- Location
- how about no
Oh dear.
If they exist, they must be quite busy. Nagato tried to psuedo-apocalypse the world as they know it with some Mega Fuinjutsu and nobody stepped in to slap him around.how many more times do we need to think it before we can go chat with the Watchers?
>inb4 it turns out our fourth event has caused a massive war across the fabric of spacetime between the Watchers and the Grue
Also @Velorien @OliWhail Is Noburi's distinctiveness because of his barrel; if so, can Hazou convince Noburi to do his investigations...without bringing his barrel (like, bring a wineskin of chakra or something)?Which meant deciding who to send ferreting out that information: Mari was busy, Noburi was too distinctive, Keiko was now a Nara, Akane was too forthright to make a good spy, and Kagome-sensei was Kagome-sensei.
And this gives us confirmation that people going by the Goketsu estate might just hear a bunch of explosions going off for no apparent reason. Good way to build a bit of reputation around Konoha.the threat matrix remained fairly low as long as someone went out and tossed a few hundred explosives around every week or so.
Also paging @Velorien @OliWhail (probably should have put this togetherShe would need to be sure they moved efficiently and cleared out. In two hours the owner of a furniture repair shop would be coming to pick up a heavy armoire; wouldn't he be surprised when she popped it in a storage scroll and told him to just rip the thing open when he got back to the shop? He would undoubtedly be interested to know that the Gōketsu considered storage scrolls almost worthless and were more than happy to sell them for pennies...although, most unfortunately, their Merchant Council license only allowed her to sell two more this month. Still, she'd be happy to send someone by to store any particularly heavy items that he needed to deliver (warning of the need for protective wrappings, of course), and was he by any chance looking for an investor?
You're saying "be careful", but all I'm hearing is "we can build an outcome pump out of this" and "we can assassinate people by making them think about disguises".Careful!
It might just keep escalating its dissuasion attempts.
We'd be affected too, though.You're saying "be careful", but all I'm hearing is "we can build an outcome pump out of this" and "we can assassinate people by making them think about disguises".
— seems more horrifying to me than the Grue segment.Of course, Hazō was undoubtedly going to want to Talk About What Happened. She should put some thought in on how to handle that conversation.
Also, Mari seems to be doing alarmingly well. This line:
— seems more horrifying to me than the Grue segment.
We're all going to die, I stj this thread.Alright Grue, let's dance.
[x] Action Plan: Forbidden Lore Time with Uncle Kagome
- "Hey Kagome, I just had some weird deja vu/amnesia experiences."
- "I wasn't doing sealing at the time, so it probably wasn't that"
- "Is there anything you think may have caused it?"
- "For that matter, is there anything else weird going on that you know of?"
Plan Cache:
- Discuss with the family:
- Akane: Suggest ice-making for funding.
- If she's OK, start freezing and we'll sell it outside Leaf.
- Review Jiraiya's notes on 7th path politics.
- Schedule a wake to mourn Leaf's fallen heroes.
- Inform Naruto about the vote.
- We should push for having Asuma take Naruto as an administrative assistant/apprentice when he's Hokage.
- Naruto is still rather useful, what with being groomed for the position, deeply loyal to leaf, very well disposed to the Sarutobi.
- He is still recovering from his ordeal, so some allowances for that would be needed.
- On the other hand as Leaf's resident Naruto summoner he can take care of paperwork, and other administrivia extremely efficiently. Letting you focus on the actual job.
- Maybe consider inter-village adoption (Doigama, Kato...)?
- Gather information on Akatsuki:
- Noburi: When visiting the Tower, grab their profiles.
- Kagome: Summarize their book.
- Snakes:
- Hazou: Learn their culture/predispositions from Summons and Jiraiya's notes.
- Keiko: Message them via Pangolins.
- Send Jiraiya's letter to Orochimaru along (in case he's alive).
- Did Orochimaru leave them his will? Jiraiya wrote him a pardon, we'd want to carry out his wishes.
- Meet with Ami. Secure room at the compound (Anti-Hyuuga seals, Silence Mines). Yuuichi waits outside.
- Accept her previous terms: no social games, clear exchange of information and commitments.
- If investigation into disguises bore fruits:
- You possess novel information of major importance to infiltration specialists. Likely unique information.
- You're willing to reveal it for a favour.
- Don't answer any questions about it unless she accepts.
- Spend favour(s):
- (Discuss with Mari first: open-ended or specific? If you have only 1 favour, spend it on power or social?)
- Politics:
- Open-ended: "Work with me to maximize my personal influence on Leaf politics."
- Specific: Assist the Gouketsu against the Hyuuga bloc.
- Social:
- Open-ended: "Maximize my social competence over the next half-a-year".
- Specific: Arrange for IN social training.
Past Plans:
Impure World Domination by Noumero
Ino, You Know by huhYeahGoodPoint
Ami and Chaos by Oneiros
Shikamaru's Marriage by faflec
Sometimes when we're making a plan we have a good idea that's just outside the temporal scope of the update, but we don't want to cut it from the plan because we might forget by the next cycle. This adds unnecessary words that could have been spent fleshing out the rest of the plan, and may outright cost XP in the worst cases.
This plan cache will hold these subsections so they don't fall into the void between planning cycles. Just ping me with the subsection and, unless it's wildly unreasonable, I'll edit it into the post. I'll keep them there for a while until they either make it into a winning plan, fall out of favour, or the context significantly changes. Depending on circumstances, they might end up in my Side Project Cache, or they might be dropped, and I'll make sure to be transparent about what I'm doing.
I'll do my best to quote this post after every update, so that planmakers can get an easy reminder about what we never quite got to last cycle.
Alright Grue, let's dance.
[x] Action Plan: Forbidden Lore Time with Uncle Kagome
- "Hey Kagome, I just had some weird deja vu/amnesia experiences."
- "I wasn't doing sealing at the time, so it probably wasn't that"
- "Is there anything you think may have caused it?"
- "For that matter, is there anything else weird going on that you know of?"
Other responses are uncommon but do happen. As to why Mari would suggest it...well.Also paging @Velorien @OliWhail (probably should have put this together) Don't storage seals have ... varied ... reactions when destroyed? As in, sometimes they release their contents, sometimes the contents are lost forever, sometimes bad things happen? Why would Mari suggest this if this non-ideal stuff could happen?
This is my big to do list
- Review Jiraiya's notes on 7th path politics
- Review Jiraiya's notes on local underworld
- Send letter to Oyabun to get advice on dealing with Leafs criminal element
- Pitch adoption to Ebisu, Kabuto, Anko and Minor
- Have Nakano and co meet Kagome and start learning sealing
- Feel out Sakura for adoption
- Improve influence with Haru
- Make Lee an agent of Gōketsu
- Meet with ISC and hash out strategies
- Meet with Sasuke and hash out long term relationship
- Meet with Asuma and find out if he wants the hat or will support Mari
- Have Akane start producing Ice and salt to sell
- Research Hagamoro debts. Find out if we can buy them out.
- Hash out summon realm trade/war and politics with Kei and Noburi
- Meet agents black and white
- Draft letters to known Agents Of Jiraiya's spy network
- Schedule a wake.
- Break Neji our of the basement
- Start hang glider research with Kenta
- Seal research for both Hazō and Kagome
- Go to the tower and copy all seals. Note who has invented them
- Find out who all remaining jounin are
- Give Kagome Karasu Goemon's coded sealing notes that Ami gifted us.
- Gather information on Akatsuki. Get Kagome's summary of their book
- Activate an implosion seal in a 5SB'd box, see if seals the air outside of it.
OH JASHIN DAMNIT SHE'S TRYING TO KILL US ALL AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOther responses are uncommon but do happen. As to why Mari would suggest it...well.
Get Mari involved and convinced it's something worth investigating. Kagome is liable to tell us not to poke at it because it's dangerous (like that time Hazou asked about cognitohazards), and Hazou will defer to him. Mari won't, necessarily.