1 weeks vacation paid bonus equivalent to two months pay three of Doofenshmirtz personal actions to boost employee loyalty

Actually you know what let's just spend all of next turns personal actions boosting employee loyalty
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1 weeks vacation paid bonus equivalent to two months pay three of Doofenshmirtz personal actions to boost employee loyalty

Actually you know what let's just spend all of next turns personal actions boosting employee loyalty

We've already done this.

Provide Evil Job Benefits
DC 50
You just found out that OWCA has been using unpaid interns. The shame! This will not do. Ensure that all Doofania citizens have a basic degree of unemployment, healthcare, and other basic benefits, and ensure that DEI employees get the deluxe package. Enjoy three weeks in the tropics, everyone!

It's a plus five for all.
Man, Doof is a horrible employer. Three weeks in the tropics sounds like torture! I'd rather spend time in the nice, cold, Alaskan wilderness myself :V
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Idea of how to use OOC knowledge for evil:
  • Diplomacy: Recruit from Rolodex - DC 75 (usually)
  • Stewardship: Buyout Funtelligence - DC 120
We can conceivably reunite Trevor and Wendy in one turn! It will upset a lot of people, but Trevor wouldn't be able to complain much publicly.
Idea of how to use OOC knowledge for evil:
  • Diplomacy: Recruit from Rolodex - DC 75 (usually)
  • Stewardship: Buyout Funtelligence - DC 120
We can conceivably reunite Trevor and Wendy in one turn! It will upset a lot of people, but Trevor wouldn't be able to complain much publicly.
So Funtelligence is from BH6 the series? I wasn't able to find out where that and Lee Industries were from, though I have speculated that Lee Industries was from MotorCity since it focuses on cars and I never watched the show. On the Funtelligence side, I only watched a few episodes of BH6 the series, so the only heroes I've actually recognized from that show are the daughter-mother electric dancers, since they were in one of the episodes I saw.
That you know of now. Reviving the brand by making it actually function, on top of being very likely to make Hego personally very happy and thus very willing to work with us, could well open up a lot of options. We've had the choice to buy out two totally separate brands for a long, long time now foodwise - surely there's a reason for all these restaurants.

Also, we've already gotten an incredibly useful branch of research out of it.
You have me convinced it has some value now, but I'm not all in. Saving it for later either way.

I wasn't able to find out where that and Lee Industries were from, though I have speculated that Lee Industries was from MotorCity since it focuses on cars and I never watched the show.
Alpha Teens on Machines. It's on Janus Lee's card.
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Seven came before Rhina
(if you subtract the boy).
Add four more reigns to her domain
and then what gets destroyed?
Oh my god, I just realised that this predicts that there would only be four more Queens of Mewni before either the kingdom or magic were destroyed
So Funtelligence is from BH6 the series? I wasn't able to find out where that and Lee Industries were from, though I have speculated that Lee Industries was from MotorCity since it focuses on cars and I never watched the show. On the Funtelligence side, I only watched a few episodes of BH6 the series, so the only heroes I've actually recognized from that show are the daughter-mother electric dancers, since they were in one of the episodes I saw.
Yeah Funtelligence is from BH6 and Lee Industries is from Action Teens on Machines
That you know of now. Reviving the brand by making it actually function, on top of being very likely to make Hego personally very happy and thus very willing to work with us, could well open up a lot of options. We've had the choice to buy out two totally separate brands for a long, long time now foodwise - surely there's a reason for all these restaurants.

Also, we've already gotten an incredibly useful branch of research out of it.
...There are an awful lot of food businesses, aren't there? It might be related to the ongoing famine, but it might be something more.

In any case, my resolve to reform Bueno Nacho is only strengthened! (Now that we have multiple actions in the category, at least.)
In regards to Diplomacy national options (2 actions, yay)

325 - Reach out to Doom
230 - Rejoin USA
125 - Diplomatic channels with USA gov
120 - Reach out to Bellwether
120 - Campaign for Flubber
100 - Campaign Against The SRA
100 - Campaign For The SRA
90 - Xanatos Research Agreement
70 - Recruit heroes
70 - Recruit from Rolodex
70 - Reach out to Glomgold
65 - Reach out to Evelyn Deavor
65 - Recruit rogues/villains
55 - Reach out to Shere Khan
45 - Reach out to Zaibatsu
40 - Reach out to Shego
??? - Xanatos collaboration
Goofy: 50
Mirage: 46 (56 in Kronos related matters)
Technor: 45 (Power Hungry malus, 55 if overclocked)
Ludivine: 40
Coyote: 36
Russ: 36 (41 in legitimate business)
Gengis: 35
Vanessa: 35 (45 in youth stuff)
Max: 33 (43 in youth stuff)
Hego: 30
Norm: 29 (unavailable)
Francis: 28
Tobe: 26
Janna: 25
Jumba: 25
Dennis: 24
Lizzy: 21

Bunch of important things here, but nothing super-critical.

If things follow the usual pattern, poor belabored Goofy is going to be busy with at least one of these, while the other is likely going to go to Mirage (assuming that we don't need her for Intrigue/Stewardship) or Technor (we have enough Learning to go around that we probably can spare him).

My preference here would be to go for relatively low difficulty moves. Goofy in Recruit from Rolodex to get Wendy Wower, because she really could be very valuable to us. Mirage in Reach out to Evelyn Deavor, because her bonus is relevant and we really should make sure that she is not going to furiously backstab us one of these days, no matter what Sinatron had to say.

OOC, we know that Evelyn is likely hostile to Supers and she may be planning to undermine Doom's pro-Super campaign in ways that we can exploit to our advantage. Alternatively, there is the Shego plot thread that may give us an opportunity to look into the drug ring without alienating our neighbour with the scary Intrigue/Martial scores.
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In regards to Diplomacy national options (2 actions, yay)

325 - Reach out to Doom
230 - Rejoin USA
125 - Diplomatic channels with USA gov
120 - Reach out to Bellwether
120 - Campaign for Flubber
100 - Campaign Against The SRA
100 - Campaign For The SRA
90 - Xanatos Research Agreement
70 - Recruit heroes
70 - Recruit from Rolodex
70 - Reach out to Glomgold
65 - Reach out to Evelyn Deavor
65 - Recruit rogues/villains
55 - Reach out to Shere Khan
45 - Reach out to Zaibatsu
40 - Reach out to Shego
??? - Xanatos collaboration

Goofy: 46
Mirage: 42 (52 in Kronos related matters)
Technor: 40 (Power Hungry malus, 50 if overclocked)
Ludivine: 38
Russ: 34 (39 in legitimate business)
Coyote: 33
Gengis: 33
Vanessa: 32 (42 in youth Diplomacy)
Max: 31 (41 in youth Diplomacy)
Hego: 29
Norm: 28 (unavailable)
Monogram: 27
Tobe: 25
Janna: 24
Jumba: 24
Dennis: 23
Lizzy: 21

Bunch of important things here, but nothing super-critical.

If things follow the usual pattern, poor belabored Goofy is going to be busy with at least one of these, while the other is likely going to go to Mirage (assuming that we don't need her for Intrigue/Stewardship) or Technor (we have enough Learning to go around that we probably can spare him).

My preference here would be to go for relatively low difficulty moves. Goofy in Recruit from Rolodex to get Wendy Wower, because she really could be very valuable to us. Mirage in Reach out to Evelyn Deavor, because her bonus is relevant and we really should make sure that she is not going to furiously backstab us one of these days, no matter what Sinatron had to say.

OOC, we know that Evelyn is likely hostile to Supers and she may be planning to undermine Doom's pro-Super campaign in ways that we can exploit to our advantage. Alternatively, there is the Shego plot thread that may give us an opportunity to look into the drug ring without alienating our neighbour with the scary Intrigue/Martial scores.
Personally I'd rather reach out to Shego, it's something we've wanted to do for a while and it would probably make it easier to investigate the drug ring
We should look into forming a research agreement. Xanatos has Dr. Sevarius and based on his creations, he's at least the caliber of geneticist Jumba is. If we assume that Sevarius is just as loyal (he's likely more loyal) and Xanatos has half of our learning (he likely has more)...

38+19+38+3+3+38+30+30 =

A bonus of +161


Immortality may well be in our grasp
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Dear gods, I only now know we have a literal bioweapon at out fingertips.

...that or fire-breath potions for toons, since little will kill them save for DA DIP, and with that much spice, the result will be similar to some Super Smash Brothers' 5-Alarm Curry.
Felldrake & Max: A Date with Divino-ty Part 1
Felldrake & Max: A Date with Divino-ty Part 1

"Move it there."

The Norms moved it left.

"No! Over there!"

The Norms moved it right.

"Oh, just put it down!"

The Norms lowered the giant, blood red statue of Lord Felldrake at the peak of his power. The jacked counterpart of stone was considerably taller and smaller about the waist than his actual super form had been, but as an evil wizard he had free reign to take artistic liberties in the process of constructing his mighty Avatar. The Gilded Man could eat his heart out, because Felldrake's statue looked so much better than he did.

The animated staff was set in a bejeweled pot atop a small pile of treasure labelled 'LOOT FOR JANNA'. Money was said to be the root of all evil, so Felldrake made sure to set a lot of it aside for his dark apprentice to spread around. Curled up in a bed of coins like a giant, but tired man-eating dog was Leopold.

Lord Felldrake was interrupted from his reminiscing about people he was superior to by a voice he recognized. "Hello?" the voice called out from down a hall. "Felldrake, right?"

"What is it, peon? Can't you see I'm busy?"

The peon walked into view carrying a clipboard. He sidestepped the Norms that had been dressed in dark robes and were chanting in binary so that he could talk to Felldrake face-to-face. Or face-to-sculpted-image-of-face, as it was.

"Actually, it's Max. Not 'peon'. Have you seen Janna?"

"Actually, I'll address you however I want. And Janna is having a chat with your wannabe warlock of a ruler. Is that all?"

Max had a look of surprise, but he shook it off. "No, I wanted to tell her that we finally moved and sorted out everything from excavating Chicken Itza. We never have to go there again."

"Good. My apprentice was getting distracted, and I didn't want any of you laymen to break my things. You have the Ruby Wings, right?"

Max checked his clipboard. "Wings are accounted for."

"The Avatar's over there. Did you get my memoirs?"

Max flips through the pages. "A lot of your personal belongings that we didn't take to Janna's apartment or your lab--"

"My sanctum," Felldrake corrected.

"...Things we couldn't take to your sanctum are in storage. Room 410, Row 16."

"What about my self portraits?"

"Same room."

Felldrake smiled. Or at least, he only seemed to smile until you blinked and remembered his face was static. "I'm impressed you could fit them all. Be a good minion and send some Normbots to double check that none of them went missing."

Max rolled his eyes. At least the pay was worth the aggravation.

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, have one of them drop off my Divino mirror."

At that the young Mr. Goof paused. "The what?" he asked.

"The Divino mirror. You know, the mirror with a trapped Divino and a backdoor portal to the Divino World? I need it for a lesson on binding unnatural abominations that are too chaotic to be coerced, manipulated, reasoned with, or turned against your enemies."

Max paled as he found himself at the last page of the checklist. "Could you describe it to me?"

"It's a giant mirror with a demon and a portal to more demons in it!" Felldrake roared. "Are you telling me you lost it?!"

Leopold mumbled in his slumber as Felldrake rattled in the shiny umbrella holder with rage.

"Five more minutes, Mommy…"

"No, no! I definitely didn't lose a mirror full of demons!" Max was starting to panic when he saw a silver mirror in the Chicken Itza manifest. "I found it!"

"Where? I don't trust any of you idiots not to touch it."

Putting the clipboard down, Max let out a sigh of relief. "Relax, Felldrake. It's being stored in the exotic energy containment lab. Nobody is getting near it for a long, long, time."

"Hey look!" a nebbish scientist declared as he ran past Felldrake's treasure hall with two popcorns and an extra large cola. "The new guy is gonna laser the magic mirror!"

A moment of silence passes between them. Then, Max and Felldrake look at each other.

"…You think we should call Janna?" Max asked.

"No time!" Felldrake shouted. "LEOPOLD!"

The hairy purple hybrid rose from his gold heap, startled. He knocked Felldrake's container over.

"Daddy?" Leopold looked around, waving to Max before grabbing Felldrake and putting him back in the pot. "Where's Mommy?"

"We're going on a mission without her!" Leopold sighed, his ears flapping down as his tail sunk to the ground. "Don't worry, your er, cousin Max is going on an adventure with us!"

Max backed away slowly. "No no no! I'm done with adventures for this year! Not after--!"

"Leopold, get him!"

Before Max could make a clean break, Leopold pounced and picked him up! Two flaps of his giant wings took the trio into the air!

"Why me?!" Max asked as he held on to Leopold for dear life.

Felldrake glowed with purple magic. In an instant, Max was covered in a black robe with spikes that screamed pure evil.

"Unless you know anyone with enough combat dancing skills to appease the totemic spirits of Capoeira, just shut up and aim me at the wannabe Quetzalcoatl when it rises!"

Max hollered on his way towards L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N. and their oncoming catastrophe.
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425 - Revamp Bueno Nacho
375 - Glomgold Takeover
310 - Olympia Takeover
300 - Cloverleaf Takeover
225 - DrakkTech Takeover
200 - Khan Takeover
160 - Stop Paying Taxes
160 - Nightstone Takeover
150 - Sycorax Takeover
140 - Gen-U-Tech Takeover
130 - Bakemono Takeover
125 - Castle Doofhawk relocation (to be reduced by ACME Delivery)
120 - Funtelligence Takeover
100 - Greevil Energy Conservation
95 - Hopper Foods Purchase
90 - Chef Skinner's Purchase
80 - WyndComm Purchase
70 - McFist Purchase
70 - Social Media Platform
65 - New employees
55 - Lee Purchase
45 - Recycling
??? - Comedize Your Supply Chain
??? - Xanatos Takeover
Significant variance based on Doof's Bowl of Mints trait.

Jumba: 39/51
Mirage: 38/50
Coyote: 38/50
Gengis: 37/49
Technor: 37/49
Hego: 32/44
Goofy: 30/42
Lizzy: 28/40
Francis: 27/39
Russ: 23/35
Vanessa: 23/35
Max: 22/34
Ludivine: 22/34
Norm: 19/31 (unavailable)
Tobe: 19/31
Janna: 18/30
Dennis: 15/27

Bunch of important options here. Of particular interest in my eyes: Social Media Platform (low hanging fruit), Comedize Your Supply Chain (as mentioned Instant Delivery can become quite important) and Castle Doofhawk Relocation (that Occult hero has been waiting for us a looong time now and the decreased DC gives us a shot at doing it this turn).

If we had something a little better or extra actions, I'd be tempted to try a hostile takeover against Bakemono, since they are apparently a key supplier of robotic components for Doom. However, the odds are a little low and it would likely impact the funds we are trying to save for the magical auction. We cannot have that.

Best options in terms of characters would be Jumba (probably better used in Learning stuff, but technically our best steward atm), Mirage (assuming that we don't want her in Diplomacy or Intrigue), Coyote (he seems to be the point man for ACME related stuff) and, oddly enough, Gengis. Unlike our Martial options, which are heavily tech biased in this coming turn, there are things here Temujin may be able to accomplish without triggering the malus and he is a half decent Stewardship hero.
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The Ruby Wings are a pair of enchanted wings, shaped of ruby shards so artfully crafted that they appear like individual feathers. In addition to the obvious monetary value, the wings can grant, for a short time, the power of flight! Oh also, they're the symbol of rulership for some minor tribe or another, but Feldrake didn't care about that when he stole them from their mouldering ruins and he certainly doesn't care now.
I think this is what The Ruby Wings are from?