Put all your data on some physical backup, such as tapes. Stuff a stationwagon full of said backup medium and drive it to your destination. Voila, you have just moved data from A to B vastly faster than you could over the internet.
In point of fact, this is part of what my startup does. A big problem that cancer researchers have is that they do a few genetic assays and they end up with 100,000+ files, most of which are tiny but a handful are 300-500 GB. There is literally no way to move that data over the internet -- my cofounder was in cancer research for twenty years and he tried every possible solution, including Box.com, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, etc. None of these work -- the cloud providers can't handle that many files / such large files, most universities block BitTorrent and getting an exception is essentially impossible, S/FTP will lose the connection and bork before getting the data there or else a bit will get flipped in transit and you end up with a corrupted file. Don't even get me started on compliance issues around HIPAA, IP protection, etc.
It's insanely stupid for this to be true in 2018, but the way that cancer labs typically get their data from their lab to their collaborators' labs is to FedEx a series of hard drives...which comes with its own issues.