Added a line to paranoia measures about asking Mari and Jiraiya about substitution permissions, with a note that Kagome probably wouldn't go for it himself.
So I just came up with another (probably very inefficient) Kawarimi exploit:

Cliff Face Mining Machine
Basically, if you have a very tall tower/cliff/whatever that could be wallwalked to the top, and a bunch of Substitution targets on top, held just loosely enough that any binding will not pop a clone who swaps with it while falling, the clone can reach terminal velocity. (Or at least it can with a bit of practice.) Then on the last loop, it henges into the largest, densest spear it can, maybe unseals a few tons of rock at the same time, and you have an impact drill.

Any idea what to use this for? Do the Watchers only guard against Sealing failures, or do they also discourage pure-technique WMDs?
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CounterBot, version 2.1

Plan name: Clear Communication, Reasonable Paranoia

Voters: @bayesclef, @Briefvoice, @Cariyaga, @ContextBot, @Enjou, @faflec, @fiirofa, @Inferno Vulpix, @Kiba, @Racoras, @Radvic, @Restinan, @Vecht
Num votes: 13

Plan name: a plan
Voters: @Citrus, @fiirofa, @MadScientist, @Oneiros43, @Radvic, @Vecht
Num votes: 6

Plan name: Lore Update
Voters: @faflec, @Kiba, @Muer'ci
Num votes: 3

Plan name: Proto-plan: The Second Best Defense
Voters: @huhYeahGoodPoint
Num votes: 1

Number of voters: 18
Still think we should ask our guards to get some headache-relieving tea for J.

I know Tea is terribly delicious (I may as well have it on IV drip myself) , but seriously? Unless maybe phrased as a joke thats weirdly micromanaging and including 'hey did you ever heard of this thing called tea?' alongside 'how are we going to handle a war' and 'what do you think about this political alliance'. I don't understand the repeated emphasis on this pretty minor point, it would be one thing if like we made a point of brewing him tea from our safehouse supplies (if it has a kitchen of its own) to be all gracious-children to overworked daddy, but as is it just seems like "duh he's ordered a keg with sake chaser" .
I know Tea is terribly delicious (I may as well have it on IV drip myself) , but seriously? Unless maybe phrased as a joke thats weirdly micromanaging and including 'hey did you ever heard of this thing called tea?' alongside 'how are we going to handle a war' and 'what do you think about this political alliance'. I don't understand the repeated emphasis on this pretty minor point, it would be one thing if like we made a point of brewing him tea from our safehouse supplies (if it has a kitchen of its own) to be all gracious-children to overworked daddy, but as is it just seems like "duh he's ordered a keg with sake chaser" .
If he's complaining about headaches, then why not? I'd do it for anyone I lived with, and he's the clan leader, so.
Omake: An Assassin, A Spymaster, and A Prodigy Get A Room Together
Omake: An Assassin, A Spymaster, and A Prodigy Get A Room Together

The sun had long set, and the street Jiraiya was walking down was hardly illuminated at all. After finally dealing with the Merchant Council concerns, he was right about done for t-

"Jiraaaaaiya," Inoue purred, immediately appearing on his arm.

Well. That changed priorities. Looks like he was going to have a long night, not that he was really complaining.

"Yes, honey?" Jiraiya resignedly responded. He had considered yelling at her for abandoning her ANBU guard, but then he had spotted them. Note to self; immediately downgrade Kyochii; Jiraiya should not have been able to spot the person instructed to follow her covertly within seconds of scanning the street. At this point, he was just better off going with whatever happened.

"I wa-" Inoue started, right before hell broke loose.

A single, fast moving ninja had entered Leaf, with a signature Mist around him - Zabuza.

Jiraiya immediately moved to intercept, but the moment of hesitation was enough for Zabuza to throw his legendary sword at one specific building in Leaf.

Hazou's bedroom.

Jiraiya moved faster than he had against Hanzo. Mari was faster. Zabuza was fastest.


Hazou was dreaming. It was a strange dream, with an eagle dressed in a royal uniform telling him assassins were coming. Hazou noted this down in his all encompassing List of Things to do. Weirdly, right above that entry was something about Jiraiya's godson. Did he know Jiraiya had one? Kinda got lost after the whole killbox incident. And it was promptly interrupted by Zabuza's sword slicing through his dream and headrest.

"I'm not here to kill you. If I was, you'd be dead already."

"DISPEL! DIS-" Zabuza's firm grip on his wrist and knee on his sternum convinced Hazou that further dispelling would be pointless.

"Thanks for lightening up the genjutsu. It was getting annoying. Anyway, I need skywalkers, and you're going to give them to me."

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" Mari shouted into the fogbank. Without a guide to his location, however, Mari couldn't find Zabuza, and blindly threw herself in Hazou's general direction. Jiraiya, being more on the ball, immediately began creating as many shadow clones as he could, and then activated Wild Lion's Mane as a searching tool. His clones quickly spread through the fog, narrowing down the amount of places Zabuza could be.

"Tch. We don't have much time kid. Give me the secret of skywalkers before they catch me." Zabuza pulled his sword out of the headrest and pulled Hazou, still in nothing but boxers, in front of him, holding the sword to his neck.

"Why would I? If you were going to kill me, you would have done it already." Hazou gulped, than steeled himself. "If you wanted to get skywalkers first, then killed me, you'd know enough just from knowing where I sleep that you'd just have to track down the other sealmaster. He did most of the work. Plus, this mission as you're doing it is too high risk for you, so you wouldn't do it." Jiraiya's web was growing steadily larger, and was starting to get dangerously close to Zabuza. Hazou, meanwhile, was barely holding on, desperately abusing Iron Nerve to make sure he didn't leave a stain in his underwear.

"I killed hundreds of people for lesser reasons than the disrespect you're giving me now. Make it worth my while."

"You don't get skywalkers this way, Zabuza. Convince me that what you're doing is worth it, and I will. Your choice is simple. Speaking of which, Jiraiya just found us." Kurosawa Hazou desperately reached for his list, for his intelligence, his taijutsu, his Iron Nerve, his Kurosawa ancestry, anything to just hold on to the plan and not stain his pants even further without capitulating.

"Tch. How annoying. Fine. Jiraiya, I am holding Kurosawa Hazou hostage. He has valuable information and you have not adopted him. Do not interfere, or I will kill the boy." Zabuza dispelled his fog bank, so that Jiraiya could clearly see Hazou held at swordpoint.

"Bastard. What. Are. You. Planning?" Jiraiya ground out.

"To kill Yagura, and skywalkers are going to let me do that."

A/N: First Omake, and I've never seen Naruto. Pretty much all my exposure is from this quest, and by the way:
[-]Proto-Plan: The Second Best Defense
[X] Clear Communication, Reasonable Paranoia

Speaking of which, I'm not sure that in character we know Naruto is his godson, so us asking about his godson Naruto could end up with him being confused to him immediately canceling everything on his agenda to thoroughly drag any potentially useful information out of our head because our information network is too good for former missing-nin. Maybe phrase it as asking who Jiraiya had his eye on in terms of genin and chunin, and if he liked any of them.
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I know for sure he's mentioned someone we remind him of, early on. I forget if godson or some other relationship term was mentioned. Worth searching for.

Edit: Amusing sidenote, Velorien almost never uses the word Remind it seems. Maybe 20% or less as often as Oliwhail and Eaglejarl do.
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Aaand I was using the wrong search keyword anyways, as "we remind him of the godson" was implied rather than stated. Thanks for finding it mr science ninja!

Edit: Something to note from that linked post, by the way, there was no mention of even an eyetwitch when Mari told him about Hydra Medical and its probable link to also-snakey-themed Liberator cult. Could be he was just focused or bluffing, but might impact the way we phrase or emphasize "look at this link between Hydra and a random phrase about snakes" .
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Inserted tally

Three and a half hours without posts, on a weekend. I wonder if we need the full length of extension after all...

Any silent peoples see a problem with clear communication plan to be discussed still? (insert tally was a mislick, but eh theres not a lot of split approval votes it seemed. Big lead anyways unless dozens of voters appear from the aether)
Adhoc vote count started by Tenebris on Apr 8, 2017 at 1:58 PM, finished with 52002 posts and 18 votes.
Inserted tally

Three and a half hours without posts, on a weekend. I wonder if we need the full length of extension after all...

Any silent peoples see a problem with clear communication plan to be discussed still? (insert tally was a mislick, but eh theres not a lot of split approval votes it seemed. Big lead anyways unless dozens of voters appear from the aether)

Deadline already passed.
My love of heist movies got you guys a little extra couple hours, but voting is closed.

CounterBot, version 2.1

Plan name: Clear Communication, Reasonable Paranoia

Voters: @bayesclef, @Briefvoice, @Cariyaga, @ContextBot, @Enjou, @faflec, @fiirofa, @huhYeahGoodPoint, @Inferno Vulpix, @Kiba, @Racoras, @Radvic, @Restinan, @Vecht
Num votes: 14

Plan name: a plan
Voters: @Citrus, @fiirofa, @MadScientist, @Oneiros43, @Radvic, @Vecht
Num votes: 6

Plan name: Lore Update
Voters: @faflec, @Kiba, @Muer'ci
Num votes: 3

Number of voters: 18
Now that we're in the voting/update interlude

The problem: as the rules changes and clarifications become more complicated, the number of posts asking for clarifications threaten the tenor of the quest, eventually causing it to go flat.

The pitch: You're sharp enough to realize the scores of natural benefits of current and correct documentation. Thus, I'm conducting the MfD Documentation project, which aims to get the wiki up-to-date and then keep it there.
  1. Using the updated list of canon QM rulings, make notes of every ruling about some particular topic.
  2. Run them by the QMs (as top brass—staff, really—we're aiming to minimize their work) for grace notes to ensure completeness and correctness; do this in-thread so we can link to new rulings.
  3. Compose/update the wiki article based on the whole notes.
  4. Keep everything up to date so we don't have to repeat this.
This is something of a coordination problem—every individual would rather rest and let everyone else do the documentation—that I won't solo, so I'm offering to match the first contribution, rulings to wiki, that anyone makes. Hopefully, this will provide motivation to get it done before it winds you. If other participants articulate similar matching contributions, then every new contributing strings together many more and we'll be done in cut time, even if keeping score might be a bit complex.

This may sound like drudgework, but it's tied to keeping up the tempo of the quest.
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Now that we're in the voting/update interlude

The problem: as the rules changes and clarifications become more complicated, the number of posts asking for clarifications threaten the tenor of the quest and eventually causing it to go flat.

The pitch: You're sharp enough to realize the scores of natural benefits of current and correct documentation. Thus, I'm conducting the MfD Documentation project, which aims to get the wiki up-to-date and then keep it there.
  1. Using the updated list of canon QM rulings, make notes of every ruling about some particular topic.
  2. Run them by the QMs (as top brass—staff, really—we're aiming to minimize their work) for grace notes to ensure completeness and correctness; do this in-thread so we can link to new rulings.
  3. Compose/update the wiki article based on the whole notes.
  4. Keep everything up to date so we don't have to repeat this.
This is something of a coordination problem—everyone would rather rest and let everyone else do the documentation—that I won't solo, so I'm offering to match the first contribution, rulings to wiki, that anyone makes. Hopefully, this will provide motivation to get it done before it winds you. If other participants articulate similar matching contributions, then every new contributing strings together many more and we'll be done in cut time, even if keeping score might be a bit complex.

This may sound like drudgework, but it's tied to keeping up the tempo of the quest.
I'm not sure whether to clap or boo.
Working on documenting chapter 101 action plan. I am having difficulty of figuring the timescale. We have gotten 30 XP points for that update.
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