The real question is - if we stay, and are on a timer, what is our endgame? Or alternatively, how much do we want to make Pax Leaf happen vs trying to minimize damage caused by the war.

If we're serious about staying In leaf I must insist we do something like: Survive a few months to get Hazou--not Noburi, not Mari, not Akane, Hazou , the one we have the most control over and don't have to have 12 arguments to convince of anything --seated as the Toad summoner. Go to the Crows/Sharks and start working on option (1).

If Hiashi stays in power this entire world is fucked.
The most important thing no matter what course of action we decide o. I'd not being so passive. In all honesty we made zero moves during this arc. That is not something we can do moving forward if we want to have any degree of success
"On the other hand, if you were to step down in my favor, the nation would be united once again, and it would give you unshakable moral authority for the next election. You will make a legendary Hokage when your time comes...but that time is not now. Leaf will prosper with me as Hokage and you as my Jōnin Commander and top advisor. Join me?"

I also wanted to point out, that this here, is Hiashi essentially, in full view of the whole Council, appointing Asuma as his successor in return for the latter's support. Asuma didn't lose, he let Hiashi win of his own volition, and that gives him a lot of standing. Hiashi will need to walk on egshells around him for a long time, possibly forever.

For us, this means that we really need to cozy up to Asuma for protection. The closer we're tied to him, the more difficult it becomes to attack us.

If Hiashi stays in power this entire world is fucked.

Is it? Hiashi doesn't strike me as any worse than the other Kage, to be honest. Worse than Jiraiya and Hiruzen? Of course. But the rest? He seems about on the level. He's likely going to cause a war with the help of the rest of them, but that won't be the end of the world - or it won't if we don't hand him WMDs for some inane reason.

What I'd be worried about, is that the war along with whatever the Akatsuki end up doing, will be enough to destabilize the village system and regress everything back to the warring clans period. I don't think that's the most likely outcome, but it is plausible.
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A Shadow Clone training montage is more than needed now, Hiashi is going to consolidate power and be busy for a fair amount of time,if we can, in the meanwhile, make the jump to Jonin/S-rank with SC cheating we would flip Leaf political landscape in a second.(And, unlike Naruto, we are going to use our status)
Also, the most important thing, i'm sick and tired of Hazou freezing like an idiot every time someone uses their Jonin Aura on us.
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A Shadow Clone training montage is more than needed now, Hiashi is going to consolidate power and be busy for a fair amount of time,if we can, in the meanwhile, make the jump to Jonin/S-rank with SC abuse we would flip Leaf political landscape in a second.(And, unlike Naruto, we are going to use our status)
Also, the most important thing, i'm sick and tired of Hazou freezing like an idiot every time someone uses their Jonin Aura on us.
Timeskipping is literally the worst thing we could possibly do right now.
Omake: The Hokage Vote - How It Should Have Ended
Omake: The Hokage Vote - How It Should Have Ended

"With that said, I hope you will forgive me if I respectfully ask you one question," Hyūga continued. "I'm unclear on how you can legally be seated at this table?"

"Hiashi, what the fuck are you doing?" Tsunade demanded. "Stop wasting time. He's the head of Clan Uzumaki. He's been voting the clan since he graduated the Academy."

"Oh! Oh! I know! That's an easy one," Naruto said, beaming. "RASENGAN!"

Hiashi's omniscient eyeballs exploded into a gooey mess over the meeting room. Hazо̄ picked a chunk of skull off his shoulder and flicked it aside.

"Now that that's settled -- anyone else object to me having a vote?"

The room fell silent. No one dared speak.

"Grandma Sunny? You okay with it?"

"Call me that again and it'll be your brains on the walls."

Naruto smiled nervously. "What? Oh, I'd never--wait a second! I think Hiashi said something! Must be his last words." He picked what remained of Jerkwad's face from the floor. "What's that? Oh, you concede? Well, I guess that makes Asuma the new Hokage!"
Timeskipping is literally the worst thing we could possibly do right now.

Never said anything about time-skipping, my point is that, well, Hiashi is not going to wait for us to become OP, but on the other hand he's in the same situation as Ren, meaning he'll have mountains upon mountains of work to do, especially because he wants to change the status quo, unless only Ren is affected by being busy.
Meaning we have some time, but not enough to become strong enough to survive normally, therefore in this situation the SC shortcut is even more important than before, on the other hand, until we reach said shortcut we won't make any progress (And this is a problem, especially if we are going out on dangerous missions).
grumble grumble knew we shouldn't have timeskipped grumble grumble

You, with the memory, do you know where the conversation about Naruto being allowed to vote was, back when we found out Hazou couldn't personally vote? I'm feeling cheated and none of the QMs have been on since I realized, so I want to go reread to make sure we didn't miss something obvious. (And if we didn't continue complaining until I receive a response. The fix it was just so obvious I can't see Mari or Hazou not telling him to do it.)
You, with the memory, do you know where the conversation about Naruto being allowed to vote was, back when we found out Hazou couldn't personally vote? I'm feeling cheated and none of the QMs have been on since I realized, so I want to go reread to make sure we didn't miss something obvious. (And if we didn't continue complaining until I receive a response. The fix it was just so obvious I can't see Mari or Hazou not telling him to do it.)
"Seventeen, presuming that the Senju and Uzumaki are actually voting clans."

"We are," Naruto said. "Aunty Sunny hardly never shows up"—he grinned at Keiko's glower—"but she technically has a vote. Proxies aren't allowed, though. You actually need to be in the room to cast your vote." He laughed. "It's funny how often critical and urgent votes would come up while I was out on a mission. Always proposed by someone in Dickface's pocket, too." He shrugged. "It's possible that Dickface or one of his butt-kissers will propose a vote to strip our voting rights in advance of the election. His argument would be that the Senju are a dead clan, since the only living member is a woman past childbearing age. For me...dunno. Probably they'd argue that the Fox's chakra may have contaminated my seed and therefore I will not be able to have healthy children, or my children might be possessed or something. If I can't have kids then the Uzumaki are also a dead clan and wouldn't get a vote."

Noburi paled. "Could he do that?"

"I do—" Naruto paused, surprised at a yawn sneaking up on him. "Sorry. I doubt he could pull it off. No matter what he says, we're technically living clans right now since there is still a Senju and an Uzumaki. Given who we are and who our clans are, it's very unlikely that he could convince a majority of the others." He snorted. "Besides, if he tried it then Aunt Sunny would punch him so hard he wouldn't hit the ground for a week."
I've been following this quest for a long time, mostly lurking because I'm not a huge fan of the freeform vote format, but I think this update might finally convince me to come out and vote more often.

So, first impressions, I fucking love it. This chapter genuinely felt like we got outmaneuvered because we are inexperienced upstarts up against a guy with a very heavily entrenched power bloc and literal decades of experience over us. That said, it was damn close, we came within a hair's breadth of winning, and I think that if we had played our cards just the tiniest bit better, we might have pulled it off.

There is one thing in particular about the update that worried and confused me though:
The young Lord reached into his sleeve and produced a vellum scroll. "Do you think that would be easier if all of Leaf saw you marching alongside the Uchiha during the Founder's Day parade? Because Lord Uchiha gave me this invitation, and it's full of very flowery language and beautiful calligraphy, but ultimately it's just a boilerplate parade-position form with his signature. It doesn't actually have my name on it anywhere...."
This is a massive 'fuck you' to basically every single even remotely prominent and/or anti-civilian prejudiced ninja in leaf (in other words pretty much all of them), but especially so to the Uchiha. I don't get why Hazo did this, and I think it will almost certainly end badly for us. That this wasn't a decision made by the voters either just makes it rankle even more, and while I really, really hate to be confrontational/focus on this when I loved the rest of the update so much, I have to ask for a reason or justification @eaglejarl .

As for the results of the vote, well... I'm not gonna lie, we're in a pretty bad position here. Admittedly, not as poorly off as we could be, but at this point if we want to stay in Leaf (which I am very much in favor of), our success is going to rely heavily on the good graces of the ISC and on how well we can integrate ourselves in Leaf. The sad fact is, we're a relative upstart, our primary rival who will have few qualms in crushing us has risen to power, and we're pretty much cut off as far as making new allies goes. Realistically, I think the best move we can make here is to avoid pissing anyone off and invest heavily in civillians and clanless ninja to improve our powerbase in the future. That said, while I think Hiashi will prefer to try to starve us to death rather than just killing us via dangerous missions or running us out of town, I agree with @Inferno Vulpix that a good bug-out plan is something we should put together just in case, so long as we aren't obvious in doing so.
@faflec no, not that one. That isn't what he did - he didn't unmake the Uzumaki as a clan, just said Naruto is too young to be allowed to vote (in fact he didn't try that trick at all, probably because that actually would have set Tsunade against him). That got brought up in an endnote later on, at some point. I recall us talking with the QMs wondering if we needed to forestall exactly this from happening and were convinced it was not needed by said discussion. That's why I'm annoyed right now.
He snorted. "Besides, if he tried it then Aunt Sunny would punch him so hard he wouldn't hit the ground for a week."

Psst you hear that? It's the sound of Jiraya rolling in his grave.
I mean...did we talk to Tsunade about funding her hospitals? Like, I know that was a thing we were planning on doing to secure her vote...
By the time I got to putting the timestamps on the various scenes I was pretty close to 'tilt', so it's possible that things didn't get labeled quite right. There might need to be some quiet shuffling of dates later on, or fixing of typos. Please be so kind as to call them out and I'll fix them.

I hope you enjoy(ed) it.

Dude, you powered out a wonderful 13k word update. Just because it isn't perfect doesn't mean it isn't good.

You did great and I for one enjoyed it.
Damn. Tough break. We need to adopt Naruto ASAP.

Fleeing Leaf is a bad idea. First, bad things will probably happen to Kagome's other student. Second, assuming we don't leave Keiko behind, we will have the Nara howling for our blood. Along with the Hyuuga, Tsunade, and probably Naruto.

We cannot survive that level of heat. The Akatsuki could, but going to the Akatsuki is probably a bad idea now that they don't have Pein keeping them on task.

Civil war is also a bad idea. Killing Hiashi will result in a civil war. Actually, to be more clear, Hiashi dying for any reason will result in a civil war. Because no matter how unlikely it looks, they will assume someone did it. And we are the easiest people to blame, having the shallowest roots here.

Adopting Naruto is a better survival strategy. With Naruto in the clan, Hiashi can't simply stage an assassination on himself and kill us for it.

We need to get Naruto and Tsunade and most of the clans behind peace. Find everyone who needs the Hyuuga to survive and make sure they can become self sufficient. Claim we are following the example they set.
Well, looking at the opportunity in disaster - Hiashi is now the Hokage, but he has a very weak position at the moment. Fully half of the voting clans voted against him, and Asuma stepped aside for him of his own will. This gives us the opportunity to attempt to weaken the dictatorial powers of the Hokage - keep up the politics, drag more clans away from under the Hyuga thumb and perhaps we can force him to sign away some of the powers of the Hokage, get a more representative government going.

As for the war, well, we'd want to avoid it insofar as possible. Hiashi is actually going to be on our side in that, since Leaf is currently weakened, but it's unlikely that there's any easy way to prevent the war anyway due to Rock and Cloud. Unfortunately Leaf is likely about to piss away all political goodwill from its neighbours and become a hated tyrant. Who knows, maybe that won't happen. We'll need to think of methods to lessen the damage caused by the war and make it end faster balanced against our need not to get killed either by the enemy or by our own side.

A moderate solution would be that if we force Hiashi to hold less power as the Hokage and balance out his rule with the clan council, we might even be able to wait him out, get Asuma or Naruto the hat and meanwhile cultivate a next generation of ruling ninja who are truly onboard with uplift. Convince all the young clan heads of our ideals, take an active hand in the education of the children and bide our time.
I am conflicted. On the one hand Hiashi winning makes this quest much more interesting. On the other hand the way Naruto lost his vote really does feel like something we foresaw and wanted to do something simple yet effective about, but didn't because of the timeskip. That ending up being the only reason we lost ends up feeling contrived. Especially since all the other votes make sense.
On the other hand the way Naruto lost his vote really does feel like something we foresaw and wanted to do something simple yet effective about, but didn't because of the timeskip. That ending up being the only reason we lost ends up feeling contrived. Especially since all the other votes make sense.
Eh--I think it's perfectly IC for Naruto to ignore us because "Of course Aunt Sunny will defend me!" I imagine he's furious right now, though.
You're back at the Gōketsu compound, you've told the family what happened, and everyone is a bit shell-shocked. Mari has retreated to her room with the door locked. You hovered outside a bit and did not hear any crying.

Ok, so putting aside our mid-term goals, what we need to do right now is take care of our people. Project confidence, reassure the clan that the sky isn't falling, and outline some plans for the future. Get them talking and approaching the problem constructively, it's not like this is even close to the worst situation we've found ourselves in. Pull Mari out of her room and bulldoze over any self-recriminations and guilt she may express. I bet Naruto's mental state isn't going to be great following the vote, so we should make sure he knows we aren't blaming him for this, too.

Be a leader, in other words.

And after we're done with in-clan damage control, we do the equivalent in our newly minted voting block. Reassure everyone that alliances stay in place and deals will be kept to. Touch base with Ino, Shikamaru and Chouza, express some proper sympathy over their losses. Pull Asuma into some kind of Seventh Path moneymaking scheme to tie our clans closer together. But that's all for the following updates, I think. Goketsu come first.
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[X] Action Plan: The True Power of Feelings
WC: 170

Immediately: Try to get Mari's attention. Hug Mari. None of this is her fault. Find Naruto, he's probably feeling pretty betrayed and might be in dire straits emotionally. Go back to the clan compound with him. Hug it out and freak out with everyone for a bit. Slowly let out all the pent up emotions you've been dealing with since J died. Commiserate with everyone. Then put your game face on, its damage control time.

Visit Shikamaru and Keiko (or Ino/Chouza if they're unavailable):
1)Give it to me straight, how fucked are we?
2) What are Hiashi's actual beliefs and philosophical views?
3) What would you do in my position? What should I do?
4) Ask Keiko about how things with the Pangolins went

Ami: Mari is to work with her to call a vote on what she wanted to fulfill her end of the favor. Arrange things to lose the vote as necessary. It can't hurt us at this point.

Misc: Ask Kagome how things are going with decoding J's research notes. Ask Noburi how things are coming along with the adoption candidates.
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