Any attack that restrains a target is a basically a one-hit kill, that's why Paper hates Goo Bombs. So the Arachnid would need to hit the target with the restraint jutsu.

Kagome doesn't have the CR to Summon anything particularly strong, so basically the Arachnid has nothing to do. Anything strong enough to threaten Yuno and Nobs is too strong for a weak Summon to hit.

If the beast is weak, Yuno and Noburi can just drain it, and if the beast is strong Yuno and Noburi cripple it and then drain it. In neither case does the Arachnid add anything they can't do with a Goo Bomb if they need to.

Sure? But we still know nothing about their abilities. I can't really counter with any Arachnid Clan abilities for easier or better long term confindment. Kei/Noburi will just point out that keeping chakra beasts confined is hard, like with our Fire goats.

And I already agreed that doing so for the next 1-2 weeks might not be worth it.

It's been said he can summon "massive scorpions" though I'm not sure we ever got to see how strong they were - CR 17 or 18 would be sufficient to summon low jonin tier summons, it would just take all his chakra

Kagome CR sucks and now I am sad and disappointed.

That's only like 9k experience total, I'd call that chunin. 350 CP is 15k, I'd call that jounin.

Pankurashun costs 173 and he is pretty strong.
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@Velorien , maybe you can threadmark the post. Seems a bit important.

The offical rules just say you need a trainer with the stunt!

@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Quick rules question. If I have level 40 in an Elemental jutsu and can cast it at Effect:5, what Effect can my Elemental Clones cast it at?

I think either the Clone has 40/3 = 14 in the jutsu and can cast it at Effect:2, or the max Effect is copied over from the caster and they can cast it at Effect:5. You could also cap Max Effect at that of EC Effect or some combination of the above.

Also, Noburi's bloodline doesn't apply to his clones, so am I correct that they can cast jutsu at normal prices? Does he pay triple to give them extra chakra?
Your clone will cast it at Effect:2.

Noburi's clones cast ninjutsu at normal prices. He casts the technique at triple cost as normal, but can then add extra chakra at the normal rate. elemental clones are so garbage lol
Noburi's clones cast ninjutsu at normal prices. He casts the technique at triple cost as normal, but can then add extra chakra at the normal rate
I will note that he can cast Water Ninjutsu like GLF or Surging Seas for cheap by casting WC and having the clone cast the jutsu, since it's normal-costed for the Clones.

But yeah EC is a trash jutsu.
I will note that he can cast Water Ninjutsu like GLF or Surging Seas for cheap by casting WC and having the cast the jutsu, since it's normal-costed for the Clones.

But yeah EC is a trash jutsu
The tags for GLF are gonna be a +2 at best🗿

Moving two zones with Surging Seas is alright if the positioning is in your favor, but not nearly as good as casting at same effect as user and moving like 5 zones...
Day 1
Cleaning up camp, moving to Gaikotsu Bay.

Day 2
Prep Icarus Rune.
Prep Space-Stretch Rune.
Prep Storage Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazō thinks he could maybe do this rune. Accordingly, Hazō aborts research on this rune.
Prep Capacitor Rune.
Prep Pocket Space Rune. Difficulty Result: [TODO]

Day 3
Prep Icarus Rune.
Prep Space-Stretch Rune.
Prep Capacitor Rune.
Prep Remote-Explosion Rune. Difficulty Result: [TODO]
Prep Storm Rune. Difficulty Result: [TODO]

Day 4
Prep Icarus Rune.
Prep Space-Stretch Rune.
Prep Capacitor Rune.
Prep Kagome-Sensei-Satisfying Explosive Rune. Difficulty Result: [TODO]
Prep Jiraiya's Awesome Dawnbuster Legacy Rune. Difficulty Result: [TODO]

Day 5
Infuse Icarus Rune.

Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 20 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 6 (prep) + 0 = 51
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 - 6 (timeladder down) + 6 (prep) - 9 = 41
[NB: Getting sketchy… Still high ES relative to PrimSeal, so no reroll, but it's getting close.]

Hazō makes progress on the Icarus Rune.

Infuse Space-Stretch Rune.

Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 20 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 6 (prep) + 6 = 57
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 - 6 (timeladder down) + 6 (prep) + 0 = 50

Hazō handily completes the Space Stretch Rune! Expands space in a moderately-sized area by a minor amount. Exact details TBD.

Infuse Capacitor Rune.

Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 20 + 17 (crossover bonus from Sealing) + 6 (prep) + 0 = 43
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 - 6 (timeladder down) + 6 (prep) - 3 = 47

Hazō makes progress on the Capacitor Rune.

Prep Explosiver Rune. Difficulty Result: [TODO]
Prep Landmine Rune. Difficulty Result: [TODO]

Day 6
SSA recovery.

Day 7
SSA recovery.

Day 8
Prep Icarus Rune.
Prep Capacitor Rune.
Prep Canary Rune. Difficulty Result: [TODO]
Prep Portable-Explosive Rune. Difficulty Result: [TODO]

Day 9
Prep Icarus Rune.
Prep Capacitor Rune.

Day 10
Prep Icarus Rune.
Prep Capacitor Rune.

Day 11
Infuse Icarus Rune.

Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 20 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 6 (prep) - 3 = 48
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 - 6 (timeladder down) + 6 (prep) - 3 = 47

Hazō is making steady progress on the Icarus Rune. He thinks he is around a third of the way finished with the rune.

Infuse Capacitor Rune.

Hazō (Primordial Sealing): 20 + 25 (crossover bonus from SSA-boosted Sealing) + 6 (prep) + 0 = 51
Hazō (Earthshaping): 50 - 6 (timeladder down) + 6 (prep) - 3 = 47

Hazō thinks he is barely inches away from completing the Capacitor Rune.

Day 12
SSA recovery.

Day 13
SSA recovery.
Can we please get difficulty estimates on some of these before voting closes?
In particular, estimates for the Remote-Explosion, Portable Explosion, and Canary Runes would be really helpful.
Can we have Kei's perspective in her role as GM-mouthpeice on the following ideas?

Now that the endless chakra font of Leaf has been shut off, we've been trying to think of ways to generate additional chakra for FOOM. The idea of Yuno and Nobs going around every day and draining chakra from various beasties in the countryside has been tossed around. However, this seems to have several potential issues:

The juice here might not be worth the squeeze, if the expected value is only a few hundred CP (1/10-1/5th of Nob's reserves) it's likely not worth the additional exposure to hunter-nin. Right? How much chakra can we expect from a day of hunting? This seems like something they should know from their prior missing-nin days.
Kei can project how many beasts you will be able to capture in expectation, rather than how much chakra you drain (remember that chakra is still unquantified in-universe). After consulting with Noburi, who reveals that it will take hundreds of beasts to fill his reserves, Kei concludes it is unlikely that your team will have sufficient chakra to train with shadow clones, given that Noburi will spend the majority of his reserves on the daily for his own training (as his bloodline removes his ability to regenerate chakra).

Note that while larger beasts have more chakra, they are rarer and will take more effort to subdue. Kei suspects that targeting smaller beasts will have more yield, but tests would be required to know for certain.

The low-cp woes seems like they might be mitigated by specifically going into the most concentrated nests, and clearing them out with misterators. But might this risks injury. Does Kei think there are enough beasts in the country to support our chakra needs (roughly 2000 cp per day) for weeks at a time? Would this change if we were near the ocean, which Nobs can drain more efficiently?
Kei doesn't know enough about the distribution of chakra beasts to make any final conclusions. She suspects it will be very hard to slaughter hundreds of respectably-sized beasts (or thousands of small ones) on the daily for any extended period of time without requiring the raiding team to travel unacceptably far from the home base.

Kei is not certain whether the ocean would suffice to fill your chakra needs. She notes that while Noburi can easily drain anything near the ocean surface, the ocean is also far, far less densely populated than the land. Again, the tradeoff would need to be investigated in practice.

Leaving lots of beast corpses with no identifying marks on them (killed by drain) might leave a signature that hunter-nin can track to our base, so if we do this we'd need to move bases more often. Is that correct?
Correct, though Kei is less worried about opportunistic teams of likely-chuunin hunter-nin than about other forms of opposition who might have other ways to track you than just the beast corpses. Also, Kei notes that you can simply leave the beasts where they're drained, and there's a chance they dodge random predators and survive to keep the local population levels from completely collapsing.

Could we hybridize to minimize the risks - send Yuno w/ a detachment to track down nearby nests while we're camped in location, but avoid draining them and then drain them all dry on the day before we move camps, generating a quick bump of CP, but not leaving traces near our camp while we're in place.
You could do this. Naturally, you wouldn't have much chakra on other days.

We could also instruct here to go ~10(?) miles from camp on skywalkers to minimize traces left near our camp, does Kei think this would be sufficient to avoid notice? Or will it draw of hunter-nin?
Again, opportunistic teams of hunter-nin aren't the primary source of risk in Kei's mind, and even 10 miles is too close for your primary enemies. This measure helps, but she would far prefer moving more frequently.

Does Kei think it's feasible to try to drain-to-unconciousness, then capture high-cp chakra beasts, and keep them as batteries for Nobs to use for a few days/weeks? They don't need to live longer than that, and we can pen them with Earth ninjutsu and the like.
Kei thinks this is potentially viable. Chakra beasts cannot be easily kept long-term without extremely specialized skills, but waiting a few days for the beast to die of other factors should extend the accessible drain.

This also comes with a tradeoff, of course -- if Noburi and Yuno spend time dragging the body of a high-chakra beast back to camp, that means they're spending that much less time out hunting for new beasts. Whether this is worth it, Kei doesn't know.
@Paperclipped @Velorien @eaglejarl
While we're asking Kei questions, I/we have two big points of confusion.

Why does Kei think that repeatedly relocating will make it harder for Akatsuki to find us? Isn't 90+% of Hidan's tracking bullshit that he'll automatically beeline for our location? Even if he goes all the way to our old camp before retargeting, we don't move faster than him, so it doesn't net us more research time. If he's paired with a flyer, or retargets as we move, relocatingwwill actively reduce the research time we have before getting caught.
Clearly she has some reasoning that I'm missing, but what?

Why does Kei think that Superchiller runes will introduce the concept of WMDs to the EN, when we're already dealing with the likes of Deidara&Konan, Whirlpool & Isan have both suddenly disappeared, ect?
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@Paperclipped , @Velorien , @eaglejarl

Is Bio-argumentation (mentioned in Oro's and Tsunades notes) a thing Nobby can do now? Can we just create our own chakra beasts?

Please don't say it's a sealing skill.
Noburi's medical skill has been repeated assessed as "decent but not remarkable".
Looking at the world, it doesn't seem like biomods/fleshcrafting/ect is within the ability of mere "reasonably skilled doctors". Such abilities have been repeatedly shown on biosealers, and have never been seen on a non-biosealer.
Noburi's medical skill has been repeated assessed as "decent but not remarkable".
Looking at the world, it doesn't seem like biomods/fleshcrafting/ect is within the ability of mere "reasonably skilled doctors". Such abilities have been repeatedly shown on biosealers, and have never been seen on a non-biosealer.
Tsunade has (maybe?) shown the capability to directly interface with bloodlines but it seems like that's about it.
Noburi's medical skill has been repeated assessed as "decent but not remarkable".
Looking at the world, it doesn't seem like biomods/fleshcrafting/ect is within the ability of mere "reasonably skilled doctors". Such abilities have been repeatedly shown on biosealers, and have never been seen on a non-biosealer.

If thats true the GM can just tell us?
We never asked what a medic can and cannot do with chakra beast stuff, here a random medic who probably overestimates their skills.

"The swamp has resources to sell. Hotaru said she might be able to salvage the Lightning Element-generating organs from a spiderbear corpse, if she could get to it fresh. If she can do it, there's all sorts of possibilities there.

And obviously that is also just sealing,
No, what they forgot was that before becoming a master of human biomanipulation, Orochimaru had researched chakra beast biomanipulation.
I shouldn't even ask, obviously it's sealing. Arikada is a bioseal master duh.

edit: Yes Arikada is using biosealing, my point was that we don't now if pure medics can do anything, if not then the GM's will just say so.
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  • Noburi:
    • Sealing: S:0, B:0, R:2500
      • Jiraiya's Sealing Notes: S:0, B:0, R:1500
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #1: S:0, B:0, R:200
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #2: S:0, B:0, R:200
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #3: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #4: S:0, B:0, R:150
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #5: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #6: S:0, B:0, R:100
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #7: S:0, B:0, R:50
        • Orochimaru's Sealing notes #8: S:0, B:0, R:50
    • MedKnow: S:275, B:27, R:198
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow Notes #2: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow Notes #2 : S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #3: S: 75, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #4: S: 0, B: 27, R: 48
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
        • Orochimaru's MedKnow notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • MedNin: S:325, B:148, R:27
      • Oro Batch 1
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #1: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
      • Oro Batch 2
        • Orochimaru's MedNin Notes #2: S: 100, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #3: S: 75, B: 0, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #4: S: 50, B: 25, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #5: S: 0, B: 50, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #6: S: 0, B: 50, R: 0
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #7: S: 0, B: 23, R: 2
        • Orochimaru's MedNin notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 25
    • Technique Hacking:
      • Oro Batch 1:
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #1: S: 0, B: 0, R: 200
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #2: S: 0, B: 0, R: 200
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #3: S: 0, B: 0, R: 150
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #4: S: 0, B: 0 R: 150
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #5: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #6: S: 0, B: 0, R: 100
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #7: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
        • Orochimaru's TH notes #8: S: 0, B: 0, R: 50
@Shrooms here you go! As requested.

Basically, this is the situation.
  • Hazo:
    • Sealing: S:2074, B:208.5, R:67.5
    • Technique Hacking: S:0, B:100, R:900
  • Noburi:
    • Medical Knowledge: S:275, B:27, R:198
    • Medical Ninjutsu: 325, B:148, R:27
Honestly it seems like the easiest way to get enough chakra to FOOM is just to capture several ninja and keep them imprisoned to drain them
Beyond just helping us research the chakra pool, Noburi needs to research how the hell chakra regen even works. Can we increase our regen speed by staying in a chakra dense location? If a medical effect can smooth your channels and make you use chakra more efficiently, could a similar one let you regen faster? He's more qualified than most to determine exactly what's happening here, given not just his medical prowess but a bloodline centered around interfacing with chakra directly. If he can get to the bottom of what's going on here and explain it to Hazou I think our efforts to make chakra interfacing runes for FOOM will be much more feasible.
Orochimaru's already told us that, hasn't he? The human body gobbling up and filtering human chakra from environmental chakra? If we pass that along to Noburi, he should be able to tell us how to increase regeneration.
He did, but for one thing it was a pretty general explanation, Hazou may want specifics to make a rune do what he wants (NOBURI: Field property X improves regen better than property Y etc). Also Oro's understanding of stuff seems idk contradictory to some other things we've been told like from the Sages, and I'm not sure who's lying :V
@Paperclipped @Velorien @eaglejarl
While we're asking Kei questions, I/we have two big points of confusion.

Why does Kei think that repeatedly relocating will make it harder for Akatsuki to find us? Isn't 90+% of Hidan's tracking bullshit that he'll automatically beeline for our location? Even if he goes all the way to our old camp before retargeting, we don't move faster than him, so it doesn't net us more research time. If he's paired with a flyer, or retargets as we move, relocatingwwill actively reduce the research time we have before getting caught.
Clearly she has some reasoning that I'm missing, but what?

Why does Kei think that Superchiller runes will introduce the concept of WMDs to the EN, when we're already dealing with the likes of Deidara&Konan, Whirlpool & Isan have both suddenly disappeared, ect?
In terms of relocation, Kei is optimising based on your requirements. Her previous answers were based on how much you'd have to move if no one was chasing you (not much). Now that you have to factor in a variety of possible pursuers, the amount naturally increases. In addition, making Hidan's life difficult is a straight positive. For example, his ability may misfire eventually (Orochimaru's notes comment that it is not 100% consistent), or he may be forced to take time off from the search to see to his religious responsibilities.

As to WMDs, first, Kei thinks you need to distinguish the notion of village-destroying power from that of Superchiller-type WMDs. The average ninja can at least imagine a village being destroyed, by rampaging Tailed Beasts, or by the wrath of the kami, or by a massive natural disaster (probably also caused by the wrath of the kami), etc. What they cannot imagine is ordinary human beings like themselves unleashing that kind of power at will. A Superchiller rune would be going up to them and saying, "Did you know that you, too, could utterly destroy a village if you just poured enough resources into figuring out how?"

Second, she thinks you overestimate existing sources of destruction (as well as what is known about them). With regard to Akatsuki, you only have Orochimaru's word regarding Deidara and Konan's WMD powers. Naruto is willing to take that word, but that is not the same as assuming that the world at large both has and trusts the same intel. Furthermore, they are not themselves walking WMDs--were Deidara to bomb Leaf alone, he might do some damage, but then Naruto and a bunch of jōnin would just run up to him with skywalkers and punch him in the face until he thought better of it (not her exact words). Rather, Akatsuki are a threat to hidden villages because they are a large group of S-rankers who fight as a team. At the point where you can put together enough conventional shinobi power to fully overwhelm a village's defences, it doesn't really matter whether you can also turn the place into a smoking crater. As far as ninja are concerned, a hidden village whose ninja have all been massacred is no longer a hidden village. It's just some place with a bunch of civilians who'll probably get eaten by chakra beasts sooner or later even if you leave them alone.

Meanwhile, the disappearance of Whirlpool is one of the great mysteries of the setting. Nobody knows what happened, or even whether it was deliberate or accidental (it hardly beggars belief that a village of panicking sealmasters could have had a bad sealing failure), and nobody has displayed any ability to replicate it during the world wars since. Much the same can be said of Isan. Considering how the Third Hokage nearly won the war against Mist before it ever began by leveraging the element of surprise with skywalkers, what kind of imbecile would reveal their grand superweapon by obliterating a minor village of no geopolitical weight (and then do nothing else with that superweapon, even as the timer counted down on AMITY potentially tracking them down)?
(and then do nothing else with that superweapon, even as the timer counted down on AMITY potentially tracking them down)?

BIWAKO: "Husband, what the hell are you doing!?"
RYU: "All my predictions keep failing! What am I missing? My spies are telling me about a Rift to the Naraka Path! Yet he goes missing? Alongside Ami? Is he that much of a genius!? Reito, I am sorry, it should have been you!"