About the Village Defenses: I would like to doublecheck that plan with Mori before executing it. If it would take us several days to complete i am completely against even trying. Staying on the move is far more important than this village. Same goes for the Irrigation system.

If that is clarified i'd vote for plan labor week.

-Offer to do things one at a time, instead of offer everything at once. If we have to back out it'll be easier since we have fewer obligations.
-Get training done in between jobs (or even during them, if it counts).
-See if we can get goods that can be sold at Yuni (the larger town) for a profit. We want to establish our status as merchant-hunter-escorts.

I think it's a given that by now all our plans get The Mori Look applied to them, as long as there's time. But yes the plan says that we discuss the plan first with our teammates then present it to sensei.

Personally I would be fine with spending the week just building the defenses. That would still let us pump the village for information and local knowledge and we would still get what ever useful things they have to trade us.
-Offer to do things one at a time, instead of offer everything at once. If we have to back out it'll be easier since we have fewer obligations.
-Get training done in between jobs (or even during them, if it counts).
-See if we can get goods that can be sold at Yuni (the larger town) for a profit. We want to establish our status as merchant-hunter-escorts.

Currently the plan has no direction when it comes to setting a price for our work, or how to best haggle it up. I don't really even know what the village has to give us for our work in the first place. It might be that only useful things they have is pots and food. In that case if we want to get money out of this thing we would have to do the caravan at the end of the week.

Honestly the real rewards we are going to get out of this are the XP and knowledge of how these little village work. This is pretty much a learning experience so we can deal with the following villages in a more efficient manner. However if someone has a good pricing plan for this thing I'm all ears.

If we have free time Inoue will make us train. I don't think we get a choice in that.
[X] Plan Labor Week

I still don't agree with raising mass defenses simply because of the time it will take for us to complete this goal is too high compared to the reward we will get (what do the villagers even have??). I get the feeling it would be better to kill local beasties and trade that for pots/food/tools? that the villagers have, and keep or sell them once we arrive at the larger town.

@Twofold Can you at least add that we want to get information about local wildlife and plantlife? Make it so we word it like we want to know what animals are annoying the villagers and what herbs/medicines are in short stock, then fish out more info from there.
Can we assume that Inoue/Mori will modify or shut down any plans that they know would turn out terribly? I'm inclined to vote for Labor Week, but building visible defenses and a moat is the opposite of subtle, and I don't anticipate Inoue agreeing to such a blatant indication of the village getting major outside help. It would also take a very long time. I actually wrote up a whole plan, but saw that there were a ton of stuff in Labor Week that were good, and didn't think it was worth copying that much of a plan for that one distinction.
@ChronOblivion @Twofold if building defenses is such a contentious issue it could be a good idea to say that we'll just do the pottery/waterbug job today and discuss future interactions with our team tonight.

I'd be in favor of that. To be honest, i thought that we would stay here for at most two days before finding another small village where one of the other Genin gets to play Jounin. We are doing this mostly to gain infiltration experience, and to stay out of any potential hunter nins sight. The harder we are to pin down the better.
I actually wrote up a whole plan, but saw that there were a ton of stuff in Labor Week that were good, and didn't think it was worth copying that much of a plan for that one distinction.

I think it's totally okay to copy as much of any plan as you wish if there's some detail you don't find palatable. I think the defense thing is the most useful for the village in long term so I based my plan around that. I made it a week long so if nothing exciting happens the QMs can move the story along without the need to have a new vote for every small thing.
[X] Plan Labour Week Minus Defenses
- Same as Twofold's plan, but we do not set up any defenses. They are visible indications of a possible ninja presence and Inoue wouldn't approve. We can revisit this if we later choose to pursue a longer-term relationship with this village.

Next update, we should discuss using XP (I suggest Deception/Diplomacy) and revealing our Seal Copying. I actually think we should do both now, but I don't want to muck up the primary vote with something that people might find unacceptable.
What we want most are more basic supplies. Rice, pots, tools, a change of clothing. basic medical supplies. Maps, or even access to maps of the area. Spare weapons if they are to be found. After that, currency and compact trade goods. We also want to learn everything we can about the local environment...
[X] Plan Labor Week

Might I suggest a few changes? Let's try not to take civilians into the woods if we don't have to, and fetching clay doesn't really need them. This both reduces the risk of losing them and of them having opportunities to get info on us.

We should also find out if the village even has enough money to pay for it before we consider building a wall.

On payment, as was mentioned, basic supplies, as well as low volume valuables sound good. It depends on what they have.

Maybe we could trade a wall for a % of the villages future production?

I'm not too concerned about a wall revealing that ninja were here, as the villagers will likely mention our presence regardless.

We should ask if they have been visited in the past by ninja, and if so, how often? It should let is guesstimate the number of missing-nin in the country (that visit villages)
Might I suggest a few changes? Let's try not to take civilians into the woods if we don't have to, and fetching clay doesn't really need them. This both reduces the risk of losing them and of them having opportunities to get info on us.

Would you mind making a more detailed, copy-pasteable step-by-step thing for the clay acquisition? Do we use sealing scrolls to take the clay? People didn't want to reveal those. Also note that it was Mariko who suggested that we work as escorts, maybe that means it's not so dangerous?

Also yes, it would be nice to make sure that the villagers have something to pay us with but we can't really waste a whole update just to ask that. Do we set a lower limit on what we want in the plan? I have no idea what that would be.
Clay Acquisition Inc.
We ask where the clay deposit is and go ourselves. Since it is 20 minutes away for regular folks, we should be able to make the trip in 5(?) minutes. Let's take a little longer and be watchful as we go though. Hanzo harvest's 100 pounds of clay total (or whatever we can carry comfortably and still be able to fight) while our teammates keep watch. We divide it into our backpacks and carry it the rest of the way back. Repeat until we have enough clay. (Not sure what the demand is here) No need to overburden ourselves when the round trip is so short, and we have learned our lesson about carrying to much.

More potential things to ask for in return:
Ask Mori if she wants a sword. It probably won't be a very good or reliable sword since it's being made by a village blacksmith, and we might have to pick it up later since I think they take a while to make, but it's good to have something light and scary that you can quickly swing at the enemy if they close to close range.

A bow (plus arrows) for Mori (if she is interested, and bows exist). We have a storage scroll (that we are not telling the villagers about), so we can keep it constantly strung and ready. More options are always good, and a normal trained human can shot an arrow ≈200 yards ≈10 times a minute. Being able to riddle monsters with arrows from extreme range sounds useful, though I think ninja could close too fast. (Long range kills on them from stealth??).

Wood Spears for Noburi's water clones. Water clones don't have much staying power, we can boost this by giving them weapons. Spears were the main weapon of the old days and water clones don't need to worry about avoiding getting stabbed in return while attacking.

Materials for another barrel of water for Noburi, if he loses his main one, he is SOL. (Ask the villagers in a way that disguises why we want it, if the ingredients would be obvious to another ninja)

Suggest Noburi try draining the chakra from the boar bristles. He senses something strange from them, so he should start with a very small amount first and work up, and Inoue-sensi should watch him to make sure that he isn't suffering any adverse effects.
Suggest Noburi try adding chakra to the boar bristles.
Suggest Noburi try draining a water clone he makes, can he recover any of his chakra? (Useful for water clones in utility role)

More Suggestions:
Ask for info about known local monsters before venturing out at all.
Place waste meat (blood, guts etc) on the water clones, so that they make better bait (try one with and one without to start, to test effectiveness) when hunting the waterbugs.
Hunt water bugs away from village, so that they don't see we have water clones.

Meta Questions
According to the skills, jonin have something like 10 times as much chakra as us normal genin, am I reading that right?
mrttao's plan (or some equivalent): mrttao, Xyzarch, Solace, dwibby, WanderingAirhead, Silver719 (6)
Plan Labor Week: Twofold, _brightwing, faflec, Sigil (4)
Plan Labour Week Minus Defenses: ChronOblivion, Chronic, jy3 (3)

As you can see, we are really fucked. 6 people are doing just the bare-boned minimum of a fleshed-out, detailed, USEFUL plan.

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In the real world making a no-frills European longsword takes a couple of days-ish. Making a katana took weeks because it was a sacred art with lots of folderol.

In the Naruverse making a sword that can survive ninja combat takes weeks because it requires chakra and lots of specialized skills.

The villagers have little experience making swords; axes are really more their thing. They can make you an axe in something like a day or figure out a sword design over 2-3 days. Whichever, what they make won't be usable in a ninja fight. It'll be fine against animals as long as Mori is moderately careful with it.

Making spears is a couple minutes to a couple hours depending on how fancy you want to get. Again, they won't stand up to fighting against another ninja.

Bows exist, and the village has them. Making a bow is time-consuming so they will be considered pretty valuable.

Barrels are a thing the villagers can make, although they usually go for clay pots instead.

mrttao's plan (or some equivalent): mrttao, Xyzarch, Solace, dwibby, WanderingAirhead, Silver719 (6)
Plan Labor Week: Twofold, _brightwing, faflec, Sigil (4)
Plan Labour Week Minus Defenses: ChronOblivion, Chronic, jy3 (3)

As you can see, we are really fucked. 6 people are doing just the bare-boned minimum of a fleshed-out, detailed, USEFUL plan.


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