I have yet to hear a single reason why meat packing is worth focusing on (not that its bad, but why focus on that if Ninja techniques are not allowed.)
As for the labour revolution, yeah in the 1200s you have almost no urbanisation and the vast majority of labor is still locked away in primary industries. One of the reasons why that partial storage seal would be such a game changer. Once primary industries efficiencies goes up people can turn to secondary industries.
I have yet to hear a single reason why meat packing is worth focusing on (not that its bad, but why focus on that if Ninja techniques are not allowed.)
Takes advantage of things that are all technically not ninja magic, like treating people as cogs in a machine, how to butcher animals efficiently, etc.
Hence why the assembly line can't exist if we want this to work.
Takes advantage of things that are all technically not ninja magic, like treating people as cogs in a machine, how to butcher animals efficiently, etc.
Hence why the assembly line can't exist if we want this to work.
you are still spending all your time doing near peasant level work.
With their training their time is worth more, much more.
if you want to set up a meat packing plant that is staffed entirely by civilians, yeah ok, but we could do better like several orders of magnitude better..
Guilds arise in Konoha for each major business, traders, stone masons, carpenters and so on.
A quality assurance law is instituted during a war
People in Konoha can only practice a profession if they have the relevant competency certification
You get a competency certification by having an experienced member of the profession vouch for you
If an experienced member certifies someone who is later found to be incompetent then both are punished.
The quality assurance law has the side-effect of getting rid of anyone in the village operating outside the guilds.
War is over and not every ninja is needed on the front lines
Ninja tries to do civilian work finds he can't. No one will certify him because they don't want to be out-competed.
This happens repeatedly and the Hokage is forced to negotiate with guilds and as a result the Merchant Council is formed.
In other villages where civilians are powerful in government (not Mist) civilians work to institute similar laws
Public works keep getting subtly sabotaged and overbudget until the quality assurance law is passed.
Civilians refuse to pass laws which have exceptions for ninja.
It is possible to break the law and get away with it but not regularly or easily.
To start with you need a ninja willing to break the law and capable of hiding that fact when most ninja are raised on state propaganda and are psychologically profiled. You also need to find a civilian willing to risk the ire of the Merchant Council which is hard because the MC is powerful and has convinced most civilians it is working for their interests. People may willing to spend their own lives but not the lives of their family. The merchant council can shame a family, remove their trade qualifications and effectively doom them to extreme poverty or starvation.
Then these people need to find each other which is extremely difficult. If you make a proposal to the wrong person they will report you to the Merchant Council. Even if someone seems like they may be open to a deal they may be a honeypot trap.
Assuming you can do that you need to arrange the deal and do the work without being noticed by other ninja. Ninja and clans in particular spy on other ninja as a matter of course. e.g If the Hyuuga catch the Akimichi using jutsu without a license then the Hyuuga can report them for status or extort the Akimichi.
Then the civilians need to hide their sudden wealth from friends, neighbours and anyone else that may lead to it getting back to the Council. Sudden rises in wealth are going to be suspicious so the profits from the trades are going to be effectively unusable.
Civilians don't believe letting ninja into the market will help them. They are largely ignorant of economics and the exact limitations of jutsu. The MC takes advantage of this ignorance and has emphasised or exaggerated the short term effects of decreased wages and the long term effects of an ineffective military.
Ninja in places like Mist (such as Hazou's clan) have a powerful stupid warrior culture. The civilians in such places are oppressed, unmotivated and disorganised. The best ninja are not the best administrators and Mist suffers because it refuses to appropriately specialise.
You can but people will just keep adding to your bounty until someone kills you.
Whenever ninjas start making too much economic progress with merchants, technology develops to the point that sealcrafting becomes more common and understood. Then the lupchanz start taking people, set the seals wrong, and a sealing disaster with a very specific effect comes about, unraveling causality related to charka-based infrastructures. It starts with the seal - traces back to a critical sealcrafting threshold - traces back to the sustainable accelerating economy - traces back to ninjas making wide use of their chakra power to produce goods and services that persist in an enduring way beyond the limit of their own personal presence, and that's about the limit of the effect's range. Those effects then crumble, leaving by selection bias a world that looks like you should be able to improve it with ninja techniques applied to economy - but with a built in black swan out of context problem that can only be glimpsed by the shape of the hole it leaves behind. And of which Kagome knows but dare not speak for fear that will entangle him in the effect the next time it happens.
PSA: Voting closes in 24.5 hours and there is not a single vote. If there are no votes, or if no plan earns more than 1 vote, that means I can make Hazō do whatever I choose. </ominous musical sting>
1. Learn to make money and get ready to make money. Simply put, we need to replenish the treasury.
2. Research. This is also the perfect time to do research as well, but training priorities come first. We are in the eye of a storm after all.
3. Socialize. We need to build up a social network within the village. We barely know anybody here.
4. Make money.
Non-binding Suggestions:
Get everyone a business license for whatever they are planning to do. Hazō and Kagome will get sealing license, Noburi will get medical license, etc.
Figure out which seals are most preferred by customers and at what price, such as explosive seals and so forth.
Training come first before research, because something will happen in the wider world. So the team needs to be prepared.
Sealing research:
Find out if there's an equivalent version of the Casino Seals in either the Konoha library or the Nara library.
The equivalent seal should be easier to research due to documentations.
May required asking for permission or help from Keiko to access restricted parts of a library.
If necessary, reverse engineer the Casino Seal under the supervision of a senior sealmaster(Kagome, Jiraiya, or someone else).
Suggest to Kagome about researching a hot air balloon, essentially a bigger version of a sky lantern.
Invite different clan heirs to gaming night? Probably not a good idea since the manor hadn't yet been renovated. Discuss the idea at dinner.
Have dinner with Akane's family. Everyone in the clan go, or just Hazō or Akane?
Go to popular cafe and see who hangs out.
Carve a plaque for Mari out of wood or granite: "Welcome to the Desk Corp"
Plan birthday/retirement party with team except Mari.
Find that telescope(ancillary):
Where in the world do people sell telescope? Are there telescope maker in Konoha?
If there is a telescope craftsman in Konoha, visit their shop and look around. Note the price.
If there is not, petition Jiraiya during dinner about sponsoring a telescope maker when clan finance is back in order.
Make money:
Look around for jobs. Note which make the most money and job description.
In particular, seek out mechanical oriented skillset for Akane and Hazō.
Noburi might be able to get a job with the Konoha General Hospital or similiar.
Do missions to keep clan finance afloat, but don't go overboard:
If at all, possible, a job would provide enough income to keep the clan afloat.
However, if missions are necessary, it should be prioritized below jobs.
Ideally, something like a low-risk C-rank mission. The team had done too many "C-rank" mission turned into disaster A-ranked missions.
Wait, has anyone proposed trying to create hot air balloons/blimps as a moneymaking scheme?
It's something we could do without chakra, so it should bypass the Merchant Council.
PSA: Voting closes in 24.5 hours and there is not a single vote. If there are no votes, or if no plan earns more than 1 vote, that means I can make Hazō do whatever I choose. </ominous musical sting>
Is it bad that I really want to see what @eaglejarl would do if given complete control? I know, I know, it's like freeing a malevolent genie, but... Trainwrecks are captivating, aren't they?
Continue our conversation with Noburi. Ask him if we can change our answer - actually, having taken a second to think about it, going insane is extremely unproductive and we should definitely get a mental health checkup after such a traumatising experience.
Ask J to either get us an appointment with Neira, or someone else suitable. Encourage the rest of the team to follow suit.
Make a gunwand. Get Kagome's help. Do so under anti-hyūga seals, if possible.
Show J the gunwand prototype, and suggest the implications that civilians armed with them can now protect themselves against chakra beasts (though much less so against ninja). Suggest training a civilian gunner militia.
Buy Mari a nice present with sentimental and metaphorical value. [SOMEONE SUGGEST SOMETHING]
Throw Mari a "surprise" party that is carefully telegraphed so as to have no chance of actually being a surprise. As if we'd manage to hide anything from Mari. Heh.
Does Jiraiya even know we can copy seals with the Iron Nerve? It sounds like something we would've kept close to our chest before we joined Leaf and something that just might not have come up after. It could be that Jiraiya can actually make a lot of money this way and we just have to let him know.
Also, including telling Jiraiya Kagome's information on the Jinchuuriki would probably be prudent. It might be redundant, but if it isn't then it's the kind of information Jiraiya wants yesterday.
Does Jiraiya even know we can copy seals with the Iron Nerve? It sounds like something we would've kept close to our chest before we joined Leaf and something that just might not have come up after. It could be that Jiraiya can actually make a lot of money this way and we just have to let him know.
Noburi told him offscreen about his Mist draining, so I suppose that Hazou told him about this part of his bloodline. That's why Jiraiya was also willing to try the invisible Ink experiment I guess.
Also, including telling Jiraiya Kagome's information on the Jinchuuriki would probably be prudent. It might be redundant, but if it isn't then it's the kind of information Jiraiya wants yesterday.
The Kagome reveal should definitly be part of the winning Plan. Also his backstory, because Kagome is now known around the world and his old village might connect the dots:
-) Kagome
-) Sealmaster
-) Weird paranoid Guy
= Guy who vanished 15 years ago and didn't die at the DOOM Fortress.
We should try to figure out who might be able to recognize him.
Discuss (with Mari-sensei) telling Jiraiya about Kagome's knowledge.
Avoid OPSEC breaches.
Make sure all of this is done privately (anti-spying seals).
Don't tell Mari-sensei too much about the mission-related details.
Specifically, discuss Akatsuki-related information and the locations of jinchuriki.
Only do it with Mari-sensei's approval.
What we know:
Akatuski originated in the Land of Rain. (this is the important part)
They wrote a book of some sort.
They were scattered in some fight where Hanzo of the Salamander got killed.
Why it's important now.
You (Jiraiya) mentioned that Akatsuki might have some sort of weather-control ability.
When we first entered the Land of Rain (post-Liberator) Noburi noticed chakra in the rain, which came as if out of nowhere.
The Land of Rain is where (Kagome thinks) Akatsuki originated.
Conclusion: Is it possible that your paranoia is correct, and that Akatsuki has been tracking our team using this chakra-rain ability?
Note: Noburi says he didn't sense chakra in the rain, but it's possible the Akatsuki have some version that dodges this, since we're near Mist, home of the Wakahisa clan.
After a discussion with the QMs, I have (personally) changed my mind on the MC. This world is so wildly different than ours that having good intuitions about what real people do gives you bad intuitions about what MfD people do, which convinced me to change my mind. There will be an information post coming in the next day or so to explain it in more detail.
I will vote for no plan that does not involve WANDGUN and be very dissapointed if one passes. Seriously, this is how we change the world. (not saying it's for the better, but it'll at least be interesting)
Lesser Barrier Formation sealed inside a wooden tube with a macerator seal placed against one of the LBF and open to the outside, with a switch that triggers the LBF. It's a fully generalized civilian-usable-seal-device.
I know you asked for feedback on a bunch of points, and I'll try to hit the other ones a bit later... Didn't want them to just sit there unanswered though
1. The opposite is more likely to happen during a war: you desperately want to increase production, and both the extra quality requirements as well as additional bureaucracy will have a stifling effect. Obviously you'd like for your troops to have the best equipment, but war is the ultimate case of needs must (e.g. during WW2 we even went so far as letting women work the factories! /s). This can maybe be handwaved around though.
2. This bit is the problematic part for me. Assuming that a ninja's goods are of equal or better quality (and this will certainly be the case for almost all areas where ninja have a comparative advantage), this amounts to the civilian/guild attempting to just outright cheat the ninja by lying about the product quality. It suspends my disbelief that a group of civilians will attempt to repeatedly cheat the omnipotent, proud, and murderous beings who regard their lives as worthless already. The first civ or guild that attempted this would wake up with their horse's head in bed with them... If they were lucky. This is a far cry from the ninja trying to rule a populace by fear... It's simply ninja refusing to be cheated.
3. And if it gets to the point that the Hokage himself is having to address the widespread exploitation of his citizens, I don't think he's going to be going in deferentially to acquiesce to the guilds. I'd expect him to lay waste to the corrupt structures and/or make an example of them. Even if he was shockingly merciful (and unswayed by all the clans under him who had been cheated) he would at LEAST ensure that the "quality assurance test" going forward was done fairly.
There is NO WAY that if some random Hyuuga henges, runs to a different city, unseals her wares and sells them that she'll be branded a missing nin and a bounty will be put on her head. Attempting to pop a ninja's henge is an EXTREMELY hostile act, and unless your name is Kurosawa Hazou, it's also more or less impossible for a civilian (with a deathwish) to do with their pathetic dicepoools. Nobody would ever even find out who she was, and the civilians in this village arent going to scrounge for years and years to put together the funds for an A-Rank mission to oust the foreigner who sells them bread at good prices.
Fuck it. I'm combining some plans because Hack Job.
[X] Action Plan: Baseline
Make money
Research & Training.
Non-binding suggestions:
Making money:
Get everyone a business license for whatever they are planning to do. Hazō and Kagome will get sealing license, Noburi will get medical license, Keiko a Pangolin trading license...
Figure out which seals are most preferred by customers and at what price, such as explosive seals and so forth.
If at all, possible, a job alone would provide enough income to keep the clan afloat.
Ideally, something like a low-risk C-rank mission. The team had done too many "C-rank" mission turned into disaster A-ranked missions.
Make sure our seal loadout is replenished.
Do the ones that make the most money & fit our styles (see below).
Seek out mechanical oriented jobs for Akane.
Hazō may be able to get work as a scribe.
Noburi might be able to get a job with the Konoha General Hospital or similiar.
Continue our conversation with Noburi. Ask him if we can change our answer - actually, having taken a second to think about it, going insane is extremely unproductive and we should definitely get a mental health checkup after such a traumatising experience.
Ask J to either get us an appointment with Neira, or someone else suitable. Encourage the rest of the team to follow suit.
Invite different clan heirs to gaming night? Probably not a good idea since the manor hadn't yet been renovated. Discuss the idea at dinner.
Have dinner with Akane's family. Everyone in the clan go, or just Hazō or Akane?
Discuss (with Mari-sensei) telling Jiraiya about Kagome's knowledge.
Avoid OPSEC breaches.
Make sure all of this is done privately (anti-spying seals).
Don't tell Mari-sensei too much about the mission-related details.
Specifically, discuss Akatsuki-related information and the locations of jinchuriki.
Only do it with Mari-sensei's approval.
What we know:
Akatuski originated in the Land of Rain. (this is the important part)
They wrote a book of some sort.
They were scattered in some fight where Hanzo of the Salamander got killed.
Why it's important now.
You (Jiraiya) mentioned that Akatsuki might have some sort of weather-control ability.
When we first entered the Land of Rain (post-Liberator) Noburi noticed chakra in the rain, which came as if out of nowhere.
The Land of Rain is where (Kagome thinks) Akatsuki originated.
Conclusion: Is it possible that your paranoia is correct, and that Akatsuki has been tracking our team using this chakra-rain ability?
Note: Noburi says he didn't sense chakra in the rain, but it's possible the Akatsuki have some version that dodges this, since we're near Mist, home of the Wakahisa clan.
Nine-Tails: Captured by Akatsuki
Eight-Tails: Cloud
Seven-Tails: ???
Six-Tails: ???
Five-Tails: Bear
Four-Tails: ???
Three-Tails: Captured by Akatsuki
Two-Tails: Demon (?)
One-Tails: Sand
Throw Mari a "surprise" party that is carefully telegraphed so as to have no chance of actually being a surprise. As if we'd manage to hide anything from Mari. Heh.
Possible presents:
Carve a plaque for Mari out of wood or granite: "Welcome to the Desk Corp".
Make a bottle of perfume with a chocolate blade inside (reference).
Temporary Goo Bomb water bed.
Make a garden in the compound composed of flora from each of the places we traveled together before settling in Konoha, representing all the hardships Mari saw us though. Enlist Ino for help. Probably have some Leaf plant as the centerpiece.
Buy Mari a nice present with sentimental and metaphorical value. [SOMEONE SUGGEST SOMETHING]
On an unrelated note, ask when Jiraiya's birthday is.
Where in the world do people sell telescope? Are there telescope maker in Konoha?
If there is a telescope craftsman in Konoha, visit their shop and look around. Note the price.
If there is not, petition Jiraiya during dinner about sponsoring a telescope maker when clan finance is back in order.
Research & Training:
Training come first before research, because something will happen in the wider world. So the team needs to be prepared.
Sealing research:
Make a gunwand.
Lesser Barrier Formation sealed inside a wooden tube with a macerator seal placed against one of the LBF and open to the outside, with a switch that triggers the LBF. It's a fully generalized civilian-usable-seal-device.
Get Kagome's help. Do so under anti-hyūga seals, if possible.
Show J the gunwand prototype when he has time.
When demonstrating use them to activate macerators, air domes, and storage seals.
Suggest the implications that civilians armed with them can now protect themselves against chakra beasts (though much less so against ninja). Suggest training a civilian gunner militia.
Find out if there's an equivalent version of the Casino Seals in either the Konoha library or the Nara library.
The equivalent seal should be easier to research due to documentations.
May required asking for permission or help from Keiko to access restricted parts of a library.
If necessary, reverse engineer the Casino Seal under the supervision of a senior sealmaster (Kagome, Jiraiya, or someone else).
Suggest to Kagome about researching impulse seals.