Like, it's actually less dangerous than a standard storage scroll. Instead of pulling together an entire different bubble dimension out of space warp and then tearing a hole through reality to get into it you're just expanding or contacting the space-time fabric in the universe you're already in. That's something that ordinary mass and energy already do completely naturally without any chakra involved at all.
It's not exactly the same, since you're overlapping timeless space with real space. Botching that could easily create a NEUTRAL END.
I'm thinking, find him that chocolate with chili peppers.
It's a good combo, and someone who likes spicy foods and chocolate like Kagome will surely enjoy it.
Why stop at Kagome? @eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, what does Hazou know about the state of chocolate-making in the Elemental Nations? Is he aware of chocolate being flavored with chili peppers, salt, and/or made with milk? (Apparently, milk chocolate wasn't invented until late 19th century.)

Wouldn't it be neat if we got our start on the Merchant Empire (which is still in the cards, right?) because Hazou wanted to give Kagome an Ultimate Confectionary Birthday Present and invented flavored chocolate confectioneries? It could be justified in-universe, because the idea of adding something spicy to candy seems absurd on its face, something that only weirdos like Kagome would enjoy...

Edit: Apparently, flavoring chocolate drinks with chili is as old as chocolate making itself (i.e., millennia). However, in EN, it could well be the case that chili peppers don't grow on the same island as cocoa plants.
Haven't we learned anything from the Youthsuit Incident? Don't vote for something if you don't want it to come true as written. Worse yet, in this case, you're leaving it to @Velorien to interpret what "this" refers to. Do you see the problem with that?!
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Voting ends on Wednesday, May the 17th​ at 11:00 AM (UTC), in 34.6 hours.
Vote Count said:
[] Yes this.
Votes: 1

Total Voters: 1

Training Plans said:
[] Training Kei: Stealthy Ninja
Votes: 6

[] Training Noburi: Stealthy Ninja
Votes: 6

[] Training Akane: Stealthy Ninja
Votes: 6

[] Training Hazou: Stealthy Ninja
Votes: 6

Total Training Plan Voters: 6

Current PlanBot Data
(Data from Page 2276, PostId 8509205)
[X] Action Plan: Fly-by Operation

Unit Cohesion:
  • Have Akane talk to Minami about the team. A different perspective is always useful.
  • Campfire stories.
    • Summon Pandā if Keiko approves.
  • Winning poll decides if Hazō give gift immediately, or give the gift for Akane's birthday.

Get to the other Rivers contacts:
  • Use Skywalkers to move from Shimoura to the other places, one at a time.
    • Make sure that when ascending or descending we aren't spotted.
    • We should be using chakra water to speed our movements, and refill as needed.
  • Whenever resting, do so using Skytower technology.
    • Keep a standard watch out for flying chakra monsters.
  • Make contact.
    • Everyone going to the contact together is too conspicuous (esp. with Kagome and Noburi's barrel).
      • Hazou and Keiko, the team's liar/diplomat, can go make contact
      • Minami uses her bloodline to keep watch on both the team and the surroundings.
    • Use Henge to turn into the appropriate cover, based on our knowledge of the contact.
      • Discuss this beforehand; between Hazou, Keiko, and Minami this should be easy.
    • Make sure we're prepared.
      • Minami and Akane have seal loadouts, courtesy of Hazou and Kagome.
        • Seal loadouts means that they have the same seals in the same quantities we have: explosive tags, PMYF, Skywalkers, etc..
      • Everyone's topped off with Noburi's chakra beforehand.
      • We have misterators for blocking LOS and for absorbing chakra through mist (clan secret, only Noburi gets to say this part).
    • Deliver the message, and ask if they have more messages to send or need "short-term muscle".
      • Don't commit to giving muscle to the contact; discuss with the team first.
Sealing Discussion:

Misc Prep:
  • If possible, train.
  • Ask about letting Leaf analyzing/study the chakra venom vial.
    • Be sure to package it properly so the kids' adopted father don't die of venom poisoning or something.
    • Impress on the messenger the importance of not breaking the package and the dire health consequences of doing so.
    • Make sure to label the vial as dangerous and to be handled with care.
    • Check with Kagome-sensei for safety, etc.
    • Hopefully we'll get it back soon enough so we can make use of it.
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[X] Action Plan: Fly-by Operation
Good enough. Doesn't have many scenes though - maybe add in a section about talking with Noburi and throwing Akane at Minami?
@Kiba I'd add two scenes involving Akane and Minami: one to give her our gift (IDGAF it's not a friggin birthday present) and the other to continue integration into the team.

I'm shit with social writing, though. So not much for advice here.
@Kiba I'd add two scenes involving Akane and Minami: one to give her our gift (IDGAF it's not a friggin birthday present) and the other to continue integration into the team.

I'm shit with social writing, though. So not much for advice here.

:ninja: Ninja edited.

Since it's supposed to be a birthday gift. I am having Hazō save it later. Or maybe send it to his clan leader for safe keeping.

Unless people have different opinion?

[X] Gift Poll: Give Akane the gift immediately.
[X] Gift Poll: Save gift for Akane's birthday.
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[X] Gift Poll: Save gift for Akane's birthday.

Kagome got it for us so we could give it to Akane on her birthday. I don't want to step on that.

And while we may not live 6 more months I figure it is more likely we do than don't, so there's no reason to make our plans assuming we'll be dead in a few months.
[X] Gift Poll: Save gift for Akane's birthday.

In the meantime we can work on making a Tears of Red seal :p