We have room for Mari hugs in next update. We aren't leaving yet. Can we not stymie research for this, please? Also, I call bs on this being complicated. Even if it is, we have Kagome to tell us if it would take too long. Also also, this is directly related to combat prep for the tournament, and we can't do this research in Mist. We've squandered enough time not making actual progress here.

Why are we dithering around? We should timeskip to the tournament.
Yes, we are using it. No, we are not breaking OPSEC on sensitive seals.
Er, we are? I thought based on Jiraiya's line:

Jiraiya looked dubious, but he let it go. Instead, he clapped his hands decisively. "Okay, enough of that. Show me what else this thing can do, and then let's talk about how we use it to make Leaf the most powerful village ever dreamed of by mortal man."

That it was pretty clear it was not to be public knowledge.
We have room for Mari hugs in next update. We aren't leaving yet. Can we not stymie research for this, please? Also, I call bs on this being complicated. Even if it is, we have Kagome to tell us if it would take too long. Also also, this is directly related to combat prep for the tournament, and we can't do this research in Mist. We've squandered enough time not making actual progress here.

Huh, for some reason I thought your plan would take us all the way to our arrival in Mist. I'm much less incentivized to meddle if that's not the case.

We will have time to practice in Mist. We can't research there, though.

How much time do we have in Mist? Afaik, the Sensory Suit idea was originally @Jello_Raptor's, and he estimated an acclimatization period in the order of weeks.
How much time do we have in Mist? Afaik, the Sensory Suit idea was originally @Jello_Raptor's, and he estimated an acclimatization period in the order of weeks.
Somewhere on the order of a few days to two weeks I think. Depends on how the matches are being run.

Even if we don't acclimatize fully, we can potentially build a couple dozen preprogrammed IN reactions for different scenarios.

I'll note that the CHAOS suit is not necessarily packaged together with the sensory array. The latter is just one component. We definitely want a good sensory array to outfit every single thing we wear regardless of what clearance level the suit is.
Turns out the water desalination tower idea I proposed yesterday (Usamatsu on top of a tower in the ocean to draw a partial vacuum that pulls water up, as in a water barometer) wont work as easily as I'd hoped. Turns out that vaporizing water requires a bunch of heat that I hadn't accounted for in my brainstorm. Drawing a continuous vacuum vaporizes water too quickly, drawing 2257 kJ/kg for the latent heat of vaporization, and a continuous vacuum over water (between 0-25 deg C) produces 0.69 - 3.4 kg of vapor/ m^2 / s.

Additionally, I hadn't thought to check the phase diagram of water, which would have reminded me that in a decent vacuum, water does not exist in the liquid state - it would likely boil off (sucking heat from the rest of the fluid beneath) at a lower height that I originally expected.

Would likely need heating seals (or a fancy heating coil system, making use of external heat) to overcome the heat loss for this method of desalination.

I've come to a fork in my analysis - do I work on designing the desalination tower, look into some other method of desalination, try to leverage the vacuum heat loss to produce usable quantities of ice, or some other, unrelated exercise?

(still have Usamatsu pressure differential on the back-burner. So long as Usamatsu operates as a valve on a sealed container, it draws a vacuum, so I wasn't stressed about doing that first)
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Would likely need heating seals (or a fancy heating coil system, making use of external heat) to overcome the heat loss for this method of desalination.

I've come to a fork in my analysis - do I work on designing the desalination tower, look into some other method of desalination, try to leverage the vacuum heat loss to produce usable quantities of ice, or some other, unrelated exercise?

(still have Usamatsu pressure differential on the back-burner. So long as Usamatsu operates as a valve on a sealed container, it draws a vacuum, so I wasn't stressed about doing that first)
I think we're planning on making Heat Seals anyway, since these have good applications besides just boiling saltwater.
Ugh, we need sealing minions to direct in their research. :p

I want to teach three apprentices(general stuff, not just sealing) and one genin of our age (just sealing: Nakano seems responsible) with no current clan allegiance.

Preferably those with no families or poor families (or poor with no family), of above average skills/intelligence,and with decent drive.

This is where it starts people! Will you stand by as Keiko starts molding a mini-Keiko out of a genius clan heir candidate, with no apprentice of our own to contest her?!
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Any other ideas? Does Mari have advice?
So, uh...IIRC Mari isn't supposed to be talking all that much, if at all, and we don't have IC knowledge of Akane trying to get Tsunade to change her therapy protocols. I'm not sure if this could get us anything, much less if we should be messing around like this.
A researcher gets their feedback by creating and infusing a prototype, an act which has one of three effects:

1) Success! The thing you were trying worked, and will help you come up with a final design.

2) Failure! Your idea didn't work, and you must now go back and redo some of your work from scratch.

3) Aargh, it's eating my face!

The fact that you had seven failures in seven attempts is as much information as a researcher can have, and strictly speaking, even the knowledge that you narrowly avoided two sealing failures is a QM bonus.

So they don't know if they "rolled low" or "rolled high" within the range of results they might possibly have gotten?
Word count: 298

[X] Akane pls
  • Akane, if we see her
    • Thank her for being there. We need the Team to help Mari. And it's good to have her around again.
    • Ask that she tell Hazou if she's ever unhappy with how things are. Her feelings matter to Hazou, to the whole team.
    • Apologize for being distant lately.
      • Typical Hazou: We sorta... found out... after that day training with Team Gai. Haha.
  • Hang out with Keiko
    • If she gets defensive or otherwise uncomfortable, politely apologize and disengage.
    • We want to be able to resist to killing intent, or related techniques.
      • Can you do that thing you do that terrifies us? How do you do that, by the way?
    • Still want help with that escapology stuff?
    • Remind her she's pretty awesome. Definitely not looking forward to our tournament match.
  • "Heist" training
    • Practice execution with Keiko and Noburi.
      • Roughly estimate potential earnings.
      • Idea: Keiko on lookout/interference. Noburi works the charm, we intentionally flub to him, and then "go on tilt." Act as an easy target, then scoop up winnings.
      • Also bribe Yakuza, of course.
  • Research:
    • Consult Kagome-sensei.
    • We want to use a vibrator seal array.
      • One on back to pulse in a unique pattern at max distance
      • One on chest with a different unique pattern at "critical" closer distance
      • Several in each pouch with various ranges
    • This should let us have finer-grained detection of range.
    • Only alteration is variable distance and vibration pattern. Can we get this done in time?
  • CHAOS!
    • Practice minmax blindfighting with the suit.
      • Smoke + living roots, banshees + banshee slayers, noxious gas + tunneler's friend...
        • Banshee Grenade: Strap to rock/kunai with timed explosive.
    • Load up on some of the shields that Kagome developed. These look super useful.
    • Observe strictest safety protocols while using the suit. Use clones if unsure.
    • Refill expended seals.
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  • Thank her for being there. We need the whole family to working together to help Mari. And it's good to have her around again.

I don't like the middle sentence here. It's a bit awkward. Perhaps use capitalized "Team" instead of family?

  • Ask that she tell Hazou if she's ever unhappy with how things are. Her feelings matter, to Hazou, to the whole team.
Yeah that's fine.

While you're at it, do you want to cram a
  • Apologize for being distant lately.
    • Typical Hazou: We sort of... found out... after that day training with Team Gai. Haha.
If this does end up passing I would like to at least rip that particular splinter out while we have the chance, yknow?
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Vecht's plan. Cut a line from the Keiko section because I don't understand what it was referring to. Cut asking Mari for advice, because she can't talk. Also cut a few points which I thought didn't contribute much and changed some phrasing for the sake of wordcount. Added Akane section.

Does this seem worthwhile to anyone? Since we're not leaving this update, Mari hugs can wait.

We already know we're going to bribe/cooperate with the Yak. We should be asking about contingenies in case of being discovered, or how to target easy marks and avoid hard ones.

Also, I don't think the research direction is useful. I rather research/study sealing in the Nara library and such.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail What qualifies as "rest" for the Sealing Research section? I assume you guys don't want to encourage lighthousing in the rules, so I assume the implication there is "no excess training (as in, beyond light sparring/katas), but social stuff is okay"?
I don't like the middle sentence here. It's a bit awkward. Perhaps use capitalized "Team" instead of family?

Yeah that's fine.

While you're at it, do you want to cram a
  • Apologize for being distant lately.
    • Typical Hazou: We sort of... found out... after that day training with Team Gai. Haha.
If this does end up passing I would like to at least rip that particular splinter out while we have the change, yknow?
We gotten access to the Nara library via Keiko. That is how we learned the chime seals, for example. We could ask her again.
I don't think this is a priority. If we're researching anything at all Sealing wise, it should be a slightly improved version of the Vibrator seal.