but only if he shares whatever he finds there?
I feel like the medicinal herb garden is a lower priority. That can be Noburi's Herbology homework next week or something. We could maybe ask Tsunade to take a look too, since thats less weird than asking her to look at the creepy dungeon.

I don't necessarily trust Kabuto to the extent I'm comfortable letting him explore spooky bullshit thats hidden on our property. The odds of him yoinking shinies are too high IMO.
To distract myself:

@eaglejarl @OliWhail @Velorien Akane has 1408 unspent XP. Can you/we please do something about that?
Thanks for the reminder.

Suggestions are welcome, although there's a big caveat: This XP was mostly earned while Hazō was not around, so the suggestions need to be, in our opinion, something that Akane would have thought of, had access to, and chosen to do. We reserve the right to ignore and/or modify any and all suggestions.

(Seriously, thanks for the reminder: I had forgotten all about this.)
You should probably put something in telling Shikamaru how we'll do this without Hiashi just putting us in jail once he has the excuse of us leaving the village without permission. If we were out of the village during the update, it was probably because we took a mission that was near the area we were in and used that to get out of the village.
We're not doing it this update, but thanks for the concern. I'm going to sleep on it, and see if I can't come up with something overnight, plus ways to fit it all under 300 words.
Thanks for the reminder.

Suggestions are welcome, although there's a big caveat: This XP was mostly earned while Hazō was not around, so the suggestions need to be, in our opinion, something that Akane would have thought of, had access to, and chosen to do. We reserve the right to ignore and/or modify any and all suggestions.

(Seriously, thanks for the reminder: I had forgotten all about this.)
Hm...she's mostly focused on Taijutsu training (with Lee, Guy, and Tsunade) as well as general knowledge (with Tsunade). Dunno what the latter means, though it might be on Alertness/Athletics-related stuff. She might have focused on social stuff (since she lost because of that) and EM (since Hazou indicated that it'll be pretty important for money-making), as well.
Thanks for the reminder.

Suggestions are welcome, although there's a big caveat: This XP was mostly earned while Hazō was not around, so the suggestions need to be, in our opinion, something that Akane would have thought of, had access to, and chosen to do. We reserve the right to ignore and/or modify any and all suggestions.

(Seriously, thanks for the reminder: I had forgotten all about this.)
Gimme a little while and I can build a build progression and then we can quibble on details.
We should see about having her put some in CR, since it's a good general stat to improve for future use - and she was mostly uncertain what to do during that time frame, so putting it somewhere that's never a waste seems reasonable.
You posted before I could edit, so I want to be clear that I want to check if Kabuto's set up the plan for the experiments yet.
Edoot. I'm not happy with the wordcount. Might suggest Kabuto stuff and maybe some portions of the "Cry and maintain yourselves" stuff get offscreened.
[X] Action Plan: Do Things
Wordcount: 351

  • Go to Mari. Hug her a lot. None of this is her fault.
  • Find Naruto, he's probably feeling pretty betrayed and might be in dire straits emotionally.
  • Go back to the clan compound with him. Hug it out and freak out with everyone for a bit. Slowly let out all the pent up emotions you've been dealing with since J died.
  • Commiserate with everyone. Then put your game face on.

Ami's Favor:
  • Have Mari set everything into motion as necessary.

  • Its time to clear out the basement.
  • Why?
    • This is Orochimaru's old house.
      • Maybe Orochimaru is just that fucking nuts, or... one good reason to have a billion basement levels and fill them with dangerous monsters is because theres something stashed away there! Something that you don't want other people to get their hands on. Regardless we need to find out sooner rather than later.
  • Procedure:
    • Safety Protocols:
      • Employ any and all safety protocols that Naruto,Mari, Noburi, Hazou,and Kagome can come up with.
      • Don't breathe the air(Tunneler's Friends, Usamatsu's ) wear enough layers so that you never directly touch anything, have clones/shadow clones go in first, watch out for traps.
      • Be exceedingly careful and methodical.
      • Abort and send for Tsunade at the first sign of nontrivial medical issues.
    • Clearing:
      • Have clones take samples of weirder biological/chemical stuff.
      • Use Mist Drain to knock out mutated chakra monsters.
    • Store and/or catalog everything else. Corpses, research notes, beakers, whatever.


  • Send Noburi to meet with Kabuto. Subjects:
    • Check on how the " Shadow Clone/Summoning interacting with Noburi's bloodline" plans are going.
    • Kagome and/or Hazou would like access to Arikada's notes and maybe some other biosealing texts or research materials if possible.
      • He is the resident expert can he provide them? Maybe the occasional tutoring too if hes versed in the subject?
      • If not can he recommend someone?
    • Entirely unrelated: Hazou wouldn't mind some regular testing on his bloodline to help optimize or gain more scientific data on it. We thought Kabuto would be interested in this as well, would he like to do science with us?
Have been busy with own projects so haven't been as active here lately, but setting the whole retcon business to one side, a couple things stand out to me:

1) It's good that you got confirmation that Hiashi's election is not an instant death knell for the Leaf section of the quest, since IC elements were selling it as life or death. However, the text of the update and the circumstances of his election make it clear that he is politically the weakest Kage ever, unable to take potentially destabilizing actions like Killing You with Missions, because:

2) Not only did Hiashi have eight clans opposing him - with an unambiguous majority, nine, opposing him had the S-rank Jinchuuriki and foundation of the Village's national security policy been given a voice - he didn't even actually win the election. He's only Hokage because Asuma voluntarily stepped down into a #2 role and everyone knows it. Every single other Kage in the history of Leaf has been a high-tier S-ranker of extraordinary power and renown. Hiashi is nowhere close to their stature. This is as close to a 'coalition government' as one can get given Kage politics, hence Hiashi is forced to make noises about unity, etc nonstop.

3) Situations like this enforce a Schelling Fence where both sides can take 'unifying actions' but are unable to take 'disunifying actions,' the alternative is cold (bureaucratic, economic) or hot (civil) war. No one wants that so no one is incentivized to rock the boat politically. If Hiashi wants to be anything but a Kage In Name Only he can only take actions that are clearly for the overall good of Leaf, and the costs of said actions must be visibly borne at least in part, ideally more, by members of his coalition, lest he be de-legitimized.

4) Therefore, at least we can say the players achieved this: Hiashi is the politically (and physically) weakest Kage in history with the most politically powerful Jounin Commander in history who is ideally positioned to usurp him at the first sign of de-legitimization. By every metric (including 'who would win in a fight,' since he has access to the action-economy-breaking Summons), Asuma is actually the more legitimate candidate: he's the son of the God of Shinobi, the longest-reigning Kage of all time, he got more votes, his voters were more committed while Hiashi's were wafflers, etc.

5) So what benefits does this achievement grant?

A. The Meeting - To resolve the many practical questions & implementation details of their new alliance and the new administration in general, the two factions (or at least their leaders) will almost certainly have a meeting shortly (~1 day?) after the election. Their factions were opposed for good reason, now they need to make peace and bind the alliance together. This probably means concessions from the winning party to the loser (blunt the sting), graft, favorable contracts, and betrothals.

I doubt he would go for Noburi, but it's quite likely that Naruto (if he agrees) will end up being Boruto's dad once more, if you know what I'm saying... and Naruto would not agree to join the Hyuuga so Hinata would be marrying into the Uzumaki Keiko-style. This alone would afford enormous protections to Naruto's friends and family. Even if this didn't happen, Asuma's not dumb, he'd going to get baseline defensive concessions for his bloc as a matter of course, assuming that Tsunade hasn't already gotten that for the Goketsu because:

B. Tsunade - There is no fucking way that Tsunade would elect a Kage who intends to, or even risks the intention to, kill the family of Jiraiya, her closer-than-a-brother teammate of 40+ years and recent martyr who saved the world, especially since Akane is a Goketsu and her apprentice.

"There will not be even the remotest hint of a possibility that you the Kage or the Hyuuga clan will, directly or indirectly, by action or negligence, by your own hand or through intermediaries, cause harm to befall Jiraiya's family, and I don't give a fuck whether you think they're legitimately his family or not, it's what he would have wanted so I'm going to protect them" should be one of the foundational components of her agreement with Hiashi, and it would also explain why Tsunade found it tolerable to hose Naruto on the vote. In her mind she's already protected you, so she's just being chauvanistic, not betraying her teammate's memory.

C. Respect - This depends on whether Hiashi esposes his "ability = worth" philosophy as a rationalization for his gut feelings or he actually believes it. In the former case he will always dislike you and is merely unable to move against you because of his honor and political realities. In the latter case, your efforts having politically driven him to the absolute brink, he may feel like you were worthy opponents and thereby a worthwhile clan, especially in the post-victory flush of magnanimity.


On a meta-level, @eaglejarl , I think the quest would run smoother if you guys appointed a Head GM. Decision-making is just so much faster when you have the throughput of the human brain instead of relying on lossy text communication! Hierarchy is annoying but I think the costs would be worth the gains.

The Head GM would only have one power:

1. Can approve things without consulting the other two GMs. Everyone understands that things approved may be retconned later for any reason.

From what I've seen, the amount of times you would actually have to retcon would be very low, maybe 2% of cases, whereas the amount of time saved on all fronts (coordination discussion etc) would be orders of magnitude greater. You could pass around the Head GM role to whoever has the most time / energy for a given period. And since everyone understands the tradeoff (slight inaccuracy vs vastly higher approval speed), the 'political' cost of retconning would be virtually nil.
B. Tsunade - There is no fucking way that Tsunade would elect a Kage who intends to, or even risks the intention to, kill the family of Jiraiya, her closer-than-a-brother teammate of 40+ years and recent martyr who saved the world, especially since Akane is a Goketsu and her apprentice.

I believed that previously, but this update makes me seriously doubt her judgement and her ability to reason. Hiashi's plan wasn't persuasive, it was nuts and deeply unlikely to work. It also has several key factors that give Hiashi far more control over Tsunade in the future than she would willingly hand over. Tsunade should have seen that as obvious.
B. Tsunade - There is no fucking way that Tsunade would elect a Kage who intends to, or even risks the intention to, kill the family of Jiraiya, her closer-than-a-brother teammate of 40+ years and recent martyr who saved the world, especially since Akane is a Goketsu and her apprentice.

"There will not be even the remotest hint of a possibility that you the Kage or the Hyuuga clan will, directly or indirectly, by action or negligence, by your own hand or through intermediaries, cause harm to befall Jiraiya's family, and I don't give a fuck whether you think they're legitimately his family or not, it's what he would have wanted so I'm going to protect them" should be one of the foundational components of her agreement with Hiashi, and it would also explain why Tsunade found it tolerable to hose Naruto on the vote. In her mind she's already protected you, so she's just being chauvanistic, not betraying her teammate's memory.
I'd express the sentiment that Tsunade cares about our survival a bit less than she ought to be, given that she put up just a token protest, in my view:
"Oh, I dunno about that. The other Founding Clans, especially the Ino-Shika-Chō, might have a comment or two on the subject. Sage's boils, even the Gōketsu seem to be coming along nicely in terms of money and punching." Honestly, what was it with people wanting to cash in on her image lately?

He dismissed the words with the casual wave of someone batting away an irritating fly. "No other Founding Clan can match the Hyūga, and even most pairs would struggle. As to those upstart traitors...well."

Her eyes narrowed. "Be careful, Hiashi. Those 'upstart traitors' were Jiraiya's clan."

"'Upstart' or 'traitor': Which of those words is undeserved?"

She considered that for a moment, jaw working as she chewed the thought. "You know, for a 'master diplomat', you really fucking piss me off."
I believed that previously, but this update makes me seriously doubt her judgement and her ability to reason. Hiashi's plan wasn't persuasive, it was nuts and deeply unlikely to work. It also has several key factors that give Hiashi far more control over Tsunade in the future than she would willingly hand over. Tsunade should have seen that as obvious.
I'd toss the arrow of logic the opposite direction, in my opinion: if Hiashi and Tsunade both think that a given plan is viable, it's likely that the plan is viable despite how it might sound to us.

After all, they're super-ninjas with decades of experience in the ninja deathworld (which we do not have) as well as a higher breadth of information thanks to actually living in the ninja deathworld as opposed to viewing it through words on a page. In a situation like that, it looks more likely to me that the plan is more reasonable than it sounds than that Hiashi and Tsunade both suddenly caught a case of the idiot.
I'd toss the arrow of logic the opposite direction, in my opinion: if Hiashi and Tsunade both think that a given plan is viable, it's likely that the plan is viable despite how it might sound to us.

After all, they're super-ninjas with decades of experience in the ninja deathworld (which we do not have) as well as a higher breadth of information thanks to actually living in the ninja deathworld as opposed to viewing it through words on a page. In a situation like that, it looks more likely to me that the plan is more reasonable than it sounds than that Hiashi and Tsunade both suddenly caught a case of the idiot.

Hiashi has always been self assured about his own superiority and power, so overestimating himself and what he can realistically accomplish is not surprising. I suspect the real reason Tsunade avoids politics is she is horrible at it.
We could maybe ask Tsunade to take a look too, since thats less weird than asking her to look at the creepy dungeon.
This sounds like a good idea. We'd better make sure that Hazō doesn't yell at her or something though. He's probably pretty ticked off at the betrayal, and he might do something rash.

Actually, we should probably work to make sure Hazō doesn't hold any hard feelings against Tsunade in general here, or at least acts that way. She's now a big thing keeping us from dying or becoming marginalized.
Akane's current status:
40's: 2 (Taijutsu, Athletics)
30's: 2 (Alertness, Trapmaking)
20's: 2 (Physique, Resolve)
10's: 9

This is a pretty tight pyramid, which means Akane doesn't have all that much freedom in her build choices. She could move a 40 up to 50 (it'd take a lot of XP tho) or a 10 up to 20, but anything else would require juggling. Anyways, the first assumption I'm going to make is that Akane, being a Taijutsu nut training with Taijutsu nuts, is going to put at least half of her XP into her main combat stats. Let's see how far ~700 XP takes her.

Taijutsu 40 --> 50 for 455 XP.
Alertness 30 --> 39 for 313 XP. (Can't bump up tiers or the pyramid breaks)
50's: 1 (Taijutsu)
40's: 1 (Athletics)
30's: 2 (Alertness, Trapmaking)
20's: 2 (Physique, Resolve)
10's: 9
This is a little more than half (768 XP in total) but it's a large increase to her direct combat capability. Now it's time to look at other things in her build to buff.
  • Akane's social build focuses on Resolve and Empathy. Of the two, Empathy is lagging behind at 18.
  • Elemental Mastery, beyond utility purposes, is a powerful area denial jutsu that should prove very useful to a Taijutsu-spec trying to force enemies where she can get to them. At level 10 it can raise temperatures by 50 degrees, which is hot but maybe not hot enough in every situation.
  • Chakra Reserves is useful no matter what you're doing.
  • Flame Aura is a pretty solid buff jutsu and getting it to level 20 would prove quite useful.
  • Akane also has fighting styles keying off of Trapmaking and Physique, so there's also value in buffing those.
As such, here's a set of minor upgrades to help keep her build rounded out (she has 640 XP left):

Empathy 18 --> 20 for 39 XP.
Elemental Mastery 10 --> 14 for 50 XP. (Gets the jutsu up to +/- 70 C which lets her make a zone unbearably hot even in frigid winter)
Chakra Reserves 17 --> 20 for 114 XP.
Flame Aura 10 --> 20 for 130 XP (Remember that EM 14 gives a discount for FA 11-14)
Quick halfway break, we have 307 XP still and our pyramid looks like this:
50's: 1 (Taijutsu)
40's: 1 (Athletics)
30's: 2 (Alertness, Trapmaking)
20's: 5 (Physique, Resolve, Empathy, Chakra, Flame Aura)
10's: 6
If we can get Physique up to 30 (and thus make it on par with Trapmaking, the other fighting style stat) we free up room to bump Alertness up to 40. Let's see if we can do that:
Physique 25 --> 30 for 140 XP.
Alertness 39 --> 40 for 40 XP.
50's: 1 (Taijutsu)
40's: 2 (Athletics, Alertness)
30's: 2 (Trapmaking, Physique)
20's: 4 (Resolve, Empathy, Chakra, Flame Aura)
10's: 6
And that leaves 127 XP to play around with, which shouldn't be enough to meaningfully affect the pyramid.

As a general build plan, what do you guys think? I think this covers the main bases for what Akane would have been doing on her own initiative: stick to her strengths and round things out a little. I don't know the full situation, so if she was doing something else like learning MedKnow from Tsunade or getting Earth affinity for PEA she wouldn't be nearly this far along in the progression, but for a general template to build on I think it works pretty well.
I'd express the sentiment that Tsunade cares about our survival a bit less than she ought to be, given that she put up just a token protest, in my view:

Hiashi: "'Upstart' or 'traitor': Which of those words is undeserved?"
Tsunade: [is angry but has no response]

As a point:

upstart: one that has risen suddenly (as from a low position to wealth or power)
traitor: a person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.

It's not debatable whether the Gōketsu are upstarts and traitors: You are. The context of your treason is very important, as is the fact that said treason was to Mist and you have been nothing but loyal and helpful to Leaf. Still, you are inarguably upstarts and traitors.
[x] [ParadeInvite]: Hazou gives it to Rock Lee
[x] [ParadeInvite]: Hazou did not offer it to Aito
[X] Action Plan: Do Things
This is only tangentially connected to spending Akane's XP, but now's a good time to speak up about it.

I believe that it would be good for the story if the hivemind were able to officially promise to the QMs that we have intentions to spend XP currently being gained on a specific stat, in a sort-of-binding honor contract sort of deal.

Example: When we were training with Ebisu, we never got to see the actual training itself, and it felt to me like the QMs weren't comfortable assuming Ebisu would train our basics like Alertness in case we went and dumped it all into MEW or something. If we had told the QMs that we intend to spend a large chunk of our XP on things like Alertness and Chakra (as we ended up doing) then I believe the QMs could have written engaging training scenes.

Example 2: In pretty much every single build discussion for the last few months I've seen near-unanimous agreement on rushing CR for Shadow Clone. If we collectively agree to tell the QMs that we will be focusing heavily on Chakra Reserves for the near future, then they can safely integrate that into chapters without having to worry that we'll end up spending our XP on something else.

It's a little thing at the end of the day, but if my suspicions are right doing this will make it a little easier on the QMs.