edit: Got a plan in the works. Basic outline: Bribe Shikaku to orchestrate a day off for Jiraiya. Do sealing research with Jiraiya(reveal gun designs, talk about ways to make money, Mari's birthday preparations), prepare a picnic for him and Mari, make sure he spends time with Keiko(maybe talk about summoning) and Noburi, maybe see his favorite places around town, finish the day with dinner with Akane's family at the new compound. Hell, why not invite Kabuto, too, since he saved her life. Default to normal plan if getting the day off doesn't work.

I like this idea a lot
Oh, and I forgot to mention some Mari birthday gift ideas. We could go to Ino for some plants from each of the regions we visited and plant them in our compound's garden to commemorate all the danger Mari safely saw us through. Or, make her a temporary water bed using goo bombs out of waterproof, zeppelin prototype material.
Please don't make deals with political figures without consulting Jiraiya. Even for something as seemingly harmless as this, we have no idea what unforseen consequences this might have.

At least consult Mari before making such deals.
Yeah...there's also the note that we could ask Mari-sensei to help us do this instead.

Where? I only saw this part:

Get Jiraiya a day off.
  • Send a letter or request a meeting in person, whatever's more appropriate.
  • Ask Shikaku to relieve the hokage of his duties for a day.
  • We're willing to offer him our time in exchange. Really, he can name his price as long as it's reasonable.
  • If this isn't possible, proceed with Action Plan: Baseline.

Which doesn't mention Mari at all.
Random idea for the clan compound. In the foyer install a water feature that generates mist. It can now be used to test guests as needed.
@1234qwerty It occurs to me that your plan may be giving Shikaku a blank check for being Hokage for a day; I imagine there's a lot he could do in a single day in Hokage that would take Jiraiya many days to unravel, if at all, but aside from that your plan is very well put together.
Adhoc vote count started by huhYeahGoodPoint on Aug 4, 2017 at 7:42 PM, finished with 224 posts and 13 votes.
Haven't saw anybody done an extensive critique. So here I go.

Bullet-point formatting is a PITA to replying on a per quote basis so I just bold and highlight my comment in red.

Fuck it. I'm combining some plans because Hack Job.
      • If at all, possible, a job would provide enough income to keep the clan afloat.
      • Ideally, something like a low-risk C-rank mission. The team had done too many "C-rank" mission turned into disaster A-ranked missions.
      • Make sure our seal loadout is replenished.
    Make it clear that you prefer that a job will provide all the income so that you don't have to take missions, but this is unlikely to be enough.
      • Do the ones that make the most money & fit our styles.
      • Seek out mechanical oriented skillset for Akane and Hazō.
      • Noburi might be able to get a job with the Konoha General Hospital or similiar.
    What does fitting our styles mean? Which jobs would fit the style or preference of our genin? Why are we seeking mechanical oriented jobs for Akane and Hazō?
  • Socialize:
      • Invite different clan heirs to gaming night? Probably not a good idea since the manor hadn't yet been renovated. Discuss the idea at dinner.
      • Have dinner with Akane's family. Everyone in the clan go, or just Hazō or Akane?
      • Go to popular cafe and see who hangs out.
    • Go to popular cafe seems especially weak. I would just cross it out. I would prefer to have Hazō have dinner with Akane's family.
    • Discuss (with Mari-sensei) telling Jiraiya about Kagome's knowledge.
      • Avoid OPSEC breaches.
        • Make sure all of this is done privately (anti-spying seals).
        • Don't tell Mari-sensei too much about the mission-related details.
      • Specifically, discuss Akatsuki-related information and the locations of jinchuriki.
      • Only do it with Mari-sensei's approval.
      • Akatsuki
        • What we know:
          • Akatuski originated in the Land of Rain. (this is the important part)
          • They wrote a book of some sort.
          • They were scattered in some fight where Hanzo of the Salamander got killed.
        • Why it's important now.
          • You (Jiraiya) mentioned that Akatsuki might have some sort of weather-control ability.
          • When we first entered the Land of Rain (post-Liberator) Noburi noticed chakra in the rain, which came as if out of nowhere.
          • The Land of Rain is where (Kagome thinks) Akatsuki originated.
        • Conclusion: Is it possible that your paranoia is correct, and that Akatsuki has been tracking our team using this chakra-rain ability?
          • Note: Noburi says he didn't sense chakra in the rain, but it's possible the Akatsuki have some version that dodges this, since we're near Mist, home of the Wakahisa clan.
      • Jinchuriki
        • Nine-Tails: Captured by Akatsuki
        • Eight-Tails: Cloud
        • Seven-Tails: ???
        • Six-Tails: ???
        • Five-Tails: Bear
        • Four-Tails: ???
        • Three-Tails: Captured by Akatsuki
        • Two-Tails: Demon (?)
        • One-Tails: Sand
    • We already discussed The Big Reveal with Mari-sensei beforehand, but there isn't simply the right time to talk to Jiraiya about it.
Haven't saw anybody done an extensive critique. So here I go.

Bullet-point formatting is a PITA to replying on a per quote basis so I just bold and highlight my comment in red.
Mostly done. I'm keeping The Big Reveal since we don't want to not tell Jiraiya when possible.

Fuck it. I'm combining some plans because Hack Job.

[X] Action Plan: Baseline

  1. Make money
  2. Socialize.
  3. Research & Training.
Non-binding suggestions:
  • Making money:
      • Get everyone a business license for whatever they are planning to do. Hazō and Kagome will get sealing license, Noburi will get medical license, Keiko a Pangolin trading license...
      • Figure out which seals are most preferred by customers and at what price, such as explosive seals and so forth.
      • If at all, possible, a job alone would provide enough income to keep the clan afloat.
      • Ideally, something like a low-risk C-rank mission. The team had done too many "C-rank" mission turned into disaster A-ranked missions.
      • Make sure our seal loadout is replenished.
      • Do the ones that make the most money & fit our styles (see below).
      • Seek out mechanical oriented skillset for Akane and Hazō.
      • Noburi might be able to get a job with the Konoha General Hospital or similiar.
  • Socialize:
      • Continue our conversation with Noburi. Ask him if we can change our answer - actually, having taken a second to think about it, going insane is extremely unproductive and we should definitely get a mental health checkup after such a traumatising experience.
      • Ask J to either get us an appointment with Neira, or someone else suitable. Encourage the rest of the team to follow suit.
      • Invite different clan heirs to gaming night? Probably not a good idea since the manor hadn't yet been renovated. Discuss the idea at dinner.
      • Have dinner with Akane's family. Everyone in the clan go, or just Hazō or Akane?
    • Discuss (with Mari-sensei) telling Jiraiya about Kagome's knowledge.
      • Avoid OPSEC breaches.
        • Make sure all of this is done privately (anti-spying seals).
        • Don't tell Mari-sensei too much about the mission-related details.
      • Specifically, discuss Akatsuki-related information and the locations of jinchuriki.
      • Only do it with Mari-sensei's approval.
      • Akatsuki
        • What we know:
          • Akatuski originated in the Land of Rain. (this is the important part)
          • They wrote a book of some sort.
          • They were scattered in some fight where Hanzo of the Salamander got killed.
        • Why it's important now.
          • You (Jiraiya) mentioned that Akatsuki might have some sort of weather-control ability.
          • When we first entered the Land of Rain (post-Liberator) Noburi noticed chakra in the rain, which came as if out of nowhere.
          • The Land of Rain is where (Kagome thinks) Akatsuki originated.
        • Conclusion: Is it possible that your paranoia is correct, and that Akatsuki has been tracking our team using this chakra-rain ability?
          • Note: Noburi says he didn't sense chakra in the rain, but it's possible the Akatsuki have some version that dodges this, since we're near Mist, home of the Wakahisa clan.
      • Jinchuriki
        • Nine-Tails: Captured by Akatsuki
        • Eight-Tails: Cloud
        • Seven-Tails: ???
        • Six-Tails: ???
        • Five-Tails: Bear
        • Four-Tails: ???
        • Three-Tails: Captured by Akatsuki
        • Two-Tails: Demon (?)
        • One-Tails: Sand
      • Throw Mari a "surprise" party that is carefully telegraphed so as to have no chance of actually being a surprise. As if we'd manage to hide anything from Mari. Heh.
      • Possible presents:
        • Carve a plaque for Mari out of wood or granite: "Welcome to the Desk Corp".
        • Make a bottle of perfume with a chocolate blade inside (reference).
        • Temporary Goo Bomb water bed.
        • Make a garden in the compound composed of flora from each of the places we traveled together before settling in Konoha, representing all the hardships Mari saw us though. Enlist Ino for help. Probably have some Leaf plant as the centerpiece.
      • Buy Mari a nice present with sentimental and metaphorical value. [SOMEONE SUGGEST SOMETHING]
    • On an unrelated note, ask when Jiraiya's birthday is.
      • Where in the world do people sell telescope? Are there telescope maker in Konoha?
      • If there is a telescope craftsman in Konoha, visit their shop and look around. Note the price.
      • If there is not, petition Jiraiya during dinner about sponsoring a telescope maker when clan finance is back in order.
  • Research & Training:
    • Training come first before research, because something will happen in the wider world. So the team needs to be prepared.
    • Sealing research:
        • Find out if there's an equivalent version of the Casino Seals in either the Konoha library or the Nara library.
          • The equivalent seal should be easier to research due to documentations.
          • May required asking for permission or help from Keiko to access restricted parts of a library.
        • If necessary, reverse engineer the Casino Seal under the supervision of a senior sealmaster (Kagome, Jiraiya, or someone else).
      • Suggest to Kagome about researching impulse seals.
        • Make a gunwand.
          • Lesser Barrier Formation sealed inside a wooden tube with a macerator seal placed against one of the LBF and open to the outside, with a switch that triggers the LBF. It's a fully generalized civilian-usable-seal-device.
          • Get Kagome's help. Do so under anti-hyūga seals, if possible.
        • Show J the gunwand prototype, and suggest the implications that civilians armed with them can now protect themselves against chakra beasts (though much less so against ninja). Suggest training a civilian gunner militia.
    • Talk with Noburi about research into quantifying chakra.
      • Talk with him as time permits.
      • Ask him if there has been research into this in the past. If not, continue.
        • Improve combat efficiency.
        • Gives ability for non-sensors to measure their chakra levels.
        • Gives ability for ninja to determine minimum chakra levels to use techniques.
        • Gives ability for ninja to calculate chakra usage during combat (techniques and/or chakra boost).
        • Standardize the "chakra point".
        • Determine amount of chakra used when "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.
        • Determine effects of skill on "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.
@faflec I know Iron Nerve makes learning mechanical skills easier for Hazō, but it isn't his specialty. Although he could get a job as a scribe? I dunno.

  • Seek out mechanical oriented skillset for Akane and Hazō.
Replace skillset with job?

Akane is not even part of the clan, so why is she helping us out?
[X] Action Plan: Baseline

@faflec The turnaround on therapy may be a bit quick - do you want to add a short reasoning chain for Hazou to follow on that?
Thanks, I appreciate that. Vast majority of any credit goes to @faflec and the people who's plans he combined. There's probably even something carried over from one of your plans. I'm inclined to doubt that Shikaku would do anything that would harm Konoha or hurt his reputation with Jiraiya. After all, if he does a good job, who gets to be the go to guy when Jiraiya decides to take time off again? That said, I'll gladly accept and changes to the wording that make it more clear that our intent isn't for Shikaku to take over himself, just arrange for the tasks Jiraiya would normally do to be temporarily split up among delegates.

Here are some rough plan segments I have in the works. Hopefully some of them are good enough to be fit in among future/existing plans with only a little polish. Some may be redundant.

  • Gather info. What does Jiraiya think the current situation is? How has he prepared for it? Try asking Mari first.
  • Find out what we can do(is it a bad idea to hand her description out to Leaf border guards? Can we send a letter or some kind of official statement to her or Mist? Write out the sheet music for the coming home song and give it to Jiraiya).
  • Find out current Leaf policy towards Mist and other villages in general. Ask for cliff notes of what issues are causing Jiraiya the biggest headaches.
  • Is it publicly known how the hokage died? Is it known that the jinchurikii is missing?
  • If leaf is vulnerable, would revealing hidden mountain add enough uncertainty to prevent other villages from attacking? Otherwise, what is the policy toward hidden mountain?
  • What is standing in the way of peace between Leaf and Mist and Keiko and Noburi getting a chance to get closure with their old families? Emphasize our loyalty to Leaf.
  • note: these are the kinds of things I feel Hazou would want to know. Maybe avoid asking about them in front of Keiko and Noburi for tact. These are meant to be relatively simple, harmless questions that keep getting passed over for time to do other things. If you think anything here is dangerous, let me know and I'll remove it. Ideally, suggest something that acquires the same knowledge in a less dangerous manner.
  • Present preliminary results to Jiraiya after a bit of testing for advice on how to progress.
  • 5SB barrels and explosives + ammo/shrapnel. Put these on Konoha's outer walls. Have aiming systems that automatically move support/central seal to proper location. Optimizing this is best left to someone other than Hazou. Kagome? Nothing complicated. Aiming quickly is an open problem.
  • Brute force macerator improvement. We suspect we can get exit velocity up and already have no recoil.
  • ZR Rifle(full radius or spinning paper) If this works. tease Jiraiya about it and how we don't even know technique hacking proper yet.
  • Test with Keiko privately beforehand. Spinning pebble in circle at maximum range. How fast can it go? Launching it at targets. Spinning pebble, then paper disc. First, add pmyf on edge of disc to randomly spit out ammo at speed. Work out aiming later. Test carefully, with ZR a distance away and air dome or force wall around Keiko and Hazou.
  • Manually spin paper/wood disc with small string device that makes the best use of ninja strength without breaking. Advantage to not storing bullets is that they can have seal payloads.
  • Jiraiya uses rasengan to spin something. Really, anything works, the main insight is that storage scrolls + high speed rotation = fast projectiles.
  • Electric jutsu to spin magnet/metal. Other jutsu we don't know.
  • If we learn about more metal moving electric jutsu, rail guns(sorry -- not the right word, I know)? Set up 5SB tube with series of jutsu casters to speed up bullet inside.
  • Subsection defending Konoha from air with flak cannons(what heights are we talking, look up terminal velocities). Important variables: what is the fastest moving target our aiming systems can hit/the distance they can hit it at. Make flak cannons that can shoot far/high enough to hit things before they are going to fast/too close. Flak can be classic or based on special seals. Storage scrolls would prevent debris. Stuff falling from 10k feet means 1 minute to set up defenses below. Assume opponents can start dropping from 30000 feet. Need help on the angle stuff.
  • General seals we want: FIFO/LIFO storage seals, larger volume/mass storage seals, multiple compartment storage seals, thumbnail sized versions of all seals involved. Better to source seals from other seal masters, have Hazou copy them, then have Jiraiya force them to infuse Hazou's blanks if it becomes necessary to mass produce.
I have this section out of spoilers since it's important.
  • Subsection defending Konoha from air with flak cannons(what heights are we talking, look up terminal velocities). Important variables: what is the fastest moving target our aiming systems can hit/the distance they can hit it at. Make flak cannons that can shoot far/high enough to hit things before they are going to fast/too close. Flak can be classic or based on special seals. Storage scrolls would prevent debris. Stuff falling from 10k feet means 1 minute to set up defenses below. Assume opponents can start dropping from 30,000 feet. Need help on the angle stuff.
Let me try to rephrase this: A target falling from X height becomes too fast for our weapons to aim at after falling for Y seconds. That means we require a weapon system that can notice, target, and have it's ammo reach the target faster than Y. We need this to work for a range of plausible Xs. Finally, add in some presumed horizontal velocity to figure out the volume(probably some bowl looking shape around Konoha) we need to cover with these weapons to see if the logistics work out. This is the test any flak system needs to pass to work. Paging @Radvic if you have the spoons?


  • Presumably these seals are on the market, so buying them would be something a civilian could do.
  • Buy them and then use them to activate other civilian available seals for profit. Get around MC licensing. What seals are good for making money? Storage, explosive, music, force wall?
  • Don't actually have to buy them if we forge Jiraiya's. Money spent 'buying' them from him is going back into our own pockets.
  • We can put them in staffs manually. We don't really care if they're short.
  • If for some reason Jiraiya hasn't bothered, if the seal is being sold by others, the MC probably will rubber stamp his to curry favor with the hokage unless they have a minimum wait.
  • Start licensing process in general for Kagome, Noburi, Akane(ice), and Hazou. Keiko, too if there's one for summon trading.
  • Mari present ideas. Warn Jiraiya about the significance of birthdays to the group. Ask when his is.
  • Can party be used to invite much of Leaf? Explain ideas to bend it to money making purposes.
  • Have joke presents about retirement.
  • Betray secret of party to Mari(except retirement presents) so she can surprise others.
  • Sell seals to the government or Iron Nerve copy Jiraiya's to sell under his license.
  • Sell small quantities of ice to Akimichi secretly under pretense of giving them a chance to prepare recipes for when our licenses come through.
  • Buy out existing ice businesses so selling ice no longer interferes with civilians. Can't do this if there are stubborn merchants who've provided ice to Konoha for 15 generations, blah blah blah.
  • Apply assembly line/industrialization thinking in general to textiles, pottery, glass making, metallurgy, agriculture, butchery, etc. Separate complicated tasks that require skill into simpler, repetitive components that can be done separately, by separate people. If Keiko is willing, she'd be a great help.
  • Wax negative seal printing press. Starting point is to make a stencil by hand and work with wax. If this achieves faster seal creation, move on to printing press. If not a seal printing press, could try to make a normal one superior to the Nara model. Or one specifically for printing identical patterns on clothing to make cheaper, widely available, elegant designs.
  • Zeppelin prototype. If that turns out to be very easy, study how the prototype moves when pushed to figure out propulsion. Turning, flipping over, rising, descending, etc. Could also work on force wall frames(mechanism to lift seals while keeping them aligned would lift frame if frame doesn't get in way. not sure how to do quickly). Mundane things we could sell to other seal masters. If Kagome is willing, could sell stupid bomb payloads. Mundane prosthetic limbs for rich clan veterans(convince one to give us a commission to do research). If we were collecting Kagome's teachings in a written format all this time, it would be easier to quickly make a book. We're a bad disciple.
  • what else?
Putting this outside spoiler for visibility.
If Kagome is willing, could sell stupid bomb payloads. Mundane prosthetic limbs for rich clan veterans(convince one to give Noburi a commission to do research).


  • Invite Akane's family for dinner with us in lieu of a date. Why not Kabuto, too while we're at it? He saved her life and we've been wanting to see him anyway.
  • Meet Konoha's important individuals.
  • Ino.
  • Help Keiko with her issues.
Get it. Get Noburi to get it. Inoue too. Maybe group therapy to get the ball rolling on Kagome. Could appeal for Inoue to do it by expressing our own desire to try it but still feeling hesitatant without seeing what it might be like for someone else.
Talk about momma.
Be honest. Talk about anger issues. Do everything possible to be a good patient, except compromising opsec or our safety.
Gather info.
  • Tailed beasts history.
  • Uchiha history(when we find out about sharingan controlling Kyuubi).
  • Rain history and other locations they could/used to be.
  • History of jobs we think they've taken(Keiko mentioned one).
  • Relations between villages and possibility of teaming up.
  • Get a character portrait of Naruto to see what kinds of arguments Akatsuki might use to recruit him.
Finish octave seal. Ask Jiraiya about casino seals. If he doesn't have anything better or we could get paid, research casino seals. If extra research points, research mountain/rice/other iron nerve recorded seals.
I will note that the most important factor in sky walker combat on a strategic scale is detection; if you can see them, your opponent is already way the hell too close. If you can identify hostile sky walking ninja at about ~5 kilometers away from Leaf on a horizontal plane, however, that'll probably suffice as a defense mechanism.
Speaking of Skywalkers, shouldn't we be developing radar or something to counter Skywalkers once they get inevitably leaked?