[X] Action Plan: The Safe Option

I really like how short the plan is, but I don't see any reason to freak out about the flower prank.

We have already established some rapport with Team Asuma and they seem to like us just fine, they are not going to flip out because of some flowers. Backing out now will just make Hazou look wishy washy and insecure and that is not the sort of image we want to project to our allies. If the prank was a mistake, then that mistake is already done, but lets not get bend out of shape before we see the actual fallout.

Also, this sort of social push and pull is exactly the sort of thing Mari is good at. I have full faith that she has judged that the situation will not damage long term relations to Ino or Yamanaka in general. It will probably make Hazou's life more troublesome in the sort term, but Mari would not have done this if it actually harmed us or if Hazou didn't have a fair chance to fix the situation by himself.

Going back to Mari and complaining about her following through our request seems really petty.
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[] Action Plan : Letters of Note
FYI, you need to put an X in the box for it to count as a vote.

Question: Has everybody but me been aware this whole time that CCnJ is just Tell Culture?
I was actually not aware of this when I wrote the update in which it was first used (until you posted about it just now). It just seems like a sensible way of communicating, and my partners and I use it regularly, especially for conflict resolution.
We have already established some rapport with Team Asuma and they seem to like us just fine, they are not going to flip out because of some flowers. Backing out now will just make Hazou look wishy washy and insecure and that is not the sort of image we want to project to our allies. If the prank was a mistake, then that mistake is already done, but lets not get bend out of shape before we see the actual fallout.

You're assuming that the flowers are relatively harmless, but we have IC confirmation that these flowers are a big deal: even the ANBU thought we were ballsy for such a statement given via the flowers:
The ANBU escorts, standing respectfully just out of earshot, gazed at Hazō in awe, as at a man ready to lay down his life in the name of love.

Also, this sort of social push and pull is exactly the sort of thing Mari is good at. I have full faith that she has judged that the situation will not damage long term relations to Ino or Yamanaka in general. It will probably make Hazou's life more troublesome in the sort term, but Mari would not have done this if it actually harmed us or if Hazou didn't have a fair chance to fix the situation by himself.

Mari has shown before that she does not have a good enough grasp of teenage psychology to accurately predict our own team members. If she did, she would be far better at handling Keiko's crush. Furthermore, do we really want to leave Hazou to his own devices after his less than stellar performance with CCnJ talking to Akane? The only way I see Hazou actually having a chance at romance or simply not putting his foot in his mouth again is to get some basic advice from his teacher. It's the least she can do to prevent a fiasco.

Going back to Mari and complaining about her following through our request seems really petty.

Why should we care about pettiness when the team could potentially be in danger? Our initial request to prank people via flowers was stupid in the first place so we need to go back on it in some way to fix the situation.
I agree that the initial request (and the current situation) was/is stupid.. I just don't think that getting flirting training would help with it. The plan covered in KISS has contingencies for us maturely and respectfully dealing w/ Ino's response, which I think is better than Flirting Harder and Better.

I do like how your plan confronts Mari on causing the problem (cos I think it was pretty dumb of her) but I'm pretty sure she'll just take as whinging from someone she pranked. Also since we don't have the full knowledge/context for what we did, maybe it'll turn out that this IS actually just a good prank.

E: Also, I'm pretty concerned that with Akane on the fence already about staying with Team Uplift, anything short of comprehensively resolving the Ino issue will cause even more hurt for Akane and possibly drive her away.
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Mari has shown before that she does not have a good enough grasp of teenage psychology to accurately predict our own team members. If she did, she would be far better at handling Keiko's crush.

There was far more going on with Keiko than a simple crush, and Mari basically pulled a miracle with the way how she turned an extremely depressed and suicidal genin with a mentally hazardous bloodline into a functioning ninja in an environment where a single mistake could lead to a death.

Give the girl some credit.

Why should we care about pettiness when the team could potentially be in danger?

Because Mari also has feelings and what you are basically saying in your plan is that she is either incompetent in her field of specialty or that she is actively trying to sabotage our group.

Mari works insanely hard for the team and our survival is the number one priority to her. How do you think she is going to take when Hazou starts accusing her of working against us? Especially over something we asked from her in the first place.

I repeat, this sort of social dance is exactly the sort of thing Mari specializes at. She is way better at it than Hazou (or this thread) and we should trust her judgement and worry about other things.

EDIT: Ino getting upset is not a game over. It just changes the situation somewhat and gives us new angles to work with. Relationships get stronger as you work through problems together, and I have feeling that Mari is trying to pull something like that with this flower thing.
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it is even longer than the previous plan:
I'm pretty sure this is only because every point has three points, though, and several points are redundant (e.g. We only need to respond to Ino once).

I was actually not aware of this when I wrote the update in which it was first used (until you posted about it just now). It just seems like a sensible way of communicating, and my partners and I use it regularly, especially for conflict resolution.

@Langevin and I were talking yesterday about how you could re-derive it from illusion of transparency + outside view + one other LW-ish meme I can't remember right now because I just woke up. I imagine it would be especially useful in a polyamorous relationship (which is how I am interpreting "partners", if you meant business partners please correct me).

E: I remember, it was tabooing!
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@Langevin and I were talking yesterday about how you could re-derive it from illusion of transparency + outside view + one other LW-ish meme I can't remember right now because I just woke up. I imagine it would be especially useful in a polyamorous relationship (which is how I am interpreting "partners", if you meant business partners please correct me).
Pfft, I wish my business was on a scale which involved partners.

Actually, maybe I don't. Having to meet more people's expectations would be stressful, to say nothing of constant social interaction [shudder].

Edit: It just occured to me that this is the thing I let myself in for a year ago when I signed up to run this quest. People are complicated.
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There was far more going on with Keiko than a simple crush, and Mari basically pulled a miracle with the way how she turned an extremely depressed and suicidal genin with a mentally hazardous bloodline into a functioning ninja in an environment where a single mistake could lead to a death.

Give the girl some credit.

I agree that Keiko is functional; not fixed. Mari has done well enough to keep Keiko from melting down but that does not mean Keiko could relapse if we aren't careful.

Because Mari also has feelings and what you are basically saying in your plan is that she is either incompetent in her field of specialty or that she is actively trying to sabotage our group.

Mari works insanely hard for the team and our survival is the number one priority to her. How do you think she is going to take when Hazou starts accusing her of working against us? Especially over something we asked from her in the first place.

Or she made a mistake in estimating how far a prank should go; see Hanlon's Razor.

I repeat, this sort of social dance is exactly the sort of thing Mari specializes at. She is way better at it than Hazou (or this thread) and we should trust her judgement and worry about other things.

Mari specializes in seduction and infiltration, not pranks. Mari does not linger in her missions nor has she had a long term relationship she has found fulfilling. She is called "Heartbreaker" for a reason. Mari is not infallible and while she is a good source of IC information she should have her advice and choices challenged as a matter of habit, not malice. Mari has made poor decisions before like back in the Liberator Village when she freaked out and killed her creepy stalker or back in Hot Springs where she forgot that another jonin might enter the fight if a DMZ gets threatened. Her judgment has considerable weight but we should not hand over the reins of our decisions every time we feel out of our depth; Hazou is our avatar, not Mari.

I consider Mari to be a reasonably competent jonin. However, I sincerely hope that (given enough information) our hivemind can make better decisions than her every time. She should be viewed as an experienced teammate and a trustworthy source of information, nothing more if we want to maintain our agency in this quest.
Voting is closed.

CounterBot, version 1.5

Plan name: KISS

Voters: @Cariyaga, @Chronocide, @faflec, @hypothermic, @Jello_Raptor, @Kiba, @Killer_Whale, @Langevin, @MadScientist, @Muer'ci, @OliWhail, @ProperAttorney, @QTesseract, @schlega, @ting, @Traiden
Num votes: 16

Plan name: Letters of Note
Voters: @Cariyaga, @faflec, @gbear605, @Jello_Raptor, @jy3, @Kiba, @Langevin, @QTesseract
Num votes: 8

Plan name: Cooperation no Jutsu
Voters: @Chronocide, @Langevin, @schlega
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Letters of Not
Voters: @faflec
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Letters of Note w/o Kabuto
Voters: @will408914
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Stealth Reading
Voters: @Radvic
Num votes: 1

Plan name: The Safe Option
Voters: @Dictator4Hire
Num votes: 1

Plan name: Torrent the books
Voters: @Ridiculously Average Guy
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 22
* The Kabuto suggestion thing looks good content wise, not sure if it's worth upping the politesse some more. Might be worth adding a quick bullet point like: Discuss internship with Noburi. It's a great opportunity for him, and Dr Kabuto's a nice-seeming guy who saved Akane..but he also seemed to be holding Akane's health over us as a threat, and anyone Inoue-sensei's wary of is worth taking seriously. Plus, he wouldn't be a ninja if he didn't plan to milk the situation for all it's worth, aka giving Noburi the worse end of the deal. We have some precautions in mind, because it's way better to be safe than sorry. Is he okay with that? Does he have any suggestions?


* I think it's worth taking Mari away from the rest of the team on some pretext (us, romance advice?) to discuss family extraction; part of the point of asking her is that she can help us figure out if/how to mention it to the others. Leaf's gonna hear regardless, but I don't think we lose much from that.


Also, don't wanna bring up extraction of family members outside of a "secure" discussion.

Added w/ exception of bringing it up in vague terms when talking privately to

Inoue. I want her read on party reactions/feasibility more than than I care about other ninja hearing about the fact that "Our team has family members we care about".

I really don't wanna bring this up and upset her more until Hazou is more certain of where his feelings are. Also, his personality isn't entirely defined by this thread, it also has an independent aspect of Hazou himself, and his own feelings and worries.

Yup, this is why I have a section where Hazou tells Inoue what his feelings are and asks for (open ended) advice. it's a way for us to see what Hazou's view on the matter is.

At this point I'm satisfied with all the major options but like my own plan a lot more than others.

[-] Action Plan: KISS

Vote for Letters of Note if you like:
  • More detailed letters to Jiraiya that allow him to have details on what we want. This saves both him and us a bunch of time negotiating. I don't want to play coy with this guy.
  • The letter to Kabuto trying to milk the situation for more techniques without giving away too many secrets.
  • No flirting training (though i think Oli mostly removed that from KISS)
  • Doesn't immediately assume Ino is about to escalate the prank war, which may have unintended consequences if we have a minor misunderstanding.
  • Ends the update before we talk to Jiraiya (if that's a thing that happens) rather than trying to tough it out with our existing reward plan (which we haven't gotten to seriously talk about with our team yet).
  • Teasing Inoue about her "stealth practise" with Gai.

So, here's my major edits to Letters of Note.

Kiss isn't nearly aggressive enough about talking to Jiraiya and makes no attempt to get extra shinies out of kabuto.

So, here's my major edits to Letters of Note:
  • Asking Inoue about Ino's flowers.
  • Optionally talking to Inoue about our felling w/ regards to Akane and romance.
    • This is mostly left open ended so we can see how Hazou sees his own internal dialogue.
    • Good control systems (i.e. us) are all about the feedback loops, and we've gotten very little info on how Hazou sees our shipping wars.
  • Added a note to wrap up any shopping left unfinished.
  • Added a line to the letter to Jiraiya saying that we are
  • Added the library section from KISS
  • Lots of formatting
  • Many other tiny things.
[X] Action Plan : Letters of Note

I'm trying a variation on the What, How, Why structure. What is generally top-level, how is in spoilers marked "details" and why in spoilers marked "reasoning".

Scenes that could take place in the background are now marked with (B).

Line items marked with (K) might require knowledge we don't have in character, and should be ignored if we don't have that knowledge.

Scenes or line items marked with (O) are legitimately optional. The QMs can decide whether to do them or not.

  • Survive
  • Keep the team sane/safe/free
  • Good relations w/ Jiraiya & Leaf
  • Give Jiraiya enough reasons to keep us around as Noburi gets training and Akane heals up.
  • Don't cause any incidents, diplomatic or otherwise
  • Chat with Inoue about flowers
    • This is a reasonably private discussion, it's not for other members of Team Uplift or the genin of Team Asuma but past that we don't really care who hears.
    • Talk about Ino's Flowers
      • (K)(O) Give Inoue our guesses for what the flowers meant.
        • "I think I might like you, do you like me? circle one Y/N"
          • I mostly just think this would be an amusing scene,
          • I also want to give Inoue something to laugh about.
      • Now that the handover is done and we don't need to keep our game face on, ask Inoue exactly what message we were sending.
      • Describe in detail Ino's reaction, and why we found it worrying.
      • (K) If we noticed the ANBU (i.e. they were explicitly escorting us, rather than being sneaky fucks) then describe their reaction as well.
      • Don't be combative, just curious.
        • We trust Inoue not to do anything problematic for our stay here.
        • We have no reason to assume that she doesn't know what she was doing.
      • Ask Inoue if she has any advice on how Ino might respond and how we should respond in turn.
        • If she gives us advice, try to follow it.
    • (O) Talk to Inoue about our feelings about Akane/Ino etc..
      • (B) Tell her about talking with Akane about flirting
      • Tell her what our own feelings are
        • The QMs should try to capture the generally conflicted nature of the shipping wars on thread.
          • Personally, I don't want to dictate Hazou's romantic feelings in a plan, there's a lot of chatter in the thread going a lot of different ways and i figure that's reflected in Hazou's IC internal dialogue.
          • However, Inoue is someone we do trust on these matters, and a discussion with her seems like the sort of input we should be getting.
          • I want to hear a bit of how Hazou feels, how our own discussions have been filtered through his perception.
      • If she has any advice, we'd be happy to accept, but mostly we just want a kind ear to listen.
    • If this is reasonably private, ask Inoue about family extraction.
      • See the portion of that scene where we want to talk to her first.
      • Since this isn't a secure discussion keep it vague, no explicit names or relationships.
    • As we're finishing up the conversation ask Inoue how her 'stealth practise' with Gai went. He seemed very 'refreshed' afterwards.
      • Actually make air quotes as we say this.
        • :>
  • (B) Adopt Nara/Kagome's dispelling frequency recommendations
    • i.e. start randomizing our dispel times.
    • choose a random interval between 45mins and 75mins every time you dispel to decide when you dispel next.
      • Because listening to advice shows that we respect them
      • It's a pretty reasonable idea on its own right. There's some changes I'd make to make it more mathematically sound, but I'm pretty sure Hazou has no idea what a Poisson distribution is.
  • (O) Before bed or at breakfast, ask Noburi to regale us with how he wrecked that Hyuuga guy
    • Listen attentively, laugh along with him, agree that he is awesome
      • Because it was honestly pretty freaking cool, and Noburi deserves the recognition
  • Letter Writing
    • Have a group meeting, privately if possible.
    • The two things we need to talk about are dealing with Jiraiya and ideas on how to make the best of our interactions with Kabuto.
    • Letter to Jiraiya
      • Discuss each of the following parts, allowing the team to have input on exactly what to write, rewards to ask for, and allowing Inoue to veto any section if she deems it a bad idea.
      • Make sure it's clear that we're willing to negotiate on the particular prices we ask for.
      • Part 1: Offer of Air Platform Prototype
        • We have the parts for the air platform we use sitting in the summon realm. Both the 5SB and a scroll with the parts we used to construct our observation platform.
        • We should ask Jiraiya if he wants the prototype and what he'll be willing to pay for it.
        • If he says yes, then we can give it to him and demonstrate how it works. If not, we only lost the time writing the letter.
        • Research takes time, and he can skip a lot of it if he has a working demo. It's only been a day, while he probably has people working on it already they're probably not done yet.
        • This is particularly good for getting us a significant amount of cash, because of the major strategic implications of the innovation.
          • Enough to buy the books we want and have a significant reward left over for the future.
        • Possible Letter Contents:
          • We have the parts neccesary to demonstrate our aerial observation platform stored in the summon realm. You indicated you would be willing to pay for a working prototype. If that is still the case we would be happy to retrieve the parts from the summon realm, demonstrate the assembly to those you wish, and give you all the seals and parts we used in return for a reasonable reward.
          • This technology has, as both you and the Hokage have said, significant import for Konoha's safety, and we think it deserves a commensurate reward.
          • In particular we would like to have <insert amount of ryo people think is appropriate>.
      • Part 2: Offer of Remaining Paralytic
        • We've also got a few seals of this sitting in the summon realm we could sell to jiraiya.
        • Possible Letter Contents:
          • We also have the sample of the (possibly) unknown paralytic that you were interested in. It is also in summon realm, and we would be happy to retrieve it and set it to you as well.
          • We will also provide you all the information we have about where the paralytic is found, the results of our experiments with the paralytic, and other data we have collected.
          • In return we're asking for <reasonable amount of ryo> and most informative bingo book you're willing to give us.
      • Part 3: Offer of Macerator
        • We should also sell Jiraiya the macerator, if he wants it.
        • This is something that doesn't hugely change Leaf's tactical capabilities but does provide them a significant benefit in training sealers.
          • They can probably do each of the individual things the macerator does, but teaching someone a new seal is dangerous.
          • The Macerator means you only have to teach people one new seal to get them half a dozen new capabilities.
          • That's fewer deaths from sealing accidents and more sealers in long term.
        • In return I'd like to ask for access to their low-mid classification resources on sealing and technique hacking.
          • Those things that they expect most other major nations to already know, but have in scroll/book form in order to help their novices/journeyman learn faster.
          • Also some tutoring with one of their sealers that allows us to learn 5-6 basic seals (from the scrolls they provide) safely and efficiently.
            • @Velorien, @eaglejarl: The idea here is that we get a bonus to researching these scrolls from the help of the Konoha nin. Enough to let us learn them pretty quickly.
        • The letter should not describe how the seal works, just what it does. I don't want to give Jiraiya ideas until he's at least agreed to a good faith negotiation.
          • If we're detailed enough to describe the limitations and properties of the seal, Jiraiya will take like 5 minutes to figure out how it works.
          • On the other hand, if we make vague promises he might expect a seal that does an order of magnitude more than the macerator actually does.
          • I think the best balance is give him the vague promises now, and get an informal agreement that he won't run away with the idea when we tell him the details.
            • The only real hold we have over Jiraiya is his reputation as a reasonably fair dealer, but we can still play to that in order to get the best deal possible without having an angry Sannin on our backs.
        • Possible Letter Contents:
          • We also have another seal you might be interested in buying from us.
          • It is a single seal that can be easily specialized to serve in a number of roles:
            • Explosive
            • Mist Creation
            • Anti Scent Tracking
            • Non-Lethal Crowd Suppression
          • We also believe that, with additional research, we can make a version that is also capable of:
            • Smoke Generation
            • Flashbang
          • Now, we expect Konoha probably has individual seals that can do each of these things. but teaching new seals comes with significant risk.
          • This seal is simple enough for novice sealers and would give Konoha a significant advantage by allowing them to become significantly more versatile early in their careers.
          • There are a number of other possible applications and details, but they would reveal how our seal works and we do not want to do that yet.
          • We would first like you to agree to a good faith negotiation where we can discuss how the seal functions and come to an agreement on price when you have an understanding of the details and limitations of the seal.
          • No sweat if it turns out you already have something similar though.
          • This is subject to negotiation, but we would like the following:
            • Some scrolls/books on Technique Hacking, enough to teach ourselves the basics (up to lvl 10) at a time of our choosing.
            • Some scrolls/books on Sealing and example inert seals for us to study.
              • Nothing classified, just those seals you expect most other major nations to already have.
            • Tutoring on 5-6 of those seals, enough to allow Hazou to make them.
              • The thing you get out of this is more capable sealers, asking you give us a fraction of that in return seems reaonsable.
            • If you would like the more advanced version of our seal, the one we've not yet researched, we would also like:
              • The resources needed to perform that research: Space, Ink, paper, etc..
              • Additional time where the entire team can stay in Konoha as we perform said research.
              • We would be happy to submit to supervision during this process to ensure we're not wasting your time or money, or doing anything against your interests.
      • Part 4: Inform About Noburi's Tutoring
        • We should make a note of the fact that Noburi is receiving training in the medical arts from Kabuto.
        • Include what information Noburi has on schedule and timing.
      • Part 5: Touch Base About Arikada Reward
        • Just make a note that we're waiting on Akane to feel well enough that we can coordinate our rewards.
          • Well enough that she can join us in the private discussion area where we'll discuss rewards amongst ourselves.
        • This is mostly there so he knows that we are counting the Arikada reward as something separate.
    • Letter to Kabuto
      • Like with the letter to Jiraiya we discuss this with the group and allow Inoue to veto bits.
      • Be very very polite in this letter.
      • Letter Parts
        • Part 1: Thank him for treating Akane.
          • No reason not to be polite
        • Part 2: Set basic rules for him taking measurements
          • We're still willing to do some basic tests of yours as a thank you, but with some caveats.
          • They must be non-invasive, no cutting us or sticking anything in us. (Pins, electrodes, food, whatever)
          • The measurements must be passive, and not try to probe our reactions to chakra or damage.
          • Noburi will be around as you do these tests, as will either Inoue or Asuma.
          • He tells us anything interesting he learns.
        • Part 3: Make him offer of Quid-Pro-Quo
          • We would be willing to give him more data in return for something though.
          • Kabuto can pick a technique or jutsu he thinks would synergize well our bloodline, if we like it, we'll be happy to learn it from him (or someone else) as he observes our progress.
          • Those observations come under the same conditions as the first set, non-invasive, passive, information sharing, etc...
      • Discuss internship with Noburi. (Part of discussion when writing letter, not letter itself)
        • It's a great opportunity for him, and Dr Kabuto's a nice-seeming guy who saved Akane..
        • but he also seemed to be holding Akane's health over us as a threat,
        • and anyone Inoue-sensei's wary of is worth taking seriously.
        • Plus, he wouldn't be a ninja if he didn't plan to milk the situation for all it's worth, aka giving Noburi the worse end of the deal.
        • We have some precautions in mind, because it's way better to be safe than sorry. Is he okay with that? Does he have any suggestions?
    • Send Jiraiya his letter by whatever method we used before, have Noburi give Kabuto our letter when he goes for training.
  • (O) Discuss Family Extraction
    • This should only happen if we can have a genuinely secure discussion, like the type that we asked Jiraiya for.
    • Ideally ask Inoue-sensei first;
      • She's our sensei and she's more emotionally mature, so her advice on feasibility (+ effects on the others) will be useful.
      • She's also got more at stake, so we want to see if the likely consequences of Hana-extraction for her family would be okay with her (given we're not sure what those would be), and asking her personally means she doesn't have to sort out that and team dynamics at the same time.
      • If Hazou has to sleep before she finishes up her ~mysterious Inoue stuff~ in the evening, leave a note for her and discuss it in the morning.
        • Team gets significantly more power + expertise, becomes significantly more valuable to Leaf/Jiraiya (esp if mom's willing to give up clan secrets)
        • Hazou gets someone who can train him in Kurosawa jutsu; Hana's specialty, whatever it is, could be incorporated into some of the cool inventive stuff we keep coming up with.
        • Also, obviously, Hazou wants his mom around.
        • But he doesn't want to make the team upset, cause negative consequences for their families, or make it more difficult for them to retrieve reasonably-retrievable family members at a later date
  • (B) Wrap up any unfinished shopping
    • e.g. shoes, a cool pack for Noburi's barrel, requisitioning extra barrel materials
      • Because then we won't have to worry about doing it later. The visible barrel marks him as a Wakahisa and a Kiri nin. It makes us easy to recognize and thus, potentially, to track. If the Iron Nerve had easily visible markers, Hazou would be looking for ways to hide those too.
  • (B) Visit a library or two
    • Look for titles relevant to our longer-term plans, for potential reading later
      • Because the day is probably too busy to devote extended reading time, but we can at least get an idea of where to aim our efforts
    • See if there are copies of the History of the Elemental Nations Vol. 1,2 and 4 for public reading, since we won't be able to afford our own. Alternatively, see if Nara would be willing to let us borrow Vol 1? Hazou completely understands, if not.
      • Beacuse Nara seemed very happy someone was finally taking a reading recommendation, and he also seems like a good person to follow through on reading recommendations from.
  • Visit Akane
    • Light conversation:
      • Describe our spar with Lee
      • Ask her if Lee and Gai dropped by
      • Ask her if she wants any books (light reading material. The engineering books can wait until she's healed a bit more unless she specifically asks for)
      • Because we care about Akane and want to show it to her
    • The feels:
      • Tell her there's a lot that we're confused and unsure about--things even lists and flowcharts can't handle (yet).
      • But we are sure that we care about her, a lot. [insert more sappy stuff here; we were so worried about her (shoosh, it's not her fault), we're so happy she's going to be okay, and we can't wait to get a second shot at testing Lee's hard-headedness with her]
      • Because we want to, if not resolve the romance thing, at least make her feel less awkward/bad about bringing it up, and make sure she knows we're there for her regardless
  • Game Night
    • Strategic Domination, Shogi, Go, rtc..
      • Hazou should avoid rolling all sixes, giving credence to the lie that Iron Nerve simply involves improved kinesthetics
  • Don't piss off Leaf
    • Be polite to everyone we meet
    • Listen to our handlers and follow their (reasonable) instructions to the letter
  • However, be suspicious of any Leaf nin who are not Akane, Jiraiya, or Team Asuma.
  • Try to minimize Kagome's stress level
    • by not making him talk too much / interact with non-teammates if he doesn't feel like it,
    • keeping close-by
    • letting him cook and read as he wants
    • Be very diligent when he's on medium alert, if something messes with us and he's distracted he'll never be able to rest again
  • Safety Rules
    • Keep a watch in our room even at night
    • Make sure we all have whatever the local equivalent of white flags are
    • When in public, try to stick to areas with a reasonable number of civilians and other ninja
  • Assume we're being spied on at all times by multiple parties.
  • End update if we're called in to talk to Jiraiya for any reason.
  • Dealing with Ino
    • "good prank Haz-bro. you really had me going there"
      • Pranks for the memories: "Ugh, it was Inoue-sensei's idea. Did I tell you what she said when I gave her that bouquet you recommended? That's her-2, us-0. Think we can even the score by the end of the week?"
    • Uncertainty/awkwardness, tentativeness, anger, sadness
      • gently come clean - I think you're pretty great and would like to get to know you better, but thanks to sensei I think some of that got lost in translation
      • for anger, apologize more deeply; didn't mean to hurt her or toy with her, offer something to make it up / make it easier for her to deal with; e.g. have Shikamaru park Hazou in the library while Ino and the others go off and do fun stuff (don't mention that libraries are fun stuff for Hazou)
[X] Action Plan : Letters of Note w/o Kabuto

As in the action plan Letter of Note, but without the letter to Kabuto

[] Action Plan : Letters of Note w/o Jiraiya

As in the action plan Letters of Note, but without the letter to Jiraiya
@Jello_Raptor, we can still do the Jiraiya and Kabuto things! And hey, at least this way we'll have a little more info about K.

I feel like I don't fully understand some of your assumptions wrt the seal-trading with J, also. It seems reasonable to do, but I'm not sure why it's urgent. And it's not clear to me that marginal additional usefulness to J will be enough for him to keep us in Konoha; even if he's impressed with our sealwork, I doubt he'll want us doing seal research in his city. And I can't think of much comparative advantage we offer over Konoha-nin while we're in Konoha; we seem much more useful to him as field assets. (Unless internal struggles are really coming to a head.)

Basically, I don't think the marginal value/indebtedness we get from trading seals is likely to push us into "more useful hanging out in Konoha" territory. I agree that it's useful to be more useful to J, and to have stronger grounds for being able to return and visit Akane regularly, but I think negotiating that is less time-sensitive than you seem to think this is.
Also, I ship Keiko/Tenten

That is all. I'll go.
Well, Keiko's certainly not going to get to know Tenten better of her own initiative, given bloodline issues and the amount of effort required. On the other hand, if you actively plan so as to make them interact more, more power to you.

As a more general point, I should mention to the thread that @eaglejarl and I both model MfD!ninja as maturing faster than their real-world child counterparts (especially modern Western civilisation kids, who don't have to, say, get married at 14 like their ancestors did). After all, we're dealing with a world where you're a functional adult at 12, and if you die young, will probably do so before you hit 18.
I think enough people were uncomfortable with flirt training that @OliWhail decided to scale it down to "ask Inoue about This Human Emotion Called Love". Up to you (and her) to interpret that, of course.

Why not compromise?

Mari can give flirting lessons, but each lesson has to be given like a David Attenborough commentary but instead of animals she talks about teenagers.

Still funny for Mari yet still informative for Hazou's analytical mind.

He posted his updates / changed vote right after the vote closed and felt disheartened at putting in all that work, I believe.

What @OliWhail said. I thought the deadline was 6am tomorrow.

The fact that I posted my changes literally 4 minutes after voting closed was just annoying.

@Jello_Raptor, we can still do the Jiraiya and Kabuto things! And hey, at least this way we'll have a little more info about K.

Yup, like I said I'm satisfied with KISS. I just figured we could do better and I could push people to change over the course of the day.