@faflec I would prefer that Wandguns take a much higher spot in the plan all their own -- they are a worldchanging innovation on the level of skywalkers, perhaps greater.

That said, it has wandguns, so:

[X] Action Plan: Baseline
Buy Mari a nice present with sentimental and metaphorical value. [SOMEONE SUGGEST SOMETHING]
"October 31st!" Inoue-sensei said loudly. "My favourite gifts include chocolate, perfume and easily concealable bladed weapons

I'm not sure how much this would be taken as another gag gift, but a bottle of perfume that conceals a chocolate blade should communicate how closely we listen to her by remembering a thing she said over a year ago. Also how much we respect what she says.

I really hope there's someone better at sentiment and metaphor here.

[x] Action Plan: Baseline
I really hope there's someone better at sentiment and metaphor here.
Yeah I'm really bad at birthday presents myself.
I'm not sure how much this would be taken as another gag gift, but a bottle of perfume that conceals a chocolate blade should communicate how closely we listen to her by remembering a thing she said over a year ago. Also how much we respect what she says.
That said this is a hilarious idea and I support it.

e: We could also probably spin it that way, too.
I'm not sure how much this would be taken as another gag gift, but a bottle of perfume that conceals a chocolate blade should communicate how closely we listen to her by remembering a thing she said over a year ago. Also how much we respect what she says.

I really hope there's someone better at sentiment and metaphor here.

[x] Action Plan: Baseline
Fuck it I'm adding this.

Am considering also suggesting drawing/painting/etc. images of our time pre-Goketsu. Or something similar.
We also need to ask after Jiraiya's birthday.

Fuck it. I'm combining some plans because Hack Job.

[X] Action Plan: Baseline

  1. Make money
  2. Socialize.
  3. Research & Training.
Non-binding suggestions:
  • Making money:
      • Get everyone a business license for whatever they are planning to do. Hazō and Kagome will get sealing license, Noburi will get medical license, Keiko a Pangolin trading license...
      • Figure out which seals are most preferred by customers and at what price, such as explosive seals and so forth.
      • If at all, possible, a job would provide enough income to keep the clan afloat.
      • Ideally, something like a low-risk C-rank mission. The team had done too many "C-rank" mission turned into disaster A-ranked missions.
      • Do the ones that make the most money & fit our styles.
      • Seek out mechanical oriented skillset for Akane and Hazō.
      • Noburi might be able to get a job with the Konoha General Hospital or similiar.
  • Socialize:
      • Continue our conversation with Noburi. Ask him if we can change our answer - actually, having taken a second to think about it, going insane is extremely unproductive and we should definitely get a mental health checkup after such a traumatising experience.
      • Ask J to either get us an appointment with Neira, or someone else suitable. Encourage the rest of the team to follow suit.
      • Invite different clan heirs to gaming night? Probably not a good idea since the manor hadn't yet been renovated. Discuss the idea at dinner.
      • Have dinner with Akane's family. Everyone in the clan go, or just Hazō or Akane?
      • Go to popular cafe and see who hangs out.
      • Throw Mari a "surprise" party that is carefully telegraphed so as to have no chance of actually being a surprise. As if we'd manage to hide anything from Mari. Heh.
      • Presents:
        • Carve a plaque for Mari out of wood or granite: "Welcome to the Desk Corp".
        • Make a bottle of perfume with a chocolate blade inside (reference).
      • Buy Mari a nice present with sentimental and metaphorical value. [SOMEONE SUGGEST SOMETHING]
    • On an unrelated note, ask when Jiraiya's birthday is.
      • Where in the world do people sell telescope? Are there telescope maker in Konoha?
      • If there is a telescope craftsman in Konoha, visit their shop and look around. Note the price.
      • If there is not, petition Jiraiya during dinner about sponsoring a telescope maker when clan finance is back in order.
  • Research & Training:
    • Training come first before research, because something will happen in the wider world. So the team needs to be prepared.
    • Sealing research:
        • Find out if there's an equivalent version of the Casino Seals in either the Konoha library or the Nara library.
          • The equivalent seal should be easier to research due to documentations.
          • May required asking for permission or help from Keiko to access restricted parts of a library.
        • If necessary, reverse engineer the Casino Seal under the supervision of a senior sealmaster (Kagome, Jiraiya, or someone else).
      • Suggest to Kagome about researching a hot air balloon, essentially a bigger version of a sky lantern.
        • Make a gunwand. Get Kagome's help. Do so under anti-hyūga seals, if possible.
        • Show J the gunwand prototype, and suggest the implications that civilians armed with them can now protect themselves against chakra beasts (though much less so against ninja). Suggest training a civilian gunner militia.

Don't we have to say what a gunwand is and how we're going to make one for the QMs??

I also agree, it should come much higher in priority
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Lesser Barrier Formation sealed inside a wooden tube with a macerator seal placed against one of the LBF and open to the outside, with a switch that triggers the LBF. It's a fully generalized civilian-usable-seal-device.

I'm having a lot of trouble visualizing this. In particular, how do you interrupt the LBF beam if it's sealed in a tube?

Also, be advised that macerators are not yet equivalent to guns. They fire at a max of 20m/s, or about 22mph. In a short sprint, a ninja could probably outrun that in a straight line. I also strongly suspect that they don't have great accuracy.
Fuck it. I'm combining some plans because Hack Job.

[X] Action Plan: Baseline

  1. Make money
  2. Socialize.
  3. Research & Training.
Non-binding suggestions:
  • Making money:
      • Get everyone a business license for whatever they are planning to do. Hazō and Kagome will get sealing license, Noburi will get medical license, Keiko a Pangolin trading license...
      • Figure out which seals are most preferred by customers and at what price, such as explosive seals and so forth.
      • If at all, possible, a job would provide enough income to keep the clan afloat.
      • Ideally, something like a low-risk C-rank mission. The team had done too many "C-rank" mission turned into disaster A-ranked missions.
      • Do the ones that make the most money & fit our styles.
      • Seek out mechanical oriented skillset for Akane and Hazō.
      • Noburi might be able to get a job with the Konoha General Hospital or similiar.
  • Socialize:
      • Continue our conversation with Noburi. Ask him if we can change our answer - actually, having taken a second to think about it, going insane is extremely unproductive and we should definitely get a mental health checkup after such a traumatising experience.
      • Ask J to either get us an appointment with Neira, or someone else suitable. Encourage the rest of the team to follow suit.
      • Invite different clan heirs to gaming night? Probably not a good idea since the manor hadn't yet been renovated. Discuss the idea at dinner.
      • Have dinner with Akane's family. Everyone in the clan go, or just Hazō or Akane?
      • Go to popular cafe and see who hangs out.
      • Throw Mari a "surprise" party that is carefully telegraphed so as to have no chance of actually being a surprise. As if we'd manage to hide anything from Mari. Heh.
      • Presents:
        • Carve a plaque for Mari out of wood or granite: "Welcome to the Desk Corp".
        • Make a bottle of perfume with a chocolate blade inside (reference).
      • Buy Mari a nice present with sentimental and metaphorical value. [SOMEONE SUGGEST SOMETHING]
    • On an unrelated note, ask when Jiraiya's birthday is.
      • Where in the world do people sell telescope? Are there telescope maker in Konoha?
      • If there is a telescope craftsman in Konoha, visit their shop and look around. Note the price.
      • If there is not, petition Jiraiya during dinner about sponsoring a telescope maker when clan finance is back in order.
  • Research & Training:
    • Training come first before research, because something will happen in the wider world. So the team needs to be prepared.
    • Sealing research:
        • Find out if there's an equivalent version of the Casino Seals in either the Konoha library or the Nara library.
          • The equivalent seal should be easier to research due to documentations.
          • May required asking for permission or help from Keiko to access restricted parts of a library.
        • If necessary, reverse engineer the Casino Seal under the supervision of a senior sealmaster (Kagome, Jiraiya, or someone else).
      • Suggest to Kagome about researching a hot air balloon, essentially a bigger version of a sky lantern.
        • Make a gunwand.
          • Lesser Barrier Formation sealed inside a wooden tube with a macerator seal placed against one of the LBF and open to the outside, with a switch that triggers the LBF. It's a fully generalized civilian-usable-seal-device.
          • Get Kagome's help. Do so under anti-hyūga seals, if possible.
        • Show J the gunwand prototype, and suggest the implications that civilians armed with them can now protect themselves against chakra beasts (though much less so against ninja). Suggest training a civilian gunner militia.
Maybe include a point about restocking our seal loadout? We used up quite a few seals when escaping the Yakuza.
Also, be advised that macerators are not yet equivalent to guns. They fire at a max of 20m/s, or about 22mph. In a short sprint, a ninja could probably outrun that in a straight line. I also strongly suspect that they don't have great accuracy.
What about compared to the chakra monsters we've encountered thus far?
Be aware: I have added a section involving quantifying chakra, since I don't think we've actually had the discussion yet. It has been said in previous plans.
Fuck it. I'm combining some plans because Hack Job.

[X] Action Plan: Baseline

  1. Make money
  2. Socialize.
  3. Research & Training.
Non-binding suggestions:
  • Making money:
      • Get everyone a business license for whatever they are planning to do. Hazō and Kagome will get sealing license, Noburi will get medical license, Keiko a Pangolin trading license...
      • Figure out which seals are most preferred by customers and at what price, such as explosive seals and so forth.
      • If at all, possible, a job would provide enough income to keep the clan afloat.
      • Ideally, something like a low-risk C-rank mission. The team had done too many "C-rank" mission turned into disaster A-ranked missions.
      • Make sure our seal loadout is replenished.
      • Do the ones that make the most money & fit our styles.
      • Seek out mechanical oriented skillset for Akane and Hazō.
      • Noburi might be able to get a job with the Konoha General Hospital or similiar.
  • Socialize:
      • Continue our conversation with Noburi. Ask him if we can change our answer - actually, having taken a second to think about it, going insane is extremely unproductive and we should definitely get a mental health checkup after such a traumatising experience.
      • Ask J to either get us an appointment with Neira, or someone else suitable. Encourage the rest of the team to follow suit.
      • Invite different clan heirs to gaming night? Probably not a good idea since the manor hadn't yet been renovated. Discuss the idea at dinner.
      • Have dinner with Akane's family. Everyone in the clan go, or just Hazō or Akane?
      • Go to popular cafe and see who hangs out.
      • Throw Mari a "surprise" party that is carefully telegraphed so as to have no chance of actually being a surprise. As if we'd manage to hide anything from Mari. Heh.
      • Presents:
        • Carve a plaque for Mari out of wood or granite: "Welcome to the Desk Corp".
        • Make a bottle of perfume with a chocolate blade inside (reference).
      • Buy Mari a nice present with sentimental and metaphorical value. [SOMEONE SUGGEST SOMETHING]
    • On an unrelated note, ask when Jiraiya's birthday is.
      • Where in the world do people sell telescope? Are there telescope maker in Konoha?
      • If there is a telescope craftsman in Konoha, visit their shop and look around. Note the price.
      • If there is not, petition Jiraiya during dinner about sponsoring a telescope maker when clan finance is back in order.
  • Research & Training:
    • Training come first before research, because something will happen in the wider world. So the team needs to be prepared.
    • Sealing research:
        • Find out if there's an equivalent version of the Casino Seals in either the Konoha library or the Nara library.
          • The equivalent seal should be easier to research due to documentations.
          • May required asking for permission or help from Keiko to access restricted parts of a library.
        • If necessary, reverse engineer the Casino Seal under the supervision of a senior sealmaster (Kagome, Jiraiya, or someone else).
      • Suggest to Kagome about researching a hot air balloon, essentially a bigger version of a sky lantern.
        • Make a gunwand.
          • Lesser Barrier Formation sealed inside a wooden tube with a macerator seal placed against one of the LBF and open to the outside, with a switch that triggers the LBF. It's a fully generalized civilian-usable-seal-device.
          • Get Kagome's help. Do so under anti-hyūga seals, if possible.
        • Show J the gunwand prototype, and suggest the implications that civilians armed with them can now protect themselves against chakra beasts (though much less so against ninja). Suggest training a civilian gunner militia.
    • Talk with Noburi about research into quantifying chakra.
      • Talk with him as time permits.
      • Ask him if there has been research into this in the past. If not, continue.
        • Improve combat efficiency.
        • Gives ability for non-sensors to measure their chakra levels.
        • Gives ability for ninja to determine minimum chakra levels to use techniques.
        • Gives ability for ninja to calculate chakra usage during combat (techniques and/or chakra boost).
        • Standardize the "chakra point".
        • Determine amount of chakra used when "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.
        • Determine effects of skill on "chakra boosting" or casting a jutsu.
I'm having a lot of trouble visualizing this. In particular, how do you interrupt the LBF beam if it's sealed in a tube?

Also, be advised that macerators are not yet equivalent to guns. They fire at a max of 20m/s, or about 22mph. In a short sprint, a ninja could probably outrun that in a straight line. I also strongly suspect that they don't have great accuracy.
A mechanical switch. That's where the "gun" part comes in. I meant sealed in the "the seals aren't immediately exposed to the elements" kind of way.

A quick calculation puts that at 2000 newtons of force (which degrades over distance).

That being the case, though, @faflec we should probably research improved macerators, too. And make note that wandguns may be used by civilians for any seal (ie storage).
incoherent chokes of rage

Wandgun is an unfortunate name, especially because the civilians will care about Air Domes far more than Macerators; Air Domes will save your hide, Macerators will give you a slight chance to kill one of your attackers. I prefer to call it a GUSI, or General Utility Seal Initiator, if you must.
incoherent chokes of rage

Wandgun is an unfortunate name, especially because the civilians will care about Air Domes far more than Macerators; Air Domes will save your hide, Macerators will give you a slight chance to kill one of your attackers. I prefer to call it a GUSI, or General Utility Seal Initiator, if you must.
Uuuugh, fine.
That being the case, though, @faflec we should probably research improved macerators, too. And make note that wandguns may be used by civilians for any seal (ie storage).

Can we not go chase the new hotness every time we see something? We've had casino seals for a year. Let's get them done. Also remember impulse seals that we where going to have kagome make? Why are we abandoning that idea.
t suspends my disbelief that a group of civilians will attempt to repeatedly cheat the omnipotent, proud, and murderous beings who regard their lives as worthless already. The first civ or guild that attempted this would wake up with their horse's head in bed with them... If they were lucky. This is a far cry from the ninja trying to rule a populace by fear... It's simply ninja refusing to be cheated.
For the Merchant Council to make sense the civilians need to have some kind of edge over the ninja or believable threat. Boycotts don't work because the civilians need the ninja a lot more than the other way around. Law sort of works but only if the ninja have a slavish devotion to the law / ideals of civilian cooperation which can work in Leaf but probably not other places where civilians get less of a say (unless the sage has been very busy).
What about compared to the chakra monsters we've encountered thus far?
Can we not go chase the new hotness every time we see something? We've had casino seals for a year. Let's get them done. Also remember impulse seals that we where going to have kagome make? Why are we abandoning that idea.
If we get an affirmative answer to that question I'd be happy to put off improving macerators. Ideally, we want macerators to be good against chakra beasts, but no better against ninja than an academy student would be without the ninja being unaware of them as a threat. Maybe use scrap metal shavings, or obsidian if that's available?

@faflec We should get Kagome to work on impulse seals, though.
For the Merchant Council to make sense the civilians need to have some kind of edge over the ninja or believable threat. Boycotts don't work because the civilians need the ninja a lot more than the other way around. Law sort of works but only if the ninja have a slavish devotion to the law / ideals of civilian cooperation which can work in Leaf but probably not other places where civilians get less of a say (unless the sage has been very busy).

I think that the MC can work without it being civilians as a group having an edge over ninja as a group... Instead I think the MC makes most sense as a civilian group that is explicitly supported by ninja: all the leaf clans support the MC because
a) it provides them their individual monopolies
b) it keeps their competitors in check
c) it's more or less neutral since it's run by civilians
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