I think the FATE system is actually pretty lenient to one-versus-many fights anyway. Consider that there's no "onslaught penalty" so you get to make a defense roll at full strength against every single attack. Usually what a mob of scubs do s all do a help Maneuver to add a multiple tags to one person's attack.
Poor sleep equals extensive brain fog. Update delayed. If anyone has any prompts that they didn't get to put in vote format this week, now's your chance.

A retcon? From a rational fic story? Is that really the best solution?

Shit, after all of the genius things I've seen here, I've assumed you'd always find a rational solution like you always do. Instead, we get universal changes that destroy core techniques in the very series that you're writing about for the sake of convenience. Maybe seals should go too?

Please don't cut corners...

Like, for example...

You still have characters that desperately need development.


Noburi - A kid who's the charismatic charmer of his team, yet hasn't even been given a real love interest(or any interest for that matter) yet.

Ino shows some interest after reading his mind in the one-off green jumpsuit chapter; a perfect set up for Mr. Doesn't Fuck Up The Mission Because He's Not Emotionally Flippant to have character development where he desperately needs it most.

Instead, somehow we give the guy who threatens the head physician of most POWERFUL NATION IN THE WORLD right in front of said nation's leader... what appears to be an out-of-place and unnecessary harem?

Hazo - A promising inept with believable flaws who slowly became the proxy avatar for waifu bundle sales and wish fulfillment.
He's been developing well, aside from the fact he still can't keep a secret. Can't wait to see how his bloodline matures. Seems like bloodline growth has been Noburi'd.

And the most egregious...

Mori Keiko
- The author/audience woobie; she whines about having a weakness. EVERY. OTHER. CHAPTER. "Oh no, I have to be social!" "Oh no, this next exam is a party! I don't know how to socialize!" "Oh boohoo, I'm so scared of people!" This was understandable back when it came up once a page, but now we get entire chapters devoted to her whining about something that takes at MOST a few months for someone of regular intelligence change completely, let alone an intellectual powerhouse like Keiko.

Once again, this would also be understandable... If her primary guardian for the past two years wasn't an expert-level social engineer who had more than enough time to give her fundamental and intermediate training in pretexts and mental states so she could not only look the part, but truly feel it as well. Instead, we get cringe-filler of "brain bigger than a planet, uguu" and "I obviously like you, but you never notice because you don't want to learn basic body and face reading skills". I wish we'd see her take hold of her potential and forget about all this ridiculous self-loathing shit. Imagine if Gohan never got over his angst against fighting; how would that show have gone differently?

I can't Noburi the side characters:

Neji - I get it, I do. I hated him too. But he got his ass whooped and became a better person. He wasn't a pigheaded asshole constantly trying to find ways to piss people off; he was effective and worked well with a team.

Playing him as a villain, he could've been such a menace, both politically and as a cunning strategist, basically Team Downfall's Kurosawa Shin. Now, he's just some dumbass who somehow decided to bomb his way into a foreign government's building during an exam that would've given him a higher position of authority if he kept his head down.

Lee - Y'all broke my heart with Lee. You know what you did. My dude worked sooooo hard to be viable; he gets shut down HARD at every turn. Somehow he's the weird guy, not respectably different, just the kid who harasses everyone. I love the Ho-Yay shit, that's fucking beautiful. Just wish he could've been the chill monk/pacifistic disabler if he was taking the non-murderous approach(still nerfed hard). You did Guy some mad respect, just hoping Lee takes from his example soon.

Hinata - Becoming the menacing politician she should be! Praise the Sage! I hope y'all don't Noburi her like you did to Noburi.

Tenten - She has a character arc. Already better than the series.

Shikamaru - Perfect. Can't wait to see him in a straight up fight.

Choji - I'm getting the idea that his clansmen are master dietitians, cooks and nutritionists which rocks. They can already change weight, size and body composition with clan made medicines. Can we explore this more? They'd be even more the perfect physical foil to the Nara.

Ino - Does she have more family than the other two clan members we've seen? Do they have more stories about other minds and bodies they've occupied? What are the dynamics of a house where everyone can minds?

Kagome Yū - Can we know his secrets already? It's been like, two years.... and we still don't know his full past. Stinking stinkers stinking up the stinking stinky stinker.

YAMAMOTO - HE HAD A CHANCE AT REDEMPTION. HE WAS CAPABLE AND SKILLED(Also made use of the Murderous Intent in a very original and practical way, kudos) BUT GOT IGNORED AND BECAME A WHINY PIECE OF SHIT. Why? That just seems.... like wasted potential.
Will the ninja world always Noburi the clanless guys?

I love you guys(most of the time). I appreciate what you're doing here. But it hurts to see sharp minds choosing to copout instead of finding an actual solution, which you tend to easily put together. I'm sure limits could've been imposed, characters could've gotten more screentime and some characters could just get over themselves and use the resources they have available to become even more awesome and less... Keiko-ish.

Please don't Noburi this system. And please don't Noburi Noburi. He needs you.


- Mom
Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback.

If I may offer feedback in return, in the future you should minimise your use of block capitals, italics, bold and font size changes in ordinary dialogue, as it makes you sound like a raving street preacher rather than a reader critiquing a work of fiction. I assure you that the intensity of your thoughts and feelings on this subject is palpable from content alone.
A retcon? From a rational fic story? Is that really the best solution?
Less of a retcon and more of finally admitting a mistake that should have been addressed long ago. Authors are people, after all, and therefore sometimes make mistakes even when trying to be very careful.

During the initial worldbuilding, the QM team didn't catch how many ways the ability to physically transform into any other person or object would (or at least SHOULD) affect the setting, and so the Transformation Technique was maintained from canon, because they wanted the story to be authentic to the source material.

Ideally, they'd have simply removed it at the start, or heavily, heavily restricted it (e.g. 'this technique lasts for 30 seconds, prevents you from using all other techniques, and does nothing but layer light outside your actual physical form, so you cannot appear smaller than you really are'). They did not, and events have happened in the story that relied on physical henge being a ubiquitous technique and are too integral to the plot to be removed or rewritten.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to address your other concerns this very second, but thank you for being willing to bring them up, and thank you for being so invested in the story. I hope they can provide productive discussion.
Poor sleep equals extensive brain fog. Update delayed. If anyone has any prompts that they didn't get to put in vote format this week, now's your chance.

[x] Noburi stops getting Noburi'd and finally SURPASSES his Noburis and becomes THE Noburi he was NOBURI'D to be
I still think this was a troll tbh?

[x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance (in the exam)
Poor sleep equals extensive brain fog. Update delayed. If anyone has any prompts that they didn't get to put in vote format this week, now's your chance.

Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback.

If I may offer feedback in return, in the future you should minimise your use of block capitals, italics, bold and font size changes in ordinary dialogue, as it makes you sound like a raving street preacher rather than a reader critiquing a work of fiction. I assure you that the intensity of your thoughts and feelings on this subject is palpable from content alone.
Dammit. @OliWhail, you need to play den mother better! :p

[x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance (in the exam)
[X] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance (in the exam)
I think the FATE system is actually pretty lenient to one-versus-many fights anyway. Consider that there's no "onslaught penalty" so you get to make a defense roll at full strength against every single attack. Usually what a mob of scubs do s all do a help Maneuver to add a multiple tags to one person's attack.
Its not really the FATE system I'm worried about per se, but the fact that we have scaled and bootstrapped it to fit to our needs in a way it likely wasn't meant to handle.

Due to this, I suspect there will be some funny mechanical interactions combat wise on the approximate stat boundaries between Genin/Chunin/Jonin/Beyond, because all we did to the FATE system stats was a linear scaling so that we could squeeze greater levels of combat in.

I woke up one day a few weeks ago pondering this, and became heavily skeptical a linear scaling would actually give enough variety as well as sufficient distinction between skill levels. Now, after some thought I was like "Oh! Good Ninjutsu and Stunts are probably much more commonplace as your XP pool grows, so this probably settles the issue. I don't think I need to bring this up anymore" And that was that.

But now the importance of FP as a combat resource has become immediately clear these last few updates (despite that not really being much of a thing in FATE either) and enough theoretical problems raised with it that I don't know if the above is true anymore. I'm sure that some extensive testing was done for FtD, but I'm pessimistic this would have covered all possible weird interactions that may have arisen from how we modified FATE.
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[x] Our ex-clans react to Team Uplift's performance (in the exam)
[X] What it'd be like if Noburi had the hivemind instead.
[x] Noburi stops getting Noburi'd and finally SURPASSES his Noburis and becomes THE Noburi he was NOBURI'D to be
I still think this was a troll tbh?
I would like to believe that we rate a higher class of troll than that. Remember the guy a while back who wrote an extensive post praising us for portraying Rock Lee as a sexual abuser of young boys? That was quality trolling.
I would like to believe that we rate a higher class of troll than that. Remember the guy a while back who wrote an extensive post praising us for portraying Rock Lee as a sexual abuser of young boys? That was quality trolling.

That must have been before my time, I think, because I don't remember that one at all. I am still reasonably sure this is a troll though since there was a pretty obvious sign indicating as much but I can't put my finger on it. I will keep thinking on the matter.

But enough of that for now.


- Dad
I would like to believe that we rate a higher class of troll than that. Remember the guy a while back who wrote an extensive post praising us for portraying Rock Lee as a sexual abuser of young boys? That was quality trolling.

Also, do you have any opinion on the "What if Noburi was the one with the hivemind?" vote? I don't think doing that would be a canon interlude so it might be best to weigh in.

Also, do you have any opinion on the "What if Noburi was the one with the hivemind?" vote? I don't think doing that would be a canon interlude so it might be best to weigh in.

It's not exactly the same but the Barrel-Boy interlude was pretty amazing and gave good insight into Noburi's mind. A sequel or something similar for our other teammates would be pretty damn amazing.
A retcon? From a rational fic story? Is that really the best solution?
There have actually been several retcons over the course of two years.

There times, Hazō made a mistake, there were consequences, the players didn't like that, and they devoted a lot of effort to finding and then convincing us of a compelling reason why the mistake was not simulationist. When we became convinced, we rolled back the chapter and wrote something different.

In two other cases, we rolled it back of our own volition without input from players.

The first was the Great Interlude Period, where the QMs finally had to admit that the homebrewed rules system they had created was crap and adapted something better from a professionally-designed system.

The second QM-only retcon was in the second Chūnin Exam event. One of the QMs (a particularly handsome one) came up with an exciting, plausible, and fun-to-write concept. One of the other QMs agreed that the idea was brilliant and exciting. The third QM was not around at the time, being offline for some silly reason like "sleep" or "traveling" (I don't recall). Anyway, the particularly handsome and creative QM went and wrote several thousand words based on this fun and exciting and *very plausible* idea. When the third QM came back and saw what had been wrought, he cried out in anguish and immediately began attempting to convince the other two that their working was flawed. The three strove mightily for hours. Words of power ("simulationist", "previously-agreed backstory", "plausible", etc) were exchanged. In the end, the third QM was victorious; he smote his co-author foes upon the mountain and crushed their youthful hopes and dreams beneath his cynical heel.

With good grace and not a single hint of grumbling, the particularly handsome QM undid all his own clever and *very plausible* work and a new and much more boring timeline was put in its place, one in which childrens' night light seals were not an extinction event waiting to happen.

This latest retcon is an interesting mix. It was suggested by a player, possibly as a joke. Two of the QMs dove in that idea like a starving dog on a tenderloin. The third was more measured; he pondered and considered before granting agreement. A poll was taken off the players as to whether this would draw down a lot of complaining ruin everyone's enjoyment. There was complete consensus that it would be fine -- that the QMs were essentially working a part-time job to provide free entertainment, that it was clear how much stress this technique caused for the QMs, and that everyone was fun with being nice to the QMs.

And thus did Bayer lose its biggest customers and the QMs became happier.

Please don't cut corners...
Like, for example...
You still have characters that desperately need development.


Noburi - A kid who's the charismatic charmer of his team, yet hasn't even been given a real love interest(or any interest for that matter) yet.

Ino shows some interest after reading his mind in the one-off green jumpsuit chapter; a perfect set up for Mr. Doesn't Fuck Up The Mission Because He's Not Emotionally Flippant to have character development where he desperately needs it most.

Instead, somehow we give the guy who threatens the head physician of most POWERFUL NATION IN THE WORLD right in front of said nation's leader... what appears to be an out-of-place and unnecessary harem?
I get where you're coming from but (a) the team has actually spent very little around girls their age and (b) being charming is not enough to get a girlfriend, especially when you're standing next to a guy who (in your own opinion) is better looking, more charismatic, and a budding master of an esoteric and exciting art form that allows him to rewrite the balance of power on the continent before he turns 15.

And the most egregious...

Mori Keiko
- The author/audience woobie; she whines about having a weakness. EVERY. OTHER. CHAPTER. "Oh no, I have to be social!" "Oh no, this next exam is a party! I don't know how to socialize!" "Oh boohoo, I'm so scared of people!" This was understandable back when it came up once a page, but now we get entire chapters devoted to her whining about something that takes at MOST a few months for someone of regular intelligence change completely, let alone an intellectual powerhouse like Keiko.

Once again, this would also be understandable... If her primary guardian for the past two years wasn't an expert-level social engineer who had more than enough time to give her fundamental and intermediate training in pretexts and mental states so she could not only look the part, but truly feel it as well. Instead, we get cringe-filler of "brain bigger than a planet, uguu" and "I obviously like you, but you never notice because you don't want to learn basic body and face reading skills". I wish we'd see her take hold of her potential and forget about all this ridiculous self-loathing shit. Imagine if Gohan never got over his angst against fighting; how would that show have gone differently?
Again, I really do get it, but I think you aren't thinking it all the way through. You're right that a normal person would not have Keiko's internal monologue by this point in her development. Consider, however, that Keiko is NOT normal. She has a phobia of touch. She has a bloodline that is effectively weaponized depression. She shows the typical signs of autism -- an inability to understand neurotypical emotions and facial expressions. Yes, Mari is a brilliant social engineer, but she is not a therapist . Her training is how to control people, not how to heal them.

I can't Noburi the side characters:

Neji - I get it, I do. I hated him too. But he got his ass whooped and became a better person. He wasn't a pigheaded asshole constantly trying to find ways to piss people off; he was effective and worked well with a team.

Playing him as a villain, he could've been such a menace, both politically and as a cunning strategist, basically Team Downfall's Kurosawa Shin. Now, he's just some dumbass who somehow decided to bomb his way into a foreign government's building during an exam that would've given him a higher position of authority if he kept his head down.
This one I disagree with you on. Neji has consistently been shown as prideful, overbearing, and hubristic. What he did was, IMO, absolutely in character. That said, he's starting to rethink his beliefs, as shown in the update where Hazō brought him lunch. You may start to see more development from him.

Lee - Y'all broke my heart with himYouknow what you did. My dude worked sooooo hard to be viable; he gets shut down HARD at every turn. Somehow he's the weird guy, not respectably different, just the kid who harasses everyone. I love the Ho-Yay shit, that's fucking beautiful. Just wish he could've been the chill monk/pacifistic disabler if he was taking the non-murderous approach(still nerfed hard). You did Guy some mad respect, just hoping Lee takes from his example soon.
Lee is simply not competitive with ninja who can use the full array of techniques. All you need to do is force him out of his engagement envelope and he loses. That means stealth, ranged+speed, mobility restriction, and a variety of other counters to literal punching.

Hinata - Becoming the menacing politician she should be! Praise the Sage! I hope y'all don't Noburi her like you did to Noburi.

Tenten - She has a character arc. Already better than the series.

Shikamaru - Perfect. Can't wait to see him in a straight up fight.

Choji - I'm getting the idea that his clansmen are master dietitians, cooks and nutritionists which rocks. They can already change weight, size and body composition with clan made medicines. Can we explore this more? They'd be even more the perfect physical foil to the Nara.

Ino - Does she have more family than the other two clan members we've seen? Do they have more stories about other minds and bodies they've occupied? What are the dynamics of a house where everyone can minds?

Kagome Yū - Can we know his secrets already? It's been like, two years.... and we still don't know his full past. Stinking stinkers stinking up the stinking stinky stinker.

YAMAMOTO - HE HAD A CHANCE AT REDEMPTION. HE WAS CAPABLE AND SKILLED(Also made use of the Murderous Intent in a very original and practical way, kudos) BUT GOT IGNORED AND BECAME A WHINY PIECE OF SHIT. Why? That just seems.... like wasted potential.
Will the ninja world always Noburi the clanless guys?
I'm glad you like Tenten and the Ino-Shika-Chō (ISC) kids. They're a lot of fun to write.

Kagome is a very private person. His secrets will need to be pried loose one by one over a long time.

We're not done with Yamamoto.

Thanks for writing in. My plane is taxiing now do I must sign off. Bye!
Imagination.exe has crashed. Please reboot.
I did actually write-up a draft for this, but I deleted it when I realised grue was a done deal─I have no particular fondness of henge, so saw no need to defend it. As I mentioned back then, the (non-social) exploits you've suffered from before were basically down to a lack of a causal model resulting in discontinuous effects; if you instead say that (though this is heavily shorthanding it) henge is based on an underlying effect with a small, well-specified, and specifically-localised amount of power, basically every exploit I've seen raised on this thread disappears.
That must have been before my time, I think, because I don't remember that one at all. I am still reasonably sure this is a troll though since there was a pretty obvious sign indicating as much but I can't put my finger on it. I will keep thinking on the matter.

But enough of that for now.


- Dad
See, that's the thing. It's neither funny nor provocative. The idea that somebody thinks this would get a rise out of us would be more insulting than anything in the actual post.

Also, do you have any opinion on the "What if Noburi was the one with the hivemind?" vote? I don't think doing that would be a canon interlude so it might be best to weigh in.
Eh. I tend to be sparing with meta interludes as they require a lot of creative thought relative to the payoff in terms of humour and/or emotional impact.
This reminds me: I was thinking about the discussion of Fate Points as a limiting resource. Would it address the issue if you were only allowed to use 1 invoke + unlimited tags on a given roll?

I think that would help a great deal - if you can only spend a single FP per roll, it means both that you don't have to worry about an enemy spiking 12-18 points of effective skill (in high-end combat) because they panicked, and that you never spend more than 6 FP in a three-round combat (as opposed to now where you could hypothetically go as high at 18, should you have so many). It'd also reduce the advantage of going into a fight with more than 4-5 FP, making a large stockpile mostly useful for multiple fights in a row (which feels more appropriate). Also, it puts more emphasis on the Create an Advantage move and generally setting up edges for yourself/your team, which feels right.

The slight downside is that it means there's less opportunity for someone of lesser skill to do an all-out FP blast to have a chance against someone much better than them, but that doesn't really fit the harsher setting and more lethal ruleset; in addition, unless you explicitly wrote in some kind of underdog rule, anything that gives weaker opponents a chance also lets people crush nominal equals, or lets elites blast even further ahead.
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There have actually been several retcons over the course of two years.

There times, Hazō made a mistake, there were consequences, the players didn't like that, and they devoted a lot of effort to finding and then convincing us of a compelling reason why the mistake was not simulationist. When we became convinced, we rolled back the chapter and wrote something different.

In two other cases, we rolled it back of our own volition without input from players.

The first was the Great Interlude Period, where the QMs finally had to admit that the homebrewed rules system they had created was crap and adapted something better from a professionally-designed system.

The second QM-only retcon was in the second Chūnin Exam event. One of the QMs (a particularly handsome one) came up with an exciting, plausible, and fun-to-write concept. One of the other QMs agreed that the idea was brilliant and exciting. The third QM was not around at the time, being offline for some silly reason like "sleep" or "traveling" (I don't recall). Anyway, the particularly handsome and creative QM went and wrote several thousand words based on this fun and exciting and *very plausible* idea. When the third QM came back and saw what had been wrought, he cried out in anguish and immediately began attempting to convince the other two that their working was flawed. The three strove mightily for hours. Words of power ("simulationist", "previously-agreed backstory", "plausible", etc) were exchanged. In the end, the third QM was victorious; he smote his co-author foes upon the mountain and crushed their youthful hopes and dreams beneath his cynical heel.

With good grace and not a single hint of grumbling, the particularly handsome QM undid all his own clever and *very plausible* work and a new and much more boring timeline was put in its place, one in which childrens' night light seals were not an extinction event waiting to happen.

This latest retcon is an interesting mix. It was suggested by a player, possibly as a joke. Two of the QMs dove in that idea like a starving dog on a tenderloin. The third was more measured; he pondered and considered before granting agreement. A poll was taken off the players as to whether this would draw down a lot of complaining ruin everyone's enjoyment. There was complete consensus that it would be fine -- that the QMs were essentially working a part-time job to provide free entertainment, that it was clear how much stress this technique caused for the QMs, and that everyone was fun with being nice to the QMs.

And thus did Bayer lose its biggest customers and the QMs became happier.

I get where you're coming from but (a) the team has actually spent very little around girls their age and (b) being charming is not enough to get a girlfriend, especially when you're standing next to a guy who (in your own opinion) is better looking, more charismatic, and a budding master of an esoteric and exciting art form that allows him to rewrite the balance of power on the continent before he turns 15.

Again, I really do get it, but I think you aren't thinking it all the way through. You're right that a normal person would not have Keiko's internal monologue by this point in her development. Consider, however, that Keiko is NOT normal. She has a phobia of touch. She has a bloodline that is effectively weaponized depression. She shows the typical signs of autism -- an inability to understand neurotypical emotions and facial expressions. Yes, Mari is a brilliant social engineer, but she is not a therapist . Her training is how to control people, not how to heal them.

This one I disagree with you on. Neji has consistently been shown as prideful, overbearing, and hubristic. What he did was, IMO, absolutely in character. That said, he's starting to rethink his beliefs, as shown in the update where Hazō brought him lunch. You may start to see more development from him.

Lee is simply not competitive with ninja who can use the full array of techniques. All you need to do is force him out of his engagement envelope and he loses. That means stealth, ranged+speed, mobility restriction, and a variety of other counters to literal punching.

I'm glad you like Tenten and the Ino-Shika-Chō (ISC) kids. They're a lot of fun to write.

Kagome is a very private person. His secrets will need to be pried loose one by one over a long time.

We're not done with Yamamoto.

Thanks for writing in. My plane is taxiing now do I must sign off. Bye!

To be fair, there wasn't a complete consensus. I believe I was the sole vote against. Not complaining or anything, unanimous-1 is a pretty decent "people's mandate," just technically that's not accurate.
To be fair, there wasn't a complete consensus. I believe I was the sole vote against. Not complaining or anything, unanimous-1 is a pretty decent "people's mandate," just technically that's not accurate.
I'm afraid your vote against has been retconned. In the current MfD continuity, you were heartily on the side of the grue all along.