Didn't Itachi do a miniature Uchiha Massacre on the crows so that anyone opposed to him wouldn't do this?
"That doesn't sound like fun. But if it makes you feel better, I can tell you lots about the Crow Clan. We've got an up-to-date intel package on them in case they decided to back up the Condors for some reason."

"Go on."

"They live way up in the mountains. They're weird, because they don't fight much—they send their young to do most of the fighting, and—get this—they actually think that war is less important than abstract knowledge. Crazy, right? So they're ruled by sages instead of generals, and they're all into medicine and philosophy and stuff, except they won't share any of it because they think they're better than everyone.

"Only ever since they made their contract with the Uchiha—and only the Uchiha, by the way, which is weird too—their military started expanding, and now there's loads of tension between the sages who are in charge and the military faction that thinks it ought to take over. Then there was this big kerfuffle a few years back when something big happened on the Human Path, and they had a completely different split over whether to keep supporting the Crow Summoner or not. That lasted until the Crow Summoner himself came to the Seventh Path and flattened everyone who didn't like him. Right now he's probably the second most important person in the clan after Karanium himself.
He's definitely got the support of the Crows, but unless they're fanatically devoted to him then Jiraiya and co. will be able to make a pretty persuasive argument. There's a reason 'convince' is italicized in the protoplan.

The possibility of the Crows not actually liking him but being too scared to do anything would make it easier, but is not strictly necessary.
I will only support operation murder if we mention Orchimaru is another S-ranker who could be part of the ambush
I dont think mentioning Jiraiya's teammates as an example of strong S rank summoners we know exist who might be options on the table here is out of the question, exactly.
Oh yeah that reminds me, can we do a Yakuza talk/gift-sending thing?

[] Protoplan: In which Hazou DMs for the entire world and develops a god complex
  • Game Night Prep:
    • [Buy things???]
    • Make plans for a few bigger games.
      • [???]
  • Game Night:
    • Guidelines for good gaming:
      • Make sure Ami goes up against tough opponents. Better that she doesn't get bored.
      • Try to keep people with reason to dislike each other apart.
      • Let people run games if they want to, only intervene if the game's falling apart.
      • Take a break and play a few games. Running yourself ragged will just end in disaster.
  • Operation Murder
    • Ask Keiko if she thinks a summon clan really could forcibly pull their summoner into the Seventh Path. If so:
      • Tell Jiraiya you've had another idea.
      • Itachi's the Crow Summoner, right?
      • Would it be possible for you to gather a bunch of powerful Summoners and convince the Boss Crow to yank Itachi to prepared ground?
  • Give the Oyabun a present, to thank him for everything he's done for us during the Exams.
    • Tell him that we hope for a continued mutually beneficial relationship into the future.
Sure. It's unrefined, but this whole thing is a protoplan.

edit to avoid doublepost:
I will only support operation murder if we mention Orchimaru is another S-ranker who could be part of the ambush

I dont think mentioning Jiraiya's teammates as an example of strong S rank summoners we know exist who might be options on the table here is out of the question, exactly.
Works for me.
[] Protoplan: In which Hazou DMs for the entire world and develops a god complex
  • Game Night Prep:
    • [Buy things???]
    • Make plans for a few bigger games.
      • [???]
  • Game Night:
    • Guidelines for good gaming:
      • Make sure Ami goes up against tough opponents. Better that she doesn't get bored.
      • Try to keep people with reason to dislike each other apart.
      • Let people run games if they want to, only intervene if the game's falling apart.
      • Take a break and play a few games. Running yourself ragged will just end in disaster.
  • Operation Murder
    • Ask Keiko if she thinks a summon clan really could forcibly pull their summoner into the Seventh Path. If so:
      • Tell Jiraiya you've had another idea.
      • Itachi's the Crow Summoner, right?
      • Would it be possible for you to gather a bunch of powerful Summoners and convince the Boss Crow to yank Itachi to prepared ground?
      • (carefully) bring up the idea of inviting Orochimaru.
  • Give the Oyabun a present, to thank him for everything he's done for us during the Exams.
    • Tell him that we hope for a continued mutually beneficial relationship into the future.
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"So that costs her points with the hawks, because she's playing nice with Leaf, on top of the points she's already lost from reversing the previous elders' decision and bringing a failed Kurosawa back in. Then, said Kurosawa goes to Leaf and gets kicked out not two weeks later for reasons the Hokage refuses to explain. That's a slap in the face for the Kurosawa, a slap in the face for Mist, and a double reminder that Leaf can't be trusted and nor can your mother because after being reinstated as diplomat, she immediately fell into Leaf's trap."

This was probably a bad time to mention that the whole thing had been Mum's fault. Well, except where Jiraiya had reacted by punching her through a wall and banishing her without a second thought. And then laughed about it over dinner.
I think we need to talk to Jiraiya about actually telling Mist - or at least the Mizukage - why Hazo's mum got booted. Maybe not all of it, definitely not Mari's current state or how badly it hit her, but at least come out to them about the unprovoked psychological assault.
I think we need to talk to Jiraiya about actually telling Mist - or at least the Mizukage - why Hazo's mum got booted. Maybe not all of it, definitely not Mari's current state or how badly it hit her, but at least come out to them about the unprovoked psychological assault.
I imagine the censored version (read: the sort that would be appropriate for Mist to know) was already told to Leaf's top brass. And Mist would see that as a lie/excuse to kick Hana out.
It's funny how Shin sees himself as our counterpart still.

Jeez dude, it's embarrassing at this point. He can spin a nice story but hasn't done anything to back that up yet.
I imagine the censored version (read: the sort that would be appropriate for Mist to know) was already told to Leaf's top brass. And Mist would see that as a lie/excuse to kick Hana out.
They might believe it if it came from Hazo however. If he went to Ren and told her that his mother went far enough that she deserved to be thrown out she might buy it.
It's funny how Shin sees himself as our counterpart still.

Jeez dude, it's embarrassing at this point. He can spin a nice story but hasn't done anything to back that up yet.
On the other hand, we haven't been able to follow through with our superiority yet. Sure, we walloped Downfall in the exams, but Hazou's been unable to actually capitalize on that socially. And if Shin can weasel out of admitting that Hazou's superior, it doesn't matter what the technicalities are.
It sounds like Hazō might be thinking about charting all the exits? That's a dangerous document - any list of ways you can escape doubles as a list of escape routes to cut off.
I think that every plan, forever, should include a line about asking Keiko and Noburi if they're okay with this. In fact, when any plan even slightly infringes on another characters agency, we should do this for them.
On the other hand, we haven't been able to follow through with our superiority yet. Sure, we walloped Downfall in the exams, but Hazou's been unable to actually capitalize on that socially. And if Shin can weasel out of admitting that Hazou's superior, it doesn't matter what the technicalities are.

Sure we got our ass kicked on international stage for everyone and their pet dog to see but as long as I don't admit that it doesn't count.
[] General Plan: Consider every plan forever to include the following line: "-Ask Keiko and Noburi if they're okay with the contents of the plan."
What no consideration for his other allies? Are we consigning them to be extensions of our will? Yeeeessss~ be annoyed by our needling of your plan and improve our child out of spite!
I think that every plan, forever, should include a line about asking Keiko and Noburi if they're okay with this. In fact, when any plan even slightly infringes on another characters agency, we should do this for them.

[] General Plan: Consider every plan forever to include the following line: "-Ask Keiko and Noburi if they're okay with the contents of the plan."

I like this better:

[Y] Just Get it Over With
  • Make a list of everyone we've met
  • Apologize personally to each of them for everything we've ever done and everything we ever will do
  • Do the same for everyone new we meet from this point forward
  • Never apologize for anything else ever again
Does the Wakahisa Clan have any jōnin. In a future where Mist is not a quasi-enemy anymore we could look at a Wakahisa jōnin aura to see how they compare to other jōnin auras.
I think that every plan, forever, should include a line about asking Keiko and Noburi if they're okay with this. In fact, when any plan even slightly infringes on another characters agency, we should do this for them.

I never found a generalization in my life that would always stay true, aside from paradoxes. So, making a generalization regarding all our future plan and strategies seems unwise.

I'm not opposed to adding the line when it seems reasonable.

Edit to avoid double-posting:

Does the Wakahisa Clan have any jōnin. In a future where Mist is not a quasi-enemy anymore we could look at a Wakahisa jōnin aura to see how they compare to other jōnin auras.

I don't think jounin auras are clan based. They seem to be personality-based. It's a pitty we didn't have Hana to show her aura, because currently we have too few data pieces to work with

[] Protoplan: In which Hazou DMs for the entire world and develops a god complex
  • Game Night Prep:
    • [Buy things???]
    • Make plans for a few bigger games.
      • [???]
  • Game Night:
    • Guidelines for good gaming:
      • Make sure Ami goes up against tough opponents. Better that she doesn't get bored.
      • Try to keep people with reason to dislike each other apart.
      • Let people run games if they want to, only intervene if the game's falling apart.
      • Take a break and play a few games. Running yourself ragged will just end in disaster.
  • Operation Murder
    • Ask Keiko if she thinks a summon clan really could forcibly pull their summoner into the Seventh Path. If so:
      • Tell Jiraiya you've had another idea.
      • Itachi's the Crow Summoner, right?
      • Would it be possible for you to gather a bunch of powerful Summoners and convince the Boss Crow to yank Itachi to prepared ground?
      • (carefully) bring up the idea of inviting Orochimaru.
  • Give the Oyabun a present, to thank him for everything he's done for us during the Exams.
    • Tell him that we hope for a continued mutually beneficial relationship into the future.

It may have sense to postpone the Operation Murder to the moment when there are less potential eavesdroppers around. I think it can wait till the next update
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