Okay. I've had an... idea.

It's probably a really crazy and stupid idea, and I'm imagining that Kagome would immediately set Hazou on fire if he ever admitted to thinking of it.

I'm calling it the Cthulhu Summoning Scroll.

Basically, what it does, is deliberately sets off a sealing failure with safeguards in place to localise it. Like, creating an inverted forcefield of normality with a large radius and then unleashing the full force of Bad Things inside that forcefield.

Slap a timer on it, and you have the most horrifying "explosive seal" variant in existence.

Paraphrased from GM chat:

January 3, 8:15am:
EJ: You know a seal they could use? PMYF in reverse -- the timer runs down, it activates the "put the thing attached to me in storage" function. Won't store people, but if you tie a few explosive tags (or other seals) onto it and throw it at your enemy, it's a giant Cthulhu bomb.

[further conversation that would be very relevant to you redacted because I'm a horrible person who lives on the salt of your tears]

@Velorien, @OliWhail: Apparently we need to change chat servers. This one is bugged.
Voting is open until Wednesday at 12pm London time.

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: Seals and Monies Expanded

Voters: @bayesclef, @Cariyaga, @faflec, @Kiba, @Radvic, @Sleeps Furiously, @Traiden
Num votes: 7

Plan name: Training Hazou: Sneaky MEW
Voters: @bayesclef, @faflec, @Kiba, @Killer_Whale, @Radvic
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Training Keiko: Sneaky Wind
Voters: @bayesclef, @faflec, @Kiba, @Killer_Whale, @Radvic
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Training Noburi: Sneaky Medic
Voters: @bayesclef, @faflec, @Kiba, @Killer_Whale, @Radvic
Num votes: 5

Plan name: Seals and Monies
Voters: @Kiba, @Radvic, @Shneddly
Num votes: 3

Plan name: All Hail Overlord OilWhale
Voters: @faflec, @Killer_Whale
Num votes: 2

Number of voters: 9

@faflec: I haven't had a chance to look at why your votes were being skipped. If you give me a link to any missed votes I'll be sure to manually include them in the report tomorrow.
It's because spoiler tags fuck everything up. Spoilers (and quotes, maybe?) fuck up all votes post-spoiler, regardless of whether or not the votes were made in the spoiler or not.

[X] Example A

[X] Example B
Paraphrased from GM chat:

January 3, 8:15am:
EJ: You know a seal they could use? PMYF in reverse -- the timer runs down, it activates the "put the thing attached to me in storage" function. Won't store people, but if you tie a few explosive tags (or other seals) onto it and throw it at your enemy, it's a giant Cthulhu bomb.

[further conversation that would be very relevant to you redacted because I'm a horrible person who lives on the salt of your tears]

@Velorien, @OliWhail: Apparently we need to change chat servers. This one is bugged.

We've had this idea a pile of times, in a number of interesting varieties. Including versions to specifically disable visible enemy seals.

Keep in mind, if you have a pile of seals near each other and one cthulus, other nearby seals will also cthulu, extending the range of the auto cthulhu zone. Since the cthuluing is characterized by the pattern of chakra changing weirdly, and likely growing at least a little bit larger as effects are thrown out.

Also, the hospital and casino seemed to have long strips of adjacent seals that ran around their moulding. :V
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Testing CounterBot, please ignore.

(This is all copied from @faflec)

Obligatory training plan post, again. Note that we now have enough XP for everyone to get Stealth 16 (Noburi would have 10.5XP, Keiko 42XP, and Hazou 4XP). Wanted to ask you guys if we should do that, or wait until the next update (and rewards) before we discussed future XP allocation. For now:
[X] Training Noburi: Sneaky Medic
Intelligence 3 [6]
Intelligence 4 [14]
Medicine 4 [18]
Medicine 5 [23]
Medicine 6 [29]
Medicine 7 [36]
Medicine 8 [44]
Medicine 9 [53]
Medicine 10 [63]
Resolve 4 [71]
Resolve 5 [81]
Medical Ninjutsu 7 [88]
Medical Ninjutsu 8 [96]
Medical Ninjutsu 9 [105]
Medical Ninjutsu 10 [115]
Stamina 4 [123]
Stealth 11 [134]
Stealth 12 [146]
Stealth 13 [159]
Stealth 14 [173]
Stealth 15 [188]
Save 38.5XP
[X] Training Keiko: Sneaky Wind
Stealth 11 [11]
Stealth 12 [23]
Stealth 13 [36]
Stealth 14 [50]
Stealth 15 [65]
Zephyr's Reach 9 [74]
Zephyr's Reach 10 [84]
Save 70XP
[X] Training Hazou: Sneaky MEW
Stealth 10 [10]
Stealth 11 [21]
Stealth 12 [33]
Stealth 13 [46]
Stealth 14 [60]
MEW 7 [67]
MEW 8 [75]
MEW 9 [84]
MEW 10 [94]
Save 31XP
Last edited:
We have had like no chance to research. There's so much low hanging fruit lying around.
I'm halfway tempted to ask J to give us seals and like two months to do research, then have a rendezvous and see about what sort of stuff we can share with him at that point.

Also, while he's here we should ask him if it's alright if Kei summons Pandaa while in Leaf.
It's because spoiler tags fuck everything up. Spoilers (and quotes, maybe?) fuck up all votes post-spoiler, regardless of whether or not the votes were made in the spoiler or not.

[X] Example A

[X] Example B

Actually, the problem turns out to be just that there isn't a blank line between the spoiler and the vote. CounterBot is seeing the text as: [/spoiler][X] Plan: Sneaky Whatever. Because the '[X]' isn't the first thing on the line it's not being counted.

I'm still trying to see if the formatting issue is caused by SV or by CounterBot but, in the meantime, the answer is to just make sure there's a blank line after your spoiler tags.
I'm trying to make action plans hip and cool smaller and more readable again. To that extent, I'm limiting my plan to 100 words or less. Feel free to suggest edits or additions. I will prune suggestions and rework wording to keep myself within the 100 word limit. If there are competing suggestions, I'll split off action plans and make competing plans. The idea here is that I haven't voted for the past couple plans because they've been too wordy for me to care to bother reading, and I suspect I'm not the only person.

Current Action Plan word count: 96 words.

[X] Action Plan: Seals and Monies
  • Ask for a broad spectrum of seals including:
    • Material strengthening (without immobilization)
  • Remaining partial favor - Team Uplift safety related unknown unknowns
  • Continue:
    • Library work
    • Team Asuna befriending
    • Visiting Akane.
  • Train seriously - improve stealth.
  • Learn Tears of Red and play it for Akane (thank Ino)
  • Purchase books:
    • Woodworking
    • Cooking
    • Arcitecture
    • Yumehara's History Series (if < 10,000 両)
    • Contemporary global political situation leaflet/book
    • Whatever our teammates want (that doesn't break the bank)
  • Purchase 40,000 両 worth of seal paper and ink
  • Maintain current safety precautions

I would like to add two things
1. Bring up possibly suspicious actions of Kabuto to Jiraiya
2. Compliment Inoue on her new hair

Below is how that conversation might go:
"Uh, Inoue, I wanted to say, with, uh respect, that your new hair... style looks superb. It, uh, frames your face... accurately, and, well, it draws my eye down your left side, which I assume is the side where you don't keep your weapons, thereby unconsciously making me less likely to notice your weapons. Oh... but maybe your weapons are on this side, because now I am searching your right side for the weapons and don't see them at all! So, that's a great double blind... unless you aren't carrying weapons at all, and this was all to make me spend precious time on looking for weapons when, really, your greatest strength is your genjutsu. Wow."
"Anyway, is that a good way to do a sincere compliment? Not that I just said that because I want to practice for Akane, although that is an ulterior motive, but it in no way, I assure you, detracts from the fact that your new haircut really is nice. And somehow very puzzling in terms of what it means for you being armed."
1. Bring up possibly suspicious actions of Kabuto to Jiraiya
What are the possibly suspicious actions of Kabuto we want to mention? That he let us visit Akane?

2. Compliment Inoue on her new hair

Below is how that conversation might go:
"Uh, Inoue, I wanted to say, with, uh respect, that your new hair... style looks superb. It, uh, frames your face... accurately, and, well, it draws my eye down your left side, which I assume is the side where you don't keep your weapons, thereby unconsciously making me less likely to notice your weapons. Oh... but maybe your weapons are on this side, because now I am searching your right side for the weapons and don't see them at all! So, that's a great double blind... unless you aren't carrying weapons at all, and this was all to make me spend precious time on looking for weapons when, really, your greatest strength is your genjutsu. Wow."
"Anyway, is that a good way to do a sincere compliment? Not that I just said that because I want to practice for Akane, although that is an ulterior motive, but it in no way, I assure you, detracts from the fact that your new haircut really is nice. And somehow very puzzling in terms of what it means for you being armed."
That sounds fun. I'll add a point.

Edit: I assume you want me to edit the winning action plan, not the short version you quoted

Edit 2: Here's the updated plan, new section in red

[X] Action Plan: Seals and Monies Expanded
  • Use our favour for a broad spectrum of seals
    • Ask for a broad spectrum of seals like we mentioned in the previous chapter, and also one which strengthens a material without immobilizing it
      • Reduces the difficulty of future seal research, allowing us to (once we have time and a lab) research seals which allow us to compete with stronger ninja on a roughly even playing field, and wil fuel any specific plans we make.
      • We'll save mom, but not right now.
  • Continue many Leaf interactions
    • Work at the library diligently as requested. Keep an eye out for interesting books.
      • We promised we'd do it.
    • Continue to be kind towards Team Asuna: discuss Yumehara with Nara, be nice to Ino
      • Friendships take maintenance, we should stay on friendly terms
    • Visit Akane when possible, keep her up to date on plans
      • Relationships take maintenance, we should stay on romantic terms. Also we need to figure out how we're going to find Akane when she gets better.
  • Train seriously - improve stealth.
    • Do our stealth training with Lee
      • We're going to need better stealth to stay away from hunter-nin, cross borders, infiltrate towns, and all the other stuff we've been failing.
  • Accept Jutsu Training
    • Ask for jutsus which give us senses of what's underground, buff taijutsu, tunnel through earth, and move the earth around. Put 1 XP into each so we can level ones we like later. If instructor offers to teach us additional jutsu, also put 1 XP into them
      • We want utility and options for where to invest our XP
  • Learn Tears of Red, play it for Akane, and thank Ino
    • Practice on our instrument with the sheet music Ino gave us, play for Akane
      • We like Akane
  • Purchase essential ninja supplies
    • Let Mari do some supply shopping
      • Who knows how many supplies e.g. kunai we have left?
  • Purchase sealing materials
    • Buy 40,000 両 worth of seal paper and ink (ask Jiraiya for recommendation on where).
      • Sealing is the primary way we'll be staying relevant. We need materials, Leaf is a great place to get them
  • Buy Books (with what's left over)
    • Purchase books on woodworking and cooking for Kagome
      • It'll help him destress, which is incredibly important for him not blowing everything up
    • Purchase an architecture book
      • We're going to be trying to develop original designs in the woods. Having more knowledge will only help
    • Yumehara's History Series if it's under 10,000 両 (return Nara's copy)
      • We need to know more about the world at large. This seems like a reasonably comprehensive guide. but we don't want to blow all our money on it.
    • Contemporary global political situation leaflet/book/magazine
      • We need to pick out where we'll be hiding next, knowing more about the current political climate in other countries would help
    • Whatever our teammates want (that doesn't break the bank)
      • Surely we aren't the only one who like books
  • Compliment Mari on her new hair
  • Maintain current safety precautions
    • Don't talk about topics we haven't already brought up
      • Because who knows who's listening
    • Always be polite
      • Because we don't want to offend
    • Remain vigilantly observing
      • Because we don't want to be assassinated
    • Randomly dispel
      • Because genjutsu kills
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Are screws and nuts a thing? Or is it just nails? How expensive are they?
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What are the possibly suspicious actions of Kabuto we want to mention? That he let us visit Akane?

That sounds fun. I'll add a point.

Edit: I assume you want me to edit the winning action plan, not the short version you quoted

Edit 2: Here's the updated plan, new section in red

Yes, thank you, the winning vote. I wrote that before it got expanded.

Here is the reasoning for why talking about Kabuto MIGHT be important:

Taken from Chapter 89 Part 1: Planting Seeds
"I need to talk to you about Dr Yakushi," Inoue-sensei began.

"If this is about the schedule, I've had a message from him," Noburi said. "We start tomorrow afternoon. Finally, professional training from somebody who won't bite my head off the second I forget what a herb is called."

"Yeah, about that…" Inoue-sensei sighed. "Kids, I know he seems like a nice guy, but I'd bet my perfect hair there's more to him than meets the eye. I'm not saying he's Zabuza in a labcoat, but if you think back to what happened yesterday, he steered that conversation flawlessly. I couldn't have done a better job myself. He got everything he wanted, and he left you all thinking he's the cat's pyjamas. You see what I'm getting at here?"

"I don't know, Inoue-sensei," Noburi said. "Are you sure you're not being a little paranoid? He's behaving exactly the way I'd expect a guy like him to behave in this kind of situation, and there's no way he could ask us about our bloodlines without seeming suspicious."

"He was really charming," Hazō said slowly. "He gave everyone exactly what they wanted, and he made us happy to give him the things he wanted. He did make that slip-up about Akane and data, but other than that he was perfect. And I hate to say it, but… well, what are the odds of us meeting somebody who's incredibly nice and helpful and saved one of our lives and happens to have an innocent interest in the thing that makes us special? Especially given the kind of ninja we've met in our travels so far? Dr Yakushi saved Akane, and that debt isn't going to go away just because he might have ulterior motives, but I guess there's no harm in keeping an eye out until we have a better handle on his motivations."

Kagome-sensei nodded approvingly. "About time. If I had my way, that four-eyed weasel would be spread across an area a mile wide before he had another chance to use any of his dirty tricks."

"I believe we lack sufficient data to come to a conclusion," Keiko said. "Nevertheless, it is dangerous on first principles to extend trust to a stranger after a single meeting. This should apply doubly to a stranger from a potentially hostile faction, and triply when that stranger has multiple avenues of leverage over us. I advise caution.

"Noburi, this applies to you especially, as we will be unable to support you during your isolated interactions with Dr Yakushi. Please endeavour to remain objective, as we will be relying on you to provide information to better profile him, and under no circumstances expose yourself to any danger. Other teachers can be found sooner or later, whereas having you come to harm is unacceptable."

Noburi's mouth opened slightly.

"I… Thanks, Keiko."

She nodded curtly, then quickly looked away.

"Inoue-sensei," Hazō asked, "what do you make of him refusing to give estimates for Akane's recovery? Is that standard practice for medical professionals, or do you think there's more to it?"

"Hard to say," Inoue-sensei admitted. "I've had doctors do the same thing before, so it could be completely innocent. Or it could be a gentle reminder that Akane's in his hands, and he controls when, how and if she'll recover, so we should make sure not to cross him." She rolled her eyes. "That's Dr Yakushi all over. He might be our best friend, or he might be plotting our doom, but either way he's slippery as a snake and there's no way to get a good read on him. Keiko has the right idea, though. If in doubt, assume they're up to something. That's how you survive as a ninja."

And here is exactly what I would want to do re: Kabuto in Action Plan format
My reasoning for doing this is that we can only gain from talking to Jiraiya, because he is either told that his counterpart/minion Kabuto is exerting pressure on us like he should be, and we understand the message. OR! Jiraiya's counterpart/minion is NOT doing what he supposed to be doing, and we just helped him with some information. Either way, I think Akane is safer. Only bad thing that could happen is if Jiraiya thinks we are lying about Kabuto for our own motives, but that isn't true and we don't have deception high enough to trick Jiraiya and he knows that.

Talk to Inoue and Jiraiya
  • First talk to Inoue about Kabuto and bringing his behavior up to Jiraiya. The idea being that Kabuto is either one of two things. 1. Kabuto is supposed to be doing everything he can to find out about all of you, and is supposed to be very good at it, even if that means indirectly, maybe, threatening Akane. 2. Kabuto isn't supposed to be doing any of these things and Jiraiya might be able to help or will find the information valuable.
  • Then talk to Jiraiya with Inoue so she can give her impressions as well. Stress that whether it is option 1 or 2 Akane is very precious to our team and we are willing to go pretty damn far to keep her safe.
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And here is exactly what I would want to do re: Kabuto in Action Plan format
My reasoning for doing this is that we can only gain from talking to Jiraiya, because he is either told that his counterpart/minion Kabuto is exerting pressure on us like he should be, and we understand the message. OR! Jiraiya's counterpart/minion is NOT doing what he supposed to be doing, and we just helped him with some information. Either way, I think Akane is safer. Only bad thing that could happen is if Jiraiya thinks we are lying about Kabuto for our own motives, but that isn't true and we don't have deception high enough to trick Jiraiya and he knows that.

Talk to Inoue and Jiraiya
  • First talk to Inoue about Kabuto and bringing his behavior up to Jiraiya. The idea being that Kabuto is either one of two things. 1. Kabuto is supposed to be doing everything he can to find out about all of you, and is supposed to be very good at it, even if that means indirectly, maybe, threatening Akane. 2. Kabuto isn't supposed to be doing any of these things and Jiraiya might be able to help or will find the information valuable.
  • Then talk to Jiraiya with Inoue so she can give her impressions as well. Stress that whether it is option 1 or 2 Akane is very precious to our team and we are willing to go pretty damn far to keep her safe.
Ok. I can get behind that. That said, I'd prefer to discuss the possibility of bringing that up with Jiraiya with Inoue before we bring it up with Jiraiya. As we are currently talking with Jiraiya, that'd be a little hard to do. I'll add a section lower down in the plan about that.

Edit: Updated plan is here. I didn't try too hard to shorten the wordings because I'm getting tired and sloppy. New section in red.

[X] Action Plan: Seals and Monies Expanded
  • Use our favour for a broad spectrum of seals
    • Ask for a broad spectrum of seals like we mentioned in the previous chapter, and also one which strengthens a material without immobilizing it
      • Reduces the difficulty of future seal research, allowing us to (once we have time and a lab) research seals which allow us to compete with stronger ninja on a roughly even playing field, and wil fuel any specific plans we make.
      • We'll save mom, but not right now.
  • Continue many Leaf interactions
    • Work at the library diligently as requested. Keep an eye out for interesting books.
      • We promised we'd do it.
    • Continue to be kind towards Team Asuna: discuss Yumehara with Nara, be nice to Ino
      • Friendships take maintenance, we should stay on friendly terms
    • Visit Akane when possible, keep her up to date on plans
      • Relationships take maintenance, we should stay on romantic terms. Also we need to figure out how we're going to find Akane when she gets better.
  • Train seriously - improve stealth.
    • Do our stealth training with Lee
      • We're going to need better stealth to stay away from hunter-nin, cross borders, infiltrate towns, and all the other stuff we've been failing.
  • Accept Jutsu Training
    • Ask for jutsus which give us senses of what's underground, buff taijutsu, tunnel through earth, and move the earth around. Put 1 XP into each so we can level ones we like later. If instructor offers to teach us additional jutsu, also put 1 XP into them
      • We want utility and options for where to invest our XP
  • Learn Tears of Red, play it for Akane, and thank Ino
    • Practice on our instrument with the sheet music Ino gave us, play for Akane
      • We like Akane
  • Purchase essential ninja supplies
    • Let Mari do some supply shopping
      • Who knows how many supplies e.g. kunai we have left?
  • Purchase sealing materials
    • Buy 40,000 両 worth of seal paper and ink (ask Jiraiya for recommendation on where).
      • Sealing is the primary way we'll be staying relevant. We need materials, Leaf is a great place to get them
  • Buy Books (with what's left over)
    • Purchase books on woodworking and cooking for Kagome
      • It'll help him destress, which is incredibly important for him not blowing everything up
    • Purchase an architecture book
      • We're going to be trying to develop original designs in the woods. Having more knowledge will only help
    • Yumehara's History Series if it's under 10,000 両 (return Nara's copy)
      • We need to know more about the world at large. This seems like a reasonably comprehensive guide. but we don't want to blow all our money on it.
    • Contemporary global political situation leaflet/book/magazine
      • We need to pick out where we'll be hiding next, knowing more about the current political climate in other countries would help
    • Whatever our teammates want (that doesn't break the bank)
      • Surely we aren't the only one who like books
  • Compliment Mari on her new hair
  • Talk to Inoue and later Jiraiya about Kabuto
    • Talk to Inoue about Kabuto and bringing his behavior up to Jiraiya. Either 1. Kabuto's supposed to be doing everything he can to find out about all of you, and is supposed to be very good at it, even if that means indirectly, maybe, threatening Akane. 2. Kabuto isn't supposed to be doing any of these things and Jiraiya might be able to help or will find the information valuable.
    • If given the green light, talk to Jiraiya with Inoue so she can give her impressions as well. Stress that whether it is option 1 or 2 Akane is very precious to our team and we are willing to go pretty damn far to keep her safe.
      • Because Kabuto is a little creepy and Akane is important to us
  • Maintain current safety precautions
    • Don't talk about topics we haven't already brought up
      • Because who knows who's listening
    • Always be polite
      • Because we don't want to offend
    • Remain vigilantly observing
      • Because we don't want to be assassinated
    • Randomly dispel
      • Because genjutsu kills
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@Radvic I agree with your reasoning on contingencies, but I worry that the QMs are inclined to interpret Hazou as not thinking much about stuff that isn't spelled out in the plan.

Also, follow up on loose ends/low hanging fruit?
  • Follow up on interesting Leaf people and fill in our knowledge of the village
    • Ask Keiko about her experience training with Tenten; if she mentions pacifism, discuss implications of Leaf having a pacifist team and bring up the plight of civilians/the world to members of Team Guy
      • We want to plant the seeds of uplift and cooperation, even if they take a long time to germinate
      • Care about Keiko, want to see if her apparent new friendship is going well
    • Ask around about Tsunade and how Kabuto rose to his current prominent position (be casual when asking, and willing to accept diversions or non-answers)
      • Want to know how much to worry about Kabuto, if he deals honestly as far as people know, if he'd really impede Akane's recovery
      • S-ranks are always important to know about; Tsunade in particular could be an alternative to keeping Akane in K's care, and an eventual teacher for Noburi, if she's in Fire and on good terms with Leaf/J
  • Guard against tail risks
    • Ask Kagome if there are subtle effects of seal failure we can+should prepare for, look for, or act against; follow his advice insofar as it doesn't constrain us to a huge degree
    • Ask him if there is evidence he can safely tell us while in Konoha about why lupchanzen and sky squid are risks; consult with Inoue first on how to phrase this and if we should bring it up now
      • We don't want our faces exploding or blood seeping out from the walls; we also don't want Kagome blowing everything up or shadowy Leaf figures deciding we know too much
  • Try to acquire potentially high-value knowledge in low-risk ways
    • Take note of valuable/rare commodities in Leaf, especially ones our minders/bosses seem to enjoy. Keep note of Leaf prices in general (delegate to Kei?)
      • We want to make money and get on Leaf contacts' good sides (without worrying anyone that we're scoping out Leaf for nefarious reasons)
    • At a good moment, ask Akane about her parents' preferences, interests, outlook on life; particularly things that would make good gifts or point to good approaches to talking to them
      • We want to reduce stress on Akane in general, and especially reduce the pressure for her to stay in Leaf and reduce contact with our team. And we want to get on a better footing with her parents for long-term romance reasons.
Other scraps of thought:

1. Other munchkin-able seal types: dead man's switches; distance-activated seals; material strengtheners (modded 5SB might be really hard).

2. I'm not sure only stealth training with Lee is the best bet? sure, we can do it once, but how about a separate bullet with like "follow Inoue-sensei's suggestions for training stealth, with or without Team Gai"?
Build an underwater base
  1. How
    1. Use a diving bell to descend,
    2. Use MEW and 5SBs to build a base (potentially locking into place a huge diving bell for primary airpocket)
    3. Stock with plants for CO2 removal, or make seals which solve the problem
One thing to mention. How far does light travel in the ocean?
Light levels drop off exponentially with depth and photosynthesis gets proportionally less efficient at the same time. The plan is possible but be prepared to need far more plants than we would have expected elsewhere.