I appreciate you doing the calculations. Eh, $340K is a lot of money, but it's also not a lot of money. Not by the standards of a government. Military spending too, since this is all in pursuit of their ninja development program by giving the kiddies a full life scale exercise simulating a mission.

Depends very much on the local economy. $340K is not a lot of money *today*, but in a world of low productivity / efficiency it is quite a significant amount. Could easily be a couple months income of the village.
Depends very much on the local economy. $340K is not a lot of money *today*, but in a world of low productivity / efficiency it is quite a significant amount. Could easily be a couple months income of the village.

Then again, even our windfall was an amount of money that could at least be pretend-appropriate for one well-off merchant to spend all at once, so it probably wasn't too much. I'd also guess, from numbers that've been thrown around before in the quest, that the rough-estimation ratio for ryo-to-dollars is worse than 10-to-1.
I'm pushing ISC KOs R2 teammates because it is consistent with the end-state that was presented in the collusion chapter, in which all Red Teams other than ISC's Round 1 partners are in cells.

Kurenai is a departure from that, sure.
You and I both know that the end state could easily have been a mistake, don't act as if it's a must-be.
Put another way:

Imagine an alternate universe in which ISC does not think their score is secure, particularly against a known top-scoring team. They get placed in the same Red Team, and it is fairly certain that this is the last scoreable event. They have the means to ensure they get another +185 points advantage over the team they're not sure they are beating.

The only reason they even have to consider not screwing the other team is that Mist (a group that has been opposing their progress from the start) has put them together.

They have made no declarations that they will support their current team, though a possible assumption is that they will.

I would not consider it a betrayal for that ISC team to defect against their scratch team. It is the logical move in their situation.

Similarly, in the real fictional universe, ISC defecting against their scratch team is one of many possible logical moves, not betraying any agreements that ISC has entered into. On the other hand, leaving a top scoring team without the additional malus makes it explicitly less likely to achieve the stated end-goals in an agreement that ISC did make.
ISC still have a reputation to uphold, that of the ISC not wanting to betray people. If they do defect against their assigned squads, people could look back upon this and think "oh, so ISC could betray you if they're assigned to you instead of picking you by choice". This is bad for their reputation, and IMO they'd prioritize this over scoring slightly better in the Exams.

Also, seriously? "ISC does not think their score is secure"? There's no way in hell.
Out of curiousity @eaglejarl How bad off were we before @faflec looked it over?
We stayed in the exact same positions.
Kagome for Sand missing-nin confirmed?

we literally got the mafia involved
Goddammit I'm gonna have to become a Sufficient Velocity subscriber so I can add these tags


It's just sad that we'll have to knock them out in the first round of the tournament. Alas. You can hear my howls of sorrow all the way from wherever you are, I'm sure.
Katou is min-maxed for social, and Ikemoto the "taijutsu user" from our Red Team scored on par with him in a social event, with no bullshit bloodline or a team with a bullshit bloodline to carry him.
*cough* It's possible that I have a habit of confusing those two and that none of {@Velorien, @OliWhail, @faflec} caught the mistake.

Besides, that's not what the spreadsheet says. *cough, cough*

[various observations about issues with the scores]

Good news, everyone! Thanks to @Adept_Woodwright's keen eyes, you get way fewer points than I thought you did!

EJ   =>          Adept_Woodwright

Here's what happened in the round:
  • In round 2, ISC did not injure or imprison BT2S2 or BT2S3, their team from the first round
  • In round 2, ISC did not injure RT1S2 or RT1S3, your team from the first round
  • All of those people were allowed to keep their word halves.

The spreadsheet and the text doc have been updated. Also, Downfall is now properly marked as being on Kurenai's team in round 1. As far as I'm aware, all issues have been accounted for.

Bet with a bit of word half magic we could get Team Gai back in the running for even more of a Leaf stomp.
They were DQ'd from the Exams as a whole, not just from the event.

Out of curiousity @eaglejarl How bad off were we before @faflec looked it over?
You were always #4-6. The issues were elsewhere -- for example, I missed the fact that Kurenai should have a -75 for their documents being turned in. I originally had them down for -225 in the first round, meaning that Kiba squeaked into the tournament by something like 8 points.
Oh good, Noburi vs. Hinata.

Anyone else think leveling Alertness might not be the greatest idea anymore? Or should we just assume we'll win and prep for future rounds?
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Why would leveling alertness not be the best idea anymore? We can assume Hinata can't start with the round with byakugan active, correct?
If I understand, Noburi should be able to stomp Hinata's Byakugan - Or, failing that, it's basically Glass Cannon: The Battle.
Hmm... so, if things go well, after round 1 of the torunament, it'll be 7 Leaf ninja and 1 Sand ninja. Seems like a pretty good showing for Leaf.
So Hazou is fighting Kashiwagi Noriko, and Keiko has Doigama. Keiko's fight should be easy at least. Between the purifiers and just staying the FUCK out of melee range, she should be able to crush him.
Hmm... so, if things go well, after round 1 of the torunament, it'll be 7 Leaf ninja and 1 Sand ninja. Seems like a pretty good showing for Leaf.

If we whittle it down to only Leaf ninjas, would there be anything anybody could do to stop Leaf from unilaterally turning the entire event into a variety talent show to rub it in? Keiko knows some sharpshooter tricks and Hazou should be able to tap dance like Fred Astaire.
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So Hazou is fighting Kashiwagi Noriko, and Keiko has Doigama. Keiko's fight should be easy at least. Between the purifiers and just staying the FUCK out of melee range, she should be able to crush him.

Relevant for Kashiwagi Noriko, from Chapter 93.

The explosion sent Noriko flying. She slammed hard into a tree, narrowly avoiding being impaled by a thick branch. Dazed, she muttered "son of a bitch. If it hadn't been for the Rock Skin Technique…"

"We're going to catch them before they can join up with the others. Remember your training. Kashiwagi, use your Bloodline Limit. Shiina, get the Wind Devil Mk3 Technique ready, with chakra boost. Kenji, you know what to do."
With regard to Hazou versus Keiko, I think it would be be best to choreograph the first half of the fight to show off what they're both capable of before resetting to starting positions and starting the fight properly. We're dealing with kage here, it's gonna be obvious that'd is choreographed otherwise.