Self-Requested Ban
- Location
- Snarksville, Snarkland
Oh, huh? That's what I said.
Capture a herd of sky squid, have sky squid riders patrol over valuable targets, and drop lupchanzen on any unidentified flying ninja.So my idea for active defense against aerial bombardment is quite simple and we already have all the parts for it. Kagome made buoys that explode when chakra monsters from the sea went near them, so we take those same setup of sensor seals and explosives just put them on balloons and have them float above cities and armies. We could also change out the explosives if they don't block things very well with the Mark 1 Air Dome we got from Jiriya and have those be activate by munitions being dropped on targets to protect from bombardment.
The issues we would have to work out would be the size of the Air Dome verse the size of the sensor, plus how ever many balloons it would take to cover a target to completely defend or deflect attacks from above. If we could also add to the balloon seal array a method of letting central command know that the seals where activated it could serve as a rudimentary radar. Or else we could work on upping the detection area of the sensor seals and have an actual radar set up.
So my idea for active defense against aerial bombardment is quite simple and we already have all the parts for it. Kagome made buoys that explode when chakra monsters from the sea went near them, so we take those same setup of sensor seals and explosives just put them on balloons and have them float above cities and armies. We could also change out the explosives if they don't block things very well with the Mark 1 Air Dome we got from Jiriya and have those be activate by munitions being dropped on targets to protect from bombardment.
So my idea for active defense against aerial bombardment is quite simple and we already have all the parts for it. Kagome made buoys that explode when chakra monsters from the sea went near them, so we take those same setup of sensor seals and explosives just put them on balloons and have them float above cities and armies. We could also change out the explosives if they don't block things very well with the Mark 1 Air Dome we got from Jiriya and have those be activate by munitions being dropped on targets to protect from bombardment.
The issues we would have to work out would be the size of the Air Dome verse the size of the sensor, plus how ever many balloons it would take to cover a target to completely defend or deflect attacks from above. If we could also add to the balloon seal array a method of letting central command know that the seals where activated it could serve as a rudimentary radar. Or else we could work on upping the detection area of the sensor seals and have an actual radar set up.
So my idea for active defense against aerial bombardment is quite simple and we already have all the parts for it. Kagome made buoys that explode when chakra monsters from the sea went near them, so we take those same setup of sensor seals and explosives just put them on balloons and have them float above cities and armies. We could also change out the explosives if they don't block things very well with the Mark 1 Air Dome we got from Jiriya and have those be activate by munitions being dropped on targets to protect from bombardment.
The issues we would have to work out would be the size of the Air Dome verse the size of the sensor, plus how ever many balloons it would take to cover a target to completely defend or deflect attacks from above. If we could also add to the balloon seal array a method of letting central command know that the seals where activated it could serve as a rudimentary radar. Or else we could work on upping the detection area of the sensor seals and have an actual radar set up.
I am genuinely considering trying to get my family and close friends to do this. Like, holy shit. And I should probably get it tattoo'd on my arm or something so I remember to teach it to my kids.
"We discarded the idea of static defences quite quickly," Shikaku said. "Skywalkers make it easy to generate levels of force beyond the power of any current technology to absorb. At least unless you have already revolutionised that field as well," he added wryly. "If you have, do let us know now so that my engineers can get some rest."
So yeah, obviously the very next thing we need to do is create a brilliant anti-skywalker defence so that Shikaku doesn't give us a terribly dissapointed look when we meet him again in however many days and he asks us how we solved the problem now that he's drawn attention to it.
Challenge accepted, Nara engineers.
The first thought that leaps to mind is to sidestep the problem of force altogether. Get a high-volume storage scroll hooked up to an LBF which is layered directly above its surface, and set the LBF to activate the store function. For brevity's sake, let's call this setup a "catcher". Now anything you drop on the catcher gets stored, and you no longer have to worry about it. This fails if LBF->Storage Seal communication is slower than the payload's velocity, but J can probably make a faster version if necessary.
So, you put catchers on the roofs of all your buildings, and you build indefinate skytowers over roads, with catchers on their superior surfaces, and you've got the high-density areas of the village pretty well shielded.
...Wait, are you proposing we blow up the incoming projectiles? Because that doesn't work, like at all. You still have, more or less, exactly the same amount of mass with the same momentum headed towards the same location. Unless you can blow them into literal dust, but that has problems of it's own.
Wouldn't that fail against any payload detonated before it hits the ground (suicide bombers)?Challenge accepted, Nara engineers.
The first thought that leaps to mind is to sidestep the problem of force altogether. Get a high-volume storage scroll hooked up to an LBF which is layered directly above its surface, and set the LBF to activate the store function. For brevity's sake, let's call this setup a "catcher". Now anything you drop on the catcher gets stored, and you no longer have to worry about it. This fails if LBF->Storage Seal communication is slower than the payload's velocity, but J can probably make a faster version if necessary.
So, you put catchers on the roofs of all your buildings, and you build indefinate skytowers over roads, with catchers on their superior surfaces, and you've got the high-density areas of the village pretty well shielded.
So yeah, obviously the very next thing we need to do is create a brilliant anti-skywalker defence so that Shikaku doesn't give us a terribly dissapointed look when we meet him again in however many days and he asks us how we solved the problem now that he's drawn attention to it.
I suspect that's what Shikaku is thinking: that we actually do have a defense and we're snubbing him by not telling him. So Shikaku is essentially playing along by pretending Hazou is ignorant of the consequences and chastising him appropriately.Whatever anti-skywalker defense is found shouldn't be unveiled at all, it gives J-clan an advantage and makes it more useful. I mean, telling him that we have a solution is alright but telling him is a bad idea (I want his approval as much as anyone, but it's still a trap).
Anyways, could we make some kind of seal based radar that detects chakra use at a distance? Or perhaps seal use? (in a way that doesn't cause cancer due to us fucking with various forms of radiation, preferably)
Wouldn't that fail against any payload detonated before it hits the ground (suicide bombers)?
:?Strictly speaking, the plan only instructs Hazō to invite Shikamaru, which is not the same as telling him to address Shikamaru by name. There is obviously only one Nara Hazō would send an invitation to, so he wouldn't see the need to over-specify by using Shikamaru's personal name when he otherwise wouldn't.
Please spoiler that stuff. Some of us here are on mobile. That took way too long to scroll past.
What else have we missed? This isn't a rhetorical question. What else has gone completely over our head despite being right in front of our eyes?
Perhaps in another place, at another time, they could have found greater closeness, if Kei were not so pathetic at seizing opportunities, so abrasive in response to his occasional tactless overtures, or so worthless next to the grand designs that increasingly consumed Hazō's attention.
We can correct this. I mean, it won't affect her decision re: the Nara, but we can still fix it.
Chakra still diffuses with respect to distance. We'd have to make them super-attuned to distant chakra sources but not attuned to ground-based ones.Oh.
We've already got this. The Casino Seals. Kagome told us it would take years to amp them up into Chakra Radar Seal, but we didn't have access to Jiraiya back then, so...
We are not doing this again.We can correct this. I mean, it won't affect her decision re: the Nara, but we can still fix it.
"First, commonalities," Shikaku said. "In each case, you will be deemed a full member of the Nara Clan, with all the rights and responsibilities pertaining thereto. You will be expected to volunteer all information you possess on the Mori Clan, although under different rationales. You will be revealing less to us than you may think."
"Coins and shadows?" Kei asked.
"Indeed," Shikaku showed no surprise. "There will be no restrictions on your interactions outside the clan, so long as you protect its secrets and do not harm its interests or reputation.
The Nara are not the Mori. We have many disagreements, some small, some great.