I think we should put these on research track:
  • Air Leadening Rune (SSA)
  • Icarus Rune (SSA)
My reasoning is that taking away air superiority for the subset of them that rely on skywalkers might be key, and in general area denial is powerful. These are both air-related runes too so there is veterancy here, and if we want to do other stuff here like the air collapse rune thing or an implosion rune type effect, more veterancy might also yield a more accurate prep day result here.[1]

I think we should prep day these:
  • Noumero's spacetime pocket Vanishing Rune thing
  • Runic Air Dome but Force
  • Bigger Radius Runic Air Dome
  • Minor Telescope Rune (Just uh, someone write up a simply version maybe? "Magnifying Glass Rune" that works via spatial warping? This would stack with Runic HOWS too maybe.)
  • Explosives Rune Variant: Bigger Kaboom (Higher base TN)
  • Explosives Rune Variant: Wider Kaboom (Increase number of zones)
  • Explosives Rune Variant: Quicker Kaboom (Activation Time: 2 rounds)
  • Selective Light Reflection Seal (IIRC Jiraiya had something like this...) that reflects a frequency of light. So our d00ds are immune to the Runic HOWS crap, but our enemies aren't.

My reasoning is that the defensive and utility stuff has applications for scouting,hiding our shit, springing a trap, or defending against Akatsuki bullshit. I also think that the explosives runes might be the best offensive low hanging fruit we have that aren't HOWS related atm (and if we can pull that off and also pull off a way that our combatants are immune to it, well "My guys are blind and yours arent" is a very significant scenario).

[1] Keep in mind that our accuracy on prep day results, i.e. the probability that these results are within a small error margin from the ground truth, has more or less been implied to be dogwater in a lot of cases because Hazou hasn't researched a lot of runes. Thus, a lot of "Maybes".
Hazou completes the Runic HOWS! Within the rune's Zone, everyone is effectively blinded by intense omnidirectional light. The light is white by default but can be tuned at infusion time just like seal-based HOWS. Outside the Zone, the rune's Zone is perceived as a white sphere, providing bright illumination for around 5 zones in every direction. The rune lasts indefinitely.
I am starting to get the impression that runecrafting is the sort of tech that builds civilizations. Put them in the right places and the city's lit up forever. It's honestly a bit of a shame that we're primarily looking for weapons tech instead, this kind of technology could revolutionize Leaf as a whole.
Hazou completes the Runic Air Dome! Over the course of ~30 seconds, the rune forms a dome of solidified air fixed in place relative to the surface of the earth with the rune at the center of the dome. At infusion (not activation) time, the diameter of the dome can be varied between ~60 meters (the rune's Zone and every surrounding Zone) and 1 kilometer. Lasts ~1 week.

Can displace or destroy some matter to form the dome (e.g. trees will be bent or broken) sufficiently sturdy material (e.g. solid stone buildings) will disrupt the dome's formation.

The dome has Durability 10 (TN100 to damage, 10 stress boxes) and reduces its stress by 1 every 30 seconds. If the dome's stress track is exceeded, the entire dome is destroyed for 1d4 hours, after which it reforms.

Hazou thinks it may be possible to research a rune with even greater range and durability, perhaps by using pure force instead of compressed air.
I think we definitely want to follow up on that "pure force" idea here. If it keeps parameters anything like this one, it could be absurdly difficult to break through. The current version is probably penetrable to Akatsuki, however. With some good buffs up and a few rounds to wail on it it does probably go down, but if we push the Durability up to 11 or 12 that suddenly becomes a lot harder.

Also we gotta figure out a counter to tunneling. If they can just kinda go under the dome that's no good. We can do the ol' "set it up in the sky with an upside-down dome completing the sphere" trick (wait, can we? Does this rune have an orientable top and bottom?) but if we want to defend ground positions we'll need something to ward off tunnelers. Also we gotta be able to get out ourselves, if we wanna be picky.
I am starting to get the impression that runecrafting is the sort of tech that builds civilizations. Put them in the right places and the city's lit up forever. It's honestly a bit of a shame that we're primarily looking for weapons tech instead, this kind of technology could revolutionize Leaf as a whole.
Can't wait for the sun to be a fucking rune or something, man that would be some shit :V
And since the cost for momentarily flickering it on and off seems to be negligible, and seeing at least 30 seconds into the future is possible, and Itachi is smart...

That's not great. It may be straight-up impossible to ambush him, except in his sleep. (He definitely sleeps on the Seventh Path, doesn't he?)

... Alright, I'm now in favor of developing some sort of esoteric attack vector, such that he can't put up any defense even if he sees it coming 30 seconds in advance. Alternatively, we need some sort of clever plan to isolate him from the rest of the Akatsuki while we kill them off (the rift ambush might work).
Alternatively, we spy on him and murk him after he sleeps/murk his location when he leaves for the Seventh Path.
I think we should put these on research track:
  • Air Leadening Rune (SSA)
  • Icarus Rune (SSA)
Both of these are "well within capabilities", do you think one of them can be non-SSA'd in exchange for reseraching the Telescope Seal? I'm of the opinion that effective scouting (both for the rift and defending Leaf) could let this rune pair well with the Byakugan.
Also we gotta figure out a counter to tunneling. If they can just kinda go under the dome that's no good. We can do the ol' "set it up in the sky with an upside-down dome completing the sphere" trick (wait, can we? Does this rune have an orientable top and bottom?) but if we want to defend ground positions we'll need something to ward off tunnelers. Also we gotta be able to get out ourselves, if we wanna be picky.
Suggestion: Make an Earth Dome rune with the same range (covers all Konoha), then research a variant that can take preexisting earth/rock when forming the Dome. Flip that seal upside down and it'll convert the rock below Konoha into its own defense.
By default, he'll go back to working on the rift seals. He's willing to do so from within the time acceleration rune.
Maybe Kagome should work on the anti-HOWS seals that allows our ninja to not get blinded by select frequencies? This is related to the darkness seal stuff in Jiraiya's hoard, and one of them might even be enough with a small tweak just skimming over it.
Bigger Radius Runic Air Dome
I would prioritize a more sturdy one instead. We can cover all of Leaf with several runes, but if TN100 isn't enough to withstand the highest tier of attacks the Akatsuki can dish out, then all of these runes would be ~useless. (Well, good enough to buy us a few seconds, but that ain't much.)

(Though of course the real problem with these runes is that the Akatsuki circumvent them using some space-warping/teleporting bullshit.)
Both of these are "well within capabilities", do you think one of them can be non-SSA'd in exchange for reseraching the Telescope Seal? I'm of the opinion that effective scouting (both for the rift and defending Leaf) could let this rune pair well with the Byakugan.
If you can convince a pile of folks to go no-SSA on one or more of these then sure.I am down to do this. Cowardice is incompatible with ambition atm.

Is there a second candidate from our prep day result pile other than Telescope Rune that works out here, or are we just trying that with the other two?
The corresponding strategy, therefore, is to inevitably kill Itachi a full minute before his Sharingan-prediction allows him to see any sign of the murder coming. For example, if the plan is to poison Itachi (yes I know poison is a joke sue me), we should use a poison that is completely undetectable and does absolutely nothing for a minute, after which point the poison will display lethal symptoms and kill Itachi.

Oh my god, we need to cast ninja rabies on this man.
(Though of course the real problem with these runes is that the Akatsuki circumvent them using some space-warping/teleporting bullshit.)
Or absorbing them via Kisame, or sneaking into Konoha and nuking everyone from inside, or...
If you can convince a pile of folks to go no-SSA on one or more of these then sure.I am down to do this. Cowardice is incompatible with ambition atm.

Is there a second candidate from our prep day result pile other than Telescope Rune that works out here, or are we just trying that with the other two?
IMO I think we can get away with not rocking Icarus Runes as the secondary: Akatsuki has non-Skywalker means of flight (Konan, Deidara) and I'm not sure how much progression we need on those beyond "better range/selectivity" which is a [???] at this time.
[X] Action Plan: Lets Go Punch Some Cats
Word Count: 299
Desired Update Duration: Unknown
  • Buy up to 6 FP
  • Sanity check with Kei
  • Send some orders back to Mari to have the clan begin purchasing several small buildings or plots of land around the city. Make it inconspicuous.
  • Tell Naruto we can probably defend Leaf from aerial bombardment with a new rune design and are still working on other gamechangers.
    • Ask him if Sasuke would be willing to test the limits of the Sharingan's future sight.
  • Research
  • After completing the combat seals, head to the Leopard Border to unstagnate
  • Ask Cannai to take us to one of the packs where the fighting is hottest
    • Try to make a good impression on their strongest fighters, we're lacking in the combat summon department.
      • Try to get at least one low cost contract quickly. Cannai has better things to do than ferry us places.
    • Offer anyone a Summon bond if they're interested. Regale them with tales of the Human Path.
    • Distribute earmuffs with Banshee Slayers, and chakdar seals to the pack we're running with.
      • Leopards have a Summoner so ask them to keep a nose out for any other human smells
      • Offer to teach anyone to operate seals if they're interested.
      • Prepare MARS chains for various combat situations. Being ambushed, ambushing someone, pursuit, fleeing, etc.
    • Stay with the pack full time to provide proper protection.
    • Use skywalkers and a telescope to detect roving bands of Leopards. Be prepared to fight them.
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Or maybe Hazou's work wouldn't end up like the Fourth's. The Fourth had made these seals over the course of years of research in peacetime. Hazou, on the other hand, had weeks or months at most. What would happen if Hazou's hands were still empty when Naruto finally gave word that Akatsuki had opened the rift?

Damn. That's a lot of pressure - specifically, to try and crib more off the Fourth, especially if it ends up working with Runes. Imagine if we could unleash rune effects without having to craft substrate?

Obviously, too OP for now, and not dependent enough on player creativity for a rational quest - it's using the Ancient Secret Technique instead of new ideas - but it's nice to dream.

Prep TR75. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks he could maybe do this rune.

Prep TR50. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.

Wow. Ok, so I now would like to jump straight to the TR200, because that should be relatively easy to make. (If only skipping steps wasn't so risky!)
Runes. They love warping spacetime. I don't have much to add here.

Prep Draconic Decay Explosive. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks he could maybe do this rune.
Prep Air Leadening Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.

That's two exotics we can pull, and the mobility-restrictor is within reach!

Prep Telescope Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks he could maybe do this rune.
Prep Hotbang Seal. Difficulty Result: Jiraiya.

Well, I suppose we were never going to be able to throw Hellfire around at will. Still, the telescope rune could be game-changing in terms of untrackable spying; I imagine Naruto would find it useful for the village, after Akatsuki. And who knows what other effects it could have in the meantime? Let's focus on telescopes, air leadening, and decay!

Prep Hotbang Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks he could maybe do this rune.

It would be nice to have a big boom that *wouldn't* set off a Village-Killer Race.

Prep Jinchuuriki Chain Seal #9. Hazou gains access to a new stunt, details forthcoming.


Prep Icarus Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks this rune is well within his capabilities.

Hmm… I'm a bit less excited about this one, but it seems useful. My main concern is that there's no way it'll have the range to instagib Akatsuki members via fall, and it shouldn't do anything against Deidara - meaning that each member will have an out without resorting to their own bullshit. And they'll have air superiority, since Deidara won't be nullified.

Still, it could establish Skywalker Perimeters around Leaf, which helps with Akane incidents. And there are definitely Akatsuki-neutralizing opportunities here, within easy reach. So I suppose I'll take the win.

Hazou completes the Runic Air Dome! Over the course of ~30 seconds, the rune forms a dome of solidified air fixed in place relative to the surface of the earth with the rune at the center of the dome. At infusion (not activation) time, the diameter of the dome can be varied between ~60 meters (the rune's Zone and every surrounding Zone) and 1 kilometer. Lasts ~1 week.

Can displace or destroy some matter to form the dome (e.g. trees will be bent or broken) sufficiently sturdy material (e.g. solid stone buildings) will disrupt the dome's formation.

The dome has Durability 10 (TN100 to damage, 10 stress boxes) and reduces its stress by 1 every 30 seconds. If the dome's stress track is exceeded, the entire dome is destroyed for 1d4 hours, after which it reforms.

Hazou thinks it may be possible to research a rune with even greater range and durability, perhaps by using pure force instead of compressed air.

Hmm. Not as tough as I hoped - I'm going to have to go back and check, but Tsunade should be able to break this fairly quickly. And Deidara. And I have little doubt Amaterasu would rip right through it.

Still, as an entry-level rune in a tech tree, it's phenomenal. I'd love to keep pursuing this - it's defensive, so runecrafting's specialty is being used, and it's a gamechanger. But it's frustratingly difficult to weaponize. Perhaps if we make it around the rift? If we hide the rune, it could be a useful way of defending against/trapping Akatsuki.

Obviously, as long as this stuff can let light in for a Village, it can't properly defend against lasers, so.

Hazou completes the Runic HOWS! Within the rune's Zone, everyone is effectively blinded by intense omnidirectional light. The light is white by default but can be tuned at infusion time just like seal-based HOWS. Outside the Zone, the rune's Zone is perceived as a white sphere, providing bright illumination for around 5 zones in every direction. The rune lasts indefinitely.

Omnidirectional light.

I'm very happy we have this one. Particularly since it can be adjusted towards blue shifting.

Prep Chakra Drain Rune. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.
Prep Lesser Runic Prison. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks this rune is beyond his capabilities.

Goodbye, broken dreams…
Space-Contracting Rune

Compresses the volume of space in front of itself, defined by a cylinder 2 meters in diameter and 200 meters in height, down to a cylinder 2 meters in diameter and 1 meter in height.

The effect can be toggled on and off after it's activated.

The conceit is that this should let us get around rune immovability. Like so:
  1. Infuse two Space-Contracting Runes.
  2. Activate Rune A, creating a corridor of compressed space.
  3. Move Rune B through this corridor, effectively at 200x the natural speed at which runes move.
  4. Point Rune B backwards and activate it.
  5. Deactivate Rune A.
  6. Move Rune A through the corridor created by Rune B.
  7. You've now moved both runes at 100x the speed of their natural movement.
    • (As well as any other stuff and runes you could push through alongside Rune B at step 3.)
If this is "... well within...", that seems worth developing. Doesn't make runes tactically movable, since presumably activating/deactivating runes would still take a while and the whole process is pretty fiddly. But what this does allow is strategic-scale movement of runes, for e. g. the scenario where we decide to hijack the rift scar before killing the Akatsuki.
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The conceit is that this should let us get around rune immovability, specifically in the case where we decide to hijack the rift scar before killing the Akatsuki.
Oh, also (lesser priority on this one), we should get around to inventing instant-activation runes by keying the activation to a secondary requirement in addition to the 30s meter. In the example of defensive Air Dome Runes, we make a variant that is activated as normal (permanently), but only forms the Air Dome when activated by a secondary stimulus (like weight, or seal-activation-levels-of-chakra). Should get us around the 30s activation timer, as long as we get the prep time to set up runes for an ambush/defenses.
Prep Draconic Decay Explosive. Difficulty Result: Hazou thinks he could maybe do this rune.
More cooking than anything useful, but it occurs to me that we could make this a mobile Out-bomb by generating a Tunneler's Friend seal variant that can absorb the Out-juice. Then we detonate it and release the outjuice in suicide Shadow Clone attacks or some stupid bullshit.

...maybe not, this seems more useful as a planetary sterilization technique.
Beam Collimator Rune

A rune that works either by warping space or using a chakra construct optical system to take light that is emitted in or focused into an AoE and output it at a tightly focused beam.
Also we gotta figure out a counter to tunneling. If they can just kinda go under the dome that's no good. We can do the ol' "set it up in the sky with an upside-down dome completing the sphere" trick (wait, can we? Does this rune have an orientable top and bottom?) but if we want to defend ground positions we'll need something to ward off tunnelers. Also we gotta be able to get out ourselves, if we wanna be picky.

"Rune of HLaM Ward" or similar might be doable if we phrase it correctly and try to make some runes that fiddle around with earth stuff to start off with. Your Icarus thing seemed to be judged as doable by Hazou, but I note that Hazou (in character) probably would actually have some idea of what "Rune that makes tunneling-jutsu earth manipulation impossible" would be doing (at least after properly spending time poking at the question) given that he has a lot of experience using one of those jutsu, has just picked up TH, and has leveled one very general purpose earth technique sky high (Earthshaping seems to be able to do in general what a lot of earth jutsu are specifically tailored to do, just way worse). We'd have a direct means of testing this effect too in the narrative R&D stages of research.