Did anybody else notice that she didn't give a counter-sign? Well, unless, "welcome", was the counter-sign, but that's an extremely poorly chosen one. The other contact had and gave a counter-sign to the correct signal. Presumably, they all should just as a matter of good tradecraft.

As far as the team actually knows, they got lost in the dark and rain, stumbled upon completely the wrong farmhouse, got invited in as a matter of ordinary rural hospitality, and then told the confused inhabitant, "Hi, we're ninja sent by the world's most notorious spymaster to give you this confidential information and solve any problems you might currently have."

I mean, everybody is exhausted and desperately wants to relax in a warm and dry safehouse, but regardless of the actuality of the current situation there appear to have been a lot of very serious screw-ups. Ironically, Hazou doesn't appear to have been directly responsible for any of them.
I agree with this statement. Honestly, I kind of think this might be a confusion mission by Jiraiya. He may have sent us to someone who is a part of a different network and is using this to leak out information.
I agree with this statement. Honestly, I kind of think this might be a confusion mission by Jiraiya. He may have sent us to someone who is a part of a different network and is using this to leak out information.

My default explanation is, "GMs are evil and exist to make players cry." They've just successfully conned the thread into overcomitting to a ship attack and thereby forcing themselves to commit mass, but arguably justified murder. What will the thread do when confronted with the necessity of killing civilians to cover up what was actually just a completely avoidable mistake which never had the potential to accomplish anything?

That doesn't really add up unless there was something in the plan which caused everybody to ignore procedure, but something along those lines should always be expected from such fell creatures.

Perhaps more relevantly, this was one of the locations added to the initial list, yes? That suggests it may be the result of intel collected from the captives, which makes it more dangerous than an ordinary check-in because it is going to be actively opposed by at least one other force who by now knows that the captives are missing and has had Kami-only-knows what prior arrangements and poisoned intelligence prepared for such a scenario.
It is interesting to me how lazy in story we are now for the mission. First person we contacted, we had 2 or 3 of us go in with 2 or 3 people hidden nearby and an escape route planned. Now, we've apparently all gone into the building leaving no watches outside and not attempting to hide anyone? Minami for the win?
It is interesting to me how lazy in story we are now for the mission. First person we contacted, we had 2 or 3 of us go in with 2 or 3 people hidden nearby and an escape route planned. Now, we've apparently all gone into the building leaving no watches outside and not attempting to hide anyone? Minami for the win?

Don't forget, it's an armored building. Basically a bunker. That the team trapped themselves in. -and is preparing to fall asleep in without clearing and securing. -or having Kagome set up a perimeter.

Lots of screw-ups. The team really should not be sleeping in any predictable location just as a matter of principle. Check in, confirm you've got the right place, hand over the scroll, then go set ups a secure camp elsewhere. Don't ask for food for that matter. An asset can always have been turned. The team barely avoided getting Zabuza'd because of one of J's assets being identified and put under surveillance for completely unrelated reasons.

"My laundry" might be the supposed challenge answer. But yeah, we should make sure that we are at the right house.

Possibly, but it would still be a poor design if the challenge was the initial salute. Heck, would she be expected to make them wait while she got a fire going and started cooking something before answering the door if she didn't just happen to have it ready when they arrived?

It sounds more like her attempting to dissuade anyone from looking in the pot.
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Did anybody else notice that she didn't give a counter-sign?
This is an incredibly good point....
@eaglejarl did the contact give the appropriate counter sign?
The "my laundry" bit was the counter sign, as @Kiba deduced. The pot actually contains some sort of food appropriate to the area and person -- I actually have no idea what would be reasonable to be in that pot, but it's something sensible. Beans, maybe? Some sort of soup? Dunno.

Perhaps more relevantly, this was one of the locations added to the initial list, yes?
No, this was the one and only Nagi Island stop you were originally scheduled for.
Note that the woman didn't say anything about the message, Jiraiya, or some other thing. She asked if we're ninja, not about "what message", so it isn't rural hospitality.

Also, @eaglejarl blackbirded me.:ninja:
@Velorien But then how does mist work? Is not the chain of events with his bloodline sense the chakra, taste the chakra? Would it not be misty enough or enough water on the ground for a continuous sensory data for Noburi to not have to worry about things getting past his realm of omniscience? Would he have to have an even higher skill in Vampire Dew for torrential downpour equal perfect fighting ground for Noburi?
I suddenly really want to turn Noburi into Pain-lite. Get high enough VD that he can sense through rain, and get a weather jutsu/seal that causes torrential rain.
OK. I think we should focus on not jumping at shadows(it's dangerous), as the thread seems to be doing more nowadays.

At the same time, Team Uplift seems to be getting sloppy. Everyone showing up at door at once? We are getting complacent here.
Imagining what S-rank level Vampiric Dew would do gives me warm feelings. Chakra is such a limited resource for most ninja, so mist-draining does wonderful things to the numbers in almost any combat encounter.

Someone already said it way further back in the thread, but the Wakahisa are not support class. They're DPS-Maxers.
Imagining what S-rank level Vampiric Dew would do gives me warm feelings. Chakra is such a limited resource for most ninja, so mist-draining does wonderful things to the numbers in almost any combat encounter.

Someone already said it way further back in the thread, but the Wakahisa are not support class. They're DPS-Maxers.
Well, given the opportunity, Noburi can build his clan in Konoha to show that off.

That said, it'd take 2940 XP to raise Vamp Dew to 80 and 574 to raise Control to 27 to that end (at which point Noburi would have a Chakra Capacity of 1,350) from where he is now for a total of 3,514 XP.
Imagining what S-rank level Vampiric Dew would do gives me warm feelings. Chakra is such a limited resource for most ninja, so mist-draining does wonderful things to the numbers in almost any combat encounter.i

Someone already said it way further back in the thread, but the Wakahisa are not support class. They're DPS-Maxers.

Seriously I just want to keep raising Vampire dew. Every point let's him increase his range and makes him more lethal
I can't remember the figures, is that good or bad compared to other skills?
It's no different than any other skill -- it costs a LOT simply to raise a skill to 80.

e: The formula is (80(80+1))/2 - (24(24+1))/2 for the cost to raise a skill to 80 minus the cost to raise a skill to 24 (where he's at now).
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Hm. Okay, so: Water Clone, Tac Move, Syrup Trap, and Vamp Dew seem to be high priorities for Noburi, because if Noburi got them all to, say, 50, he'd be able to produce:

16 Water Clones with the following stats:

16 Tac Move, 16 Syrup Trap which could be be produced using 85 (20 base water clone + 20 syrup trap + 25 CB Syrup Trap + 20 CB Tac Move) chakra apiece for a total of 1,360 chakra points to roll 16 instances of Syrup Trap at 41 dice during which time their distraction would allow Noburi to drain -- alternately he could use only 10 of them to Syrup trap (for 850 chakra) and instead use the other 6 to pretend to be him.

e: Note that no jounin is capable of boosting tac move to avoid every syrup trap. It's just not gonna happen unless they're wakahisa, a jinchuuriki, or Kisame.
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Hm. Okay, so: Water Clone, Tac Move, Syrup Trap, and Vamp Dew seem to be high priorities for Noburi, because if Noburi got them all to, say, 50, he'd be able to produce:

16 Water Clones with the following stats:

16 Tac Move, 16 Syrup Trap which could be be produced using 85 (20 base water clone + 20 syrup trap + 25 CB Syrup Trap + 20 CB Tac Move) chakra apiece for a total of 1,360 chakra points to roll 16 instances of Syrup Trap at 41 dice during which time their distraction would allow Noburi to drain -- alternately he could use only 10 of them to Syrup trap (for 850 chakra) and instead use the other 6 to pretend to be him.

e: Note that no jounin is capable of boosting tac move to avoid every syrup trap. It's just not gonna happen unless they're wakahisa, a jinchuuriki, or Kisame.

Wait could the water clones substitute with Noburi? If they can we could just constantly substitute with a clone any time someone manages to close with him
I did some math which may not be entirely accurate because like half of it I did in my head and was too lazy to write down to check, but I wrote up approximately what I expect Noburi's XP costs to look like:

Control 17: 124
Intelligence 10: 90
Dexterity 17: 250
Wits 10: 54
Stamina 17: 264
Resolve 10: 68

Hozuki's Mantle 30: 154.5
Water Whip 45: 440
Water Clone 50: 757.5
Syrup Trap 50: 637.5
Tac Move 50: 1044
Vampiric Dew 50: 975

Total XP cost: 4858.5 XP

Being a ninjutsu specialist is hard. This would get Noburi a total of Water Whip 45 + 15 (boost) + 10 (Hozuki's Mantle) 70 dice. Solidly low jounin combat stats, but actually getting into direct combat is NOT what he is built for here.

Could be slightly more efficient in a few places, but eh. Oh, also: @eaglejarl @OliWhail @Velorien The new requirements for Medical Ninjutsu/Medicine still aren't on the character sheets, or I'd have included them here.

This also isn't accounting for other extraneous things like Awareness :p
Being a ninjutsu specialist is hard. This would get Noburi a total of Water Whip 45 + 15 (boost) + 10 (Hozuki's Mantle) 70 dice. Solidly low jounin combat stats, but actually getting into direct combat is NOT what he is built for here.

Well low fifty is Jounin level. So bringing 70 dice is more than enough to handle most jounin.