Yeah, between Hazou or Noburi, I don't think we've got the deception or diplomacy to not have Tsunade immediately see through our approach and rip us two new ones while lowering her opinion of us.

I'd rather let her find us the way she did Mari, let her rip us apart relatively more gently than in the above scenario, and then have her deem us as simply "alright".
Yeah, between Hazou or Noburi, I don't think we've got the deception or diplomacy to not have Tsunade immediately see through our approach and rip us two new ones while lowering her opinion of us.
TBH it would be a fantastic time for "Open Mouth, Insert Foot" to be invoked in a positive way.

Specifically, my model of how-I-think-the-QMs-intend-to-characterize-Tsunade responds poorly to overtures intended to garner political clout, with her values being merely an afterthought (even if said overtures were well-intended). Understandably, she might be jaded and long-since passed being hopeful for change. If this is true, Hazou can credibly, truthfully, and sincerely claim that isn't the case. Rather, we support Jiraiya because he's the best shot we've got for getting the impact we desire, and we'd want to support Tsunade too for the same reasons, regardless of who's hokage. This makes us natural allies, and really and truly, her support of Jiraiya would make it easier for us to affect change.

If that doesn't work, we can change tact and call her on hipocracy and bullshit. Hazou might spend a few weeks recovering, but I'm pretty sure that'd work, and no one else would have the gall to try it (Jiraiya included).

TSUNADE: Yeah, and whats some little runt from Mist care about saving the world?

HAZOU: Plagues don't care about borders.
We (including Hazō) should care about plagues because they affect people, not because the plagues could be a threat to us
This is a quote from MfD Tsunade.

Jiraiya snorted. "And wasn't that a fun time?" he said with a laugh. "She badgered Hiruzen-sensei for over a year until he finally authorized her to distribute them outside of Fire. 'Plagues do not care about borders!' she shouted, over and over and over. Can't even remember how many times I heard the two of them arguing about it. She paid for the print run herself, and then hired a whole series of C-rank missions to sell the things all throughout the Elemental Nations. She wanted to give them away, but Sensei convinced her that people would pay more attention if they paid more money."
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[X] Action plan: Time for training
[X] Action Plan: Get the Ball Rolling.

So far, liking both plans. Two things:

@Oneiros :
Could we discuss the idea with Jiraiya? I feel like it is relevant to the current headaches he's having.

The throughput is a lot better if we can send the scrolls at ninja speeds (and a lot safer from interception/monster attacks). We may want to start with caravans so people get use to the idea, but the economics (transit cost) look a lot better with proposals that use ninja speed to increase circulation. It's also more better if you want to go through disputed territory.

In addition to the original analysis:

I've started working on improving the proposal for the initial rollout and the reasoning behind the details. The overall goal is to make as many of the powerful stake holders as happy as possible so that the initial deployment goes smoothly and there is significant political pressure to expand it:
[X] Action plan: Time for training
[X] Action Plan: Get the Ball Rolling.

So far, liking both plans. Two things:

@Oneiros :
Could we discuss the idea with Jiraiya? I feel like it is relevant to the current headaches he's having.

The throughput is a lot better if we can send the scrolls at ninja speeds (and a lot safer from interception/monster attacks). We may want to start with caravans so people get use to the idea, but the economics (transit cost) look a lot better with proposals that use ninja speed to increase circulation. It's also more better if you want to go through disputed territory.

In addition to the original analysis:

I've started working on improving the proposal for the initial rollout and the reasoning behind the details. The overall goal is to make as many of the powerful stake holders as happy as possible so that the initial deployment goes smoothly and there is significant political pressure to expand it:

I'll check out the greater analysis later. Hopefully I can clearly communicate the general idea.

Do we have any idea on how to leverage our disposable income into more capital?
We don't really have enough disposable income on a monthly basis for that. If it were increased by a factor of 2-10, we could start putting something together. Hopefully selling explosives changes that.

At the moment "Bet on the tournament" is all I got.
Do we have any idea on how to leverage our disposable income into more capital?
  1. Find clanless ninja with good business sense.
  2. Pay these ninja a modest fee to be on the lookout for arbitrage opportunities while out on missions.
  3. Evaluate their claims, and if it seems reasonable to do so, provide capital for them to make purchases (or purchase goods for them to trade), giving them a cut of the actual or expected profits.
We incur a minor amount of risk, but can scale massively, requires minimal micromanagement from us, doesn't require exorbitant starting capital, and doesn't run afoul of Merchant Council.

Clanless nin because the extra income is both more useful to them and this sort of profit sharing is more likely to provide sufficient incentive alignment for sustained cooperation.
With regards to Tsunade and Sasuke I'd like to at least meet them before we try to recruit them to our goals. Establish a genuine rapport. Once that is done we can work on recruiting them
Water!Noburi, rather.

The problem there, I would bet, is that a Shadow Clone may be an element-neutral technique... but it makes a mental copy of the person who uses the technique, and Water Clones are pretty stupid and can't send memories back to their creator. Beyond that, if that hack (or a variant with another element) worked, Leaf would know by now.
More complicated than that, I'm afraid. QMs have ruled digestion is necessary to absorb chakra water and clones have no digestive systems. Need to figure something fancy out. Kabuto might help and we haven't experimented at all yet. Syringes might work.
Ah, thats fine.

I was getting some serious Waves Arisen vibes but those have since quieted down.
  • He is currently the Uchiha Clan Head, correct?
  • Is there any way we can secure the Uchiha vote? Maybe play off the Hyuga/Uchiha rivalry?
Hilariously enough, Hazou should know if Sasuke is the current Clan Head, but we (the hivemind) do not. The Uchiha Clan Head was present during the update where Sarutobi died and Jiraiya took the hat, but any descriptions of them (beyond being "seriously pissed" and non-Sasuke type) don't seem to exist.