On the other hand, it's better for such a thing not to exist at all than to be universally available, since our village is the only one that can be trusted to wield such power responsibly, and giving everyone else endless soldiers will only mean endless wars.
Aren't there a largish fraction that would prefer endless warfare alongside all their friends over the current system?
Fair enough, but there's a long tradition of black humour that becomes amusing because it mercilessly points out hypocricy and pain. Done right, black humour is halfway between a coping mechanism and a way to confront issues that are much harder to take head on.

Listen to a bunch of old doctor's snark at some point. They will generally be making light of death, despair, and all the other horrible things that surround their profession, but they don't (barring the assholes) make fun of the people going through those things.

I suppose my point is that making your audience feel bad by pointing out truths, either directly or indirectly, is an incredibly useful comedic technique.

Honestly one of my favorite examples is Tig Notaro's set about cancer. It's not a happy routine but it's hilarious and incredibly touching.
Oh, I enjoy both black humor and satire. It was kind of hard to get across in words, though - I see the difference between "Bruce" and Doonesbury as being who is complaining. In satire, it's an afflicted party (or at least someone modelling an afflicted party) making their oppressors look ridiculous, and black comedy is much the same.
On the other hand, "Bruce's" backstory, if it was mocking anything, was mocking Bruce himself - "let's not only humanize this now-dead mook, but make him ridiculously sympathetic" - and I am not a fan of humor that says "the world is worse off because of a reasonable decision made in ignorance, ha ha".

Does that explain it?
If we can get Jiraiya to teach us Spiky Hair Technique (whatever it's called) that would be great.

Also, Kage Bunshin (unless you don't recombine with the forked mind, in which case avoid at all costs) to let us research 2+ times as fast.
Kill yourself for power! Hundreds or thousands of times!
Meh, if he were capable of producing world-ending catastrophes like that on the fly he'd have done it by now.
To be fair, if I had all Hazou's current gear, it probably wouldn't be hard to create a nation ending event in under 20 seconds.

Edit: Global ends would probably take a few weeks, perhaps months. Reality end would probably be more in the years range.
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Oh, half hour.

I was thinking 20 seconds, my bad.
Most of my nation destroying methods have been nerfed. The one which hasn't (to my knowledge) is what happens when you make a pile of hundreds of storage seals, all right on top of each other, and set off a single explosive seal atop them. I believe rules as written say either 1) a black hole, or 2) hundreds of sealing failures. Either of which would likely be pretty final for whatever nation it's set off in.

You will notice our ninja carry dozens of storage seals on them at all times, and explosives are tossed around the battlefield...

Edit: Literally all I have to do to destroy the world is wait for Kagome or Hazou to get hit by an explosive seal.
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Okay, I need to take a moment and admit I'm wrong.

Ranged Weapon Monsters are not the be all end all. Since Taijutsu and Melee Weapons can oppose Ranged Weapon rolls, TacMov rears it's ugly head as the number one stat. TacMov oriented Ranged Weapons is strictly better than Ranged Weapon oriented with high TacMov, but Taijutsu oriented with 60 TacMov is a better build at the highest level.
"Time? You think being out of time is a joke?" the ninja snapped, poking him with the knife again. "You think it was funny that time that Kawaguchi accidentally put himself in storage and came out all mangled up?" The knife jabbed Hazou lightly in the back.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail In light of the (current) information regarding storage scrolls (specifically, that you physically cannot store living/chakra-heavy items into it), is this statement retcon'd? Or did Kawaguchi manage to invent a storage scroll capable of sealing still-living persons in it?
I'm assuming he did not come out or go in alive
Which is weird because you'd expect him to have been alive when he activated the seal. Or did the infusion kill him and auto-activate it?

Still, if we can figure out a way to create seals that work on still-living things we can use them as explosive variants. Only we seal enemies instead of blow them up.
Which is weird because you'd expect him to have been alive when he activated the seal. Or did the infusion kill him and auto-activate it?

Still, if we can figure out a way to create seals that work on still-living things we can use them as explosive variants. Only we seal enemies instead of blow them up.
Reminds me of what happened in the final battle of Deja Vu No Jutsu. Gentle Fist ain't got shit on sealmasters.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail In light of the (current) information regarding storage scrolls (specifically, that you physically cannot store living/chakra-heavy items into it), is this statement retcon'd? Or did Kawaguchi manage to invent a storage scroll capable of sealing still-living persons in it?

I'm pretty sure the implication there is that if you seal up a living thing, then it's gonna come out mangled up and not living.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Sorry to keep bugging you guys like this, but would you mind answering a few questions about jutsus?
  1. Are there non mobility jutsus that you can use from genin to S-Class? If so, can you give an example of one?
  2. How powerful are genjutsu in terms of malus for levels? What do you do to resist them?
  3. If question 1 isn't true, would you mind giving us an example of a chunin jutsu, and a jonin jutsu?
Thanks for your time!
  1. Are there non mobility jutsus that you can use from genin to S-Class? If so, can you give an example of one?
  2. How powerful are genjutsu in terms of malus for levels? What do you do to resist them?
  3. If question 1 isn't true, would you mind giving us an example of a chunin jutsu, and a jonin jutsu?
Thanks for your time!
1. I'm not totally sure what criteria would disqualify a jutsu as being usable from genin to s-class? You could just keep leveling MEW and become pretty terrifying with it if you wanted, for example.
2. The maluses delivered by genjutsu vary widely between techniques, up to complete incapacitation. You roll awareness to resist them being cast on you, or happen to be under one that you didn't catch when you perform a periodic dispel.
3. Again, not totally sure what would be different between those except perhaps level of chakra expenditure per use?
Since chakra is such a limiting factor, apparently, are we better off dropping suiton from Noburi's build and using Vampiric Dew as his combat stat, with TacMov/Substitution for defence?
I thought about it some more, and realized I had a bigger problem:
How do we roll dice for jutsu? Is it a case by case basis, or is there some rule?
For example, Water Whip. How does it work in terms of combat die?