WW3 ended 3 days after Hiruzen became Hokage.
The Third attended the armistice that ended WW2. He trained Tsunade as a ninja and supported her in her medical training, thereby causing medical knowledge to leap forward by decades and averting multiple plagues. He rebuilt Leaf after the Nine-Tails attack. He worked his butt off engaging in international diplomacy to hold off WW3. He greatly increased the infrastructure and economy of Fire.
Wait...so I guess the canon flashback where the Third became Hokage during WW1 isn't canon then?
I request expedited review and canonicalization of the following information WRT Naruto's inherited wealth in time for Sunday update.

We begin by assuming Minato's reign as hokage last a short four years

In terms of a partial review, these two premises are in conflict and need to be reconciled (by lowering the estimate accordingly, at a minimum).

The Fourth was only Hokage for two years
It's true that they have not interacted with Hiashi at all, which honestly surprises me a bit. As to interacting with Akatsuki...how would Hazō even find them? They don't exactly have a forwarding address.
I recall some discussion a while back on how we would do that. If memory serves the main crux of it was sending a message to the Crows and getting in touch with Itachi and bootstrapping that into full Akatsuki interaction. It was never more than an idea, though.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail

Based on new information on how long Minato reigned as kage, I redid the calculation.

  • How much money Naruto has from his inheritance and ongoing management of that wealth?
    • All this information is based on Rihaku's modeling work. See Rihaku's analysis on Naruto's finance.
    • We begin by assuming Minato's reign as hokage last a short two years and that all his income before his kageship are insignificant. Him being the greatest sealmaster in the world also add to his income. This gives him 250 million ryo instead of the 500M ryo used in Rihaku's analysis. Adding the Uzumaki wealth, which is estimated to be 360 million ryo, giving Naruto's estate an estimated 610 million ryo. However, 8% percent of his wealth went up in smoke due to the Kyuubi's rampage. Assuming Jiraiya and/or Hirzuen gave Naruto a competent money manager, his wealth will have an assumed 5% compound interest growth.
    • 610,000,000 * 0.92 = 561,200,000
    • Using the formula: A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt): 561,200,000(1 + 0.05/1)^(1*13) = (1,058,226,298.67 ryo, best case estimate)
    • Thus, Naruto's fortune should be worth about 1 billion ryo.
    • If we assume that reparation is paid out for the damage, let's assume 24%(Triple of 8% damage).
    • 610,000,000 * (1 - 0.24) = 653,600,000
    • 463,600,000 * (1 + 0.05/1)^(1*13) = (874,186,942.381 ryo, reparation/donation estimate)
    • For an even more pessimistic estimate, let us assume that the Uzumaki are flat broke, giving Naruto only 250 million ryo. Perhaps the interest rate isn't as great as we think it is. Instead of 5%, it's 3%.
    • 250,000,000 * (1 + 0.03/1)^(1*13) = (367,133,428.363 ryo, pessimistic estimate)
    • For liquid cash, use 5% of whatever we think Naruto have.
In terms of a partial review, these two premises are in conflict and need to be reconciled (by lowering the estimate accordingly, at a minimum).

I was working on the recalculation based on the new information when you posted. I lowered Minato's income from 500,000,000 million ryo to 250,000,000 and redid the calculation. It helped that I can copy and paste the formula in google once I tweaked the numbers.

Note that Naruto still have more money than God.

Changelog: Economic Questions
- Eliminated a redundant question about income from Naruto's investments. Reducing the # of questions for clan finance from 13 to 12.
- Show more clearly the basis for Naruto's inheritance being what it is.
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Allow me to say this politely: You are wrong on this point, and deeply mistaken about how the quest runs overall.

We set up the dominoes and started them falling; we had no idea how things would turn out or if there was a way for the players to save the day. We were perfectly fine with Akatsuki winning, and perfectly fine with the quest ending if Akatsuki won. We had and have plenty of ideas for followup projects if the players either win or lose this quest.
As someone who knows your ground rules on this point and trusts you to have followed them, I feel you're underestimating how legitimate @No-one of Importance's reading is. The story did present the alternative as 'you didn't invent Skywalkers so the quest is over, GG', and whether or not that would be truly adhering to simulationism, it certainly would have not felt like it. This colours how the actual path gets read, even if you didn't intend it that way, even if the presented alternative is not the actual alternative, and even if the readers know in their thinky part of their brain how the sausage is made.

"During the First Shinobi World War, Tobirama, by that time the Second Hokage, led a team consisting of Hiruzen, Homura, Koharu, Danzō, Kagami Uchiha, and Torifu Akimichi. During a mission they started to be pursued by Kumogakure's Kinkaku Force, an enemy that somebody would need to distract and inevitably die at the hands of in order for the rest of the team to escape. Hiruzen volunteered to be the decoy, boasting that, as the strongest of their group, he stood the best chance of surviving the encounter; nevertheless, he asked Danzō to look after the others. Tobirama volunteered himself instead, and before going to his death he appointed Hiruzen as Third Hokage."


Hiruzen Sarutobi

Hiruzen Sarutobi (猿飛ヒルゼン, Sarutobi Hiruzen) was the Third Hokage (三代目火影, Sandaime Hokage, literally meaning: Third Fire Shadow) of Konohagakure. A disciple of the village's two previous Hokage, Hiruzen was a powerful ninja, hailed as a "God of Shinobi" and renowned as The Professor (プロフェッサー...

As someone who knows your ground rules on this point and trusts you to have followed them, I feel you're underestimating how legitimate @No-one of Importance's reading is. The story did present the alternative as 'you didn't invent Skywalkers so the quest is over, GG', and whether or not that would be truly adhering to simulationism, it certainly would have not felt like it. This colours how the actual path gets read, even if you didn't intend it that way, even if the presented alternative is not the actual alternative, and even if the readers know in their thinky part of their brain how the sausage is made.
I'm unclear on your point...could you rephrase?

"During the First Shinobi World War, Tobirama, by that time the Second Hokage, led a team consisting of Hiruzen, Homura, Koharu, Danzō, Kagami Uchiha, and Torifu Akimichi. During a mission they started to be pursued by Kumogakure's Kinkaku Force, an enemy that somebody would need to distract and inevitably die at the hands of in order for the rest of the team to escape. Hiruzen volunteered to be the decoy, boasting that, as the strongest of their group, he stood the best chance of surviving the encounter; nevertheless, he asked Danzō to look after the others. Tobirama volunteered himself instead, and before going to his death he appointed Hiruzen as Third Hokage."
Oh, I thought you meant that we had done an interlude showing Hiruzen becoming Hokage during the first war.

We moved this incident from the WW1 to WW2, since the timeline did not make sense otherwise.
Entirely unrelatedly, I think we should move to equip Asuma with the best seals available in preparation for his inevitable showdown with Hiashi when Tsunade withdraws from the vote.
Ooh, something exciting to look forward to!

Re punching: You're the QM, go ahead and introduce some dangerous enemy who needs to be punched.

Re not-punching: It seems incredible that the Hokage had such a high salary. (Was that included in the calculation of the entire Tower budget?)
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Ooh, something exciting to look forward to!

Re punching: You're the QM, go ahead and introduce some dangerous enemy who needs to be punched.

Re not-punching: It seems incredible that the Hokage had such a high salary. (Was that included in the calculation of the entire Tower budget?)
I am told the Kage earned 150M ryo per year. No idea if he pay taxes on that or that's after tax calculation.

I just realized my analysis is a slight underestimate WRT Minato's earning. However, that does not affect the general conclusion regarding Naruto's wealth.
I'm unclear on your point...could you rephrase?
No-one of Importance said the events around Akatsuki felt scripted. You seemed offended, and pointed out that they were not. My point is that even though they weren't scripted, by some measures they still feel scripted. My expectation is that this perspective is less visible to you from your perspective as a writer. My intent was simply to bridge the inferential gap on this point.
I just realized: Hiruzen has been a hokage for a long time. If he's taking pay from the tower, his clan is probably the richest in Leaf.

*bowled over*
I rewrote this, but frankly I think it sums up my position too well; Wenher von Braun got America to the Moon that doesn't make him a good guy. He just did his thing for the highest bidder. I don't really credit anything Hazou did as a positive moral choice for that reason. The situation was thrown into his lap by the GMs. There's really no reason I can see why an Earth or Cloud agent couldn't have filled the same role Jiriaya did and have Hazou cheerfully providing them weapons for a believable story about how he's making the world a better place. It just happened to be the Good Guy Faction who snapped him up and they happened to use all his toys for Good Things.
I am reasonably confident that both IC and OOC decisions to be working with Jiraiya/Leaf and choosing to sell Skywalkers to them instead of to any other village were motivated by the knowledge that Leaf is the "good one". @faflec, do you recall any chapters/discussions that would serve as strong evidence for that?

That said, you're right: neither Rock nor Cloud are evil incarnate, and if we had a unique opportunity to sell them superweapons in exchange for giving us notable influence on their politics, we would have likely taken it. I predict that our behaviour subsequent to our exaltation would have been different, though, with a lot more focus on trying to influence the village's internal politics.

Also, you were asking: the chapters where we capsized[1] the Sunset Racer are these ones: 139, 139.1, 140.
I'd genuinely say Akatsuki were in the right if removing Chakra brought the Chakra Beasts down as far as Humans so they wouldn't overrun civilization and the risks of Sealing Failure can't be perfectly solved. Removing the military supremacy of a tiny minority of humanity probably leads to better treatment of the rest then with no ninja ruining the infrastructure every war ultimately technological and social progress, and as long as Sealing Failure remains a horrible risk running a magi-tech civilization off them is probably a death sentance in the long run.
Interesting. Akatsuki were far from being good people as defined by virtue ethics. Does this mean that, in the hypothetical Pain Quest, assuming we've had strong reasons to believe that we'll be able to destroy all chakra, you would have cheered us on even as we befriended mass murderers and ordered kidnappings and torture?
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@No-one of Importance the only thing of actual value I have to add to this conversation is the observation that isolationism is virtually an inherent net negative from an economic and thus uplift-centric point of view. It's essentially fracturing the market, and larger more unified markets tend to be better for all parties.

Although I disagree with most of what you've said, I do agree that interludes featuring the common folk of this world (regardless of if they're being helped or hurt and who by) would add narrative and moral weight to the quest without sacrificing simulationism. However, it would sacrifice player agency in setting interlude focus and would probably be a lot more spoon heavy for the QMs, which is especially problematic because interludes are generally for when the QMs are low on spoons.
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I am reasonably confident that both IC and OOC decisions to be working with Jiraiya/Leaf and choosing to sell Skywalkers to them instead of to any other village were motivated by the knowledge that Leaf is the "good one". @faflec, do you recall any chapters/discussions that would serve as strong evidence for that?
The amount of discussion is insane and spread out over several updates. I would recommend starting here and ending here. Incidentally those two chapters are some of the bigger IC discussions, and there was mention of Leaf being far better than Mist in the former.
Does anybody knows how long does the party trick seal last?
On top of this, Hazou has produced 50 more Party Tricks, 5 of which you have traded away for 10 lit Night Lights and 16 of which have been used up keeping the entrance to the fort clearly marked (they have ~15 minutes of light between their repeated activations, and you kept the area illuminated for 4 hours).
Yes, the chapter was retcon'd; despite that, I see no reason why this info shouldn't be valid.
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No-one of Importance said the events around Akatsuki felt scripted. You seemed offended, and pointed out that they were not. My point is that even though they weren't scripted, by some measures they still feel scripted. My expectation is that this perspective is less visible to you from your perspective as a writer. My intent was simply to bridge the inferential gap on this point.
Ah, I see.

Well, I don't know what to tell you. Death of the author is not a thing the author can control.

As to being offended... I'd say "annoyed". Probably part of that is the whole mess with one of the mods recently coming into the Discord and asserting that people were lying when they said the thread ran on simulationism instead of narrative.

Also, you were asking: the chapters where we capsized[1] the Sunset Racer are these ones: 139, 139.1, 140.
EJ's journal, entry #475,831:
After ascending to my rightful throne, have my Legions of Terror track Noumero down and repeatedly thwap him with a herring.

Akatsuki were far from being good people as defined by virtue ethics.
Were they? They had the virtue of altruism (they wanted to save the world), the virtue of non-violence (albeit tempered with pragmatism), the virtue of egalitarianism (they were including civilians in their efforts), and the virtue of respect for learning (they did a ton of research instead of simply conquering everyone; also, there really needs to be a word in English that means "respect for learning".)

At least, you could make that case. That's the other problem I have with virtue ethics: There's no way to see inside someone's heart, so there's no way to determine if they actually have these virtues or if one is misascribing those virtues based on generously interpreting the person's actions.
EJ's journal, entry #475,831:
After ascending to my rightful throne, have my Legions of Terror track Noumero down and repeatedly thwap him with a herring.

Well, since there was some talk about interludes showing us more suffering...

[×] (Interlude) - Ninja Bird torments the simple peasant Romero
Well, I don't know what to tell you. Death of the author is not a thing the author can control.

As to being offended... I'd say "annoyed". Probably part of that is the whole mess with one of the mods recently coming into the Discord and asserting that people were lying when they said the thread ran on simulationism instead of narrative.
Sorry to hear that. For whatever its worth, I'm not asking you to resurrect the author, this was just something I spotted and the part of me that wants everyone to have perfectly calibrated world models at all times forced me to point it out. This was all biased by @No-one of Importance defending a minority view that I share (with caveats; whereas he bemoans consequentialism, I bemoan the players).
Sorry to hear that. For whatever its worth, I'm not asking you to resurrect the author, this was just something I spotted and the part of me that wants everyone to have perfectly calibrated world models at all times forced me to point it out. This was all biased by @No-one of Importance defending a minority view that I share (with caveats; whereas he bemoans consequentialism, I bemoan the players).
Just to check, have you run into the phrase "death of the author"? It is a term of art in literary circles and means that the author's intention for meaning is no more valid an interpretation than the opinion of any given reader.
Just to check, have you run into the phrase "death of the author"? It is a term of art in literary circles and means that the author's intention for meaning is no more valid an interpretation than the opinion of any given reader.
Yes, though my understanding is closer to TVTropes' "an author's intentions and biographical facts (the author's politics, religion, etc) should hold no special weight in determining an interpretation of their writing", which is more about how readers should interpret text than about which interpretation should be canonical.
A system based around a one man having absolute power probably benefits that man
Dear sir
My name is Mr Akiyama Riku I was private secretary to FOURTH HOKAGE Namikaze Minato.
Hokage Namikaze left a private bank account containing R300M (Three Hundred Million Ryo) which according to Leaf laws is now ownerless because no one has claimed it in 13 year.
If you can assist in transferring this sum to your bank account in another hidden village I will be grateful.