Hmm... I was pretty confident I did a physics post on Fire-log macerators back before we got to Leaf (probably around Spring of 2017), and I wanted to check it, because... uh... reasons. Anyone (@faflec ) remember where it might be, or if someone else did the math? My normal indexing doesn't seem to cover it (starting stuff with "Radvic's Analysis of <x>" and making a post with > 500 words).
You didn't do the math, and asked about it here. @Enjou did the only calculations I can think of:
Ok, so I have some useful data for people who want to math things out. I found a power point talking all about dust explosions. You can download it here. (doesn't seem to be copyrighted or anything, so I'm assuming this is ok)

Referencing a document published by the National Fire Protection Association, you can get a rough estimate of the diameter of a dust explosion (D) by using the volume of the space the dust is contained in (V) with the following formula:

D= 10(V^1/3)

For the sake of simplicity, let's assume that the Macerator releases its contents in a 1m3​, which would make the rough maximum diameter of the fireball 10 meters, or a radius of 5 meters. That's the fireball itself, but the damage to people is still going to extend further due to radiant heat, which can cause severe burns.

NOTE - The wiki says explosive seals have a "max range" of 20m, but this seems a bit large to me if it's the radius. Could that be diameter? I would hope so, because a 20m max radius for an explosive tag's effect would seem larger than some of the fire jutsu being thrown around in canon. I also don't recall any explosive tags having this large of a radius from canon examples. @OliWhail, @eaglejarl, @Velorien - could one of you please clarify on this?

HOWEVER, the Macerator 2.0 releases its contents at a speed of 20 m/s. This means that as the material is combusting it can also be moving at high velocity, which should increase the effective area of the fireball. The videos I've seen that aren't in slow motion have the fireballs from sawdust explosions lasting from anywhere from roughly one to two seconds, which means that since momentum is conserved the combusting material is going to be moving outward during that time, unlike dust explosions where the dust is just floating around at very low speed.

For the sake of simplicity, maybe we can just say that the fireball from a fully loaded burning log Macerator 2.0 has a radius of ~25 meters? We don't really have a way to test this anyways, so unless @Radvic wants to figure out the math a guesstimate is probably fine.

If we say ~25 meters in radius, that's a big fireball that'd probably kill or severely burn (3rd degree burns over much of their body) anyone caught inside of it and catch fire to other flammable materials in the area. We'd need an idea of how hot this is burning and for someone to calculate the range at which the radiant heat would be dangerous as well.
Hmm... I was pretty confident I did a physics post on Fire-log macerators back before we got to Leaf (probably around Spring of 2017), and I wanted to check it, because... uh... reasons.

We all know exactly what you're planning. You don't have to hide it.

You want to propose a massive barbecue where everyone is invited. You plan to serve spicy food so you can observe when people spit it out and determine whether or not they're ninja.
Oh we haven't left yet? SWEEEEEET
Thugs to do:

There are enemy shinobi out to snipe our chance. Keiko, Shikamaru, shut up and multiply to defend against enemy action.

Akane, this is bigger than you.shut up and help us.

Perhaps we can leverage Shino the Bug Lad to aid us in some way.

Nobody actually knows this, aside from the Leaf teams we've sparred with before the exam. We've yet to explode anything in Mist.
A said otherwise

We used them to signal our location of the bunker in the Swamp of Minor Inconveniences
If you ask, the others will tell you that they would be surprised if people started randomly punching when they can see that there's no serious danger. The exception to this is if they're drunk or their judgement is otherwise impaired. In that case, all bets are off.

So what I take from this is that as long as we don't use the tipserators, we could do things like set off a banshee in the hedge maze or fake a ninja fight and expect people to be agitated but still refrain from punching each other. We'd still have to figure out how to capitalize on the agitation that'd cause for it to be worth it, but it's a tool in our toolbox.
We used them to signal our location of the bunker in the Swamp of Minor Inconveniences

A said otherwise


That's really thin. I'm almost inclined to believe that Kage are well informed regarding our capabilities and that comment by A is him finding an excuse to bring it up without revealing what he knows.

In any event, there's no reason for the exam participants or proctors to associate our team with explosives specifically.
So what I take from this is that as long as we don't use the tipserators, we could do things like set off a banshee in the hedge maze or fake a ninja fight and expect people to be agitated but still refrain from punching each other. We'd still have to figure out how to capitalize on the agitation that'd cause for it to be worth it, but it's a tool in our toolbox.
The cons of doing it this way is that it's only a one-time thing, and there are gonna people who are Alert enough to prevent a reaction from being seen. Plus there's the fact that we won't be able to see them all, meaning those who do give reactions aren't gonna be visible to us. They'll be visible to Hinata, but Hinata already knows everyone.

OTOH tipserators are more long-lasting meaning we can gather information over the course of the Event. And while there is the risk that people are gonna do stupid bullshit, I don't think that risk is gonna correlate with us as it did during the retcon'd chapter.
...What about asking Shino if he has any methods to attract natural insects? If we could get mosquitos outside...
...What about asking Shino if he has any methods to attract natural insects? If we could get mosquitos outside...
Unlikely, unless Shino was obfuscating stupidity:
"My insect allies can be used for tracking, but I too am uncertain of their reliability in these conditions," Aburame said. "Why? Because this area is covered in swamps and marshes, all of which have enormous insect populations. The pheromones are distinguishable from the ones my allies emit but they are so prevalent that they mask the scent. And, again, a skilled and prepared ninja could use water or air jutsu to periodically clear the air."
Also query: What is the purpose of the mosquitoes?
If we want to unnerve the ninjas in the EM trap... well, what do you think would happen if we put a banshee somewhere in the back of the grounds or in the hedge maze, far enough away that it's not an attack but close enough that they can clearly hear a loud sound

Could work since it would actively discourage people from leaving if they want to stick to their timid civilian selves.

Who is going to fire the seals though? We should keep Hazo close to the Herd (but not too close to get *accidentally* shanked) and someone with high stealth or a similar mole jutsu throw and recover the seals.
If Hazo is the only one that can do mole jutsu, then someone else needs to observe instead.
OTOH tipserators are more long-lasting meaning we can gather information over the course of the Event. And while there is the risk that people are gonna do stupid bullshit, I don't think that risk is gonna correlate with us as it did during the retcon'd chapter.

Let me just say that any situation comparable to the retconned chapter, with major injuries, the event cancelled, and a serious investigation in progress, is a loss for us. Even if Hazou is several degrees of responsibility removed from what actually sets things off, we will still be blamed by STL and Akane.

There may be a way to use the Tipserator without causing widespread panic, but I'm reluctant to do so. I still feel like we're sitting on a powder keg, juggling torches.
Unlikely, unless Shino was obfuscating stupidity:

Also query: What is the purpose of the mosquitoes?
To pop henges. I assume he hasn't done so personally, with his allies already, because it would be too easy to trace back to him, although we could suggest that too.

My ideas so far for mass-DQ:
  • Ino Mindwalks a proctor, walks up to the group of proctors around them, and tells them (with appropriate codewords) that there are orders from the top that the event is to cancelled and the ninja returned to their barracks posthaste in light of this. Once they're outside the grounds, she releases the technique, and the proctor does her work for her in informing them that that was not actually the case, but they remain DQed.
  • Shino, either with his allies or with natural insects, pops henges in mass.
  • Sakura does a genjutsu thing. Infinite creativity applicable here.
  • MEW a path leading to the gate, surrounding them. Probably a bad idea for collateral damage reasons and that it'd freak the ninja out.
I think we could use the tipserators and misterators, if they are outside, we just need to mist the closest doors to make people unwilling to get inside at least for some time, using windows is a ninja thing, as soon as they see mist/alcohol mist coming from the inside they would get a fair bit more inclined to stay where they are, and the mist woudn't just stay there, but should spread around getting a fair amount of people just a bit drunk, and that works in our favor as we keep trying to get reactions from them.
1. Keep in mind that we do not have infinite time to ask our allies for ideas here.
2. Getting the even cancelled would be bad for relations - Akane doesn't want anyone's hard work to be for naught, and I doubt Team Asuma or Team Kurenai would appreciate their hard work in this being cancelled either. (that's probably part of why everyone was so pissed off at us in the retconned timeline)

Thanks. A bit of both, most likely. Certainly not thrilled about having to do this retcon, but there was no other valid option.

Understandable, given the need for consistency in worldbuilding. Though, IMO you should be forcing us to use the Tipserator here - people are backing out because of foreknowledge of what happened in the retconned timeline, being squeamish because of that. Can't negate the consequences of the prior plan that easily!

Speaking of the tipserators - @eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, does Hazou foresee any issues with using Hiding Like a Mole to unleash the tisperator underground in a wide area dispersal near the crowd?

There may be a way to use the Tipserator without causing widespread panic, but I'm reluctant to do so. I still feel like we're sitting on a powder keg, juggling torches.

Again, Shikamaru has approved of this version, and he's not incorrect in assuming that Line of Sight won't be blocked by it.

Actually, since we haven't left yet, we could probably ask him "If I used Hiding Like a Mole to release the payload, where do you think would be the optimal location to do so relative to the crowd, to maximize effect while minimizing chances of being noticed?" It's a quick question, and would put some of the burden of the results on him.
Let me just say that any situation comparable to the retconned chapter, with major injuries, the event cancelled, and a serious investigation in progress, is a loss for us. Even if Hazou is several degrees of responsibility removed from what actually sets things off, we will still be blamed by STL and Akane.

There may be a way to use the Tipserator without causing widespread panic, but I'm reluctant to do so. I still feel like we're sitting on a powder keg, juggling torches.

I completely disagree. What happened was one of the best possible outcomes. We just need to preempt the fall our slightly. Preemptively break down shikamaru. Give ourself more deniability. Reduce the level of violence
We are dealing with inherently irrational people that do not kowtow as easy to such points (regardless of their validity).

However, even from a utilitarian, Voldemort as fuck perspective, they are still extremely useful to us in their current state and thus we should preserve relations with them as best as possible.
Again, Shikamaru has approved of this version, and he's not incorrect in assuming that Line of Sight won't be blocked by it.

Actually, since we haven't left yet, we could probably ask him "If I used Hiding Like a Mole to release the payload, where do you think would be the optimal location to do so relative to the crowd, to maximize effect while minimizing chances of being noticed?" It's a quick question, and would put some of the burden of the results on him.
Opinion: We should ask Keiko, given that Shikamaru would probably demand hours (or something similar) in exchange. Also, I think we owe him something less than 6 hours from the Second Event; no need to get even worse in debt.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail A quick question: Do we know the location of any other stragglers/party-goers NOT in SuperTeam Leaf or the trapped area?