Can we have Kei's perspective in her role as GM-mouthpeice on the following ideas?
Now that the endless chakra font of Leaf has been shut off, we've been trying to think of ways to generate additional chakra for FOOM. The idea of Yuno and Nobs going around every day and draining chakra from various beasties in the countryside has been tossed around. However, this seems to have several potential issues:
The juice here might not be worth the squeeze, if the expected value is only a few hundred CP (1/10-1/5th of Nob's reserves) it's likely not worth the additional exposure to hunter-nin. Right? How much chakra can we expect from a day of hunting? This seems like something they should know from their prior missing-nin days.
Kei can project how many beasts you will be able to capture in expectation, rather than how much chakra you drain (remember that chakra is still unquantified in-universe). After consulting with Noburi, who reveals that it will take hundreds of beasts to fill his reserves, Kei concludes it is unlikely that your team will have sufficient chakra to train with shadow clones, given that Noburi will spend the majority of his reserves on the daily for his own training (as his bloodline removes his ability to regenerate chakra).
Note that while larger beasts have more chakra, they are rarer and will take more effort to subdue. Kei suspects that targeting smaller beasts will have more yield, but tests would be required to know for certain.
The low-cp woes seems like they might be mitigated by specifically going into the most concentrated nests, and clearing them out with misterators. But might this risks injury. Does Kei think there are enough beasts in the country to support our chakra needs (roughly 2000 cp per day) for weeks at a time? Would this change if we were near the ocean, which Nobs can drain more efficiently?
Kei doesn't know enough about the distribution of chakra beasts to make any final conclusions. She suspects it will be very hard to slaughter hundreds of respectably-sized beasts (or thousands of small ones) on the daily for any extended period of time without requiring the raiding team to travel unacceptably far from the home base.
Kei is not certain whether the ocean would suffice to fill your chakra needs. She notes that while Noburi can easily drain anything near the ocean surface, the ocean is also far, far less densely populated than the land. Again, the tradeoff would need to be investigated in practice.
Leaving lots of beast corpses with no identifying marks on them (killed by drain) might leave a signature that hunter-nin can track to our base, so if we do this we'd need to move bases more often. Is that correct?
Correct, though Kei is less worried about opportunistic teams of likely-chuunin hunter-nin than about other forms of opposition who might have other ways to track you than just the beast corpses. Also, Kei notes that you can simply leave the beasts where they're drained, and there's a chance they dodge random predators and survive to keep the local population levels from completely collapsing.
Could we hybridize to minimize the risks - send Yuno w/ a detachment to track down nearby nests while we're camped in location, but avoid draining them and then drain them all dry on the day before we move camps, generating a quick bump of CP, but not leaving traces near our camp while we're in place.
You could do this. Naturally, you wouldn't have much chakra on other days.
We could also instruct here to go ~10(?) miles from camp on skywalkers to minimize traces left near our camp, does Kei think this would be sufficient to avoid notice? Or will it draw of hunter-nin?
Again, opportunistic teams of hunter-nin aren't the primary source of risk in Kei's mind, and even 10 miles is too close for your primary enemies. This measure helps, but she would far prefer moving more frequently.
Does Kei think it's feasible to try to drain-to-unconciousness, then capture high-cp chakra beasts, and keep them as batteries for Nobs to use for a few days/weeks? They don't need to live longer than that, and we can pen them with Earth ninjutsu and the like.
Kei thinks this is potentially viable. Chakra beasts cannot be easily kept long-term without extremely specialized skills, but waiting a few days for the beast to die of other factors should extend the accessible drain.
This also comes with a tradeoff, of course -- if Noburi and Yuno spend time dragging the body of a high-chakra beast back to camp, that means they're spending that much less time out hunting for new beasts. Whether this is worth it, Kei doesn't know.