So i have been thinking about the various uses of sealing in the future and the what we should do with the stalled Partial Transporter Beam seal request.

How about creating a seal version of the Rasengan, or a spinning forcewall disc that we use to cut slabs of material in 1m3 blocks that are sealed away using the regular transporter beam.

This will allow us to do all the activities we were planning for the partial transporter beam, just with added difficulty of slicing and dicing first.

Actually, we wouldn't need to do sealing research for that at all. Apply Force barrier to 4 meter long metal rod, make a rotor out of it somehow (waterwheel, etc.?), and boom.
I am somewhat suspicious that that was a scripted event.
Though it was fantastic. Such confusion and fear.
It was great, although I pretty much immediately knew what was happening.

What happened was, OliWhail prior to that had been super involved in planning, and had been cutting back over the past week or two. The Friday prior to that he nudged the rest of us into planning too, before writing one last plan.
I am somewhat suspicious that that was a scripted event.
Though it was fantastic. Such confusion and fear.
As we clarified at the time (iirc), my being pulled from the hivemind was something we'd been planning, but the infusion failure was just a chance thing we took advantage of to make the narrative cool (and also to avoid having Hazō die) :)
As we clarified at the time (iirc), my being pulled from the hivemind was something we'd been planning, but the infusion failure was just a chance thing we took advantage of to make the narrative cool (and also to avoid having Hazō die) :)
On the note of sealing failures, was it ever decided if failure category (A/B/C) determined sealing failure severity or whether it remains rolling a single d100 to figure out sealing failure severity? I remember that there was a discussion on that back when we failed with skywalkers.
We should probably ask Jiraiya about the Shadow Clone, could be useful for Keiko/Noburi (even if we don't have much time left to train it).
I can't remember, can you seal up seal blanks? Might be worth keeping some of those handy, too, for combat infusion.
Yes, you can.

Force Barrier Quarterstaves. 4 feet long, a seal at either end, specially made to keep them appropriately aligned. Depending on how Force Barrier distributes kinetic force (e: As in, if it nullifies force or puts the force that's pushed against force barriers instead against the object it's attached to), it would make an exceptional shield with offensive potential. Would only take two minor actions activate, so we might be able to use it reflexively as a defensive technique.

e: NEvermind, FB function at a distance of 4 meters, not four feet. Was a nice thought, though.
Apply Force barrier to 4 meter long metal rod, make a rotor out of it somehow (waterwheel, etc.?), and boom.
I'm unclear how this would work. There can't be anything between the seals in the space that the Barrier would occupy, or else it won't manifest; surely the staff would be between them?
Yes, you can.

I'm unclear how this would work. There can't be anything between the seals in the space that the Barrier would occupy, or else it won't manifest; surely the staff would be between them?
I was under the impression that Force Barriers didn't need to be pointing at each other -- that so long as they were flush along the same surface and properly aligned they would work fine. That being the case, you might need something a little more convuluted -- a staff/rod made like a bracket (ie these things: ] [) with the seals on the inside of the brackets. Or am I misunderstanding something fundamental to their functioning?

For that matter, how does the Force Barrier emerge from the seals; are the seals the centerpoints of opposing sides of the square that Force Barriers form?
Yes, exactly. And the barrier is normal to the surface of the seal.
So, how I'm imagining it would work would be something like a metal pipe with wooden inserts to which the Force Barriers seals are attached. As follows:

I forgot to label it, but the brown is the wooden inserts, wooden specifically because it's easier to carve wood to make positions for the seals than metal.

This is a side view: The barrier extends out four feet toward the "viewer". Also, obviously very approximate, we'd need more firm seating for the wooden inserts, etc.

Note that with how the seals are positioned, one could also hold the pipe to wield it as either a weapon or shield, though it would require a smaller version of Force Barrier (which Leaf might well have access to).

e: Also, another question for the QINOA doc (will be added there shortly):

When do paired seals check for their partners? I assume it's a relatively continuous process for as long as they are active, otherwise you'd have to activate the seals near-simultaneously.

That being the case, how long do they keep searching for their partner seal? If it's for even thirty seconds (though I suspect it's significantly longer given the examples we've had of LBF distances), we could prep for combat by activating one seal of a pair. This would make things like Air Dome Poles much easier to work with. Throw it down (minor action), activate its partner (minor action), and you've got an Air Dome.
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We could either have a free rotating force barrier being spun at ludicrous speeds by explosions seals that have had their release slowed down.

Or there is undoubtedly a cutting attack seal we could use instead.

If neither option is possible, there is the slow slog of making a Rasengan in seal form, and that bastard can apparently slice mountains apart.
We could either have a free rotating force barrier being spun at ludicrous speeds by explosions seals that have had their release slowed down.

Or there is undoubtedly a cutting attack seal we could use instead.

If neither option is possible, there is the slow slog of making a Rasengan in seal form, and that bastard can apparently slice mountains apart.
It's worth noting that, unless it's notorious, we have no idea that the rasengan even exists, in character. (Which will, admittedly, make making a seal design based off of it all the more impressive :p)

e: Physic/material engineering people, are there any mechanisms by which Pangolin's Reach can, chakra-efficiently, apply sufficient torsion to a rotorized Force Barrier to saw through something?
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Woops, forgot to vote for [x] Action Plan: Drink Ourselves Half to Death. And so, the streak ends before it even had the chance to begin.

Wrong quest. Also, we stopped voting for that after we found out IC that Hazou might be alive anyways. We just need to become Mizukage so our son can be given clemency and be allowed back into the village - Hana was raised to be a clan leader, she's got the social dice to manage it.
We've been told by qms that changing the size or shape of force walls would be very difficult to research. As is, we could currently spin a force wall using your nifty design and stick in very thin things to cut, whatever the size of the gap between the seals and the wall is. As is, force walls are very sharp, so some sort of saw or guillotine based design might be good enough. If we're married to the spinning idea, we could try researching either a larger gap between the seals and the wall or a one seal force wall, spinning it about the one seal.
I believe you, but can I have a citation?



I am working on a Questions in Need of Answers (QuINOA) document so as to make it easier to find, ask, and answer questions.

While it is not yet complete, it is available here.
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Why is it necessary for it to spin? Aside from "spinning is cooler", of course.
Spinning basically makes it a circular saw. If we can't figure out something to do with one of those, we're not trying hard enough.

Also it can be used to bring down buildings quite effectively. You know, not that we need another way to do that (stares askance at Hazou).
e: Physic/material engineering people, are there any mechanisms by which Pangolin's Reach can, chakra-efficiently, apply sufficient torsion to a rotorized Force Barrier to saw through something?
I think that the Force Barrier is described to be effectively infinitely sharp, so if Pangolin's Reach can exert any torque at all I think a circular saw will work.
Spinning basically makes it a circular saw. If we can't figure out something to do with one of those, we're not trying hard enough.

Also it can be used to bring down buildings quite effectively. You know, not that we need another way to do that (stares askance at Hazou).
Force Walls are the next best thing to infinitely sharp. They will cut almost anything they are pushed against. I'm unclear on how spinning makes them sharper.

I'm also on the road again so checking in only sporadically. A good day to all!
Force Walls are the next best thing to infinitely sharp. They will cut almost anything they are pushed against. I'm unclear on how spinning makes them sharper.

Because cutting is not enough, you also need to evacuate cut material/dust, you cant just drop a Force Wall on the ground and watch it be forced to the centre of the earth by gravity.

[Please let me know if we can ... cause i could abuse the shit out of that]

One of the easiest way to evacuate material is the rotate the blade. We could saw the blade back and forth but this would only be effective if both sides were clear, and we are looking for a way to cut a 1m3​ block out of anything ready for the transporter beam to take it to a pocket dimension. (bypassing 'partial transporter beam' req to start mining/everything-else)
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