[x] Action Plan: Kowalski... I mean, Noburi! Status Update!
Words: tbd

  • Sanity Check/Optimize with Kei
    • When meeting with Noburi to fill up on chakra for FOOM, give a letter with the following orders to be sanity checked/optimized by Mari, and then implemented by Noburi:
      • Goketsu adoptees that learned KEI jutsu pre-adoption, or submitted jutsu to KEI pre-adoption, will remain as available KEI tutors for those specific jutsu. The Goketsu Clan will not sell those jutsu to another clan. In return, the wider Goketsu Clan gains access to those jutsu.
      • Goal: reduce tensions between KEI and Clans by setting a precedent that KEI can require for subsequent adoptions.
  • While he's there, ask for a progress report about his studies with Tsunade. Let him boast, and hype him up --he deserves it.
  • Sealing Research
    • TBD. WMDs go brrr
Now I ask: what would happen if you made an upside-down air dome rune above a city, in the rainy season?

It's a giant manmade-lake, at first. The water in that one-kilometer-diameter area just pools into the center of the air dome. Maybe it's just the water from one storm, maybe it's the water from multiple storms. The dome only lasts a week, after all. But therein lies the trap: the air dome only lasts a week. It's gonna pop, sooner or later, and all that water will pour down all at once. You can see it up in the sky (how could you not?) but there's nothing you can really do about it. What, are you gonna scoop out all the water by hand? Order ninja to cast fireballs at it until it all evaporates? Break the dome prematurely? No, that water's coming down on you whether you like it or not, all in one devastating raindrop.

It's a nuke with no casualties. You have a whole week to evacuate the area of impact. You can't stop the drop but you can make sure nobody dies to it. All you lose is, well, all of the infrastructure beneath the air dome, everything too hard to move. Not an Akatsuki-killer, but remarkably potent against cities. Would make an excellent geopolitical threat.
Oopsie. Sorry, Kei.

All I can imagine is just Hazous celebrating his New Creation and then just being suddenly truck by this knowledge
Oh my goodness. I really want this to be a scene. (By the way, thanks for pointing this out, IV. I had the best laugh I've had all week imagining this.)

You really think the QMs would've known by now to ask what happens if you turn an air dome upside down.
And this just makes it even funnier!

Plan Segment: Turn It Upside-Down (to be added to another action plan)

  • Ponder
    • What if you turned the Runic Air Dome upside down?
    • Above a city
    • When it's rainy
    • All that water falling down destroys the city
  • Kei
    • Explain the situation to her
    • Sorry we accidentally made a city-killer
    • We were trying to make a defensive rune
    • Hopefully no one else thinks of turning it upside-down
    • At least the citizens would have time to evacuate
Telescope Rune
A rune that, once activated, can allow the user to see faraway objects by acting like a telescope. The telescope will act as if it has an objective lens with a diameter of 4 (or default) zones. The rune has a point at the tip that aims in the direction of wherever the user is looking. Once activated the user may send the same activation signal again to lock the telescope in place.
I'm sure this question has already been answered somewhere, but why does this one need to be a rune instead of a seal?
but there's nothing you can really do about it. What, are you gonna scoop out all the water by hand? Order ninja to cast fireballs at it until it all evaporates? Break the dome prematurely?
If a typical rainstorm lasts less than 1d4 hours, sending somebody up to pop the dome from time to time in response to weather forecasts might be a viable strategy. Alternatively, it could be drained through a siphon, possibly created by some custom jutsu, which would incidentally serve as a conveniently concentrated mechanical power source.
I wonder if there are any shenanigans we can make with the Electric Seal and the Loadstone Maker jutsu from Asuma's Competition?
I'm getting pretty frustrated with the hivemind's inability to run a vaguely sensible research program.

One more instance of this is researching HOWS, which we know we want to follow up with a magnifying glass rune to make a death ray. but not doing a prep day on the magnifying glass rune. so now we need to either do a standalone prep day, or swap our focus away for a full research cycle, then swap back.

Recent plans of "use popular vote to determine all prep days" seem like they will make this problem much worse.

This mixes with a general complaint of our research projects not fitting together well or synergizing, or having any gameplan or vision. (besides maybe Grasers)
Runic Domes as a method of village defense

Air dome has a few obvious issues that we can fix in the next version, like not being big enough to cover Leaf, or not being strong enough to stand up to multiple hist from an Essie. that's fine, we'll fix these in our Force Dome Runes

It also has some more fundamental vulnerabilities. Anyone can burrow under it trivially, and Leaf will quickly run out of breathable air.

We probably don't want to make the dome into a 360-degree bubble that cuts through the bedrock, because that might make Leaf permanently geologically unstable.
We could probably solve this with a Rune, like "Iron Earth: hardens all earth/rock in the area the same way Air Dome hardens air, and resists all earth/tunneling jutsu cast on it".

Air supply is harder. we could try a giant set of air purifier runes, but that means waiting on another research project, and it will be harder to secure the purifiers than just keeping a pair of runes under the tower. We could set all leaf's sealsmiths to farming out Tunneler's friends 24/7, but they'd need to start learning it ASAP.
Or we could leave gatehouses open at the north and south ends of leaf, and try to pump an incredible amount of air through? dunno if it's feasible to do this via jutsu or not, but an air blower rune is probably pretty trivial. the gatehouses would be a weakness, but we'll need at least one anyways, and we can prepare them with so many skyslicers and other deathtraps, and park leaf Essies to defend them.

all in all, I think this can be made to work. we'll need and bigger/stronger overhead dome, and a way to prevent tunnleing and terrain removal, but I'm pretty sure we can make runes for that.

Or we can try a differeant approach, and prep a rune that just.... prevents all explosions in an area, sidestepping the issues with a dome/shield bassed approach.
[X] Action Plan: the Defensive Option (+Graser)
Duration: 1 day
Wordcount: <299
  • Research
  • Cannai
    • A contract with a powerful combat-specialist dog that juuuust fits within our chakra reserves would really help keep us alive.
      • Can you introduce us to someone who fits that description?
      • Would you be willing to advocate for us? no arrogance, but keeping Hazou not-dead seems pretty important to Dog and to the 7th path in general right now.
    • Talk to the Combat Summon(s) Cannai recommends.
      • Ask Cannai a little bit about their personality/values, then let Hazoupilot decide how to approach the conversation.
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Runic Force Dome
An incredibly tough(or outright indestructible) dome that can extend wide enough to cover ~all of Leaf.
Based on the Runic Air Dome, it will contort slightly to meet the ground at different elevations, cutting through weaker obstructions like trees, but stopping at more durable structures(like a sturdy gatehouse).

Iron Earth Rune
all soil and stone within a large area of effect is frozen in place, and made dramatically more durable. This effect is similar to how air domes affect air, but benefits from the denser and more solid base material to end up it be much tougher than an air dome.
This effect also prevents tunneling or digging jutsu, and other techniques that moves existing earth.

Airflow Rune
causes a very strong wind in a set direction.
The goal is to place these at opposing gates of the force dome to pull fresh air in and push bad air out, keeping Leaf's air fresh and breathable.

Kagome's Tears Rune
prevents all explosions or similarly massive shockwaves in a large area.
(Whatever implementation Hazoupilot prefers is fine. but the default idea is limiting the intensity of pressure waves in air to a maximum of roughly 175 decibels.)
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We could set all leaf's sealsmiths to farming out Tunneler's friends
Inefficient. Already plenty of oxygen in a kilometer-wide dome, main problem is the waste products.
So, invent a variant storage seal which pulls in only CO2, compressing it into a 100kg slab of dry ice - yes, Hazo already knows about dry ice, noticing flakes of it is what sparked off the EM Nuke research. Some summoner trades those dry ice slabs for food (shouldn't be too hard to find buyers, since a new refrigeration method surely has luxury culinary applications), or whatever else is running low as a result of the siege, via the Seventh Path.
Posting this again with changes, because Paper clarified that the wording was a bit ambiguous and the seal was interpreted as a fully-functional light implosion seal. This probably spiked the difficulty a fair bit.

I think its worth throwing another prep day at the seal element with this nerf, to see if the difficulty is reduced from Jiraiya-level. These could go really well with gamma HOWS to counter Itachi's precog.

Hotbang (modified version which is different from the last one we prep-day'd but Hazo just calls it a Hotbang still and this text is only here for clarification to the QMs to differentiate it from the prior version please don't make Hazo say this entire thing out loud every time including the verbal parentheses because that would get really time consuming and also eventually we'd piss off a essie with it and they'd punch our head off and that'd be really funny but we still don't want to die so don't do that please)


A 2-element weapon. The seal element is a variant of the storage seal, but tuned to store light. It stores light provided by the rune element, and releases this stored light in a single omnidirectional burst after activation. It does not gather light on its own and does not do anything by itself, except release the stored light, without the assistance of the runic element.

The rune element collects light near the rune and channels it into the seal element. When the seal element is at maximum capacity, it safely stops collecting light. The rune doesn't do anything useful without the seal element to channel light into.
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Airflow Rune
causes a very strong wind in a set direction.
The goal is to place these at opposing gates of the force dome to pull fresh air in and push bad air out, keeping Leaf's air fresh and breathable.
If Akatsuki decided to kill everyone inside the dome, I'd prefer to make it at least a little bit more difficult for them than clogging a big, noisy, easily-located vent pipe with e.g. their spare skywalker reloads.
Also, this seems like an unworthy application of runecrafting - it could literally be replaced by laborers cranking mechanical fans. How about outright transmuting stale air to fresh, or radically accelerating plant growth?

Technique Hacking Rules

First things first: these rules are tentative, and will likely be changed and adjusted as they get a more thorough playtest here than they got in Lost on the Road of Life. Huge credit goes to @MMKII, whose efforts in many discussions helped make these rules come into existence.

When you undertake a technique hacking project, there are two possible outcomes:
  • A New Ninjutsu, which is a brand new technique – possibly based on existing techniques, possibly original.
    • A new ninjutsu must be bought from level 1.
    • A new ninjutsu can be shared with others.
  • A Tweak, which is a slight modification of an existing ninjutsu.
    • A tweak is a stunt, which will usually cost between 0 XP and 50 XP to learn.
    • A tweak cannot be shared with others.
    • A tweaked ninjutsu uses the level of the ninjutsu it is based on. When casting a ninjutsu, you may choose to use the ninjutsu's original spec or any tweak you've learned.
      • You cannot use two tweaks at once to modify a ninjutsu as you cast it.
      • If you want to combine tweak effects, that requires researching a new tweak.
    • For example: Hiruzen is tired of Water Dragon Bullet taking his Supplementals every time he casts it. He makes a tweak which changes the cast time from Full Round (-20 strain) to Standard (+0 strain), in exchange lowering the attack bonus from +AB (+30 strain) to nothing (+0 strain). The resulting stunt, Rapid Water Dragon Bullet, costs 5 XP to learn.
      • If he wants to cast the original Water Dragon Bullet, he can.
      • He can also cast Rapid Water Dragon Bullet at the same level as Water Dragon Bullet. This costs 2 CP less, and takes a Standard instead of a Full Round.

Mechanically, technique hacking research is different than seal research in the following ways:
  • The players provide the desired jutsu spec-sheet (as a table + written description, similar to previous ninjutsu suggestions).
  • When working on an elemental technique, you gain a bonus of +(AB of highest-level jutsu in that Element) to your Technique Hacking rolls. This is an innate bonus, not a buff.
  • Every research day, you make a single contested check with your Technique Hacking against the jutsu's difficulty TN (instead of two checks with Sealing and Calligraphy) to make progress.
  • Saying that again:
    • In Sealing, it's: (Base Score) + (bonuses) + 4dF vs. TN
    • In Technique Hacking, it's: (Base Score) + (bonuses) + 4dF vs. TN + 4dF
    • Shifts generated = (your roll - TN's roll)/3, as usual.
  • Failures on a technique hacking roll are less dire, as chakra prefers you to work with it instead of breaking the universe with exploits.
    • The most common result of a failure is adding a flaw to the target technique. This changes the spec (usually to be worse), and lowers the project's TN and completion counter correspondingly. This means that the final spec is not necessarily the same as the original spec!
    • If not contained in a flaw, a failed technique hacking roll can cause a fracture, which is sometimes deadly.
  • There are two success tracks, Completion and Refinement instead of just one (for seal research, just Completion). Completion measures your progress towards completing the ninjutsu, whereas Refinement represents how many extra bells and whistles you can add onto the ninjutsu as you create it.
    • The character may choose how to divide shifts between these two tracks.
    • Unlike in seal research, once the Completion track is filled up, the character may spend up to (TH AB) additional days working solely on Refinement.
    • Every day, you must spend every generated shift to buy Completion or Refinement if possible.
      • Every point of Completion costs 1 shift. You must buy at least one point of Completion per day if possible.
      • Points of Refinement cost 1 or more shifts of success based on how many you have already purchased over the course of the research:
        • The first 3 points of Refinement cost 1 shift each
        • The second 3 points (i.e. points 4 to 6) of Refinement cost 2 shifts each
        • The third 3 (i.e. points 7 to 9) cost 3 shifts each
        • And so on…
    • As working on ninjutsu costs chakra, you can never buy more than a combined (CR AB) points of progress on both tracks in a single day.
  • Technique hacking projects cannot be broken up with more than a day's break without losing progress. A project must be focused on from start to finish.
  • You cannot take prep days.
  • You cannot use assistants.
  • Once a technique hacking project is done, there is no further work. Unlike with sealing, there is no risk involved in using a new technique (for sealing: scribing/infusion rolls). It just works.

This covers the mechanics of a technique hacking project. Some additional notes:
  • Veterancy works the same, so experience with related research helps.
  • Attack and Block ninjutsu are easier than Sprint and Maneuver ninjutsu.
  • Elemental ninjutsu are easier than non-Elemental.
  • An appropriate name can make a project easier and can guide the type of flaws and perks that get added to the technique.
  • Repeatedly hacking the same technique over and over drastically increases the difficulty.

Worked Example

For the sake of clarity, we are going to show the research rolls behind Hazou's invention of Furrowed Brow of the Earth Mother. This will likely be the only time we provide the TN for a jutsu.

The players would vote in a plan specifying "Research Furrowed Brow of the Earth Mother", linking to a jutsu spec such as this:

Furrowed Brow of the Earth Mother

Effect1 to AB+10, +30, +60, +100, +150...
RangeEffect+20, +40, +60, +80, +100...
Cast Speed30 seconds-30
AOESingle target*Effect, line-constrained+0, +10, +20, +30, +40…
DisadvantageDoes not deal stress-50
AdvantagePermanent Effect+10
Totals5, 5, 14, 28, 44… CP-40, 10, 70, 140, 220… strain

Ground in a straight line in front of the user flips over, creating furrowed trenches in the ground ready for planting seeds. If used in combat, the technique does not deal stress, but any target that fails to dodge has to move slightly to regain their footing, exiting any Melee that they are currently engaged in.

The players may also specify reroll or invoke policy as normal, as well as other research policies (e.g. to focus on Completion or Refinement, to use extra post-completion days, etc).

The QM then looks at this jutsu spec (correcting any errors if they exist) and sets a TN for the technique. This is an elemental attack technique, so it is fairly easy to start, say TN15. The TN is reduced due to the increased casting time (-5 TN) and the lack of stress dealt (-5 TN). However, the TN is slightly higher due to Effect scaling (+2 TN), which scales the range (+3 TN), and the fact that the effect hits a whole line in range (+2 TN), yielding a TN of 12.

These numbers were chosen arbitrarily by me just now, and won't be the same in the future! Don't bet on anything resembling these numbers to be used again.

As this is an Earth technique, Hazou gains a bonus from his highest AB in the element: Earthshaping at AB6. Combined with his TH10, he will be rolling at base 16. He has a CR AB of 4, so he cannot earn more than 4 points per day of research.

Hazou has no relevant veterancy, as this is his first project. He's basing the technique off of Earth Rend, which is fairly similar in that it turns up earth in range. I'll arbitrarily decide this is a -20% to the complexity, so from 12 to 10 complexity. The research project then looks like this:

Hazou needs to earn 10 points of completion, and can buy as much refinement as he likes, though later points of refinement cost more shifts to buy. Will all preliminaries set, Hazou starts research.

Day 1
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 9 = 25
TN: 12 - 3 = 9

Hazou wins by 16 points for 6 success shifts. He is required to allocate 1 shift into Completion. He allocates 3 shifts into Refinement, buying the first three points at 1 shift/point. That's 4 points total, and he cannot spend any more of his success shifts (as he has a CR AB of 4). After this day, this is what his progress looks like:

Day 2
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 0 = 16
TN: 12 - 3 = 9

Hazou wins by 7 points for 3 success shifts. He allocates 1 shift into Completion and spends 2 shifts buying the next point of Refinement. That's all of his success shifts. This is what his progress looks like:

Day 3
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 0 = 16
TN: 12 + 0 = 12

Hazou gets 2 success shifts. He has to spend both shifts, and he cannot buy Refinement as then he wouldn't have a shift leftover to buy any Completion (and he needs to buy at least 1 Completion per day). He is forced to put both shifts into Completion.

Day 4
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 3 = 19
TN: 12 - 3 = 9

Hazou gets 4 success shifts. He buys 1 point of Refinement, but cannot buy another because then he would not be able to buy Completion. He buys 2 points of Completion.

Day 5
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) - 9 = 7
TN: 12 - 3 = 9

Hazou fails. The QM elects to add the flaw "Fixed in Place", reducing Athletics to 0 while casting (-20 strain). The QM judges that this reduces the TN by 2. The total Completion needed is adjusted downwards as well, as a TN10 project with a -20% complexity reduction from Earth Rend would instead need 8 success shifts to be finished.

This is the project status after day 5:

Day 6
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) - 6 = 10
TN: 10 + 6 = 16

Hazou fails. The QM elects to add the flaw "Chakra-Intensive" (+20 strain), reducing the TN by 2.

Day 7
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 0 = 16
TN: 8 + 3 = 11

Hazou gets 2 success shifts. He puts 1 shift into Completion, finishing the project, and the other shift is wasted. He can work on the project for up to (TH AB) = 2 additional days solely to generate Refinement. He will do so, to try to remove the introduced flaws.

Day 8
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 3 = 19
TN: 9 - 9 = 0

Hazou gets 7 success shifts. He buys 1 point of Refinement for 2 shifts (5 remaining), 1 point of Refinement for 3 shifts (2 remaining), then has to stop, as the next point also costs 3 shifts.

Day 9
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 6 = 22
TN: 9 + 0 = 9

Hazou gets 5 success shifts. He buys 1 final point of Refinement, finishing at 8 points of Refinement.

The project is now completed, and Hazou gets to spend his Refinement.

Hazou wants to remove the "Chakra-Intensive" flaw to make it easier to use the technique repeatedly to till fields. The QM decides that this costs 2 points of Refinement, leaving 6 left over.

Hazou isn't worried about the "Fixed in Place" flaw, since the technique is mostly meant for non-combat use anyway. Instead, Hazou tries to buy the "Chakra-Efficient" perk, reducing the technique's strain. The QM decides that this costs 3 points of refinement, as the technique was inclined to be chakra intensive by default.

Hazou decides to make the technique more efficient at tilling. He wants to increase the technique's AoE to be (Effect) single targets in a line (Effect) Zones long – so casting the technique at a given Effect creates Effect furrows instead of just 1. The QM decides that this costs 3 points of Refinement, spending all of Hazou's Refinement and completing the technique. The final spec is this:

Furrowed Brow of the Earth Mother

Effect1 to AB+10, +30, +60, +100, +150...
RangeEffect+20, +40, +60, +80, +100...
Cast Speed30 seconds-30
AOE(Effect) targets per Zone, (Effect) Zones, line-constrained+0, +20, +50, +90, +140…
DisadvantageDoes not deal stress-50
DisadvantageSkill Penalty: Athletics-20
AdvantagePermanent Effect+10
SpecialTH bonus: Chakra Efficient-20
Totals5, 5, 8, 32, 56… CP-80, -20, 40, 160, 280… strain

Ground in (Effect) straight lines in front of the user flips over, creating furrowed trenches in the ground ready for planting seeds. If used in combat, the technique does not deal stress, but any target that fails to dodge has to move slightly to regain their footing, exiting any Melee that they are currently engaged in.

As per usual, please let us know if you have any questions. These rules will very likely face some changes or revisions over time, so your feedback is greatly appreciated to help shape those changes in a positive direction.
That looks rad, puts an appropriate amount of the work on us to design, and let's us try to optimize for our outcomes, so we don't have the disappointment of geode coffin or equivalent again.

A couple observations (not being up to date on thread, apologies for accidental redundancy):

1) this is even more incentive to buy up Chakra to 40. An extra shift to spend will speed up research by not wasting success as much. Plus, you know, summoning and boosting and better SC use and jutsu casting and...

2) given the jump in difficulty after trying a project, we REALLY want to make sure we don't start messing with our important techniques until we're ready to get it right. Degrees of refinement matter, so being overqualified helps in TH in a way it often doesn't for sealing.

3) veterancy feeds directly into that, so working on projects that we DON'T care as much about, to get practice, seems like an okay use of practice time, just to get a better sense of the system and get better at, for example, earth TH.

4) I REALLY want to see if we can get a version of ES that either is much faster, pre-setting shapes of runes we've researched, or let's us skip getting bonus of creation, OR makes it worth leveling ES to 60 and not needing BoC anyway. Having two tweaks, one aiming towards more combat/time sensitive usage, and one that leans harder into "become one with the earth" would be cool.

Edit: 5) I think reading the TH notes, for figuring out Minato sealing (THANK YOU update) AND for the fact that being overqualified gives solid rewards, is really a thing we should be doing from now on.
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Hazou completes the Runic Air Dome! Over the course of ~30 seconds, the rune forms a dome of solidified air fixed in place relative to the surface of the earth with the rune at the center of the dome. At infusion (not activation) time, the diameter of the dome can be varied between ~60 meters (the rune's Zone and every surrounding Zone) and 1 kilometer. Lasts ~1 week.

Cool thing. So we can make an air blade rune and just stab someone who is ~1km away?
If Akatsuki decided to kill everyone inside the dome, I'd prefer to make it at least a little bit more difficult for them than clogging a big, noisy, easily-located vent pipe with e.g. their spare skywalker reloads.
Also, this seems like an unworthy application of runecrafting - it could literally be replaced by laborers cranking mechanical fans. How about outright transmuting stale air to fresh, or radically accelerating plant growth?
my thought was that it's a solution, and probably one we can yeet out in a single research cycle.

but yeah, there are other possibilities, and we can wait on prepping for air solutions until after we know if the other stuff is viable. I'll drop it from the plan.
Edit: I completely bonkered the math in this post, see this post on the next page for fixed math. Old post is hidden in spoilers for archival purposes.

Airflow Rune
causes a very strong wind in a set direction.
The goal is to place these at opposing gates of the force dome to pull fresh air in and push bad air out, keeping Leaf's air fresh and breathable.
If Akatsuki decided to kill everyone inside the dome, I'd prefer to make it at least a little bit more difficult for them than clogging a big, noisy, easily-located vent pipe with e.g. their spare skywalker reloads.
Also, this seems like an unworthy application of runecrafting - it could literally be replaced by laborers cranking mechanical fans. How about outright transmuting stale air to fresh, or radically accelerating plant growth?

Air usage per person, per day: 9-24 cubic meters, lets assume 16.
Air dome size: 1 kilometer diameter max, 500 meter radius, approximate half sphere. The lower half of sphere is ground, and we'll ignore uneven terrain and buildings taking up a tiny bit of volume.
Approximate population inside a air dome: Dunno, lets go with 10,000 people.

Interior area of the dome: 500m^2 * (4pi/3) / 2 = 1,570,795 m^3
Air used per day: 16m^3 * 10,000 people = 160,000 m^3 a day
Total time that the air will last: 1,570,795 m^3 / 160,000 m^3 per day = 13,090 days, or about 36 years. About 10 days.

(yes it might not circulate perfectly because no external wind, but 1km is pretty big and it still has sunlight heating the interior, we'll probably get weird weather effects that do more than nothing)

Yeah i'm fine with fobbing this problem off to our grandchildren if we're under siege by Akatsuki for 36 years.

Edit: Oh, 1km diameter not radius. Okay I fixed the math up, I think I got a number substantially wrong somewhere. It's actually only 10 days... although, 10k people inside is very high. Even extremely dense modern cities don't generally get to 40k people per square km (10k per quarter-km^2 airdome). If we said... 1k people per air dome instead, that's 100 days, which should be plenty.
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It's a nuke with no casualties. You have a whole week to evacuate the area of impact. You can't stop the drop but you can make sure nobody dies to it. All you lose is, well, all of the infrastructure beneath the air dome, everything too hard to move. Not an Akatsuki-killer, but remarkably potent against cities. Would make an excellent geopolitical threat.
The destruction depends heavily on it being high up:

what if said:
In this storm, all that water instead condenses into one giant drop, asphere of water over a kilometer in diameter. We'll assume it forms acouple kilometers above the surface, since that's where most rain condenses.
Hazo has so far never gone that high up (2,000 meters/6,562 feet), as one obstacle, but that can be addressed. I somewhat doubt the lack of casualties since a notable fraction of people are stubborn and/or have historically preferred death to being forced out of their homes. But even assuming none of those exist and a week is enough to address any mobility or logistical issues, forced relocation is still genocide and I don't want to do genocide or see what the SV moderation team thinks of us doing genocide. The Uchiha thing near the start of the quest was awkward enough already.

Also, Kisame may legitimately be good enough with water jutsu to do something to counteract this, given a week of time.
(yes it might not circulate perfectly because no external wind, but 1km is pretty big and it still has sunlight heating the interior, we'll probably get weird weather effects that do more than nothing)
Problem is CO2 is denser than the other main components of the atmosphere, so it'll tend to stay low. That vertical kilometer doesn't help much after the two or three meters closest to ground level become unsafe to breathe. I think that brings the expected survival time down from decades to single-digit months.
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Problem is CO2 is denser than the other main components of the atmosphere, so it'll tend to stay low. That vertical kilometer doesn't help much after the two or three meters closest to ground level become unsafe to breathe. I think that brings the expected survival time down from decades to single-digit months.
That's fine, single-digit months is plenty of time to kill Deidara or come up with a better air solution or whatever.
@strange_person @DanZapman thanks for running the numbers.

Can I interest either of you in voting for the plan?
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But even assuming none of those exist and a week is enough to address any mobility or logistical issues, forced relocation is still genocide and I don't want to do genocide or see what the SV moderation team thinks of us doing genocide.
Citation? The 1948 UN "Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide", which is the first thing I found while looking for a formal definition, defines genocide as follows:
Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with
intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as

(a) Killing members of the group;

(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its
physical destruction in whole or in part;

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

Forced relocation isn't on that list. Even if it was (for example, if the conditions they'd be moving into count as (c)), you'd still have to satisfy the intent requirement; the obvious reason to use this weapon would be to destroy a strategically important city, which doesn't imply intent to destroy the people living in it or any groups they may belong to. (Actually, I'm currently under the impression that the intent requirement means that even an actual nuclear strike wouldn't automatically constitute genocide, though a quick Google suggests there's been some debate on this topic.)

This is from 1948, so the definition may well have been updated since then. However, if it has been, it's not obvious from skimming the Wikipedia article, and from my own understanding I'd currently be surprised to learn that this kind of forced relocation alone is enough to qualify something as being genocide. Would appreciate any clarification you can offer!