Voting is open for the next 16 hours, 46 minutes
HAZOU: "Sir, I took the Air Dome seal, and turned it into a weapon."

HAZOU: "Sir, the Goketsu have an AC/Heating jutsu, and I turned it into a weapon."

HAZOU: "Sir, you know that Sculpting jutsu that no one ever looks twice at? I turned it into a weapon."

ASUMA: "...Goddamn it. This kid is going to give me a heart attack one day."

HAZOU: "Oh, by the way, I'm thinking about picking up biosealing or Technique Hacking."

ASUMA: "..."
Clearly, Asuma hired Hidan to kill him so he wouldn't have to deal with Hazou's bullshit.

Joke's on him, we're resurrecting his ass and making ourselves his problem again.
Clearly, Asuma hired Hidan to kill him so he wouldn't have to deal with Hazou's bullshit.

Joke's on him, we're resurrecting his ass and making ourselves his problem again.

ASUMA: "Hazou, I'm relaxing by the afterlife's shores. Why are you disturbing my rest?"

HAZOU: "Sorry sir, you were nice to me. I'm your problem now."

ASUMA: "Hazou, I'm dead."

HAZOU: "You really think that matters?"
It seems to require more intelligent ability than we've seen seals be capable of
seeking to intelligently recreate graphs and charts
I'm unsure which parts gave this impression- that's not the intent and I would appreciate if you could specify which bits you think could be clarified. It's literally just a photocopier (with the internals and UI simplified for ease of use/description, I admit). The photocopier technology was originally developed circa 1938, for what it's worth.
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I have to wonder if implementing some sort of informal Dragon Kill Points system player side would be good when we have downtime slots that aren't explicitly grinding high priority stuff.
I don't want to start making social interactions that formal and quantified, I can see the utility in implementing something like that but it feels like it'd make the vibe weird.

If it does, though, I vote we base it on shitpost volume so that I and a small cabal of particularly active posters can collude to form a monopoly on wordcount. I promise to give anyone who supports this idea a 5% discount on converting IRL money to the virtual currency I plan to implement for buying wordcount from the cabal.
Hi all! I'm going to implement a new system of prep day approval for my next plan. If you want me to put a prep day for one of your ideas into one of my plans please vote for it in the following format.

[X] [prep day] Insert Idea Here

Note that the spacing is important, and preferably the idea is linked in the vote. Going forward I am publicly commiting to using at least the top 8 ideas in my next research plan.

If things are tied up, I reserve the right to break them myself. But other than that, the top 8 in the tally at whichever time I stop editing the plan will be what goes into it. I reserve one day as a tax for myself for figuring this shit out (this is corruption) and one as catch all for last-minute-additions that people like but might not have had time to vote for.

To properly view the tally you'll have to use the "Vote by Task" setting. I also reserve the right to at least suggest edits in good faith if I think that your idea needs reworking/rewording.

Please let me know what you think! This might be permanently sticking around if it goes well.
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Step three complete and on the sheet!

Our current pyramid, if anyone is curious.

With what's going on, we need to keep pumping all of our spare XP into research skills. Amusingly, we're going to finish Step 8 next (and then keep going beyond).

Still, after that we really need to start raising our combat skills. Look at how low they are!
Please let me know what you think! This might be permanently sticking around if it goes well.
MfD's planmaking system is too complex and the barriers to entry are too high to be handled as a democracy like in other quests. The discord cabal's tendency to move towards unanimity even when there are multiple plans makes politics doubly important. (And, to be clear, this is probably a positive trait for the playerbase to have, given the outsize importance that the QMs place on specific phrasing of each line in a winning plan.)

So, I think that opening up prep days is an extremely welcome avenue for less involved players to make meaningful contributions. I will certainly be more capable of campaigning for my single rune idea than of making and updating an entire plan. (I have considered forking leading plans with minor phrasing changes in the past, but cannot commit to the intensive updating process that MfD votes rely on.)

That said, precommitting to 8 prep days feels like a lot. Is that number chosen because you have already identified two Runes that will be researched with SSA this cycle? Regardless of which research path we decide on, it feels important to produce at least one form of Runic weaponry asap, even if that weapon isn't the paradigm shift that we promised (yet). Is it possible to research additional Runes using non-SSA slots?
Hi all! I'm going to implement a new system of prep day approval for my next plan. If you want me to put a prep day for one of your ideas into one of my plans please vote for it in the following format.

[X] [prep day] Insert Idea Here

Note that the spacing is important, and preferably the idea is linked in the vote. Going forward I am publicly commiting to using at least the top 8 ideas in my next research plan.

If things are tied up, I reserve the right to break them myself. But other than that, the top 8 in the tally at whichever time I stop editing the plan will be what goes into it. I reserve one day as a tax for myself for figuring this shit out (this is corruption) and one as catch all for last-minute-additions that people like but might not have had time to vote for.

To properly view the tally you'll have to use the "Vote by Task" setting. I also reserve the right to at least suggest edits in good faith if I think that your idea needs reworking/rewording.

Please let me know what you think! This might be permanently sticking around if it goes well.
I think that for this to work, there would need to be some kind of list of candidate prep days all in one place. Others may disagree, but I think that it's too much to ask for anyone to keep track of all the prep days they could vote for when the original posts describing them are scattered all over the thread, and without that I think there's a major risk of bandwagoning, voting for prep days by familiarity instead of on their actual merits, and so on.

What I'd suggest is that if someone wants a prep day included in a plan, they suggest it to you as they have been doing, including a name and a brief description. You could then copy that directly into a "Candidate Prep Days" spoiler in the same post as your plan, and people could look at that when deciding what prep days to vote for. Example format below:

Example submission said:
Phosphate Denial Rune

On activation, this rune creates a field which catalyses the hydrolysis of phosphoester bonds within a wide radius. This results in near-instant death from energy depletion and membrane destruction, as well as slightly less instant death from loss of phosphorylation-dependent regulation and moderately less instant death from total destruction of DNA and RNA.
Example plan post said:
[X] Action Plan: Back to Basics
Word count: 2.68*10^6

[Plan content]

Phosphate Denial Rune

On activation, this rune creates a field which catalyses the hydrolysis of phosphoester bonds within a wide radius. This results in near-instant death from energy depletion and membrane destruction, as well as slightly less instant death from loss of phosphorylation-dependent regulation and moderately less instant death from total destruction of DNA and RNA.

[Other runes here]

I will also admit that I'm not sure this is actually necessary - your existing prep day inclusion process seems fairly solid to me - but if you do want to implement it, I'd recommend doing what I described above.

Edit: Or what @ProperAttorney says below. That's probably better, actually, as long as the first vote for each prep day includes a description.
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I think that for this to work, there would need to be some kind of list of candidate prep days all in one place. Others may disagree, but I think that it's too much to ask for anyone to keep track of all the prep days they could vote for when the original posts describing them are scattered all over the thread, and without that I think there's a major risk of bandwagoning, voting for prep days by familiarity instead of on their actual merits, and so on.

What I'd suggest is that if someone wants a prep day included in a plan, they suggest it to you as they have been doing, including a name and a brief description. You could then copy that directly into a "Candidate Prep Days" spoiler in the same post as your plan, and people could look at that when deciding what prep days to vote for. Example format below:

I will also admit that I'm not sure this is actually necessary - your existing prep day inclusion process seems fairly solid to me - but if you do want to implement it, I'd recommend doing what I described above.
I imagine it would be something like:

[O] [Prep Day] Gravitic Rune 110
This rune increases gravity in its range to the given percentage, similar to the Temporal Rune scheme. The intent is to provide additional physical XP at low amounts of added gravity, and to immobilize or harm at high amounts.

Where you can look at the tally and click on each [Prep Day] post to see what the rune/seals actually do.
Summon Sage Acolyte
XP cost: You already have this, whether you like it or not

Prereq: Have the nerve to attempt to obtain (via diplomacy) a TH apprenticeship with the Toad Sages, and survive


• 2x TYS applies to Summoning

Every time Hazō makes a roll to research a new ninjutsu (i.e., one that he is in the process of researching) he takes a Mild Mental Consequence. The penalties do not apply to that TH roll but they apply to subsequent rolls until the Consequence heals. The Consequence takes 48 hours to heal (instead of the usual 24 hours) and does not heal unless he rests from any TH-related activity. As always, if he takes a Mild Consequence when his Mild slot is filled, the damage rolls up to the next available slot.

Narratively, the additional levels granted by this stunt represent Hazō thinking back to his experiences with the Sages and thereby gaining mental confusion, pain, fear, etc. Hazō may choose to suppress those memories while doing TH research, in which case he will not gain the mental confusion, pain, fear, etc. and he will not suffer the Mild Consequence. Since he is still doing TH-related activities, any Consequences that he may be suffering from having trained with the Sages will not advance their healing during this time.

Hazō's Aspect Bonus for Summoning would include the boost from SSA on days when he is using SSA if he had one. It does not boost his AB because he does not.

Shadow Clones have all the memories of their progenitor, meaning that Hazō's clones also have this stunt.

See Jiraiya for answers to various edge cases about how this stunt interacts with Shadow Clone.
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What I'd suggest is that if someone wants a prep day included in a plan, they suggest it to you as they have been doing, including a name and a brief description. You could then copy that directly into a "Candidate Prep Days" spoiler in the same post as your plan, and people could look at that when deciding what prep days to vote for. Example format below
The idea is that people post the content of their prep days in their vote so that clicking on the first vote for that prep day provides you with a description of their idea or a link to a description.

I agree it's not totally ideal but I really don't want to be in charge of editing everyone's ideas into every single plan. I already do a lot of consolidating ideas from Discord and posting to try to get ideas flowing. I'd say that my current level is sustainable, but adding more to that workload is dread inducing.

Hopefully the current suggestion works well enough as a viable alternative to forking plans since that seems not to be working for some people (which I totally understand) MfD voters are pretty leery about new planmakers and I want to lower the barrier to getting ideas voted in.

That said, precommitting to 8 prep days feels like a lot. Is that number chosen because you have already identified two Runes that will be researched with SSA this cycle? Regardless of which research path we decide on, it feels important to produce at least one form of Runic weaponry asap, even if that weapon isn't the paradigm shift that we promised (yet). Is it possible to research additional Runes using non-SSA slots?
Paper said last update that we should restrict it to 10-12 new ideas each cycle. So 8 seems like the maximum I can commit to.

I do plan to use the top 10-12 but I can't commit to doing that and I didn't want someone accusing me of lying etc. about following through with this.

We are working on runes on our non-SSA slots this cycle, and I plan to keep one track on that moving forward.

However, there are frankly very valid concerns about overloading Hazou and getting a fatal -12 that we can't reroll. So I think one additional track is where we'll stay for a solid bit. Also, the supply of interesting ...well within... runes that seem safe to work on is pretty small.

All in all, I am doing my best and I will continue to do my best to take criticism and improve the planwriting process. I don't want this to become a place where it takes a Discord cabal to get anything implemented (that said, everyone come join the Discord cabal and shitpost about MfD)
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Technique Hacking Rules

Technique Hacking Rules

First things first: these rules are tentative, and will likely be changed and adjusted as they get a more thorough playtest here than they got in Lost on the Road of Life. Huge credit goes to @MMKII, whose efforts in many discussions helped make these rules come into existence.

When you undertake a technique hacking project, there are two possible outcomes:
  • A New Ninjutsu, which is a brand new technique – possibly based on existing techniques, possibly original.
    • A new ninjutsu must be bought from level 1.
    • A new ninjutsu can be shared with others.
  • A Tweak, which is a slight modification of an existing ninjutsu.
    • A tweak is a stunt, which will usually cost between 0 XP and 50 XP to learn.
    • A tweak cannot be shared with others.
    • A tweaked ninjutsu uses the level of the ninjutsu it is based on. When casting a ninjutsu, you may choose to use the ninjutsu's original spec or any tweak you've learned.
      • You cannot use two tweaks at once to modify a ninjutsu as you cast it.
      • If you want to combine tweak effects, that requires researching a new tweak.
    • For example: Hiruzen is tired of Water Dragon Bullet taking his Supplementals every time he casts it. He makes a tweak which changes the cast time from Full Round (-20 strain) to Standard (+0 strain), in exchange lowering the attack bonus from +AB (+30 strain) to nothing (+0 strain). The resulting stunt, Rapid Water Dragon Bullet, costs 5 XP to learn.
      • If he wants to cast the original Water Dragon Bullet, he can.
      • He can also cast Rapid Water Dragon Bullet at the same level as Water Dragon Bullet. This costs 2 CP less, and takes a Standard instead of a Full Round.

Mechanically, technique hacking research is different than seal research in the following ways:
  • The players provide the desired jutsu spec-sheet (as a table + written description, similar to previous ninjutsu suggestions).
  • When working on an elemental technique, you gain a bonus of +(AB of highest-level jutsu in that Element) to your Technique Hacking rolls. This is an innate bonus, not a buff.
  • Every research day, you make a single contested check with your Technique Hacking against the jutsu's difficulty TN (instead of two checks with Sealing and Calligraphy) to make progress.
  • Saying that again:
    • In Sealing, it's: (Base Score) + (bonuses) + 4dF vs. TN
    • In Technique Hacking, it's: (Base Score) + (bonuses) + 4dF vs. TN + 4dF
    • Shifts generated = (your roll - TN's roll)/3, as usual.
  • Failures on a technique hacking roll are less dire, as chakra prefers you to work with it instead of breaking the universe with exploits.
    • The most common result of a failure is adding a flaw to the target technique. This changes the spec (usually to be worse), and lowers the project's TN and completion counter correspondingly. This means that the final spec is not necessarily the same as the original spec!
    • If not contained in a flaw, a failed technique hacking roll can cause a fracture, which is sometimes deadly.
  • There are two success tracks, Completion and Refinement instead of just one (for seal research, just Completion). Completion measures your progress towards completing the ninjutsu, whereas Refinement represents how many extra bells and whistles you can add onto the ninjutsu as you create it.
    • The character may choose how to divide shifts between these two tracks.
    • Unlike in seal research, once the Completion track is filled up, the character may spend up to (TH AB) additional days working solely on Refinement.
    • Every day, you must spend every generated shift to buy Completion or Refinement if possible.
      • Every point of Completion costs 1 shift. You must buy at least one point of Completion per day if possible.
      • Points of Refinement cost 1 or more shifts of success based on how many you have already purchased over the course of the research:
        • The first 3 points of Refinement cost 1 shift each
        • The second 3 points (i.e. points 4 to 6) of Refinement cost 2 shifts each
        • The third 3 (i.e. points 7 to 9) cost 3 shifts each
        • And so on…
    • As working on ninjutsu costs chakra, you can never buy more than a combined (CR AB) points of progress on both tracks in a single day.
  • Technique hacking projects cannot be broken up with more than a day's break without losing progress. A project must be focused on from start to finish.
  • You cannot take prep days.
  • You cannot use assistants.
  • Once a technique hacking project is done, there is no further work. Unlike with sealing, there is no risk involved in using a new technique (for sealing: scribing/infusion rolls). It just works.

This covers the mechanics of a technique hacking project. Some additional notes:
  • Veterancy works the same, so experience with related research helps.
  • Attack and Block ninjutsu are easier than Sprint and Maneuver ninjutsu.
  • Elemental ninjutsu are easier than non-Elemental.
  • An appropriate name can make a project easier and can guide the type of flaws and perks that get added to the technique.
  • Repeatedly hacking the same technique over and over drastically increases the difficulty.

Worked Example

For the sake of clarity, we are going to show the research rolls behind Hazou's invention of Furrowed Brow of the Earth Mother. This will likely be the only time we provide the TN for a jutsu.

The players would vote in a plan specifying "Research Furrowed Brow of the Earth Mother", linking to a jutsu spec such as this:

Furrowed Brow of the Earth Mother

Effect1 to AB+10, +30, +60, +100, +150...
RangeEffect+20, +40, +60, +80, +100...
Cast Speed30 seconds-30
AOESingle target*Effect, line-constrained+0, +10, +20, +30, +40…
DisadvantageDoes not deal stress-50
AdvantagePermanent Effect+10
Totals5, 5, 14, 28, 44… CP-40, 10, 70, 140, 220… strain

Ground in a straight line in front of the user flips over, creating furrowed trenches in the ground ready for planting seeds. If used in combat, the technique does not deal stress, but any target that fails to dodge has to move slightly to regain their footing, exiting any Melee that they are currently engaged in.

The players may also specify reroll or invoke policy as normal, as well as other research policies (e.g. to focus on Completion or Refinement, to use extra post-completion days, etc).

The QM then looks at this jutsu spec (correcting any errors if they exist) and sets a TN for the technique. This is an elemental attack technique, so it is fairly easy to start, say TN15. The TN is reduced due to the increased casting time (-5 TN) and the lack of stress dealt (-5 TN). However, the TN is slightly higher due to Effect scaling (+2 TN), which scales the range (+3 TN), and the fact that the effect hits a whole line in range (+2 TN), yielding a TN of 12.

These numbers were chosen arbitrarily by me just now, and won't be the same in the future! Don't bet on anything resembling these numbers to be used again.

As this is an Earth technique, Hazou gains a bonus from his highest AB in the element: Earthshaping at AB6. Combined with his TH10, he will be rolling at base 16. He has a CR AB of 4, so he cannot earn more than 4 points per day of research.

Hazou has no relevant veterancy, as this is his first project. He's basing the technique off of Earth Rend, which is fairly similar in that it turns up earth in range. I'll arbitrarily decide this is a -20% to the complexity, so from 12 to 10 complexity. The research project then looks like this:

Hazou needs to earn 10 points of completion, and can buy as much refinement as he likes, though later points of refinement cost more shifts to buy. Will all preliminaries set, Hazou starts research.

Day 1
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 9 = 25
TN: 12 - 3 = 9

Hazou wins by 16 points for 6 success shifts. He is required to allocate 1 shift into Completion. He allocates 3 shifts into Refinement, buying the first three points at 1 shift/point. That's 4 points total, and he cannot spend any more of his success shifts (as he has a CR AB of 4). After this day, this is what his progress looks like:

Day 2
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 0 = 16
TN: 12 - 3 = 9

Hazou wins by 7 points for 3 success shifts. He allocates 1 shift into Completion and spends 2 shifts buying the next point of Refinement. That's all of his success shifts. This is what his progress looks like:

Day 3
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 0 = 16
TN: 12 + 0 = 12

Hazou gets 2 success shifts. He has to spend both shifts, and he cannot buy Refinement as then he wouldn't have a shift leftover to buy any Completion (and he needs to buy at least 1 Completion per day). He is forced to put both shifts into Completion.

Day 4
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 3 = 19
TN: 12 - 3 = 9

Hazou gets 4 success shifts. He buys 1 point of Refinement, but cannot buy another because then he would not be able to buy Completion. He buys 2 points of Completion.

Day 5
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) - 9 = 7
TN: 12 - 3 = 9

Hazou fails. The QM elects to add the flaw "Fixed in Place", reducing Athletics to 0 while casting (-20 strain). The QM judges that this reduces the TN by 2. The total Completion needed is adjusted downwards as well, as a TN10 project with a -20% complexity reduction from Earth Rend would instead need 8 success shifts to be finished.

This is the project status after day 5:

Day 6
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) - 6 = 10
TN: 10 + 6 = 16

Hazou fails. The QM elects to add the flaw "Chakra-Intensive" (+20 strain), reducing the TN by 2.

Day 7
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 0 = 16
TN: 8 + 3 = 11

Hazou gets 2 success shifts. He puts 1 shift into Completion, finishing the project, and the other shift is wasted. He can work on the project for up to (TH AB) = 2 additional days solely to generate Refinement. He will do so, to try to remove the introduced flaws.

Day 8
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 3 = 19
TN: 9 - 9 = 0

Hazou gets 7 success shifts. He buys 1 point of Refinement for 2 shifts (5 remaining), 1 point of Refinement for 3 shifts (2 remaining), then has to stop, as the next point also costs 3 shifts.

Day 9
Hazou (Technique Hacking): 10 + 6 (innate Earth Element bonus) + 6 = 22
TN: 9 + 0 = 9

Hazou gets 5 success shifts. He buys 1 final point of Refinement, finishing at 8 points of Refinement.

The project is now completed, and Hazou gets to spend his Refinement.

Hazou wants to remove the "Chakra-Intensive" flaw to make it easier to use the technique repeatedly to till fields. The QM decides that this costs 2 points of Refinement, leaving 6 left over.

Hazou isn't worried about the "Fixed in Place" flaw, since the technique is mostly meant for non-combat use anyway. Instead, Hazou tries to buy the "Chakra-Efficient" perk, reducing the technique's strain. The QM decides that this costs 3 points of refinement, as the technique was inclined to be chakra intensive by default.

Hazou decides to make the technique more efficient at tilling. He wants to increase the technique's AoE to be (Effect) single targets in a line (Effect) Zones long – so casting the technique at a given Effect creates Effect furrows instead of just 1. The QM decides that this costs 3 points of Refinement, spending all of Hazou's Refinement and completing the technique. The final spec is this:

Furrowed Brow of the Earth Mother

Effect1 to AB+10, +30, +60, +100, +150...
RangeEffect+20, +40, +60, +80, +100...
Cast Speed30 seconds-30
AOE(Effect) targets per Zone, (Effect) Zones, line-constrained+0, +20, +50, +90, +140…
DisadvantageDoes not deal stress-50
DisadvantageSkill Penalty: Athletics-20
AdvantagePermanent Effect+10
SpecialTH bonus: Chakra Efficient-20
Totals5, 5, 8, 32, 56… CP-80, -20, 40, 160, 280… strain

Ground in (Effect) straight lines in front of the user flips over, creating furrowed trenches in the ground ready for planting seeds. If used in combat, the technique does not deal stress, but any target that fails to dodge has to move slightly to regain their footing, exiting any Melee that they are currently engaged in.

As per usual, please let us know if you have any questions. These rules will very likely face some changes or revisions over time, so your feedback is greatly appreciated to help shape those changes in a positive direction.
That's really rad!

Halfway wishing we went TH-spec instead of sealing-spec now. At least we'll have the chance to later. Probably.
That's really rad!

Halfway wishing we went TH-spec instead of sealing-spec now. At least we'll have the chance to later. Probably.
TH 30 post-notes and ES where its at means we'll be pretty decent at some Earth Ninjutsu stuff, hopefully. We can always level TH up to 39 too.
Repeatedly hacking the same technique over and over drastically increases the difficulty.
This does not make sense to me wouldn't trying to mess with the same technique over and over again make it easier to mess with that seems to make more logical sense
Well we're almost at the point where we have no choice but to level combat stats. :V
Over @Paperclipped dead body!
( this is a joke just to clarify just in case I put a lot of J's in this I just notice)
For example: Hiruzen is tired of Water Dragon Bullet taking his Supplementals every time he casts it. He makes a tweak which changes the cast time from Full Round (-20 strain) to Standard (+0 strain), in exchange lowering the attack bonus from +AB (+30 strain) to nothing (+0 strain). The resulting stunt, Rapid Water Dragon Bullet, costs 5 XP to learn.
TH Project Proposal

A Geode Coffin tweak that cuts out every single feature of Geode Coffin aside from the Earth Element buff and the reflexive casting. In exchange, this variant can be cast as a supplemental instead of a standard.
Voting is open for the next 16 hours, 46 minutes