Ageha's ears had pricked up at the word 'traitors'. The little shit had to be talking about the Gōketsu and that nonsense about them 'going missing'. Ha! As if Great Lord Gōketsu would go missing! The man had done more for the village than any other three clans. The idea that he could be lacking the Will of Fire was ludicrous. Either he had fallen in battle or he was on a secret mission or something. He definitely had not gone missing.
Six months later...

AGEHA: Lord Nara! How may I help you? I'm unaware of any of your clanspeople being injured. May I -
SHIKAMARU: ...troublesome. I'm here on behalf of Leaf's intelligence service. I have a reliable report that you expressed skepticism that Lord Goketsu and his family were actually missing prior to their return?
AGEHA: Um, well, my Lord, I, ah -
SHIKAMARU: Would you like a job?
@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Can we have Kei's perspective in her role as GM-mouthpeice on the following ideas?

Now that the endless chakra font of Leaf has been shut off, we've been trying to think of ways to generate additional chakra for FOOM. The idea of Yuno and Nobs going around every day and draining chakra from various beasties in the countryside has been tossed around. However, this seems to have several potential issues:
  1. The juice here might not be worth the squeeze, if the expected value is only a few hundred CP (1/10-1/5th of Nob's reserves) it's likely not worth the additional exposure to hunter-nin. Right? How much chakra can we expect from a day of hunting? This seems like something they should know from their prior missing-nin days.
  2. The low-cp woes seems like they might be mitigated by specifically going into the most concentrated nests, and clearing them out with misterators. But might this risks injury. Does Kei think there are enough beasts in the country to support our chakra needs (roughly 2000 cp per day) for weeks at a time? Would this change if we were near the ocean, which Nobs can drain more efficiently?
  3. Leaving lots of beast corpses with no identifying marks on them (killed by drain) might leave a signature that hunter-nin can track to our base, so if we do this we'd need to move bases more often. Is that correct?
  4. Could we hybridize to minimize the risks - send Yuno w/ a detachment to track down nearby nests while we're camped in location, but avoid draining them and then drain them all dry on the day before we move camps, generating a quick bump of CP, but not leaving traces near our camp while we're in place.
  5. We could also instruct here to go ~10(?) miles from camp on skywalkers to minimize traces left near our camp, does Kei think this would be sufficient to avoid notice? Or will it draw of hunter-nin?
  6. Does Kei think it's feasible to try to drain-to-unconciousness, then capture high-cp chakra beasts, and keep them as batteries for Nobs to use for a few days/weeks? They don't need to live longer than that, and we can pen them with Earth ninjutsu and the like.
I'm not sure this needs to be included in the plan explicitly, and may be implied with the already included 'welcome to uplift' line, But I want Hazo to note that this is basically as much commitment or more to the team as anybody has shown since before it's origin. We started as a group on the run from death, then we picked up Akane and Kagome who had nowhere else to be. All of us were missing nin who banded together for company and better(?) survival odds, and picked up the uplift ideal as we went on. Yuno is a bit of an odd case, but it's similar enough to count.

Unlike everybody else, Tenten had a perfectly reasonable, valid alternative. But she's here now with the rest of us, and that's every bit as meaningful (or more!) as anybody else who ever joined team uplift. Also unlike the others who joined the team before adopting the ideal as a consequence of that, Tenten joined the team while already fully aware of and presumably embracing the uplift ideal.

Plus, she's basically married to Kei.

What I'm saying is that she doesn't have to take the name, but this decision makes her family in every way that counts. I look forward to getting to know her better as a core cast-member instead of just Kei's often silent love-interest.

'Welcome to uplift' isn't a casual line. It has weight.
Leaving lots of beast corpses with no identifying marks on them (killed by drain) might leave a signature that hunter-nin can track to our base, so if we do this we'd need to move bases more often. Is that correct?
Could we leverage some other part of the deathworld ecosystem to help with that cleanup? Drain the big critters all the way to death, but leave nearby opportunistic scavengers merely unconscious, for example. Or better yet, Satsuko the bodies into storage-seal-sized pieces (simple absence seems like a strong contender for the least distinctive possible trace) and sell them through the Seventh Path trade network? Seems like there'd be room for "laundering" exotic meats through Arachnid, Dog, and/or Pangolin.
Could simply ask for an oath that particular seals not be put up for resale before some arbitrary date (by which time we will have moved on from the area its contents would have pointed a hunter-nin to) under cover of some sort of relatively benign market manipulation. First few units cheap to gauge (and stir up) demand, then raise the unit price to cover costs of setting up a sustainable harvesting operation, then lower the price again as economies of scale kick in, but you don't want early customers hoarding in phase one and then undercutting you in phase two, for example. Even if a buyer is planning to eventually resell rather than eating the stuff themselves, it's not like it'll spoil in the meantime, and storage seals don't take up much warehouse space.
Could we leverage some other part of the deathworld ecosystem to help with that cleanup? Drain the big critters all the way to death, but leave nearby opportunistic scavengers merely unconscious, for example. Or better yet, Satsuko the bodies into storage-seal-sized pieces (simple absence seems like a strong contender for the least distinctive possible trace) and sell them through the Seventh Path trade network? Seems like there'd be room for "laundering" exotic meats through Arachnid, Dog, and/or Pangolin.
Could simply ask for an oath that particular seals not be put up for resale before some arbitrary date (by which time we will have moved on from the area its contents would have pointed a hunter-nin to) under cover of some sort of relatively benign market manipulation. First few units cheap to gauge (and stir up) demand, then raise the unit price to cover costs of setting up a sustainable harvesting operation, then lower the price again as economies of scale kick in, but you don't want early customers hoarding in phase one and then undercutting you in phase two, for example. Even if a buyer is planning to eventually resell rather than eating the stuff themselves, it's not like it'll spoil in the meantime, and storage seals don't take up much warehouse space.
Selling them to the trade network seems like a straightforwardly bad idea due to INFOSEC concerns, but storing the bodies and dumping them into the ocean has potential. Or giving them to Dogs/Arachnids sworn to secrecy.
Selling them to the trade network seems like a straightforwardly bad idea due to INFOSEC concerns, but storing the bodies and dumping them into the ocean has potential. Or giving them to Dogs/Arachnids sworn to secrecy.
I would not want to bet on blood-obsessed tracker Hidan, and Kisame, the Shark Summoner with outrageously huge chakra reserves even by S-rank standards (thus potentially many summons routinely out on patrol) as well as vaguely shark-themed exotic senses, both lacking the ability to notice an unusual fresh blood point-source suddenly spreading through seawater. On a game mechanics level, could use that "special grooves for the blood" aspect against us.
As such, dumping chakra beast bodies in the human-path ocean might involve even more immediate INFOSEC risks.
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"Ahhhh!" the second friend said, noogying Hyūga in the shoulder. "He beat you hand-to-hand? What a chump you are! Can't believe you lost to a traitor, Makito!" He leaned in close. "D'you think it's true that he ran off because Lady Yamanaka caught him cheating on her?"

"Probably with his cat," Hyūga grumbled. "Always looked like a guy who would fuck cats."
1) good that they are focusing on the betreyal more than slinging shit at our allied clans,they will get enough shit from the higer ups
2)i am surprised he didn't say dogs, considering what hazou is the summoner of.
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@eaglejarl @Velorien @Paperclipped

Can we have Kei's perspective in her role as GM-mouthpeice on the following ideas?

Now that the endless chakra font of Leaf has been shut off, we've been trying to think of ways to generate additional chakra for FOOM. The idea of Yuno and Nobs going around every day and draining chakra from various beasties in the countryside has been tossed around. However, this seems to have several potential issues

I don't know why your worried about hunter nin because as far as I can tell they're just free chakra batteries
I would not want to bet on blood-obsessed tracker Hidan, and Kisame, the Shark Summoner with outrageously huge chakra reserves even by S-rank standards (thus potentially many summons routinely out on patrol) as well as vaguely shark-themed exotic senses, both lacking the ability to notice an unusual fresh blood point-source suddenly spreading through seawater. On a game mechanics level, could use that "special grooves for the blood" aspect against us.
As such, dumping chakra beast bodies in the human-path ocean might involve even more immediate INFOSEC risks.
How far do you think Kisame can smell blood? Is it 500 miles? I don't think this is a reasonable concern. Hidan has been noted to have a range of a few miles for his blood sense, and that's for blood he's consumed, not a bunch of dumped corpses - that aren't even bleeding. Dump them in the middle of the ocean and there's practically no risk of detection. They'll sink to the bottom and feed the chakra crabs.

We can always just not dump them, but then we can't reuse the storage seals.
Can't get over the fact that the existence of a strongly anti-Hazou faction within our own clan might be what ends up shielding it🗿
Can't get over the fact that the existence of a strongly anti-Hazou faction within our own clan might be what ends up shielding it🗿

Hazou placed the anti-Hazou faction there on purpose just for this very moment.

Sure, he looks like an exceptionally lucky dumbass who sits in his study and plays with inkwells all day, but we all know that no mere dumbass could ever hope to emulate the level of "coincidental success" experienced by this individual.

While the blowhards and morons toast his departure, the clever and calculating sit quietly in their offices and studies and silently dread what is about to transpire. They don't know what exactly is about to happen, but they know that it involves Gouketsu Hazou, and so they know that it is coming and know that they should dread it.

Perhaps the wisest response by any group, is the response from the contingent of individuals loyal to the man, who simply smile and think to themselves "I wouldn't bet against him."
Hazou placed the anti-Hazou faction there on purpose just for this very moment.

Sure, he looks like an exceptionally lucky dumbass who sits in his study and plays with inkwells all day, but we all know that no mere dumbass could ever hope to emulate the level of "coincidental success" experienced by this individual.

While the blowhards and morons toast his departure, the clever and calculating sit quietly in their offices and studies and silently dread what is about to transpire. They don't know what exactly is about to happen, but they know that it involves Gouketsu Hazou, and so they know that it is coming and know that they should dread it.

Perhaps the wisest response by any group, is the response from the contingent of individuals loyal to the man, who simply smile and think to themselves "I wouldn't bet against him."
Sure, he looks like an exceptionally lucky dumbass who sits in his study and plays with inkwells all day, but we all know that no mere dumbass could ever hope to emulate the level of "coincidental success" experienced by this individual.
BROKE: Hazou has no idea what he's doing and he's just gotten lucky repeatedly

WOKE: Hazou is a mastermind with schemes that have layers upon layers, even when it really looks like he has no idea what he's doing, it's definitely not luck OK

BESPOKE: blessed by Jashin
Hazou placed the anti-Hazou faction there on purpose just for this very moment.

Sure, he looks like an exceptionally lucky dumbass who sits in his study and plays with inkwells all day, but we all know that no mere dumbass could ever hope to emulate the level of "coincidental success" experienced by this individual.

While the blowhards and morons toast his departure, the clever and calculating sit quietly in their offices and studies and silently dread what is about to transpire. They don't know what exactly is about to happen, but they know that it involves Gouketsu Hazou, and so they know that it is coming and know that they should dread it.

Perhaps the wisest response by any group, is the response from the contingent of individuals loyal to the man, who simply smile and think to themselves "I wouldn't bet against him."
You just know Shikamaru is tearing his hair out, wondering just how much of Hazō's personality is a front.

The answer, of course, is all of it. The playerbase is grinning with a Cheshire grin behind a paper-thin veneer of Hazō.